9 July, 2009

What Happened to America?

Posted by Socrates in communism, Fascism, Italy, jewed culture, jewed politics, Marxism, Socrates at 4:53 pm | Permanent Link

Not a bad article info-wise, but, idea: let’s not lump fascism in with communism, nor call Trotsky – a communist Jew – the father of fascism, ok? (Fascism was created by gentiles in Italy circa 1919/1920 as a reaction to Judeo-communist revolutions; granted, Mussolini was a former leftist) [1]:


[1] re: the origins of Fascism, see footnote #2: [Here]

  • 13 Responses to “What Happened to America?”

    1. Terrorsaurus Says:

      The short answer?

      Kikes and Coons are what happened to America.

    2. Blackshirt Says:

      Hard to believe that this guy wrote such a good article and then calls Trotsky the founder of Fascism??? Unfortunately such mistakes are easily recognizable to anyone with a basic knowledge of 20th century History, and will automatically call into question the other ideas the author promotes.

      I don’t think the author of this article is a patriotard by any means, but this situation reminds me of some of the erroneous claims about National Socialism and Fascism that are often made in Conservative and patriotard circles. For example, I have had red-blooded, flag waving conservatives actually claim that Communism and National Socialism were one in the same (or that National Socialism is just as bad as Communism). Well I guess these systems are one in the same to someone who’s worldview is opposed to Socialism in any of it’s forms.

    3. Parsifal Says:

      There were many similarities to what Stalin and Hitler were doing in their respective countries, something that neither side ever wants to admit. But as long as the White country in question has a system of government that is dedicated to serving the needs of its White citizens and not serving the needs of the International Jew or Big Business or the richest 3% of the people, then who cares what it’s called?

    4. Mega Therion Says:

      1654, the first Jews arrive. Rhode Island,I believe…

      And that was all she wrote…all downhill since.

    5. Justin Huber Says:

      I always thought that Hitler was actually a pretty formidable thinker.

    6. Parsifal Says:

      MegaT, the first synagogue in America was located in Newport, RI. I can almost see the damn place from my bunker, located under the ruins of a hilltop British fort. George Washington once either visited the place or wrote them a personal letter, no doubt trying to hit them up for some money to fund his American Revolution. Rhode Island was always a state/colony run by traitorous liberal scumbags, but good old Peter Stuvesant, the Governor of New Amsterdam, courageously refused to let any Jews into his colony. Ironic how New York is now the Jew Capital of the world.

    7. whodareswings Says:

      Thanks for the comment, but I have to disagree [about Trotsky being a fascist].

      Trotsky made modifications to traditional Marxist thinking. Those changes were related to the relationship between the state and the corporations.

      In traditional Marxism the state owns and controls the corporations. Trotsky correctly foresaw that that would eliminate competition and would ultimately fail, so he proposed a system in which 2-3 mega-corporations would compete with each other in each industry. He further imagined that they would be integrated vertically and, of course, socialized.

      Fascism is simply a form of totalitarian socialism in which a handful of mega-corporations run the state (sound familiar). Which differs from traditional Marxism in that the state runs the corporations.

      Later Leo Strauss and Irving Kristol (among others) revised his work and created neo-conservatism.

      The Republican party is run by Jewish neo-Fascists or neo-corporatists (corporatism being Mussolini’s preferred term for fascism).

      The Democratic party is, of course run by Jewish Cultural Marxists. Cultural Marxism is basically Stalinism combined with racial identity politics.

      -Russel A. James

    8. Mega Therion Says:

      Parsifal, I’m a lifelong captive of Massajewsetts, and very familiar with the perfidy of my dreadful state and Rhode Island’s. That coke snorting mental defective “Patches” is a perfect tableau of the political scene of both states.

      Though according to the census, RI is 1.6% of Jew. At least you guys are below the average per population…though in reality we all know that even if there was a handful of Yids in a state,they’d still dominate politics,business and media.

    9. Blackshirt Says:

      Mega Therion and Parsifal, I’m glad to see you guys are New England boys! Yep, I’m up here too, and I used to live in Southern New England- I’m very familiar with RI. Without giving out too many details, I now live in the northern area of New England. Sad to see what has happened to MA, RI and CT.

      The synagogue that Parsifal is talking about is called the Touro synagogue. It is interesting that Newport had such a large Jew population even before the revolution. Also that Newport was a key port in the triangular trade moving rum and slaves north from the Caribbean, and timber south from New England. Hmmm, couldn’t be that the Jews got rich in that trade, could it? This is an excellent point to bring up to blacks that think that the slave trade was a “white” thing.

    10. Mega Therion Says:

      Blackshirt you make a very valid point about the Jews in Newport and the slave trade. Without a doubt they were the prime movers. Unfortunately, the blacks consider the Jew “white”, and therefore “we” are responsible for the slave trade. Explaining the difference to them is a waste, abstract thought processes are about as common in the Negro as blue eyes are.

      There’s far more of “us” in New England than people realize.

    11. Parsifal Says:

      I know in Newport there are a lot of large colonial houses with names like the “Isaac Brown House” or the “Levi Stone House”. I suspect those were semi-disguised 18th century Jew names, as those houses were among the largest and most luxurious in the Colonial era. Few gentiles could have afforded such fine houses back then, as they usually had modest occupations like shoe cobbling and blacksmithing.

      And in additon to the slave trade, I’m sure Uncle Hymie was involved in the kidnapping of White children from England to work as indentured servants in the Colonies, too. That’s a part of American history that seldom gets mentioned, probably because of its Jew aspect.

