Anger in White America — Again
Posted by Socrates in dispossession & destruction, Kevin MacDonald, Socrates, White identity, White middle class, white nationalism, White race, White solutions at 6:40 pm | 
by Dr. Kevin MacDonald.
“The health care debate continues to rivet the country. By most accounts, the sheer emotional intensity of the protests has forced Democrats to scale back their plans for nationalized health care. And who are these angry protesters? The vast majority of these angry citizens are White people — a topic I wrote about recently, but before the health care debate assumed center stage.”
24 August, 2009 at 8:25 pm
I listen to both Limbo and Vanity as I go about my lonely work.
They both get quite close, quite close, to racialist ideology, but then they always pull back.
I have asked myself, What makes them pull back?
The answer is: the Christian doctrine that we are all Sons of God, or potentially so. Also the notion that “all men are created equal.”
“All men are created equal”, and should be given a chance to reach their full, god-given potential! Right here in America, and nowhere else!
(We’ll just ignore the 90% of them that would rather fuck, do drugs, not do honest work, and commit crimes!)
I get the impression, however, that Limbo knows what is what, even though he will not say so on the air.
Actually, Michael Savage is the one who will come right out and say what he thinks, and he has said some devastating things about blacks.
Say what you will about their being “neo-conservatives”–it is they who are reaching the most people, mobilizing them against health-care, citizenship for illegals, and God knows what else.
24 August, 2009 at 10:52 pm
From the article:
This anger among non-elite Whites suggests there is a possibility of a successful movement energized by non-elite Whites. In the health care debate, there certainly seems to be a prominent role of elite conservative media figures, such as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, in mobilizing hostility toward the Obama plan and validating the energy of the protests. The question remains: Will these elite conservative voices openly advocate what needs to be done for their constituency to really take back the country?
The answer is not only NO, but HELL NO! Does KMac really expect to see the obese drug-addicted Republican mouthpiece Rush Limbaugh, or that public fellator of Jews Sean Hannity, lead the white race anywhere but further into slavery? What’s the matter with him? Has he gone crazy? In the first place, he should know better than anyone that their careers would be OVER the instant they became advocates for any openly white cause. But that isn’t really anything to worry about, since in the second place, they never would have been allowed to rise to their current positions if there was even the remotest chance of that happening. At this point in their careers as radio bigmouths, they have each been tested a million times and each proved a million times over how willing they are to sell out their own race. It’s more likely that all of the stars will fall out of the sky than that the likes of Limbaugh or Hannity will “openly advocate what needs to be done for their constituency to really take back the country.”
This must be part of the fundraising appeal. Hopefully, all of the Covingtards will send money now and then KMac can get back to the insightful analysis that is more typical of him.
25 August, 2009 at 3:18 am
In Moscow, Igor Panarin’s Forecasts Are All the Rage; America ‘Disintegrates’ in 2010
Prof. Panarin, 50 years old, is not a fringe figure. A former KGB analyst, he is dean of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s academy for future diplomats. He is invited to Kremlin receptions, lectures students, publishes books, and appears in the media as an expert on U.S.-Russia relations.
But it’s his bleak forecast for the U.S. that is music to the ears of the Kremlin, which in recent years has blamed Washington for everything from instability in the Middle East to the global financial crisis. Mr. Panarin’s views also fit neatly with the Kremlin’s narrative that Russia is returning to its rightful place on the world stage after the weakness of the 1990s, when many feared that the country would go economically and politically bankrupt and break into separate territories.
A polite and cheerful man with a buzz cut, Mr. Panarin insists he does not dislike Americans. But he warns that the outlook for them is dire.
“There’s a 55-45% chance right now that disintegration will occur,” he says. “One could rejoice in that process,” he adds, poker-faced. “But if we’re talking reasonably, it’s not the best scenario — for Russia.” Though Russia would become more powerful on the global stage, he says, its economy would suffer because it currently depends heavily on the dollar and on trade with the U.S.
“Mr. Panarin posits, in brief, that mass immigration, economic decline, and moral degradation will trigger a civil war next fall and the collapse of the dollar. Around the end of June 2010, or early July, he says, the U.S. will break into six pieces — with Alaska reverting to Russian control.”
25 August, 2009 at 7:48 am
Limbo gets close to being racialist, very close. In private, I think he probably is.
Hannity, being Irish, could very well be, but comes off as too nice to be so.
But both had a big role in defeating the amnesty plan, and both are going to have a big role in defeating the health care bill, and dooming the Obama presidency.
