8 July, 2009

Notes From Central Pennsylvania: The Very Long Arm of Egalitarian Propaganda

Posted by Socrates in Cultural Marxism, egalitarianism, equality, race, Race Denial, Socrates at 6:03 pm | Permanent Link

by Christopher Donovan.

“Life events have brought me into increasing contact with Central Pennsylvania, a vast tract of mountainous, rolling farmland stretching between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. I think it was James Carville who derided Pennsylvania as those two cities ‘and Alabama without Blacks in between.'”


  • 34 Responses to “Notes From Central Pennsylvania: The Very Long Arm of Egalitarian Propaganda”

    1. old_dutch Says:

      They didn’t try to sell you any Indian relics, or did they? LOL.

      Wanna buy some?


    2. Paul Says:

      Great stuff. You linked to one site before,

      You should really pay attention to that site. It is not only funny but very informative as well. It’s update daily with amazing content. Black people are starting to get mad at it and are trying to get google to censor it.

      Really, can’t recommend that site enough to your readers.

    3. Adam Says:

      One Amish spokesman defended his people by saying, roughly, “We’re all just people. We are all human beings. We may look a little different, but we’re all the same.”

      There is something nowadays in the average man that is terrified of not fitting into the group. Nothing warms his heart as much as his reflection that he is “just like everybody else”. This sentiment was not nearly so prevalent in earlier times, but it has grown to become one of the most prominent modern claims. As the technological system reshapes human nature to better adapt man to itself, and rubs off the hard corners of his individuality, conformism intensifies in every facet of life. The system extinguishes natural variation in the course of its operation, because the whole point of technique is to get the same result every time, and this can only happen when the human material it operates upon is “all the same”. It will have been perfected when humanity is dispensed with altogether.

    4. Parsifal Says:

      I understand the spics and even the Mohammedans are moving in to those old rusting and crumbling industrial towns in PA, like Bethlehem, Scranton and Allentown. How are those passive Amish and Mennonite pussies going to like it when machete and machine-gun wielding gangs of subhumans from those dying cities start attacking their villages? I don’t think their warped sense of Christian compassion will save their asses from baboon savagery.

      Adam, you know what bothers me even more than enforced conformity? It’s the Whites who pretend they’re rebels with their faux non-conformity. The ones with a “tramp stamp” above their ass or a pierced scrotal sac. They’re mondo cool, allright. But when it comes to issues of Race, Immigration, obeying ZOG and the Jewish Question, they all fall right into line with everyone else, like the submissive cattle they really are.

    5. Cowboy Zeke Says:

      And that is why Hippies are the system.

    6. Jon Says:

      “One Amish spokesman defended his people by saying, roughly, “We’re all just people. We are all human beings. We may look a little different, but we’re all the same.””

      Yeah, sure we are…and the earth is flat too.

      How absurd. More than that, how tragic.


    7. Old Dutch Says:

      This story sounds like an Irish Catholic guy who went to Allentown, and, decided he was in “Dutch Country”. Did a few interviews in Paddy O’Bama’s Irish Pub…LOL.

    8. steven clark Says:

      I drove from Boston to St. Louis and always passed central pennsylvania. It has always been a beautiful place to me, and one night I stopped in a college town near Puxatawney after a jogger recommended i spend the night there. It was a pretty, unspoiled town, the hotel was cozy, there was even a malt shop and movie theater on a thriving downtown, and I rode my bike to the college. it was a lovely stay. Carville can have P-berg and Philly. I’ll stick to here. But like most…all of America, the damn cities have all the masses and votes.

    9. WW Says:

      Hippies were never the system. They fought against the status quo. They were noncomformists. Racialists who criticize hippies are hypocrites. Hippies made up the largest White youth movement in history. It was rooted in paganism and the teachings of Nietzsche and ancient Greeks. Hippies were the ones who went to all the funerals to see that their brothers, cousins, classmates and friends who came home dead from Vietnam got a proper send off. The war mongers justified the Vietnam carnage in the name of Big Brother, The Man, The Establishment. The tyrants of Washington City.

    10. 2050 Says:

      Hippies were a bunch of dopers. They went to every war protest that the jew leaders of the hippie movement told them to go to. ‘The man’ and ‘the establishment’ did not mean the government. It meant the old White run government and the old White culture. The old established order was a white one and that needed to be destroyed before Marxist/jewish ideas could be implemented fully. The hippie culture was easy and cool, so it was easy to manipulate a mass of young people to join the crowd. They turned being cool into being hardcore left wing.

