10 July, 2009

Jerry Abbott on Race/IQ

Posted by Socrates in IQ, Jerry Abbott, race, race science, racial differences, Socrates at 8:16 pm | Permanent Link

Abbott offers some facts and figures:


  • 25 Responses to “Jerry Abbott on Race/IQ”

    1. Waldo Starr Says:

      I think what this lad is saying makes a lot of sense, “Why ain’t we got no apemen,” ah spacemen, in the NASA program? Wouldn’t it be nice if there could be an all simian crew going into space, and just so there is no charge of racism if the dang thing should blow up, let them engineer and build their own space craft? Hey, they claim they built this country so just let them use those skills to harness outer space. Launch control and other support personnel would be black as no whites would be needed. President Obama should make available whatever resources these folks need to prove that the black man doesn’t need the white man’s stuff to succeed.
      When you look back, just as far as WWII, and you look at all the beautiful fighter planes that were designed and built in that era like the Lockheed P-38, CurtissP-40, North American P-51, Republic P-47, just to name a few, and not one black brain cell was used in those developments. Sure blacks were employed in these companies, but only to clean urinals and mop floors, something their little brains could handle. The pervert Michael Jackson may be considered a deity to the low IQ crowd, but blacks need to realize that singin’ and dancin’ and holding your crotch won’t get your ass off the launch pad.
      What a sad day for American when we elevate blacks to position of authority over us, and old Ayn Rand was right when she said, the only way to kill greatness was to elevate mediocrity. Our once great country may be beyond the point of return.

    2. Arminius Says:

      “Nature provided a way for humans to keep their numbers down: low-technology warfare. We’re actually supposed to fight each other, to partition ourselves off in clannish tribal groups and make plans to exterminate our rival clannish tribal groups. In that way, the victors will limit the human load on the biosphere by killing the losers, and at the same time the struggles will generally go in favor of the stronger and smarter peoples. Over the generations, the human species would improve, as well as staying within sustainable numbers.”
      Abbott errs.
      Nature’s most formidable weapon to limit population growth is starvation, not tribal warfare. If a species- any species- is unable to feed its offspring to sexual maturity, it must die, at least reduce numbers to its own sustainable level. Natural disasters have done a lot to achieve that too, however more effective were and are insufficent food resources.
      The white man has from the 19. century improved food production manyfold, but other races, Asians included, did not, at least not to our times.
      Along came the Do-Gooders, the Christians, the Lefties, and of course business-minded propagandists to tell us, we are morally obliged to prevent starvation, feed the hungry Somalis, Tootsies, Ghanians and other assorted negro tribes, the Bangladeshis, Indians, Khmer, you name them. They all have their hands and mouths open, waiting for food provided by Whitie. The “rich nations” are supposed to “develop” the poor countries, they give away billions of dollars each year, now already for more than 50 years without any effect at all.
      Their gift to us- more breeding of their race. They intrude now into our own living space, media brainwashing and silly laws are enacted (no guessing here who made them) to protect the inferiors against our instinctive racial defence.
      I can only hope, that the great fight of our enemies against the intentions of Mother Nature will end sooner or later.

    3. Parsifal Says:

      I wonder if that first question was a joke? “Why dont nasa hire any black spacemens? I think its unfair all the spacemens on the moons are white mans”. Stupid asshole.

      But I have to take issue with Jerry’s half-serious assertion that Whites are smarter than Blacks because our paleolithic ancestors lived in a colder climate than the prehistoric aboriginals did. Well, there are tens of millions of Blacks living in freeze-your-ass-off places like Chicago, Detroit and Buffalo and I don’t think they’re getting any smarter than their tropical counterparts. And the Eskimos don’t seem very smart to me, either, clubbing baby seals and wearing them as hats. Are they supposed to be chinks, or something?

