29 July, 2009

Truth Before Fashion

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, William Pierce at 6:33 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.

“Perhaps you’ll pardon me if I speak to you today in a more personal vein than I usually do. I want to tell you about some personal perceptions of mine, because I believe that many of you who are listening have had similar perceptions. I believe many of you have something in common with me, something very important.

When I was a little boy, 11 or 12 years old, I used to spend my time taking clocks apart, building radios and model airplanes, and doing experiments in a tiny laboratory that I had in my parents’ garage. I used to make little solid-fuel rockets and try them out in the back yard. My ambition was to be a rocket scientist when I grew up. And that’s what I became, at least for a while, until I returned to the university to teach.”

The rest is [Here]. (No audio version available).

  • 11 Responses to “Truth Before Fashion”

    1. zoomcopter Says:

      Dr William Luther Pierce was a prophet. He saw the forest, whereas, most White people see only the trees.

    2. Parsifal Says:

      I completely gave up on the American people when they overwhelmingly supported Lil’ Bush Jr.’s plan to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. It seems most Americans cream their pants with excitement when their leaders tell them it’s time for yet another war against some impoverished country no one has ever heard of. But I wonder how enthusiastic those idiots would have been for war against Iraq and Afghanistan if there was a Draft? Two words to describe most White Americans these days: Chickenshit and Hypocrites. Well, three words: Hopeless. No, four: Clueless.

    3. zoomcopter Says:

      Bush tapped into patriotism. “You’re either with us, or against us” cheerleading stuff. We were all lied to, yellowcake uranium, mushroom clouds, nerve gas, etc. We trusted our president. Nobody was chickenshit, or a hypocrite, for buying into the Jewish lies. Maybe clueless, but lots of people are wiser, now, a trillion dollars later and 5000 body bags later.

    4. Parsifal Says:

      What are you talking about, there were plenty of chickenshits and hypocrites supporting Bush and his war-mongering. I saw lots of them waving Chink-made American flags and shouting USA NUMBER ONE!, BOMB BIN LADEN! and BOMB IRAQ!, but hardly any of them bothered to volunteer for military service at their local induction centers. They just sat on their asses, drank their beers and watched Bush’s wars on TV, during the commercial breaks for American Idol. If that’s not chickenshit/hypocrite behavior, then nothing is.

      I’m sure as hell not going to cut the average non-thinking White American boob any slack just because he’s White. At least the niggers had enough sense not to support the Bush Regime or its god damn Jew wars of imperialist aggression. I give credit where it’s due, and most White Americans should be fucking ashamed of themselves for their unquestioning support of the Bush Regime. If there was a Draft starting in late 2001, there wouldn’t have been half as much enthusiasm for those wars, and ZOG knows it. That’s why it was never re-instated.

      Chickenshits and hypocrites.

    5. zoomcopter Says:

      Maybe you’ll get your wish, Parsifal. I heard Rahm Emanuel today suggesting mandatory national service for all Americans between 18-25 years old. Somewhat similar to what Israel has. Imagine that. Maybe a first step towards putting more boots on the ground, in Iran, that is.

    6. Parsifal Says:

      I wouldn’t exactly call it a wish, Z……………Easy on the sarcasm! But if there is a Draft again, how will Rahm Emmanuel’s nephews Marvin and Bernie avoid being sent? How would all those politicians in Congress manage to keep their bratty kids in Princeton and Georgetown from being drafted? There would be no college deferment in a new Draft, no way for the Rich and Powerful to keep their kids from being conscripted. So I don’t see it being re-instated for that reason.

    7. Lutjens Says:

      “How would all those politicians in Congress manage to keep their bratty kids in Princeton and Georgetown from being drafted?”

      Easy, they hide over in Shitzrael for a few years with Onkel Schmuel und Tante Zelda. Then when it’s over, they come back and swindle some more wealth out of what’s left of the JewSA.

    8. CW-2 Says:

      The good doctor being very moderate and reasonable. We really need men and women of his calibre, now more than ever.

    9. Irma Grese Says:

      That man really had it going on! I’m making reading/listening to his stuff a priority from now on.

      And I especially like this part:

      They know that if you pass so-called “free trade” laws, which allow industries in non-White countries with extremely low wages, countries like China and Mexico, to compete with American industries, pretty soon you’ll bankrupt the American industries and put many Americans out of work.

      Hells yeah! If this was still the America of Andrew Jackson and John C. Calhoun, every last person in congress who voted for NAFTA and GATT would have been strung up from the nearest lamp post!! But of course, we’re NOT that America anymore, and that is a huge part of the problem.

    10. The Red Skull Says:

      My mom told me when i was a boy-“Son,the Truth hurts-thats why nobody wants to hear it.”I’m reminded of her saying that whenever i read one of Dr.Pierce’s articles.He had a way of cutting to the truth without any over-bearing intellectual funny business.The Destruction of White America has been planned for quite awhile in my opinion.All that is left is the division of the once mighty carcass,by the internationalist scum who brought it about.Not Enough Beaners in your area?Just wait and King Obongo will shortly give them “amnesty” and that glorious gold-paved road to “citizenship”.Like that word means a damn thing in the Multi-culti Hell that is being born like a cancerous growth on the body of once-great White America.The more i look around,the more i’m convinced this jew-defiled POS that used to be a country i loved-hasn’t got much longer to live.Many others i know see it too,however,not from the racially aware perspective.
      Dr.Pierce’s articles should be mandatory reading in whatever White Nation State we’re able to salvage out of this debacle.And by the way,i do agree with “Parsifal” that most White Americans are Blind,Clueless,Deaf and Dumb when it comes to their own survival or racial situation.They are complete poodles while in the grip of Mass Media and entertainment.Only hard reality and uncompromising Truth can set them free,and that at a terrible price in blood and treasure.Drive on Dr Pierce-Drive on.

    11. zoomcopter Says:

      “They know that if you pass so-called “free trade” laws, which allow industries in non-White countries with extremely low wages, countries like China and Mexico, to compete with American industries, pretty soon you’ll bankrupt the American industries and put many Americans out of work.”

      Pierce was a Rocket Scientist and a Prophet. Pretty soon we’ll be flipping burgers for each other…