31 July, 2009

Where Jews are Strong, Others Lose Freedom

Posted by Socrates in Jerry Abbott, jewed culture, Socrates at 10:09 pm | Permanent Link

Jerry Abbott comments:


  • 3 Responses to “Where Jews are Strong, Others Lose Freedom”

    1. Parsifal Says:

      There must be plenty of Jews weeping and gnashing their teeth when they come to this website. There’s no discussion here about “ignorant racists”, “canards” or “insensitivity”. So take that, you arrogant, control-freak Jews. And up yours, you pussified White Canadians and Western Europeans.

    2. Parsifal Says:

      There must be plenty of Jews weeping and gnashing their teeth when they come to this website. There’s no discussion here about “ignorant racists”, “canards” or “insensitivity”. So take that, you arrogant, control-freak Jews. And up yours, you pussified White Canadians and Western Europeans.

    3. Mega Therion Says:

      It’s probably the Guilty White Liberal eunuchs who get the most outraged by this site,but both left and right hate us…the liberal pricks and cunts who detest our “hate speech” and the moronic patriotard God squaders on the right who think we’re not helping our “great country” unite. These are the fools who watch “Exodus”,Schindler’s List” to be reminded of how the chosen ones are so poorly treated, and then watch “Raid On Entebbe” for inspiration, the Israelis are always victorious against those evil Germans and Ay-Rabs. Then they go to the churches and partake in the latest “Christian-Jewish fellowship” meeting,as 92 year old widower Avi talks about Treblinka and how “Never Again” shall such atrocities occur as the pastor/priest cries in the background.

      Somewhere,Hitler laughs…