25 July, 2009

Israel Doing Whatever it Takes to Expand

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, jew mentality, Jewish brain features, Jewish chosenness, Jewish Tyranny, Zionism at 6:50 pm | Permanent Link

Jewish brain

You know that part of your brain that warns you when you’re going too far in your actions/deeds? A Jewish brain doesn’t have that part:


  • 32 Responses to “Israel Doing Whatever it Takes to Expand”

    1. Kuda Bux Says:

      Psychopaths have an amygdala 17% smaller than normals.

      “. . .You know that part of your brain that warns you when you’re going too far in your actions/deeds? A Jewish brain doesn’t have that part. . .”

      Hmm I don’t see amygdala on that brain chart.


    2. Antagonistes Says:

      Many people think that the Islamification of Europe is a terrible thing.

      I don’t know.

      If the Whites of Europe became Islamic, they would produce more White babies. They would cut off Israel. They would become more warrior-like.

      The trick is to keep the gene-pool relatively pure.

      Where has Christianity got us? To where we are now. Pussyfied men, dissatisifed women, rebellious children.

      Islamification may be a temporary way-station, on the way to something more European, superior to Christianity.

      The Islamites at least know the Enemy, and make no bones about it. But so the did National Socialists.

      When I was in Europe, I met a White Moslem. She was married to a German. My family and I had a beer with her. She was really down on the Catholic Church. We liked her a lot.

    3. Parsifal Says:

      When Jews steal Arab land and declare that the stolen land is now for Jewish habitation only, isn’t that something called………….APARTHEID? Somewhere in the Jew brain is a large area that should be called the Double Standard Fissure. I’m sure there’s also an area in their evil brains where the Jew fixation with pee-pee and poo-poo resides.

    4. Mega Therion Says:

      We shouldn’t draw conclusions about Kikes’ brains until we’ve got EVERY Jew’s brain under a microscope. As soon as possible. Let the decapitation,trepanation and dissection proceed forthwith!

      Results of the studies will show…shit,who cares! Every Kike would be dead and that’s good enough for me.

    5. Karol Says:

      Many people think that the Islamification of Europe is a terrible thing.

      I don’t know.

      If the Whites of Europe became Islamic, they would produce more White babies. They would cut off Israel. They would become more warrior-like.

      The trick is to keep the gene-pool relatively pure.

      I don’t see any positives in this situation. Islam is an alien, oriental parasite. It is not compatible with the Aryan spirit. It is the antithesis of Aryan ideals in fact.

      Having Islamics in European living space will ensure further mongrelization and violence from the savage lowlife Muslims. And the infernal cursed Jews will be there to profit off of it.

      So to hell with that idea.

      Where has Christianity got us? To where we are now. Pussyfied men, dissatisifed women, rebellious children.

      Islamification may be a temporary way-station, on the way to something more European, superior to Christianity.

      The Islamites at least know the Enemy, and make no bones about it. But so the did National Socialists.

      When I was in Europe, I met a White Moslem. She was married to a German. My family and I had a beer with her. She was really down on the Catholic Church. We liked her a lot.

      Religion is not a requisite for Aryan survival. Christianity and Islam are similar in their oriental origin and I regard them as religions of slaves. Judaism for gentile sheep ripe for the fleecing.

    6. Mega Therion Says:

      Oh yeah,Islam’s the answer. That’s exactly what whites need.

      ANOTHER FUCKING CULT. That’s all Islam is. One for niggers and sand niggers. “They hate Jews”…GREAT! So did many Pagans. If whites are weak enough to need a religion at least stick to the Pagan ones of Europe,not the delusions of an Arab who died 1400 years ago. Islam is a religion that saw itself as a CULMINATION of Judaism and Christianity.

    7. Parsifal Says:

      As Tom Metzger says, Islam, like Xianity, is a race-mixing religion, although it’s mostly geared towards Blacks, Turks, Persians and Arabs, not Whites. White people should avoid all Semitic religions and influences.

