1 July, 2009

NY: white woman verbally blasts Hasidic cop

Posted by VNNB in 'anti-Semitism' at 1:50 pm | Permanent Link

“Let me have sex with ur puppy just once”

The city’s first Hasidic cop was excoriated in a anti-Semitic rant by a dog-loving subway passenger who allegedly refused to place her sick pet in an animal carrier, sources and a witness said yesterday.

Brooklyn blogger Chrissie Brodigan claimed Officer Joel Witriol went ballistic when he saw her take her pug, Dempsey, out of her purse in violation of subway regulations at around 5:30 p.m. Monday. She said he cuffed her, insulted her and roughed her up.

But a witness, Viane Delgado, said Brodigan was the one out of line. Delgado said Witriol “repeatedly” asked the woman to place the barking pug in a carrier she had. But instead, she allegedly insulted him with anti-Semitic slurs and tried to walk away.

You f—ing Jew, you’re not even human,” Delgado quoted Brodigan as saying.

She repeatedly said, “Jewish people think they own everything,” a source said.

But Brodigan denied that account.

“I don’t remember saying anything anti-Semitic,” she said. “I do remember saying, ‘Clearly, you have trouble with women.’ I probably called him an a–hole.”

According to her account, Witriol “said he needed to talk to me” as she was ascending a staircase at the L-line Bedford Avenue station.

“He pushed me against the wall and said, ‘I need your name and ID.’ ”

Brodigan, 32, said that when she told Witriol she had left her wallet at work, things turned ugly.

He pushed me against the wall and said, ‘If you’re gonna act like a woman, I’m gonna treat you like a woman,’ ” said Brodigan.

The blogger denied she had a carrying case with her and said her dog suffers from a health condition that causes it to overheat.

She claims that when she started to walk away, “he handcuffed my wrist, pushed me against the wall, punched me in the back and kicked me in the shin.”

She also claimed Witriol at one point put his hands on her breasts.

Melissa Randazzo, 29, another witness, backed up Brodigan’s story.

“His tone was really alarming,” Randazzo said of Witriol. “The girl looked scared. She didn’t look like someone who would get into trouble. Something didn’t seem right about this situation.”

Witriol’s family would not comment on the case last night.

The NYPD said that there’s no record of any impropriety on the part of Witriol and that Brodigan was given a summons for failing to identify herself and for not having a dog in a proper container.

A police source said Brodigan was belligerent and argumentative.

Brodigan claimed the cop took away her pug and threatened he’d have it “put down.”

  • 38 Responses to “NY: white woman verbally blasts Hasidic cop”

    1. Parsifal Says:

      I’m not going to side with the Hebe cop, but that girl looks like a troublemaking bitch to me.

    2. Susan Says:

      Yeah, I guess Linder will have a hard time knowing which side to come down on NOW. Who does he side with: the unruly White woman who may have insulted a jew, or the jew who told off the White woman? You know–like Linder does nightly on his forum–telling White women how stupid and useless we all are.
      Linder: you are your own worst enemy. I used to respect you but no more.

    3. Eilert Says:

      Susan’s made some good points, Alex. Care to attempt to refute them?

      Anyway, per the actual topic, there are two universal rules to bear in mind here:

      First, people get REALLY touchy about their pets. You want to set someone off? Mess with their dog or cat.

      Second, power corrupts. In general, cops abuse their authority. Don’t expect New York’s “first Hasidic cop” to be any different. In fact, given his people’s track record, expect him to take advantage of his power all the more.

      By the way, can an Hasidic pig be kosher? ;)

    4. old dutch Says:

      On a more serious note: Hal Turner has been denied bail and will be sent to Chicago.

    5. observer Says:

      All three of them were best “put down”. Have you ever known a “Chrissie” who was not an obnoxious unruly twat? And here she is posing with some classic Brazilian mystery-meat:


      Another thing: Do YOU enjoy seeing dippy white girls toting their loud, ugly “miniature” dog breeds everywhere? am I the only one this spectacle actually makes angry? Possession of one of these miserable, quivering, pea-brained little dogs is a sign that the female is conceited, bitchy, and pea-brained herself. Don’t tread on the pug-owner’s tootsies! It’s the perfect day, nothin’s standin’ in their waa-aay.

      Lastly: this was the NYC subway. Anyone who’s been to Penn Station IN THE LAST DECADE has been searched, sniffed by police dogs, or in some way had to deal with the presence of Imperial Kwan Troopers. Not siding with the Jew — and I hope we’re all subtle enough to not be forced into an either / or game by that old bitch “Susan”.

    6. observer Says:

      That said, I’d let him have it, too.

    7. Blackshirt Says:

      Old Dutch, do you think the Catholics have anything to do with Hal being denied bail? I think if you do some more of your investigation you will find a Catholic connection somewhere.