    11. hd Says:

      you’re dead wrong 2050: you’re confusing war protesters with hippies. and hippies were no more dopers than anybody else. and the white order was the governemnt. who do you think was running things. we didn’t know anything about jews except we were glad not be jews. the people that believe the jews had control of the white hippie generation are brain washed police state citizens. you would have been a good war monger back in those days. and i don’t see how it is possible for the left wing as you call it to be worse than the right wing which is decadent and lost. and the drug problem in vietnam was terrible. a 15 year old girl in small town america with psychedelic posters and delicate art in her room was never a threat anybody. hippies were baby boomers. race mixing was virtually non-existant. enclosing: long-haired rednecks are a direct spinoff hippie culture. they partied together. narcs not welcome!

    12. Adam Says:

      Parsifal Says:

      Adam, you know what bothers me even more than enforced conformity? It’s the Whites who pretend they’re rebels with their faux non-conformity. The ones with a “tramp stamp” above their ass or a pierced scrotal sac. They’re mondo cool, allright. But when it comes to issues of Race, Immigration, obeying ZOG and the Jewish Question, they all fall right into line with everyone else, like the submissive cattle they really are.

      The technological system even regulates non-conformity, dictating approved methods of rebellion. One must regard with more than a bit of wonder a system that offers the (empty) promise of a cure at the same time that it distills the poison. Ellul, in The Technological Society, a book that should be on the bookshelf of anyone who wishes to understand modern life and the role of the Jew in relation to it, has a few choice words about this.

      “Then there is the modern passion for nature. When it is not
      stockbrokers out after moose, it is a crowd of brainless conformists
      camping out on order and as they are told. Nowhere is there any
      initiative or eccentricity.”
      -Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society, (1954, tr. 1964)

      This anticipates the later conformist enthusiasm of the hippies and their “back to nature” movement, which ironically enough gave his somewhat obscure book a measure of popularity it otherwise would not have had.

      Also interesting in regard to conformism is this passage, especially given the huge share of media time nowadays devoted to pro sports:

      “It is needless to speak of the totalitarian frame of mind for which the exercise of sports paves the way. We constantly hear that the vital thing is “team spirit”, and so on. It is worth noting that technicized sport was first developed in the United States, the most conformist of all countries, and that it was then developed as a matter of course by the dictatorships, Fascist, Nazi, and Communist, to the point that it became an indispensable constituent element of totalitarian regimes.

      Sport is an essential factor in the creation of the mass man.”
      – Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society, p.383

      From our point of view we also need to observe that because sports are one of the few things – perhaps even the only thing – that niggers aren’t complete failures at, it is indispensable to the technological system in promoting race mixing, which allows genetic differences between the human components of the system to be more or less permanently erased.

    13. WW Says:

      every time a group of whites come together for a common interest, they are persecuted. mostly by their own kind. from about 1965 to 1973, millions of white youth came together naturally in what is known as the hippie generation. it swept the country like a tidal wave. it’s shows that the youth of that generation were healthy enough and coalesced enough to come together with a united culture. the last time white youth came together in significant numbers was the punk generation. since that time nothing because of extreme white alienation. people should keep in mind that baby boomers/hippies grew up listening to their parents brag about killing germans and destroying germany in the name of jewish democratic capitalism. maybe they wanted something better. at least they were trying. today, it’s all talk and no action.

    14. Adam Says:

      WW Says:

      every time a group of whites come together for a common interest, they are persecuted. mostly by their own kind. from about 1965 to 1973, millions of white youth came together naturally in what is known as the hippie generation.

      It was far from natural, in my opinion. The hippie years marked the transition of power in this country from whites to Jews. White youth that were in the hippie movement (such as it was) were used by Jewish pied pipers to give the appearance of a mass movement to something that the Jews never could have brought off on their own. The hippie movement was led by Jews such as Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Alan Ginsburg, Mark Rudd, Joan Baez, Bill Graham, and Bob Dylan. Such philosophical underpinnings as it had (the anarchic overthrow authority, free love, doing drugs, dropping out of “the system”, civil rights for the negro and race mixing, etc.) were formulated for it by Frankfurt School Jewish intellectuals such as Adorno and Marcuse. All this is not to say that there weren’t any whites leading the movement too, as there were. Timothy Leary and the Beatles come immediately to mind. But the movement was topheavy with Jews and they were among the most vocal and obnoxious elements.

      it swept the country like a tidal wave. it’s shows that the youth of that generation were healthy enough and coalesced enough to come together with a united culture.