      PS….Antagonistes, how could you have had a beer with a Moslem woman? Allah says that booze is bad for believers. But he apparently didn’t know about tobacco, so those Mohammedans have no problem with smoking like crazy.

    8. Gollywog Says:

      Anyone out there have any links to pics with Jews meeting with the enemy. Anything that is innocent as was the one in the above article. My notice board “Counter Stories” needs a pic to help along the argument.

    9. CW-2 Says:

      An interesting observation by Antagonistes, but islam IS a race-mixing religion. The whole moslem world is hopelessly degenerate and mixed. The only ones to have escaped that fate are the Bosnian moslems, they are 90% Slavic.

      An heretical thought here; by focusing on the jew menace are we making our task almost impossible? Throughout history the jew has always been the middle man, the go-between. Have things really changed? Jews could have accomplished very little of their destructive work were it not for the tacit approval of the power elites.
      These white race traitors hide behind the jew mask very effectively. While we chase our tails these shadowy figures continue to facilitate and subsidise our destruction. Just recently ex-PM Blair said he wanted to see Britain ‘a moslem-friendly country’. Even the churches have become philo-islamic!
      These globalists correctly see that native Christian and even surviving pre-Christian beliefs are nationalistic and hostile to race mixing and therefore an impediment to their vision of a mud world.

      It is time to attack and unmask these white globalists.

    10. Harsh_Henry14W Says:

      Hey where is the ‘kinky haired feminist gland’ and ‘Lewinsky black mail neuro-unit’???

    11. Harsh_Henry14W Says:

      Hey where is the ‘kinky haired feminist gland-oid’ and the ‘Lewinsky black mail neuro-unit’???

    12. Antagonistes Says:

      “How could you have a beer with a Moslem woman?”

      Exactly what I thought, Parsifal.

      She owned the inn where we left our bags when we hiked up to an old castle. When we came back to the inn, we asked her if we could buy some beer. (She did not speak English, so my daughter was the interpreter.) She joined us, talked with us. When I asked her, through my daughter, about the beer-drinking, she said that “there are Moslems, and there are Moslems”. She said that the Catholic Church is just about dead in Europe, and will be when the old people die off.

      You guys are probably right about Islam–exchanging one dubious Semitic package for another would probably gain us nothing.

      But I have met quite a few Moslems that AT LEAST had masculine reactions to things.

      One Moslem doctor told me that in Pakistan, if another man messes with your wife, it is a killing offense–they take marriage and the family that seriously. I like that much better than “turning the other cheek” and praying for the one who tried to destroy your marriage.

      And I would also like to see quite a few niggers without hands, cut off for stealing. Cut off all 21 of their protuberances, for all I care.

    13. Antagonistes Says:

      By the way, this Moslem woman looked (and was) White, and was from the former Yugoslavia. This weren’t no sand nigger!

      She also said that Germans kick their kids out when they get to be seventeen or so, and that Moslems would never do that.

      She took an immediate like to us because we were with our children and they are obviously way over seventeen.

      Moslem family values!

    14. Mega Therion Says:

      Enver Hoxha and Pol Pot. Now there’s a couple of leaders who gave religion the treatment it deserved. Burning Bibles,Korans,razing synagogues,mosques and churches…making Muslims be pig farmers.

    15. Irma Grese Says:

      Science – the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment – and artistic creativity of all types should be the new Aryan religion. As should excellence for it’s own sake. Fairy tales designed to comfort people frightened of aging and death should have no place in the Fourth Reich. And may I say, to HELL with Islam. Yes, they fight the jews right now, and that is good, but don’t be mislead – Islam is STILL a repressive, mind-sucking soul-destroying superstition every bit as bad as Christianity, weather Catholic or Protestant. Muslims will NEVER discover a cure for cancer or the aging process, discover a new fuel source or colonize space. They’re too busy praying to their non-existent sky wizard. When humanity finally abandons the mindless superstitions of our forefathers, we will truly begin to grow up as a species.