    8. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      Witriol is another name-changer. His real name is Vitriol.

    9. old dutch Says:

      Well, the Roman Catholic homosexual politicians in Connecticut must be happy. LOL.

    10. Waldo Starr Says:

      I think we can all sleep better knowing some jew judge in Jew York will get to the bottom of this egregious violation of the law. Ms.Brodigan may curse the day she was born for having a confrontation with a chosen. What Balls!

    11. Lutjens Says:

      I think they both should be beaten and left laying where they stood.

      Susan dear…… LMFAO ;)

    12. Susan Says:

      First of all observer: I am not an old bitch. Who or what got your boxers in a bunch? I’m simply tired of reading Linder trash some nice White female like Starr for no good reason. Starr never said or did anything to earn his treatment of her recently. Consequently, I never did anything to earn the way he treated me either. Oh well……enough of that. Linder’s not one to apologize–we all know that. Fine.

      Yeah, this incident probably isn’t a really good example of a confrontation between a White person and jew. But I still would like to know which side Linder would take–interesting. I mean which person represents that group which Linder hates more: women or jews? Sometimes I wonder.

      I just don’t get trashing or insulting an entire sex when these are the very people you are supposed to want to be on your side. Aren’t we in this together–supposedly?

      About Hal Turner: Is it just me or is no one really taking this situation seriously here? I mean the guy has been arrested, now after Bill White. I know neither of these guys is necessarily the shiniest example of pro White people, but didn’t Hal come to the aid of Linder in Knoxville when Linder was arrested? Didn’t he try to bail Linder out?

      Obviously, sending money to his wife wouldn’t be a good idea, but should we be trying to raise money to send to a lawyer or something? I mean, Jesus, people, do we not have any sense of community or being able to come together when someone needs help? I’m beginning to get the idea that people on these forums really don’t give a damn about each other and that each of us really is on our own.

      We have got to do better than we are doing as pro White people.

    13. Blackshirt Says:

      Observer, the woman in the photo may be a cunt, but be easy on the pug in the picture- they are awesome dogs, not an “ugly “miniature” dog breed”. Now you want to talk about a ugly miniature dog breed, how about a chihuahua?

      Never judge the dog by the asshole owner.

      As far as the race traitor bitch, as far as I’m concerned she can get gang raped by a gaggle of niggers and I wouldn’t cry over it. She obviously loves diversity, so let her have the best (or worst) diversity can offer…

    14. DWMT Says:

      Lord, do I love that picture; (r to l) the skinhead-pig, the pin-head-
      pig (lol), and the commiejew-pig!! LOLOLOL!! The three li’l piggies!!

    15. 2050 Says:

      Sounds a lot like the beating the woman is taking from the jews calling her a neo-lib etc, that she’s getting over at the Daily News site.

    16. jackumup Says:


      I don’t think Alex hates women I understand his point, when we see women in the forefront of white destruction, MLk wasn’t banging white men, white men don’t marry niggers nearly as much as women(fat ones included), that’s not white men worshiping at the feet of that made-up TV cleaning women opie. When we see this type of behavior what are we suppose to think?

    17. Parsifal Says:

      Susan, it’s hard to love Hal Turner. I used to be a regular caller to his SW show years ago and it always went well. But then he got on to his “Identity” kick and started acting like a real flake.

      And I think you’re right about how each of us is ultimately alone in this Struggle. We must NOT expect anyone to come to our defense if we get picked up, not even friends and family. Prepare to be betrayed and abandoned if you plan to fight The Evil Empire.

      As far as setting up a legal defense fund goes, Hal was bragging only a few months ago about how well he was doing in this shitty economy, thanks to his storm-window business. Now he’s begging for money, again. But if he’s short on funds, then why not let the Court simply appoint a lawyer for him? By law, h’s entitled to legal counsel. Why should he be forced to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars he apparently doesn’t have? Isn’t that what the Empire wants him to do, ie, destroy himself financially?

    18. Parsifal Says:

      Herr Blackshirt, every time I get close to one of those neurotic little lap dogs, they try to hump my leg. I hate those wretched things! Give me a REAL dog, like a German Sheppard, a Huskie or a Golden Retriever.

      Thanks for the photos of America’s Sweetheart, Herr Observer. Do I know my emo chicks, or what?

    19. Blackshirt Says:

      Parsifal, I prefer large dogs myself, I just don’t have anything against pugs… they are an o.k. breed in my book. Point taken though, I feel the way you do about little “yippy” dogs like schnauzers.

      Anyway, what makes you think the mud-loving blonde chick in the picture is a emo girl? She doesn’t look like one to me.

    20. Susan Says:

      Well then if all of this means nothing in the sense that it isn’t to build White loyalty or communities or strength, then what is it all about? I don’t get it. Linder sure doesn’t care about anyone–we saw that with the casual off hand way he dismissed his mods after they worked for him for years.

