24 August, 2009

Dr. Kevin MacDonald on the Radio

Posted by Socrates in Kevin MacDonald, radio, Socrates at 7:05 pm | Permanent Link

Tuesday night, 8/25/09. Details: [Here].

  • 16 Responses to “Dr. Kevin MacDonald on the Radio”

    1. exalted grand-master oberführer double diamond jim! Says:

      VoR should be boycotted until “Mike Cooner”, the clown-in-question, stops censoring valid posts on their ‘blog…….is Cooner a kike?!?

      inquiring minds need to know!

    2. js Says:

      I would remove your insane posts too, jimbo.

    3. Antagonistes Says:

      WHERE . . . IS. . . .NEW AMERICA?

    4. Luke Says:

      The best part about Tom Sunic’s VOR shows, aside from his great selection of guests, is that he doesn’t blast his listeners with Negro Rap bumper music.

      But, then I suppose some of the other shows on VOR are probably trying to target the Fried Chicken and Watermelon loving whiggers that are so plentiful in America these days.

    5. Socrates Says:

      Notice: some of these comment threads contain very few comments but LOTS of name-calling. That’s not what the comment sections are for.

      Alex has already said that, when the posts are nothing but in-fighting and name-calling, just delete the posts.

      So, starting now, that’s what will happen. The posts will be deleted. (Too many name-calling posts, despite the deletions, will cause the poster to be banned). Sorry. That’s what trolling causes.

    6. Blackshirt Says:

      Socrates says:
      “Notice: some of these comment threads contain very few comments but LOTS of name-calling. That’s not what the comment sections are for.

      Alex has already said that, when the posts are nothing but in-fighting and name-calling, just delete the posts.

      So, starting now, that’s what will happen. The posts will be deleted. (Too many name-calling posts, despite the deletions, will cause the poster to be banned). Sorry. That’s what trolling causes.”

      I guess that means McReen will be banned AGAIN, right?

    7. 2050 Says:

      I usually have a hard time remembering just when to tune in to these kinds of things, but I’m going to try to listen to KM tonight. Nice to put a voice with the words.
      Thanks Socrates.

    8. New America Says:

      in reply to Antagonistes:

      you wrote:

      WHERE . . . IS. . . .NEW AMERICA?

      in reply:
      Right here, thanking Socrates.

      This is the first place people look to for the dam Truth about how the Jews work to destroy all that is good and noble – the West, Western Civilization, the White Race and it’s amazing accomplishments.

      Comments should reflect that.

      Thanks again to Socrates.

      Fourteen Forever.

    9. New America Says:

      a quick note to Socrates:

      I see better times ahead for what has been called White Nationalism, and I think a good part of the problem is that, while we have been excellent at description – what is wrong, and why – ,we have been a bit short on prescription – what to do about it, and why.

      I have been criticized for stating why Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic Analytical Model offers the best range of solutions for our Race, and I welcome the constructive criticism.

      I’m focusing more on defining possible solutions to problems, and defining those solutions in the broadest terms, so our Posterity will have the broadest range of choices available to them.

      I stopped feeding the trolls, except as opportunities to demonstrate conclusive why WE are right, and WE are going to WIN.

      My concern is, the trolls display the worst thing we could have.

      According to Pierce, “We want to attract more winners, and more winners.”

      A good idea.

      I would appreciate it if you and Linder would think about my referring to Harold Covington, and the Northwest Republic Analytical Model as often as I do, and see if you think it is appropriate for VNN.

      I think it is, because everyone else looks to a Past That Never Was, and we MUST look to a future that WE can define on OUR terms.

      A brighter, Whiter future for our Family, and our Posterity.

      I’ve had it with people who want to “take America back,” and frame THAT in the context of returning us to some 1791 Constitutional “Republic,” an Aristocracy that worked to keep our Ancestors trapped in the mud hovels they were assigned.

      These, one and all, may well be as much of a false flag as Race Traitor Hal Turner.

      They certainly offer us a false hope – one that will be betrayed, “monkeywrenched,” if you will – that will be murdered in the cradle before it even geets started.

      This has been the pattern and practice of CONservatism for more than half a century, seen closely by the late Dr. Revilo Olive, who, I suspect, just could not understand why meetings were canceled at the last minute, and then fewer and fewer meetings were scheduled, even while his Ideas were growing in popularity…

      Linder said something in an old GoyFire that I mention to my Nephews every night before they go to bed – well, before I go to bed.