    16. contumacyman Says:

      Irma Grese, your attitude reveals a mature outlook on life, advanced beyond childish superstitions, which is something I have sought since even my preteen years. It seems most white folks, sad to say, even those chronologically adult, still hang onto a perceived need for superstition. These child-like adults also form harsh attitudes about someone like you or me, who do not share, but hold in contempt, or pity, those who cannot complete their maturation process and shed their superstitious-skin of their childhood.

      When it comes to aging, however, I do not see it as something to cure. I am myself aging, beyond what used to be normal life expectancy, and, I can report to you that, while we older folks don’t relish the thought of dying, it is not something to fear, nor something for which to hope a cure will someday be found. We MUST die eventually, when we have used up our bodies and it is time for it to cease functioning. I recommend reading the old classic by Oliver Wendell Holmes, “A One Horse Shea”. This short poem reveals an enlightened and entertaining understanding of the aging process.

      The idea of living another 50 years, or going back to being a young adult male again, strikes a discordant note in me and most mature older folks who understand the big picture about life on earth. What we do hope for, however, is cures for common ailments that rob us of our mobility and functionality WHILE WE DO LIVE. That is something to strive for – to live every day and moment we are here without suffering disabilities.

    17. Karol Says:

      Enver Hoxha and Pol Pot. Now there’s a couple of leaders who gave religion the treatment it deserved. Burning Bibles,Korans,razing synagogues,mosques and churches…making Muslims be pig farmers. – Mega Therion

      I don’t really care if the future Aryan government outlaws religion or just takes away religious tax exemptions, but something has to be done. The Christian establishment sucks ZOG cock and always will if they are given half a chance. Benedict Arnolds!

      As for Moslems, they don’t belong in Aryan countries. They ought to be hounded out at the earliest opportunity. Right around the time we take care of the greasy Juden as well.

      Science – the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment – and artistic creativity of all types should be the new Aryan religion. As should excellence for it’s own sake. – Irma Grese

      I think we should avoid the religion thing like the plague. Let science be science. Science is about understanding reality. Religion on the other hand always gets in the way of understanding reality because it’s “truths” depend on doctrine and therefore authority. Religion is in that sense merely an instrument of mass mind control, and don’t think all the priests, imams, and rabbis don’t know that!

      Science and creativity are native to Aryans and needn’t be stifled by any doctrinaire Weltanschauung, which is all any religion is – liberalism too for that matter.

      Secular states led by sober-minded men who love their people and have a sustainable plan for the future. That’s my vision.

    18. Karol Says:

      Secular states led by sober-minded men who love their people and have a sustainable plan for the future. That’s my vision. – Me

      This is why I support NS and Fascism. They put the racial collective’s interests ahead of everything else. You can always tell an effective system because all of the scum are united against it. And just look at the army of greedy parasites and degenerate scum who attack NS! They do so because NS makes it possible for all Aryans to have good quality of life, because it deals harshly with criminals and defectives, because it doesn’t allow unscrupulous traitors to undermine the racial basis of the state, etc.

      NS in it’s robustness and virility is the antithesis of Jewish nation-destroying parasitism. Which is why Jews, commies, perverts of all stripes oppose it.

      PS I think that anyone who openly embraces Judeo-Capitalism and it’s consequent premeditated genocide of the Aryan race, or anyone who embraces any Jewish ideology (commies, feminazis, etc) ought to be terminated for crimes against Aryan humanity prima facie.

    19. Cpt. Candor Says:

      I agree that we need to dump religion, but I don’t see much to romanticize in unfettered scientific “progress,” either:


    20. Karol Says:

      I agree that we need to dump religion, but I don’t see much to romanticize in unfettered scientific “progress,” either. – Captain Candor

      Science is the way forward for western man, and in the proper hands it could yield many more wonders for us. In the event that we first neutralize our racial enemies and retake our lands, that is. As for progress…

      “Progress” is a myth related in many ways to Christianity: The belief in the perfectibility of man, or that humanity has some “goal.” Well, it’s all bollocks. Human nature and thus personality/behavior do not change except through evolution. Nature does determine what we are capable of regardless of which way technology moves. “Wherever you go, there you are.”