      Jesus, I’m gonna quit taking all of this so seriously then. From now, it’s all shits and grins for me.

    21. Hayden Says:

      Susan, we all know Alex has no mercy.

      To say that Alex hates women is further regression down the spiral. A lot of us can’t stand the current state that our society is in.

      the bottom line is:

      women are not as strong as men
      They make poor decisions based on “feelings”
      one week out of every month, we can’t count on you to be sane.

      women are every bit a pawn of the jewery we are forced to live with.

    22. Eilert Says:

      Although your statements on women are general, Hayden, they’re fairly accurate.

      But what about all the ways in which the average White MALE has become a pawn for the Jews? Why do we so seldom talk about these phenomena? Examples include whiggerism, niggerball worship, and porn hoarding among many others.

    23. Marwinsing Says:

      I skimmed through the post and have not thoroughly perused your comments above but what I shall testify to is this:

      Most white women alive today are fuck ups.

      And here’s the corollary gents:

      It’s our fault.


    24. Parsifal Says:

      Agreed. We do nothing while Negro and Mestizo males lust after our women. We have become passive and allowed our women to get out of control. Is it any wonder White women no longer need or respect White men?

    25. Eilert Says:

      Yeah, we as White men have sort of “allowed our women to get out of control,” but women aren’t dogs. They make their own choices.

      I’m one of the few male White nationalists who doesn’t seem to think of White women as mindless pets of one type or another. We both have sex-specific tendencies that our enemies exploit, but at the end of the day, we’re responsible for the decisions we make.

    26. rikert Says:

      Susan: enough of your disgusting false dichotomies you withered old bitch!

    27. Parsifal Says:

      Eilert, is your real name Alan Alda? Most women like being subordinate to the male. The guy is supposed to be in charge, that’s what women expect.

    28. Arminius Says:

      @rikert: “Susan: enough of your disgusting false dichotomies you withered old bitch!”

      Behave yourself here!
      If you have nothing else to write, shut up and disappear!

    29. Parsifal Says:


      …..”Anyway, what makes you think the mud-loving blonde chick in the picture is a emo girl? She doesn’t look like one to me.”

      You’re right, I meant to say she looks like a psycho bitch. Emo girls are cute.

    30. Susan Says:

      I’m sure rikert has many issues totally separate from me.

      Withered? Hardly. Old bitch? Again…….no. Nice try but no cigar.

      Next time try staying on topic. Thanks.

    31. Parsifal Says:

      Whence comes all this misanthropy and misogyny?

    32. eilert Says:

      “Eilert, is your real name Alan Alda?”

      More like Robert Mathews.

      “Most women like being subordinate to the male.”

      It depends on what you mean by “subordinate.” Are you trying to tell me that we as White men should treat our women the way male niggers treat theirs?

      “The guy is supposed to be in charge, that’s what women expect.”

      I think the man should wear the pants in the family, but that doesn’t mean men and women can’t work as a team. Men are physically stronger and should therefore play the role of the family provider and protector. Women have powerful maternal instincts and should therefore play the role of the family nurturer.

    33. Howdy Doody Says:

      Its a given that many stories about what has happened to the White race men and woman,and about half breed enemy aliens and what has happened to White women who crossed the line with a blood polluter and woke up in tears one day will never be told. Because its too private and or painful.

      I love women.

    34. Parsifal Says:

      I agree with the philosophy of Al Bundy. He loved girls (Anna Kournikova, Carrie Underwood, Lauren Conrad) but hated women (Geraldine Ferraro, Gloria Allred, Patsy Schroeder, Hillary Clinton). When I’m not reading Bertrand Russell, Marcus Aurelius or Ludwig Wittgenstein, I’m watching re-runs of Married With Children.

    35. REAL WN News Says:


      Nationalist News for Nationalist People!


    36. Igor Alexander Says:

      A feminist versus a kike. My loyalties are torn.

    37. Gail Brodigan Dunnavant Says:

      Here’s a shocker; police officers don’t always tell the truth.

      But there are also a quite a few that go to work every day and just try to do thier job well. My Dad taught me that.

      And possibly this young woman was a bit shaken up by being told she had to to something to her pet which she knew would probably be detrimental to its health. She didnt’ answer exactly how the officer (who by his standards was just following the rules) wanted her to answer. Possibly he allowed his ego to get in the way of his of his normally sensible judgment.

      I think we all need to stop rushing to such exact conclusion(s) as to be putting everybody in a box, all neatly labled and put away.

    38. fg Says:

      nasty , gross, ugly kike men are always targeting white women for harrassment.

      kike and half kike cops cause most of the police misconduct.

      white men are in iraq killing the muslim enemies of kikes so kikes like this pig cop can be safe from muslims.