      The hippie movement was largely a media phenomenon. Only a tiny minority of youth of that time were actively involved in it. It was explicitly anti-racist and anti-white. It’s coalescence wasn’t a sign of health so much as it was a growth of media power to impose Jewish conceptions of the world on white youth. Jewish hate for the American white elites had simmered ever since the Jews first began arriving in large number on these shores in the 1880s. Simultaneously, in 1965, decades of effort by organized Jewry to open the floodgates of non-white immigration paid off in passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 , also called the Hart-Celler act. Emanuel Celler was a Jew, Hart the goy front man used to sell the bill. In 1964, the Civil Rights Act outlawing segregation was passed, and in 1965 the Voting Rights Act, outlawing literacy tests and other measures which kept niggers from voting. All three of these were suicidal madness from the point of view of the white race, and passed only with considerable help from Jewish organizations.

      the last time white youth came together in significant numbers was the punk generation. since that time nothing because of extreme white alienation. people should keep in mind that baby boomers/hippies grew up listening to their parents brag about killing germans and destroying germany in the name of jewish democratic capitalism. maybe they wanted something better. at least they were trying. today, it’s all talk and no action.

      That’s because today the Jews, having more or less deposed whites from government, ascended to control of the technological system, and no longer need the help of a mass movement to obtain power. I doubt it is any longer possible to organize a mass movement in this country without the support of mass media. Nothing can get off the ground unless the approval of Uncle Jewey is obtained.

    15. Parsifal Says:

      I think the only hippies who were really on to something were the Manson Family. But it’s true that most young people back then were not hippies. They were more like the kids on My Three Sons. But eventually some aspects of the hippie sub-culure made it into the mainstream, at least superficially. Most of the “hippies” around today are just suburban middle-class wannabees who have no real intention of making revolution or dropping out of society.

    16. Adam Says:

      Parsifal Says:

      I think the only hippies who were really on to something were the Manson Family.

      Manson was an open racist and an admirer of Hitler. For quite a few years he had a website – long gone now – which was run for him by some of his girls, who remained loyal to him even after decades in prison. There were a few racist essays of his on the website, as I recall. Manson, a charismatic white man with a remarkable power over women, was the embodiment of uncontrolled white male energy, and gives Uncle Jewey nightmares to this day. For that reason he is still demonized more than almost any other criminal, before or after.

    17. Blackshirt Says:

      Adam said:

      “The hippie years marked the transition of power in this country from whites to Jews.”

      I’m going to have to disagree with you there. This country was in the hands of the Jews long before the hippie movement. Tom Metzger often says the country became a Jew puppet sometime after the Civil War, but I think the transition came during the First World War.

      In my opinion the hippie movement was more of a generational phenomena rather than a Jewish conspiracy, although many of the icons of the hippie “culture” were Jewish. Much of the rebirth of European paganism began within the hippie culture as well as the rebirth of environmentalism and naturalism, which were popular in Europe in the early part of the 20th century.

    18. Adam Says:

      Blackshirt Says:

      Adam said:

      “The hippie years marked the transition of power in this country from whites to Jews.”

      I’m going to have to disagree with you there. This country was in the hands of the Jews long before the hippie movement. Tom Metzger often says the country became a Jew puppet sometime after the Civil War, but I think the transition came during the First World War.

      Certainly the Jews took decades to build up their power. It was a long process that only culminated in the 1960s, in my view. They had not yet attained full strength and were more or less covert operatives, manipulating things from behind the scenes, before then. Jewish involvement in pulling America into WWII, for example, could also be regarded as a turning point of white fortunes, but at that time the Jews were still operating in the background. By the 1960s they could come out and agitate in the open. In the 1960s, Jewish power attained “critical mass”.

    19. goyfire Says:

      Hippies and Christianity are both promoted by ZOG. Nitwits will always be in the majority.

    20. ww Says:

      The hippie generation had a saying for hostile people that I will share with you:

      “Don’t push your trip off on me, and I want push mine off on you.”