25 August, 2009 at 10:28 am
“In the health care debate, there certainly seems to be a prominent role of elite conservative media figures, such as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, in mobilizing hostility toward the Obama plan and validating the energy of the protests. The question remains: Will these elite conservative voices openly advocate what needs to be done for their constituency to really take back the country?”
When did you drop out of the Roman Catholic Saints of Miscegenation High School? After 9th grade? Dr. MacDonald is asking a rhetorical question.
25 August, 2009 at 10:36 am
OBONGO IS A PROTESTANT. Most Niggers in the USA are Protestant.Just thought “Old Douche” needed a reminder
25 August, 2009 at 10:46 am
Slightly off topic, but there is an excellent article by Curt Maynard on Duke’s web site.
25 August, 2009 at 11:05 am
“OBONGO IS A PROTESTANT.” That’s in your opinion Mega Tard. In my opinion, O’bama is half Irish.
You and O’bama aren’t related back in the old sod, are you? That should give you something to talk about down at your agency. LOL.
25 August, 2009 at 11:08 am
Go back to Amsterdam with the other shylocks YOU JEW WORSHIPPING FOOL
25 August, 2009 at 12:10 pm
“I have asked myself, What makes them pull back?
The answer is: the Christian doctrine that we are all Sons of God, or potentially so. Also the notion that “all men are created equal.”
My theory is that they want their career in the media to continue. It’s all a game, a way of making a living to them remember.
Perhaps it’s deeper: they go part-way then pull back to dupe people (White people) into believing they are ‘on our side’. CIA? People forget how very controlled the mass media is in reality.
25 August, 2009 at 12:13 pm
Mega Tard’s cousin in the White House:
25 August, 2009 at 12:38 pm
I haven’t heard Limbaugh come out strongly against racism, but I certainly have heard Hannity do it. Both are turds fit to be flushed and not idolized in any way. They are neo-con mouthpieces and nothing more. They are shepherds charged with keeping angry White sheep on the correct path.
25 August, 2009 at 2:36 pm
Hannity and Limbaugh are both cultural Marxists through and through. I would classify them as the part of the reactionary right/libertarian movement.
25 August, 2009 at 3:04 pm
Generally, I enjoy reading McDonald’s stuff, but I don’t think he’ll accomplish much by pandering to the Limbaugh/Hannity/Palin crowd.
25 August, 2009 at 4:36 pm
Tom McReen and Blackshirt seem to have said it best.
“they go part-way then pull back to dupe people (White people) into believing they are ‘on our side’. CIA? People forget how very controlled the mass media is in reality.”
“They are shepherds charged with keeping angry White sheep on the correct path.”
25 August, 2009 at 5:24 pm
In order for any of the radio blabbermouths to begin advocating white causes and lead an explicitly white movement, Nazism would have to be rehabilitated, since it is the best known white movement to which any subsequent white movement would inevitably be compared. Of course, so long as Jews control the media and retain their sacrosanct status, that isn’t ever going to happen.
The alternative, which perhaps MacDonald is hinting at and would like to see, is for whites under the guidance of talk radio to form a “Jew-friendly” white movement. Yet Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, Savage, and the rest of the radio blabbermouths arguably already are leading such a movement. Savage is even a Jew himself. The only difference is that this movement, such as it is, is implicitly white, not explicitly white. This is “the whiteness that dare not speak its name”, an association of easily-herded cowards. They are willing to come out for white values, but only to the extent that someone doesn’t shout “Racist!”, which inevitably makes them panic and sends them into retreat. Their efforts in defeating the anti-white trends in society can already be judged a failure.
25 August, 2009 at 6:26 pm
All the great transformations involve transforming the implicit into the explicit. That’z as explicit as I can get.
25 August, 2009 at 7:43 pm
Kuda Bux Says:
All the great transformations involve transforming the implicit into the explicit. That’z as explicit as I can get.
That’s as explicit as the Covingtards and others who hold out the empty hope of a white mass movement ever get, unfortunately. Of course, if another time-wasting failure is actually what such people want, it all makes sense.
26 August, 2009 at 1:26 am
in reply to Antagonistes:
you wrote:
in reply:
I get an mp3 player, and listen to old Goyfires, and Peter Schaenk.
you wrote:
in reply:
Their Masters.
And, they are masters at misdirection, leading their listeners to adopt “their” solutions to the problems “they” define, as they have been told to define them.
you wrote:
in reply:
Yet, all men are NOT “created equal.”
This perversion has become to foundation of the Levelers, and their equalitarian practices.
“Equal,” of course, for Us, means the lowest common denominator with the Coloreds, and the illegals.