      This is why Aryan societies free of parasites will always be prosperous and civilized – that’s the underlying nature of white folks. Same as why Africa will always be a dirty, corrupt, mismanaged pile of offal.

      And that’s my theme: Expel the invaders. Slay the traitors. Rekindle the Aryan civilization.

    21. Karol Says:

      @ Cpt. Candor

      Lane’s article was good and I agree with most of his points. Factually he is accurate. But even he says that most of the problems today are due to the misuse of technology by Judeo-Plutocrats.

      If our food surpluses didn’t feed the Turd World we could provide for all of our own people thanks to technology. If we weren’t all debt slaves we could devote massive resources toward actions of all sorts.

      People here have no conception of how much we are hampered by the Jews economically. If our knowledge and labor were put to the right use the future could be as glorious as the present is nightmarish.

      A lot of “ifs” I know. But I’d rather risk it than just merrily submit to my own dispossession and destruction.

      -2030: Gas Chambers For Gringos in Republica del Norte-
      Coming soon to a neighborhood near you!

    22. Paul Says:


      Not about Jews, but I thought you’d like this.

    23. Cpt. Candor Says:

      I didn’t say I was completely pessimistic about it, Karol. I just didn’t see much to romanticize in it. Those books from decades ago that pondered/talked up space-age living and the like always elicited mixed reactions from me. Personal prejudices, I guess.

      I’ll admit, though, that from what little I know, Nazi Germany appears to have been a pioneer society more than worthy of emulation in the field of technological development. Maybe a lifetime spent in one of the worse quarters of jewed America has given me a dim outlook on things.

    24. Irma Grese Says:

      The .pdf in Cpt. Candor’s link brings up some interesting points that are certainly worth pondering. Still and all, I happen to like technology and the wonders it brings, and I am not sure that we can necessarily blame it for our present plight. After all, I’ve no doubt that had the Axis Powers won their wars and established their respective empires the world would on the technological level be even more advanced that it is today, however the racial/social/economic outlook for whites would be 10,000 times brighter! For just one example, imagine the science of genetics put to the use of increasing our already vast cognitive powers, in addition to raising our physical strength and lengthening our life spans. Then there are the wonderful possibilities inherent in race-specific biowar: a black plague that kills only blacks, anyone? A much cleaner world would be in the offing!

      I think we should avoid the religion thing like the plague. Let science be science. Science is about understanding reality. Religion on the other hand always gets in the way of understanding reality because it’s “truths” depend on doctrine and therefore authority. Religion is in that sense merely an instrument of mass mind control, and don’t think all the priests, imams, and rabbis don’t know that!
      I didn’t mean science-as-religion literally; I should have left the scare quotes around the word. You’re right though, religion is a weakness, and one that we will eventually have to grow out of if we are to survive as a race. But persecuting believers won’t work since they seem to get off on it (the whole “martyrdom” thing). I think teaching children the basics of logic and rational thinking and how to spot scams and logical fallacies at an early age would do more damage to religious superstitions then any number of executions.

    25. Stronza Says:

      You talked about life spans.

      It is a LIE that we are living “longer”: people who say this never tell us: longer than WHAT person, living WHEN in human history, and with WHAT quality of life? Life expectancy predictions & statistics are a false, goofy, harebrained science, the same kind of thinking that brought us atrocities like vaccinations and the stuffing of drugs of all kinds into everybody instead of looking at their overall lives.

      People who made it to 80 or 90 or more in, say, 1750 or 1940, made it there completely on their own steam (their own inborn strong constitutions). But the “we are living longer” folk never notice this nor ask why those populations were tougher.

      People who make it to the same age nowadays do so because they’ve consumed a billion dollars’ worth of medical technology & its infrastructure. They are weaklings, not worth shit; they’re held together with wax, string and a shelf-ful of prescriptions. And 99% of the time, they look and feel horrible when they die at their supposedly advanced age, rotting & smelling like garbage. We need less “science of genetics” and more buckling down and living right.