    12. borgo Says:

      In traditional Marxism the state owns and controls the corporations.

      No: that’s Fascism proper. In “traditional Marxism”, with which you don’t seem to be familiar, “the state” is the communist party, which understands itself as a “dictatorship of the proletariat”. Thus the Nazi regime was closer to “traditional Marxism” than Fascism proper, as a party exercising its will over the state and calling itself “socialism”.

      He further imagined that they would be integrated vertically and, of course, socialized.

      The burden is on you to show that Gentile or Mussolini were on board with that plan.

      “Fascism is simply a form of totalitarian socialism in which a handful of mega-corporations run the state (sound familiar)”

      Article 8 of the Dottrina : “Né individui fuori dello Stato, né gruppi (partiti politici, associazioni, sindacati, classi). Perciò il fascismo è contro il socialismo che irrigidisce il movimento storico nella lotta di classe e ignora l’unità statale che le classi fonde in una sola realtà economica e morale; e analogamente, è contro il sindacalismo classista. Ma nell’orbita dello Stato ordinatore, le reali esigenze da cui trasse origine il movimento socialista e sindacalista, il fascismo le vuole riconosciute e le fa valere nel sistema corporativo degli interessi conciliati nell’unità dello Stato.”

      Let it be said that both the Marxists and the Fascists misunderstood themselves and had goals beyond, even contrary to, their stated ideals. Fine. But your use of “fascist” is incorrect, the generalized “fascist” with the lower-case f used by leftists; what you mean is totalitarian — avowed by Fascism in its founding document, avowed by Marx and Lenin in their writings. What you hope to show is that both movements were anti-individual; but if you simply read their books you’ll find they made no secret of this, both movements were grandchildren of Hegel, who in turn sought to epitomize the Prussian state in philosophical idealism.

      “The Republican party is run by Jewish neo-Fascists or neo-corporatists (corporatism being Mussolini’s preferred term for fascism).”

      Apart from exaggerating, you’re not aware that corporatismo, in 1920’s Italy, meant something very different from “corporatism” in English, 2009. In English, corporazioni is translated “guilds”, even “trade unions”, not “corporations”. These guilds, which were associations of tradesmen and professionals (Latin corporatus, “embodied”, or bodies of men; fascio itself means “bundle / group”), and again not big corporations (which weren’t all that big back then, bear well in mind), were to be patronized by the Fascist state — nothing more; most of the NSDAP’s early adherents were drawn from the same classes. So this picture of Fascism as enshrining corporations in the modern sense in its conception of the state is bogus, a “straw man”. But it is, surprisingly, just here that Fascism and Marxism come together in their patronage of traditional labor roles: precisely the opposite of the Big Business State you conjure up to scare yourself. Whereas America, at the precisely the same time, really did enshrine the corporation in state politics by granting it the rights of an individual.

      The Democratic party is, of course run by Jewish Cultural Marxists.

      I don’t buy your “of course”. It’s of course only in your head and the heads of WNs who are convinced what Jews do is synonymous with “Cultural Marxism”.

      Cultural Marxism is basically Stalinism combined with racial identity politics.

      And here we see the absolute unread backwardness of your thinking. “Cultural Marxism” is precisely the opposite of Stalinism by definition — you need to read Gramsci, who coined the term in a prison cell. Cultural Marxism is a response to the capitalist state’s suppression of the Marxist narrative: cut off from official avenues to power, the Marxist is forced to act on the culture of the people to insinuate his doctrine, etc. Thus it is literally opposed to Stalinism, which is nothing more than charismatic totalitarianism. You, and I mean this word for word, have no idea what you’re talking about.

    13. Nordlander Says:

      There were many similarities to what Stalin and Hitler were doing in their respective countries, something that neither side ever wants to admit.

      Uh, sure Parsifal, thanks for chiming in with your high-school level education. Let’s compare:

      HITLER defended German industrial leaders and allowed them as members in the NSDAP, along with almost all Conservatives from the Reichstag when they merged into the NSDAP in 1933.

      LENIN killed the industrial leaders and conservatives.

      HITLER had free enterprise, tempered by racial and conservative concerns, and a tax level far lower than Britain. The price ceilings introduced in the beginning were abolished when it was shown that they hurt the economy.

      LENIN centralized all production and abolished competition.

      HITLER led his country in a remarkable recovery, with innovation that produced cheap radios, the world’s first light machine guns, and the beginning of the rocket science that would later put a man on the moon.

      LENIN ruined all prospects for Russian innovation, so that even in 1990 the country’s hospitals and dentistry had a 1950s level of technology and methodology. Medicine for the top party member and officers had to be imported from the West, along with massive quantities of food donated by the United States every year.

      HITLER opposed the Jews and took away their power.

      LENIN was controlled by the Jews around him, in the party and in Iskra, and he was part-Jew himself.

      HITLER stood for traditional values.

      LENIN attacked traditional values.

      HITLER put criminals in prison.

      LENIN’s henchmen let out the murderers, rapists and other criminals from the prisons when they took over St. Petersburg, to create chaos, resulting in countless murders and rapes. After they had murdered all of the city’s policemen.

      HITLER worked hard to create international opposition to the spread of the Marxist ideology.

      LENIN followed the Marxist ideology.

      HITLER allied with the Prussian nobility that dominated the officer corps.

      LENIN killed off the Russian, Volga German and Finnish nobility in the officer corps.

      HITLER stood for racial awareness worldwide.

      LENIN’s comrade Trotsky invented “racism” as a slur.