10 July, 2009

Tragedy in Florida: No Black Judges Available for Appeals Court

Posted by Socrates in Affirmative Action, black culture, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, multiculturalism, Socrates at 5:50 pm | Permanent Link

What a bummer. It looks like the governor will have to choose square, White judges wit’ no bling, no rhymes, no ‘fros an’ no hoes:


  • 9 Responses to “Tragedy in Florida: No Black Judges Available for Appeals Court”

    1. Kuda Bux Says:

      No black judges available? Use a close substitute- jungle bunnies.

    2. Blackshirt Says:

      The real story here is how a White governor is promoting and looking out for black interests. Do you ever see a non- white promoting and looking out for White interests?

      Another example of how the most dangerous of our enemies are within our own gene pool.

    3. Mega Therion Says:

      What a shock, the “Crisco Kid” Charlie Crist, a Log Cabiner if there ever was one, currently “married” to some Kike cunt, is trying his damnedest to make things more “diverse”.

      I really hate this country and society.

    4. Parsifal Says:

      Christ is just another cowardly, pandering, piece of SHIT politican. And I just looked at his photo. Yup, he’s light in the loafers, all right.

      I too really hate this country and society.

    5. Cpt. Candor Says:

      The first sentence in that article blatantly admits that equality is a giant lie, though lord knows nine out of ten of the blobs and assorted freaks I see waddling around the supermarket wouldn’t catch that.

      I want to smash this country and society straight down to Hell, personally.

    6. Gollywog Says:

      As we have seen in all other areas of our once great society the benchmark for gaining entrance will be lowered. To make things more diverse there will be payment entitlements on top of already gready salaries along with the lowering of qualification standars, for coloreds only….of course.

    7. Gollywog Says:

      shit the lowering of my “STANDARS” is catching on

    8. Mega Therion Says:

      It’s funny(in a morbid way) but every few years,I seem to think “ok it can’t get any worse than it right now”…but it ALWAYS does. Now here we are in 2009 with Obama,Sotomayor et al…and their Jew puppeteers.

      One can only imagine the dystopia that awaits us in 2019 or 2029.

    9. ovidio Says:

      im surprised blackshirt that pansy is not sighting a few women or niggers or what not to be known as ‘equals”