      Alex Linder said:

      “Take any State in the Union, no matter how remote, no matter how Godforsaekn the land is, no matter how bad things look. Take that State and make it, legally, “WHITES ONLY.”

      Put THAT sign on the borders, and stand back or you will be run over by the greatest land rush in American history.”

      I mention that to my Posterity, who are learning to read using Covington’s “A Distant Thunder” as their primer.

      I mention that so they can frame every act they make, every choice they make, every solution to every social problem in one light:

      How would I do this if I was in a White Homeland, in a Northwest Republic?

      I look at the economic and demographic future they face, and I remind myself that, more than 150 years ago, Brigham Young led a group of Aryans – people who believed they were special, that they had a Racial Destiny to fulfill – to a damn desert.

      In time, these people turned that desert into what members of the LDS Church called “Our Beloved Deseret.”

      Linder made a stronger point that he realized when he said we are ALWAYS passively accepting the Frames – the Choices – that were made FOR us, and that was part of what kept us down.

      Think of it.

      “Democrat,” “Republican,” “Libral,” “Conservative,” ALL someone else’s choices for limiting our choices, for limiting OUR thinking, and making it over in the Image of THEIR “thinking.”

      The only way out is to move towards the day – perhaps not in or lifetimes, perhaps in the lifetime of our Children – we can live in a country that WE chose, a country based on a Racially Conscious Community, with a government that had One Goal:

      “Protect The Race”

      THAT reduce Fourteen Words to THREE.

      That’s a start.

      Fourteen Forever.

    10. Z.O.G. Says:

      Tom Sunic is quite possibly the WORST interviewer that I’ve ever heard. He’s just awful.

    11. Ein Says:

      New America Says:
      I stopped feeding the trolls, except as opportunities to demonstrate conclusively why WE are right, and WE are going to WIN.

      Comments should reflect that.

      Thanks again to Socrates.

      And make double thanks from me!
      Now, maybe some of the serious posters will come back, if the site can be rescued from the agitators and the provocateurs.

      (But why did it take so long?)

    12. js Says:

      Yes, Sunic is not a very good on the radio. I’d rather have KMac hosting his own show.

    13. zoomcopter Says:

      Kevin sounded quite optimistic about our longterm prospects. As Whites become more and more outnumbered by illegals, and our culture continues to be trashed, we will begin to circle our wagons in defence of our racial survival. He sees it as an inevitable cause and effect. A trend is beginning to take form, just like one of those monster waves you feel while surfing in Southern CA. The entire ocean seems to fall with you in it. Then, you look over your shoulder and see a huge wave forming that could either drown you or carry you all the way to shore…

    14. Blackshirt Says:

      “And make double thanks from me!
      Now, maybe some of the serious posters will come back, if the site can be rescued from the agitators and the provocateurs.

      (But why did it take so long?)”

      Well, I haven’t seen any action yet. McReen/Curt O’brian and Old Dutch still post as usual.

    15. Stronza Says:

      Sunic is not a bad interviewer. I thought he kept things moving along all right, and he is intelligent.

    16. New America Says:

      in reply to Blackshirt:

      you wrote, quoting ein:

      “And make double thanks from me!
      Now, maybe some of the serious posters will come back, if the site can be rescued from the agitators and the provocateurs.

      (But why did it take so long?)”

      you replied:

      Well, I haven’t seen any action yet. McReen/Curt O’brian and Old Dutch still post as usual.

      in reply:
      I see Mega Therion has gone to the Zone of Lost Things, and that is an excellent start.

      The focus MUST be in line with Pierce’s Formulation- Quality over Quantity.

      Websites follow Gresham’s Law – fools and incompetents drive out the knowledgeable and competent.

      One idea:

      Socrates might want to top the first page of the blog with an Open Thread, where ideas and articles can be called forward for his review. That can be stickied in place with some new tool for WordPress.

      Another idea:

      Socrates might want to have a link at the very top – in BOLD capital letters, which would link to the open section of “Our Cause” in the Forum.

      People just hitting us would gain from a well-done overview of OUR side of the story, told without fear or favor.

      Then, this blog might make a lot more sense to them.

      Peter Schaenk made a very astute observation we would all do well to consider, and that is to start to frame our ideas in a Constitutional framework- Freedom Speech, Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Association.

      Fourteen Forever