      The very White hippie generation consisted of millions of kids from teenagers to the late 20s (middle 1960s to early 1970s). The majority of people who subscribed to hippie culture lived in small and medium sized towns across America. The big citys had sizable numbers too. The media had nothing to do with hippie culture other than to sell news. They were interlopers and their interest was to obtain riches and political clout — these people were interlopers too: Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Alan Ginsburg, Mark Rudd. Jews do not have the ability to build civilization or the great cultures that come from it. Hippie culture was a White thing. We didn’t know much about Jews except that they were complex and strange. The fact that some Jews latched on to a movement doesn’t mean they controlled it. Youth movements that come about naturally are healthy for kids. It gives them identity. The movement was absolutely natural. The attacks on hippies is unnatural. Generally speaking, hippies minded their own business.

    21. Adam Says:

      ww Says:

      The hippie generation had a saying for hostile people that I will share with you:

      “Don’t push your trip off on me, and I want push mine off on you.”

      An interesting typo, Freudian slip, or whatever. Don’t mistake disagreement for hostility.

      The very White hippie generation consisted of millions of kids from teenagers to the late 20s (middle 1960s to early 1970s).

      Of course, in the 1960s, America was still 90% white, so any mass movement would have reflected that.

      The media had nothing to do with hippie culture other than to sell news.

      That is pretty naive.

      They were interlopers and their interest was to obtain riches and political clout — these people were interlopers too: Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Alan Ginsburg, Mark Rudd.

      The point is that for a movement that was, as you correctly point out, 90% (or more) white, it is very remarkable that its public face, its loudest voices, were mostly Jews. It is this sort of thing which gets people talking about a Jewish “conspiracy”. I’m in no way implying, and did not state, that this was a conspiracy, or that the Jews I mentioned were in total control. The hippie movement at that time was simply the latest and most vocal expression of growing Jewish power, which had been simmering in the background for decades. The hostility to white elites’ authority and white culture they expressed was palpably Jewish, straight out of the shtetl.

      The takeover of America by Jews was a long process which involved undermining its institutions bit by bit, mainly through slow and steady infiltration, and also the growth of technological methods such as TV, radio, and film, which allowed the mass media historically unprecedented control of the people. The termite comparison is apt. Another one I like to use is when a structure catches fire, there comes a point when it has to be declared a total loss, impossible to save, even though it is not completely consumed yet. I locate this point in the 1960s. The 1960s was the decade when enough Jews had infiltrated academia, law, finance, mass media, and government so as to attain critical mass. From the 1960s forward, Jews began to be the public face of America, and presume to speak for whites. Before then, say in the 1930s and 40s, you still had some resistance by whites, in the form of people such a Charles Lindbergh, Father Coughlin, etc. The 1960s was when mass America began for the first time to see the Jews not as the Other, but as themselves. It was when America became a Jewish country.

    22. Parsifal Says:

      Nixon, Elvis and J. Edgar were all very worried about the Hippies, the Weathermen, the Klan and the Black Panthers. But the government’s COINTELPRO neutralized all of them. Thanks to COINTELPRO, it’s almost impossible now for any well-organized anti-System movement to take shape.

      I understand that Abbie Hoffman once visited Manson during the Tate/LaBianca murder trials, thinking he could use Charlie as a propaganda tool of the radical Jewish left. But after the interview, Hoffman gave up on that idea. Like Adam says, Manson’s pro-White, anti-feminist philosophy was in open conflict with the Jews’ subversive agenda. If there was any real justice in this country, Manson and most of his followers would have been released 20 years ago.

    23. ww Says:

      Excuse me for the typo. Let me write the hippie axiom again:

      “Don’t push your trip off on me, and I won’t push mine off on you.”

      I can tell by your writing that you were not around or at least not of age during the hippie generation. Hippie life was lived on the local level. It belonged to the youth. The Jews you insist on infusing into hippie life were activist, not hippies. The nonconformists hippies did not waste their lives in the plastic world of politics. And they were not going to jail. No such thing as a hippie crime wave. You’re attempted intellectual bit is a mask to hide the fact that you have no real knowledge of the kids who lived at the time. Hippies wanted to be let alone. They were constantly harassed for their long hair and clothes. Kids that subscribed to hippie culture came from the smallest towns to the largest cities. Teenagers with earthy posters in their room did not care about universities or political events. But they did know that the establishment was sick and they were tired of the bodybags coming home. Who do you think was going to all the funerals when the dead were brought back to America about 100 a week from Vietnam? Talking about societal history leading up to the hippie generation is a sterile response that offers nothing but boredom. I can offer on-scene knowledge because I was there. And hippies didn’t give a flip about the media. It was the other way around.