They, of course, have their Racially focused private schools, their Talmudic Institutes, their Torah Academies, all devoted to insuring their Race is continually enhanced at the expense of, well, OUR Race.
you wrote:
in reply:
Limbaugh is in the business of making a product that advertisers will pay for.
That is IT.
Tom Leykis, perhaps the best radio talk show host ever (and the most honest), said, “I am here to draw listeners for the advertisers, so we can charge more for advertisers and I can make more money. THAT’S IT!”
Jew Savage will speak against everything that the Jews have fostered – the Colored, the Illegals – but he always points at the symptom, and never points at the disease – Jew control of the System.
you wrote:
in reply:
Yet, they implicitly support an oligopoly of healt care “insurers,” who are seeking 35% profit on YOUR illnesses.
And, as for battling citizenship for illegals, i think one and all favor the choice that has already been made for them by the Jews, the “Path to Citizenship.”
You see, they can all disagree on side issues, as in HOW to attain the Goals set for them by the Jews.
They can all agree on the ends to be achieved, which is whatever their Jewish Overlords TELL them to support.
It’s all an act.
As Dr. Macdonald notes, their is an awful lot of White Anger in White America.
The jobs of Limbaugh, Savage, et. al., is to be sure that the White people do not SEE the problem from a Racial perspective, or attempt to SOLVE the problem from a Racial perspective.
Their job is to keep you from asking the right questions; then, they never have to worry about you coming to the correct conclusion, one based on a Positive Theory of Race.
Don’t buy into THEIR Dramas, THEIR Games, THEIR Choices for YOU.
Do Better.
Fourteen Forever.
26 August, 2009 at 4:12 am
Why do White people run for cover like frightened rabbits when the meaningless term ‘racist’ is shouted at them? Better to reply, ‘yes I’m a racist and proud of it’.
It makes about as much sense to accuse a dutiful man who looks after his family, ‘a family-ist’, because he doesn’t waste his time stuffing money into the pockets of every passing stranger.
26 August, 2009 at 8:25 am
old dutch Says: “OBONGO IS A PROTESTANT.” That’s in your opinion Mega Tard. In my opinion, O’bama is half Irish.”
In his “opinion,” LOL. It’s the Catholics and their insidious black pope, LOL
Their front man is the half-Irishman, Barack Hussein Obama, LOL.
I can’t imagine why anyone thinks Old dutch is crazy, LOL. Or a troll, LOL.
26 August, 2009 at 2:27 pm
It’s not any specific issue, but a generalized fear that the country is slipping away from them — that the Obama presidency is moving America very rapidly into a country that they would not recognize and where they do not have political power.
Good! Finally Whites doing something. Although it is very little now, but it is good practice. Conservative Whites need to do these kind of protests to
1. …get used to political action for their interests, and
2. …network, online but especially in real life.
In the future, these networks can come to some important use and make some real change.
I imagine headlines like this some decades from now: “Phillip, like many other leaders of the Revolution, first got into politics in the mass protests against the Emanuel/Obama presidency. It was here that he came into contact with the more radical thought known as White Nationalism, which would inspire him to form his own local Homeguard during the depression.”
26 August, 2009 at 4:13 pm
“Why do White people run for cover like frightened rabbits when the meaningless term ‘racist’ is shouted at them? Better to reply, ‘yes I’m a racist and proud of it’.”
Answer: Because White people are terrified of losing their status in the community, losing their job, losing their friends, etc. They’ve seen what happens to those who say ‘yes I’m a racist and proud of it’. But believe me, there is plenty of racism and racists out there, it just sucks that most Whites have to cower and look like pussies to avoid the term “racist”. I’ve had plenty of “friends” and potential mates drop me like a rock once I owned up to being a racist.
26 August, 2009 at 5:15 pm
CW-2 raised an excellent issue.
Let’s see it from the perspectives of Alex Linder and Peter Schaenk, and offer a possible solution from Harold Covington.
CW-2 wrote:
in reply:
Remember, the term “racist” was formed by the Jew Trotsky as a pejorative variation of the academically acceptable term, “raciialist.”
THAT is called Framing, a term near and dear to Linder’s heart, and what the Jews do with ease to destroy our ability to conceive what is happening to us; literally, our ability to Think.
That is complemented by Peter Schaenk’s observation, “When they control the words you use, they have won the argument before the argument has formally begun. The ordinary term “Holocaust,” for example, can refer to any number of human tragic events. When you use the term ‘THE Holocaust.’ you automatically validate the Jewish definition. You automatically have given the Jews control over your thoughts, your actions, your very Mind.”