    4. Socrates Says:

      Parsifal Says: “But I have to take issue with Jerry’s half-serious assertion that Whites are smarter than Blacks because our paleolithic ancestors lived in a colder climate than the prehistoric aboriginals did. Well, there are tens of millions of Blacks living in freeze-your-ass-off places like Chicago, Detroit and Buffalo and I don’t think they’re getting any smarter than their tropical counterparts.”

      I think he means that they got smarter over many centuries, not just over a few decades. Geez…

    5. Will Williams Says:

      Found this classic picture of nigger astronauts. The one on the right, Charles Bolden, has been appointed Space Czar of our Obama Nation:


      James Webb, the pride of Oxford, NC, and first NASA administrator, along with rocket scientists like Wernher von Braun, put White men on the moon. They got things done. Here they are, pictured with “Fightin’ George” Wallace, 1965: http://history.msfc.nasa.gov/vonbraun/photo/92.html

    6. old dutch Says:

      “They Will Do It Everytime Department”:

      Hal Turner’s “New” Lawyer Martin Garbus

      Not exactly Rocket Science…LOL.

    7. Jon Says:

      “Mixing shit and ice cream ruins the ice cream and does not improve the shit. America’s cities are made unlivable because of Black violence and impoverished because Whites fled from the Black perpetrators of murder, assault, robbery, rape, and property destruction. American’s educational system, which was the wonder of the world a hundred years ago, was eviscerated and devalued every single year because of fanatical racial egalitarian attempts to mainstream Negroes. Civility in the United States descended into the anomie, stupidity, and rudeness of a third-world nation. From the pinnacle of polite society, or close to it, America fell down to the level of a Suweto ghetto with toys, deodorant and glamorized pornography. That’s what multiculturalism did to the United States. For the past 50 years, the Americans have tried, with a government gun to their heads and with liberal hymns in their ears, to mix shit and milk. They did not get a milkshake. They got poison.”

    8. Parsifal Says:

      So, if the negroes in the Chicago housing projects keep breeding for a few dozen more generations (but keep the thermostat at a low setting during the winter), they’ll eventually be smart enough for admission to MIT? Is this what I’m supposed to believe?

    9. Jon Says:

      QUESTION: Why is Nasa Racist against black Spacemen?

      ANSWER: Because the nigras are dumb as sh*t hence NOT qualified.

      This jabboon must think being a “Spacemen” aboard a rocket ship is on par with being a passenger aboard an airline flight.

      “Dem evil white crackas!”

      Those dopey, dumb-ass, groids.

      Jon :-D

    10. Jon Says:

      “The reason that Blacks have smaller and less complex brains is that they evolved in a tropical environment. Whites own evolution took them through generations of cold winters, during which people with small brains, caught without shelter while traveling, had their heads frozen solid, causing death.”

      I don’t buy that flawed theory for one micro-nanosecond.


    11. Jon Says:

      old dutch Says:

      11 July, 2009 at 8:38 am

      “They Will Do It Everytime Department”:

      Hal Turner’s “New” Lawyer Martin Garbus

      Not exactly Rocket Science…LOL.

      Where’s Gerry Spence when you need him?


    12. Jon Says:

      “Found this classic picture of nigger astronauts. The one on the right, Charles Bolden, has been appointed Space Czar of our Obama Nation”

      THE FOUR SHUTTLE ASTRONAUTS ARE: LT. COL BLUFORD, DR. MCNAIR, COL. GREGORY AND MAJ. BOLDEN, postcard photo by NASA, unused with no stamp on reverse, mint condition.

      Boy, that group has IQ coming out of their wazoo.

      What a farce.


    13. Parsifal Says:

      Last year on PBS I saw a Ken Burns documentary about the old Negro Astronaut League.

    14. Howdy Doody Says:

      Congoid sknow deep down what they are, and hence hate US and love to rape/buy our White women.

    15. Sam Crossing Says:

      Tropical environments have a huge disease, decay and insect load. Northern Climates partially self sterilize the human environments with the below freezing cold each year. The termites go back underground and wooden structures are protected. The mold and mildew is suppressed outside. The insects are abated.

