7 July, 2009

Germar Rudolf Freed

Posted by Socrates in Germany, Germar Rudolf, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, revisionism, Socrates, thought crime at 12:22 am | Permanent Link

After being deported from the U.S. and spending two-and-a-half years in prison for thought-crimes, chemist and scholar Germar Rudolf has been released from prison in Germany:


  • 16 Responses to “Germar Rudolf Freed”

    1. Diamed Says:

      Good. I’m happy for him. But what’s to stop them from throwing him, or others, back in jail for similar offenses? The injustice will continue until freedom of speech is enshrined in the European constitutions as it is here in the USA.

    2. Igor Alexander Says:

      Freedom of speech already is enshrined in their constitutions. They just don’t consider “holocaust denial” and “hate speech” as legitimate forms of speech. Similarly, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees “freedom of expression,” yet white Canadians are routinely being dragged in front of Human Rights Tribunals for what they say on message boards. It’s what Orwell called doublethink.

    3. Kunthjol Says:

      Good! One of the primary reasons I am interested in Racialism/ White Nationalism is due to the Leftist hypocrisy of spouting off about Free Speech, but then going and arresting those that actually make us of it such as Rudolf, Zundel, Heretical 2, etc,.

    4. Igor Alexander Says:

      BTW, the U.S. Constitution limits the power of the government, whereas in Canada and many Western European countries, it’s the government that defines the rights of the citizenry. That’s a subtle but important distinction.

    5. Igor Alexander Says:

      I think there’s a bug with the blog software. For the past couple of weeks, my first comment always gets held back for moderation, while the ones I submit afterwards appear immediately on the site.

      I’ve noticed this on VOR’s website as well.

    6. ED! Says:

      That is why the Marxist walk around the Constitution looking for cracks. They do not like the Constitution because it stops them from doing to others what they want.


    7. goyfire Says:

      ZOG is an open-air prison… They just let him into the yard.

    8. Adam Says:

      Diamed Says:

      Good. I’m happy for him. But what’s to stop them from throwing him, or others, back in jail for similar offenses?

      Nothing, of course. And as the progress of the new hate crimes legislation indicates, we may even have such laws here soon:


      The injustice will continue until freedom of speech is enshrined in the European constitutions as it is here in the USA.

      It might be nice if permanently “enshrining” such a value were possible, but as history demonstrates, the trend in a technological state is ALWAYS in the direction of placing further restrictions on freedom, and this is as true of freedom of speech as it is of the “right” to bear arms. This flows from the nature of technique, which is essentially opposed to freedom, since technique requires uniformity of input in order to provide uniformity of output. In the growth of any technological system, randomness and variation are regarded as disruptions, and are progressively eliminated. That is why producing the tan Everyman – a raceless, sexless, conformist lemming – has been so insistently made a prime objective of the technological states of the West, and why the effort to produce him is greater in states that have undergone the greatest elaboration of technical systems, such as the US, the UK, Germany, France, and Canada. The system requires such creatures in large numbers to staff its operations.

    9. Igor Alexander Says:

      Adam: while I don’t disagree with you about technology being a factor that needs to be looked at in regards to the loss of personal freedom, let’s be honest here — much and maybe most of the “hate speech” legislation both abroad and in the States is being pushed by organized jewry. Surely you don’t dispute that?

      That was as true 80 years ago in the Weimar Republic or the Soviet Union as it is today.

    10. Adam Says:

      Igor Alexander Says:

      Adam: while I don’t disagree with you about technology being a factor that needs to be looked at in regards to the loss of personal freedom, let’s be honest here — much and maybe most of the “hate speech” legislation both abroad and in the States is being pushed by organized jewry. Surely you don’t dispute that?

      No, I wouldn’t dispute that at all. Having permitted a race of alien parasites, who, in whichever country they find themselves, invariably put themselves at odds with the indigenous people and culture, to ascend to the helm of the technological system of the West in law, government, international finance, mass media, and academia – that was a big mistake, from our point of view. It was utter madness. It undoubtedly accelerates such tendencies of the technological system many fold.

      But a larger point is that the Jew has this power, and always seems to wind up on the winning side, because he is working with the irresistible force powering the technological system itself – and not against it, as the forces of nationalism and race preservation have done. The Jews are no supermen. Without the built-in inertia of the expansion of the technological system that is at the heart of their power, they would only be an annoyance, a highly ethnocentric predatory tribe that might behave in relation to us more like the Gypsies. Instead, they staff the bureaucracies of our technological destruction. Even many of our own race work for this end with equal fervor.