    24. Adam Says:

      ww Says:

      Who do you think was going to all the funerals when the dead were brought back to America about 100 a week from Vietnam?

      I don’t recall hippies being known for this. If anything, they are remembered for spitting on returning soldiers, not for attending their funerals.

      Put the bong down, maaaaaaaaaaaan.

    25. ww Says:

      You continue to confuse war protesters with hippies. War protesters may have spit on soldiers. But I never saw a hippie spit on anybody. Many soldiers came home and took-up hippie culture. And I witnessed more than one hippie girl crying while standing over her dead brother in a funeral home. You can have the last word. I can’t discuss my generation with someone who has no real knowledge of that time. And I don’t smoke.

    26. Adam Says:

      ww Says:

      You continue to confuse war protesters with hippies.

      Another very jewy thing characteristic hippies is their relentless anti-intellectualism. At least, unless the intellectual perspective is Jewish and involves plenty of Marxism and rejection of white culture and authority, they’re not interested.

      It’s not as though there is a real bright line between hippies and war protesters. Do you know of any hippies who were FOR the war? Bob Dylan wrote anti-war songs, as did Joan Baez, and they were emblematic of that time. Jefferson Airplane (led by Jews Kantner and Balin) also wrote a few. I think your memory is a bit faulty, old dude.

      As they say, if you can remember the 60s clearly, then you weren’t you weren’t a real hippie. You weren’t stoned enough.

    27. Howdy Doody Says:

      Where ever savages move in to they are a protected anti White species strutting and rutting for attention.

      Two messytizo’s shot a part time art teacher with two young children a fews back in an Allen Town PA. shopping center parking lot while attempting to rob/mug her. If I remember correctly the children were in the car when she was shot.

    28. Parsifal Says:

      Howdy Doody, your story reminds me of what happened to the Dixie Square Mall in suburban Chicago. It was one of the first modern shopping malls in the Chicago area, opening in 1966. For the first few years of its operation, it attracted large numbers of White shoppers from all over the Chicagoland area. Then the niggers started showed up, killing, robbing and raping White shoppers, shoplifting from the stores, running over White people in the parking lot, etc. By 1978, the mall had to close forever. Today it’s still there, crumbling away in a forest of weeds and trees sprouting up from the asphalt, a symbol of has happened to this country. Yet since that mall closed, the niggers in that town have been constantly complaining that there are no jobs or places for them to shop around there. Stupid apes.

    29. Kunthjol Says:

      Hippies certainly appeared to be a Jewish thing and luckily Gen X has come along and created a new movement: BLACK METAL! There is a genre and sub-culture growing known as National Socialist Black Metal, it has become so big and important in spreading the White Nationalist Message that Dr. Pierce, recognizing such, himself tried to secure Resistance Records!

    30. Junghans Says:

      Excellent synopses Adam, keep enlightening them.

    31. herman Says:

      What’s with all the dissension and scribble on this page. Generations persecuting each other? The hippie era was a quiet one by itself. The Vietnam war made all the noise. It was on TV every night. Hippies didn’t fight the system; they ignored it. The population of hippies in middle-America greatly out-numbered hippies in the big cities. I recall the authoritarians tried to divide baby boomers as hippies vs non-hippies. It didn’t work. The youth of that generation had no intentions of turning on each other. Don’t be confused by conspiracies, Jews, political activists and anti-war protesters. That’s a different subject. If you don’t like long hair, embroidered clothes, bandanas, hard rock and peaceful environments — then hate away. So hippies didn’t line-up behind the establishment. Good for them. People that take hippies, Confederates and Nazis to the Whipping Post are poisoned by the status quo.

      “Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break in pieces.”

      –Étienne de La Boétie

    32. Socrates Says:

      People, please choose one screenname and stick to it, so that other people know who they’re talking to.

    33. Herman Says:

      Adam has not written one sentence that proves he has intimate knowledge of the hippie era. His cheesy suedo intellectual fraud would cause an English instructor to throw-up or die fom laughing. Only a person with a disordered conscience would criticize hippie kids they never knew.

    34. Adam Says:

      You know you’re onto something when they come out of the woodwork and call you a pseudo-intellectual. And one with a “disordered conscience” too? Ouch.

      I hope you’re not the ‘A’ team, Herman.