27 July, 2009

Jerusalem – Israeli Top Haredi Editors Claim ‘FBI Sting a Case of anti-Semitism’

Posted by VNNB in 'anti-Semitism', Alex Linder, Israel at 5:11 pm | Permanent Link

Jerusalem – Anti-Semitism was behind the highly publicized arrests last week of rabbis, including three from the Aleppo-Syrian Jewish community in New York and New Jersey, according to Yitzhak Kakun, editor-in-chief of the Shas weekly Yom Le’Yom.

“There is a feeling here that the FBI purposely attempted to arrest as many rabbis as possible at once in an attempt to humiliate them,” Kakun said in a telephone interview Sunday.

“Regardless of the details of the case – I am not familiar with the precise charges and the evidence – you would never see the FBI and police behaving that way with Muslim sheikhs or Christian priests. It is so obvious that the whole thing is motivated by anti-Semitism,” he said.

Kakun added that he planned on devoting the editorial of his paper to an attack on the Obama administration for attempting to whip up anti-Semitic feelings against the Orthodox Jewish community in the US.

Meanwhile, Shas MK Nissim Ze’ev said US police authorities had deliberately created the false impression that members of the Aleppo community were somehow connected with organ trafficking and extortion, when in reality their only crime was money-laundering.

“There is absolutely no connection between the rabbis from the Aleppo community and those others,” said Ze’ev, who was once a rabbi for the Aleppo community in Brooklyn and continues to pray with the community on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.

“The US police are trying to make it seem as though there is some kind of Jewish mafia,” he said.

Ze’ev was referring to impression some media outlets had given by calling the group of rabbis involved the “Kosher Nostra,” a play on the words “Cosa Nostra.”


He also rejected any special connections between Shas and the Aleppo Jewish community in the US

Moshe Grylak, editor-in-chief of the haredi weekly Mishpacha, said the recent spate of bad publicity had put the haredi community in Israel on the defensive.

“The secular population is convinced we are a bunch of Talibans who starve their children and money-launder,” said Grylak, who argued that the local media had broken the rules of journalistic ethics by labeling the perpetrators as haredi.

“And on top of it all, we are also a bunch of parasites who don’t work,” he said. “It’s been a tough time for us. And Tisha Be’av is just around the corner.”

Grylak added that the FBI had purposely created a media fanfare around the US incident in an attempt to cover up the bureau’s failures in uncovering the Madoff scam.

“It was obvious they were trying to prove something, trying to show they were capable,” he said.

Both Grylak and Ze’ev were concerned about possible anti-Semitic repercussions from the incident.

“After Madoff, now there is this. I’m frankly concerned about the rise of anti-Semitism in the US,” said Grylak.

  • 12 Responses to “Jerusalem – Israeli Top Haredi Editors Claim ‘FBI Sting a Case of anti-Semitism’”

    1. Mega Therion Says:

      The JEWS scream “anti-Semitism”, the way most of us breathe. It’s their most common activity and anybody who takes it seriously is your typical JEWED moron.

      Unfortunately…that’s the overwhelming majority of the United States.

    2. Lutjens Says:

      Oh the whining! I wonder who is behind all this… maybe our nigger president and the nigger Attorney General? Having them in power may be a good thing after all. I like having these kikes exposed for the shit that they are… this is great. The way I see it, the niggers have really nothing to lose by exposing these swindling sheenies. I see it as the coons biting the hand that has supposedly fed them and it’s laughable. If the retarded whites won’t wake up, maybe everyone else will. We can just sit back and enjoy the show if that is the case and clean up the mees when it’s all over and done with.

    3. Mega Therion Says:

      JEWS put Obama and Holder in power. The nigger isn’t smart enough to bite the hand of it’s owner. Niggers and Jews are inseparable, all of this shit with Madoff and the rabbis are internecine battles and they are being “sacrificed” by other Jews they’ve angered.

    4. Parsifal Says:

      The Jews keep whining about an alleged “increase in anti-Semitism”, but unfortunately I never see it happening. Jews have prospered in this country like they never have anywhere else. They can live in the best neighborhoods, send their brats to the best schools, etc. And yet they still have the balls to complain. I guess this incident with the FBI means the Jews think they are exempt from the laws that us lowly goyim have to follow? Pushy, lying, arrogant, ungrateful hook-nosed swine.

    5. Blackshirt Says:

      Oy vey! Vy don’t those FBI men focus on the real threat- Vhite haters! Ve must call our goyim in the congress and command them to call off these FBI dogs! How dare they touch a rabbi or any Jew?

    6. Curious Says:

      Syrian jews are notably the most clannish, according to Kevin MacDonald.

    7. 2050 Says:

      From the article:

      “Regardless of the details of the case – I am not familiar with the precise charges and the evidence – you would never see the FBI and police behaving that way with Muslim sheikhs or Christian priests. It is so obvious that the whole thing is motivated by anti-Semitism,” he said.


      “Regardless of the details of the case (Oy, it doesn’t matter if they did it!)- I am not familiar with the precise charges and the evidence (who cares already!)- you would never see the FBI and police behaving that way with Muslim sheikhs or Christian priests.(This thing where jews act like the media is hard on them and soft on Muslims, and how Americans won’t say anything about Muslims, but will about jews, and for crying out loud, of course the cops don’t charge arabs with crimes they commit, but love to arrest jews, is such crap, that if I read it again I’ll gouge my eyes out with a fork,) It is so obvious that the whole thing is motivated by anti-Semitism,” he said.(I wish)

    8. Vaultner Says:

      Nothing like a good ol tamudic kike to explain by racism that it’s O.K. to steal from Goy’s. Oy veh why does everyone hate us? fucking kikes!

    9. apollonian Says:

      Yes, But It’s JUSTIFIABLE “Anti-Semitism”
      (Apollonian, 28 Jul 09)

      Well, technically–if u arrest and jail a Jew, Jew understood (by Jews) as “Semites”–then, by simplest definition, that’s “anti-semitism,” isn’t it?

      But if the Jew broke the law, then arrest of Jew is only perfectly understandable justice, isn’t it?

      Ergo: it’s clear case of JUSTIFIABLE “anti-semitism.” Q.E.D.

    10. Z.O.G. Says:

      Please learn how to write intelligible English, apollonian. Thanks. :-)

    11. Z.O.G. Says:

      “And on top of it all, we are also a bunch of parasites who don’t work,” he said.

      Yep, you sure are, rabbi. Can you believe that he actually admitted it? LOL

    12. Irma Grese Says:

      I don’t think NigBama has any reason whatsoever to go after his puppet-masters. I think there is probably more to this than meets the eye – perhaps preventing another Madroff? Whatever, just remember all this “information” comes to us filtered through the judenpresse, so we’ll never get the real/whole story.