      That freedom to think six months of the year has a lot to do with progress in Northern Europe. You can kill a large animal and leave it buried in the snow or protected in a wooden stockade and it won’t rot half the year. A pound of meat for every member of the family for five months. Can’t do that in the tropics.

      They didn’t have artificial refrigeration. Northern Europe provided it’s own refrigeration.

      To get rid of ticks or lice you leave the furs outside in the subzero cold and they are killed. Comb them out of the fur. In the tropics you really just have to endure.

    16. Jon Says:

      I strongly disagree. For argument’s sake, had the Negroid race been placed in Northern Europe, and Caucasians in sub-Saharan Africa, the black race would’ve eventually perished; if not, their numbers would’ve been greatly reduced. The white race would’ve adapted, prevailed, and prospered and built a modern First Worldcivilization like we always do.

      No, my friend, the difference is not geographical but STRICTLY genetic.


    17. Parsifal Says:

      I agree with you, Jon. I think the immediate ancestors of the White Race, although they probably lived in North Africa and the Near East, were already more intellectually, culturally and genetically advanced than any other group of people around at that time. There is about 200,000 years of evolution separating us from the lower races.

    18. Neptune Says:

      The ancient Greeks were very smart and the climate in Greece is not precisely a freezing one. I think the environment theory is not completely right, but the freezing climate contributes a little from a natural selection point of view. I believe the mental inferiority of the black race is due to genetics.

    19. Adam Says:

      Jon Says:

      “The reason that Blacks have smaller and less complex brains is that they evolved in a tropical environment. Whites own evolution took them through generations of cold winters, during which people with small brains, caught without shelter while traveling, had their heads frozen solid, causing death.”

      I don’t buy that flawed theory for one micro-nanosecond.

      This would appear to be Abbott’s humorous re-statement of Phillipe Rushton’s theory. In fairness to Rushton, what he actually says is that due to the extreme challenges that the climate presents in Europe as opposed to Africa, white people were forced to adapt by becoming more intelligent, having better control of their impulses (i.e., not demanding immediate gratification like niggers), and developing an ability to plan in advance. As an evolutionary consequence whites grew larger, more complex brains.

    20. Parsifal Says:

      But that theory about colder climates forcing populations to develop more intellectual skills out of necessity doesn’t explain the Eskimo, who, despite living in the Arctic for over 10,000 years, is still a stone-age mongoloid savage. According to the climate theory of human brain evolution, Eskimoes should be the most advanced race on Earth.

    21. Adam Says:

      Parsifal Says:

      But that theory about colder climates forcing populations to develop more intellectual skills out of necessity doesn’t explain the Eskimo, who, despite living in the Arctic for over 10,000 years, is still a stone-age mongoloid savage. According to the climate theory of human brain evolution, Eskimoes should be the most advanced race on Earth.

      Rushton’s theory does have some problems, true. But factors such as founder effects, a comparatively isolated population, and genetic drift may be the reason for the apparent exception in the case of Eskimos. The only certainty is that if the theory of evolution is correct, the differences between the races are a product of environmental differences acting on the underlying genetics of respective racial populations. Plainly, since the races ARE different, the differences arose somehow, and the alternative is to suppose the differences really aren’t genetic at all, but only apparent based on sociological factors. But that position is untenable. No one has proposed a better theory than Rushton’s to explain the differences, if they are genetic; at least, not one that I’m aware of.

    22. Arminius Says:

      How could Abbott (and I had it forgotten, too) conceal the fact that the first austronauts in space were apes? Incredible? NO!
      On 29th November 1961, three months before the historic flight of John Glenn, the Chimpanzee ENOS started onboard the Mercury capsule MA5 (Mercury-Atlas 5) to circle the earth. He was recovered- happy and healthy- after two orbits (of three because of a minor malfunction) from the sea by a US destryer on station.
      Before Enos, there were other apes hurled into space and returned to earth. So it has to be admitted: The first Amercan space travellers were natives of Africa!