How To Counterpunch:
Substitute the term “racist,” which the Jews love for you to use – it identifies you to them, and identifies you as having succumbed to THEIR Terms and Definitions – with Covington’s powerful formulation, the Racially Conscious Community.”
Covington nailed this one with full marks.
“Racist,’ you will note, is the singular – you, alone. Divided from your Racial Kinfolk, you are easily conquered by the Jews, who are ruthlessly united with their Racial Kinfolk.
“Racially Conscious Community” links you with Your Race, on Your terms – intellectually Aware of you Place in your Race, and emotionally committed to supporting the Race in both the microcosm of Family, and the macrocosm of Culture, with Race acting as a Living Bridge between Family and Culture.
YOU then have control of your Mind, and access to more Power, and more effectiveness, than ever before.
The Jews, being parasites, simply scream as they stand in The Light, and scream, “Make it stop! It burnses us! It burnses us!”
Fourteen Forever.
29 August, 2009 at 7:14 pm
“Antagonistes – Actually, Michael Savage is the one who will come right out and say what he thinks, and he has said some devastating things about blacks”
Savage is a well-known enemy of white nationalism. He attacks blacks, because he wants to divert attention from what his fellow Jewish parasites are doing to America.
29 August, 2009 at 11:45 pm
Henry8th Says:
Savage is a well-known enemy of white nationalism. He attacks blacks, because he wants to divert attention from what his fellow Jewish parasites are doing to America.
The rabbi Savage/Wiener is nothing if not a good showman. He has mastered the issues of white dispossession, and I think he may even read this site. He uses all of our complaints, perverting them to the service of his own aggrandizement. It’s surreal to hear him denouncing George Soros, or the ACLU, ratcheting the volume up or down with the well-honed skill of a practiced demagogue. He never EVER mentions that a good 90% of the people he’s railing about are Jews, however, and he doesn’t allow any of his callers to mention it either. This little rat-faced Jew is the incarnation of chutzpah, dancing right up to the line of anti-Semitism, but of course not crossing it. I strongly suspect he must have a near boundless contempt for the intelligence of his audience, made up as it is mostly of white Christian Zionist retards, and I bet he just laughs and laughs at how stupid those goyish cattle are when he goes home.
I’m a little surprised that no one has given him the Alan Berg treatment yet. Are you reading this, Savage? If so, fuck you! Die choking on your own vomit, creep.
30 August, 2009 at 12:18 am
Adam made some very useful point,s particularly if we can place them in context.
Just for fun, copy his comments, and, where you see a reference to Savage/Weiner by name, replace it with…
Hal Turner.
it might look something like this, and lead us into a larger issue that ties in with Dr. MacDonald’s larger issue.
Let’s try it, shall we?
Adam wrote:
in reply:
See the startling resemblance?
What does this tell us, Children?
YOU be the Judge!
One fascinating point on how this might be more accurate than many might have suspected.
Note that Adam refers to “Savage/Weiner” as <i?rabbi.
Do you suppose – just as a wild supposition – that Turner, while a guest of the State, discovers a little bit of the old Hebrew National in HIS genealogy?
Can you just see the book tour, sponsored by the ADL?
The tv shows?
The speeches to various groups?
Keep an eye on Hal Turner.
Certainly, the Jews pay much better than those cheap-ass White Nationalists.
Actually, we should pray for his continued health.
Alive, he serves as a living object lesson to us, and a source of immense humor when he speaks.
And, again I remind one and all, all the Alan Berg treatment did was make a martyr out of Berg, and end the life of David Lane in horrible circumstances.
Berg’s death was also an excellent fund raiser for various Jewish organizations.
That leads us to Harold Covington, and the Northwest Republic Analytical Model – our last, best hope.
Fourteen Forever.
30 August, 2009 at 12:41 am
Much as I appreciate your misquoting me, Mrs. Covington, you really don’t have to respond just because I mentioned Christian retards.
30 August, 2009 at 5:51 pm
I almost missed that New America.
It seems out of place with Adam’s recent posts, which have been more intelligent and make some good points about the ‘tech system’.
It’s as if, not for the first time, the act slipped momentarily or someone we used to know posted under Adam’s name. The ranting style, anti-Christianity and provocateur comments are very familiar.
“Actually, Michael Savage is the one who will come right out and say what he thinks, and he has said some devastating things about blacks.”
He’s not only a neo-con but a jew, so it’s all for show. These CONS are NOT secretly on our side.
“Say what you will about their being “neo-conservatives”–it is they who are reaching the most people, mobilizing them against health-care, citizenship for illegals, and God knows what else.”
They are as capable as the left in mobilising people because both are politically acceptable and controlled by jews. They don’t get corralled like our protestors – yet.