    26. Parsifal Says:

      What you’re basically saying, Stronza, is that our Society has a misplaced or warped sense of compassion for the terminally sick, dying, deformed and useless. We waste billions every year keeping such wretches alive for no good reason.

      Modern medicine may be extending the number of years an elderly sick person might otherwise have, but most of those extended years are spent rotting away in a nursing home at tremendous expense to everyone. Too bad those people refuse to leave this life with their dignity intact. I say all of that needs to be changed, sentimentality be damned.

    27. Irma Grese Says:

      Stronza: It is not a lie that people are living longer. The average life span has increased dramatically since the late 19th century. This is largely due to better sanitation, greater knowledge of disease and it’s causes, and the establishment of a social safety net plus humane working conditions brought about during the Progressive era and the New Deal (one reason why many in the false-opposition right wing hate the aforementioned social/political movements so much is due to confusing them with Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society,” which wrongly attempted to extend these benefits to the untermenschen).

      But I was not talking about that; what I was referring to is genetic manipulation of the human genome in order to potentially extend the life span out to its natural genetic maximum (approx. 120 years). That would not mean spending the last 30 – 50 years of your life bed ridden in a nursing home, it would mean extending the healthy youthful/middle aged part of of the life span while dramatically shortening the decrepit period. This is what I mean regarding using the science of genetic engineering to improve the Race. But naturally this is all just speculation until after we exterminate the niggers, spics and Jews.

    28. Stronza Says:

      There’s no need to indulge in genetic manipulation to “extend the healthy youthful/middleaged part of the life span”: at this point in history there is no healthy youthful/middleaged portion to extend. Virtually everyone is chronically ill, starting with the children. If you disagree with that statement, then you are not looking very hard at what passes for the human species today.

      If from Day 1 you are exposed to an array of toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic substances & harsh (eg, ultrasound) prebirth & immediate postbirth procedures; if you are taking drugs, both prescribed & recreational; if your diet consists more of food analogues than real food – and this describes almost all people over the past 40 years – then what we need to do is reverse this grossly sick-making behaviour. No need for genetic manipulation at all. It wasn’t needed in the past and is not needed now.

      There is so much serious illness in all age groups that anyone who can fall out of bed and lurch to school or to work is today considered healthy. A paltry & pitiful standard. I say, let’s work on being truly healthy, and it is doable without any high tech science.

      One constantly hears that “better sanitation” & The New Deal are two important factors in our purported lengthy lives. Sanitation has never been better – but have a look at the obituary notices in your daily newspaper. No end of children & young people (let’s say, under age 40) dropping like flies of degenerative diseases. I say, let’s bring back poor sanitation: a stroll through an older cemetery (when I was in Europe I did so) will show you that people born in the early 1800s did indeed live to be quite old – 80, 90, and more years of age.

      Those folks were tough, able to withstand bacterial & viral attacks; and it didn’t come from being clean or any form of socialism.

    29. Parsifal Says:

      But a lot of women died while giving birth in the old days. And many young adults died from consumption in the 1800s, like the famous English poet John Keats. For someone to live into their 80s or 90s back then was considered a gift from God as a reward for upright living. Now the nursing homes are full of such people, but they’re still around because of artificial means, not their rectitude.

    30. Stronza Says:

      Thank you for saying so, Parsifal! Nursing homes are warrens of ugliness, filth & suffering. “Hell” is not in the afterlife. It is here and now, in nursing homes and hospitals.

      “Consumption”, like so many other conditions, attacks the weak.

    31. Mega Therion Says:

      Ever see the human refuse that work in the nursing homes? They look like they just arrived in a cardboard box via Port Au Prince. Losers from Lagos. Every mud imaginable…IMAGINE that pushing your wheelchair?

      There are things worse than death…and getting sponge baths by a nigger from Cameroon would be one.

    32. Stronza Says:

      I am told that for bathing, they just strip your clothes off and hose you down…apparently some places don’t use the tubs in the inmates’ rooms any more!