    23. Will Williams Says:

      Reminds me of the old joke about the nigger and the monkey shot up into space, and the nigger had a sealed envelope with special instruction to open precisely whenever a bell sounded and do whatever the message inside told him to do.

      The joke was drawn out to show the nigger as being increasingly frustrated that he had nothing to do but wait for the bell so he could open the envelope and finally take an active role in steering the spacecraft. It was as if the monkey was actually doing all the piloting.

      Then Brriiiiing! The bell sounds, the nigger opens the classified envelope and reads: FEED THE MONKEY!

      All this theorizing about how we melaninly-challenged longheads got to be so pretty and smart and creative doesn’t amount to a hill of beans. Nature cares not about such in the competition among Her various sub-species. She rewards the strong, the ones with the will to survive Life’s struggle. Whites have currently lost this will to survive as a unique type.

      Things are looking up, though. Our kinsmen are starting to notice the hidden Jewish hand behind our loss of will. They see, for example, that three of their last four Surgeon Generals are niggers; that the head of NASA is now a nigger, that it was a marauding band of nigger ninjas that murdered that White couple near Pensacola, etc — they are starting to acknowledge what the more perceptive and focused race-thinkers among us have been noticing for years and drawing similar conclusions.

      With apologies to Jewish Scripture and to Nigruh spirituals of the Snivil Rights era, it doesn’t matter a whit if the top rail is 200,000 years advanced over the bottom rail once the bottom rail is on top. Our rail is rotten and undeserving of Nature’s fence unless we can organize for the exclusive long-term interests of the aristocratic top rail. We can be saved but only by fighting like hell, not by patting ourselves on the back about how smart and pretty we are and how great we once were.

      First order of business: jettison Xianity. We must straighten out the White Man’s thinking.

    24. Randolph Dilloway Says:

      Will Williams is correct in saying that we have to rid ourselves of Xianity.

      I used to spend hours studying the Bible, translating from the original Koine Greek and doing my best with the Ancient Greek of the Septuagint. (There are still hundreds of words in the older Greek that have not been translated properly). After finding one mistranslation after another (the KJV has over 26,000 errors in translation), I decided that I was going to spend the next 30 years in providing my Race its one true and original Bible.

      The first obvious step was to trace our current Bibles’ manuscripts back to the oldest, and most reliable manuscripts, and to go from there. Spent weeks doing the research.

      One day, while I was doing my reaserch at the largest theological library in the world (the Southern Baptist Theological Library in Louisville Kentucky), I came across a startling piece of information.

      At the time, I knew that the Old Testament in just about all of the Bibles today, except for one or two of them, was based on the Masoretic Text. When researching on the origins of the Masoretic Text, I found out that it was completed by the Masorites around the tenth or eleventh century.

      Who were the Masorites? Again, doing some leg work, I discovered that they came out of nowhere in the 4th CE. So who were these Masorites and where did they get there manuscript from? I only traced the Bible to the 10th century and had another four hundred to thousand years to go.

      What I found was that the Masorites were originally the Pharisees that Jesus warned us about!

      Needless to say, that shocking revelation set me on a course to take nothing for granted and to search for the real truth.

      Spent hours reading through the writings of the first century Christian scholars. After reading a few of their writings, I noticed that not one of them wrote of a physical Jesus, nor mentioned any of his miracles. I thought that was peculiar, because, afterall, wasn’t the miracles that proved him to be the Son of God?

      I then did a quick search on all of the other first century scholars and found the same. A spiritual “christ”, but no physical Jesus. That did not come about until the middle of the 2nd century.

      My people! We have been sold the biggest lie ever told! Please use your critical thinking skills and find out for yourself, never take something for granted because “it has been always true.”

      If you are interested in my other findings, click on my name and you will go to a forum where I will be willing to answer any of your questions about Xianity, how it was formed, and why.

    25. Parsifal Says:

      Most racially concious Whites know that Xianity is bullshit. Those who still cling to it cannot be reasoned with.