      Modern technological civilization is global in scope, and as a practical matter if not by definition is multi-racial and multi-cultural. The relationships between nations/races begin with the economic, as these nations/races interact with one another.

      Historically, the sequence is usually as follows:

      First, an economic relationship is established between two nations/races. Examples: the slave trade, where the nigger became a commodity, a farm animal; or the Jew, who proved useful to the old white elites in Europe as a tax collector and a slave trader.

      Next, it is determined that economic relations will be improved if certain political rights and responsibilities are granted to the parties. A political relationship between the two nations/races becomes established. Examples: slavery being an inefficient system, the negro is freed and given the right to vote; colonies of a sovereign nation accepting the protection of a patron state in return for allowing their economic resources to be exploited, such as happened in Europe’s relation to the New World, Africa, Asia, etc.; NAFTA and GATT.

      Next, as economic and political relationships become elaborated, the two nations/races start to become socially amalgamated. Social amalgamation is dictated by internal logic of the development of the technological system. It helps things function more smoothly if the component human parts become more like one another, since technical systems require uniform input and output. Examples: the contamination of white culture by negro anti-culture – as in jazz and rock music, sports, films, etc.; the entire civil rights movement; desegregation.

      The final phase is genetic amalgamation of the two nations/races. Pre-existing human races, created by natural selection, are destroyed. The technological system has no use for those racial distinctions, any more than it has a use for the outmoded values of kinship, loyalty, or honor. They are relics of a previous natural system which has now been superseded. The technological system is all-devouring, and can allow nothing to stand outside itself, just as the technological state can allow no authority higher than itself. What has the aspect of a war declared by the system against the white race, and against white values is, as a practical matter, the necessary result of the growth of the technological system.

      If the white race is to be preserved, at least in anything like its current form, then it follows that the technological system must be either permanently crippled or destroyed.

    11. Parsifal Says:

      Adam, I don’t see how reverting to a Quaker or Amish-level of technological existence is going to help the White Race! Technology is like fire, or government. It’s a valuable servant but a fearsome master (or something like that).

    12. Adam Says:

      Adam, I don’t see how reverting to a Quaker or Amish-level of technological existence is going to help the White Race! Technology is like fire, or government. It’s a valuable servant but a fearsome master (or something like that).

      I’m not necessarily suggesting that our unilateral secession from the technological system is either possible or likely to be a good course of action – although it might be, depending on future developments. On the contrary, it seems to me probable that in order to be effective, the permanent crippling or destruction of the technological system would have to be worldwide. Otherwise those parts of it that remained would retake the elements that seceded, and regenerate the global system.

      Revolution against the technological system would not be a mere garden variety political revolution. It would be a revolution of a type never seen before in history, which would usher in a new age of the world. If successful, the resultant global collapse would likely cause literally billions of deaths from starvation and disease, particularly in non-white nations. The world’s population would probably be reduced to one tenth or less of what it is now. Everyone must decide for himself if this would be a price worth paying for freedom and the continued survival of the white race.

    13. goyfire Says:

      sounds like kikey pet esoteric bullshit to me. real fascists embrace futurism

    14. Junghans Says:

      The Great Die-Off is quickly approaching anyway, as per the research of the academics at the Great Die-Off website. The temporary technological warp created by the top 20% of the white bell curve, has greatly accelerated the ongoing human and ecological disaster. The technological system that our best genes created has brought us to the threshold of the ‘stars’, but it also carries the seeds of our own destruction, if given to, or hijacked by racial aliens. We are the beneficiaries of the Tech explosion that our best White genius has created, yet we still linger in antiquated religious and ideological fantasies and delusions. Along with greed and misplaced altruism, race mixing and RACE DENIAL are our greatest foibles.

      Quite simply, we have lost control of the great, yet monstrous system that we have created, and nature will soon reassert itself, whether we know it or not. Look around, we are witnessing the literal decline and fall of the White world, right before our eyes.

    15. Marwinsing Says:

      “Oh, there was jewish suffering,” he said, “but nothing to compare with German suffering!”

      Olde time sexy-groovy holo-interview with one jew JOSEF GINSBURG (a.ka. J. G. Burg; also: on how to make a jew tell the truth).

      Happy to hear of Herr Rudolf’s release. Prost.

    16. Truthteller Says:

      Did everybody forget that it was the jew Chertoff who forgot that the United States has a constitution and forced Ernst Zundel to prison in Canada, then it was onto a German prison. Germar Rudolf went directly to a German prison, he did not pass go and he never collected $200.

      Jews see the U.S. Constitution as a means to an end.