9 July, 2009

Generals: More Troops Needed in Afghanistan

Posted by Socrates in Afghanistan, anti-Termitism, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, jewhad, Jewish Tyranny, Jewish warmongering, Socrates, War On Israel's Enemies at 2:13 pm | Permanent Link

Gentile: “I’m getting fed up with the endless wars being waged against Israel’s enemies!”

Jew: “You’re an anti-Semite.”

Gentile: “Nope. I don’t hate Arabs. I hate Jews. I’m an anti-Termite.” [1]:


[1] thanks to VNN commenter Jon

  • 10 Responses to “Generals: More Troops Needed in Afghanistan”

    1. Brian Gareth Says:

      “Teleprompter Puppet, we need a draft.” – Rahm and Axelrod

      “Yes, Master.” – King Obongo

      1984 + Idiocracy = Obamation, A Turd World Production

    2. Jon Says:

      “[1] thanks to VNN commenter Jon”

      You’re welcome, Alex. And termites they are! :-)


    3. Socrates Says:

      FYI, Jon, Alex didn’t post it. But, yes, they are! :-)

    4. rikert Says:

      Excellent! Bring on the draft; worse is better! I’d expect any decent WN to ignore a draft notice or dodge the draft anyway. It should be as easy as disclosing your racial beliefs in no uncertain terms to the recruiter/draft agent. I sure the heck is enough to get you a discharge!

    5. Shyl0ck Says:

      Heads up to any armed services members. Be careful not to ever identify yourself online:
      SPLC to Pressure Congress to purge WN’s from Military Service

    6. Parsifal Says:

      What the generals are really saying is “We need more young White soldiers over here for the meat-grinder.” But there is no way that a conventional army of occupation troops is ever going to win that guerilla conflict, even if another 1,000,000 soldiers could be scraped up and dragged into that unwinnable war. Hasn’t ZOG learned anything from Vietnam, besides not re-instituting the Draft?

      Jews, Arabs, Berbers, Moors…………………..All those Semites are mangy, flea-bitten troublemakers who want our White womens. I’m an anti-Semite and proud of it.

    7. Parsifal Says:

      Of course, Jews are the biggest anti-Semites of all, judging from the way they brutally mis-treat their Semitic Palestinian Arab population. The Arabs are more Semitic in their origins than most Jews are these days. Anyway, Semitism of any kind sucks.

    8. Luke Says:

      “Parsifal Says:
      10 July, 2009 at 12:11 am

      What the generals are really saying is “We need more young White soldiers over here for the meat-grinder.” But there is no way that a conventional army of occupation troops is ever going to win that guerilla conflict, even if another 1,000,000 soldiers could be scraped up and dragged into that unwinnable war. Hasn’t ZOG learned anything from Vietnam, besides not re-instituting the Draft?”

      Parsifal – it’s not about winning, fellow white brother in arms. Its about killing off white men, and that is what WWI, WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, Gulf War I, and this current illegal warfare in Iraq and Afghanistan have all been about.

      Fewer white men, then white women at home are available to breed with non-whites, because that’s all that is left. Abortion of white fetuses, morning after pills to flush out any white fetuses that might accidentally be fertilzed, outsourcing all of the best paying jobs that help white men feed and provide for their families, which makes them attractive mates for white women, government sanctioned discrimination visi vi affirmative action and diversity programs which means ‘no white men need apply’.

      Its all connected and Big Jewry is behind it all.

      And Jared Taylor and his flock know this to be true, but run interference for the Jews and even accept them into their circle of influence.

    9. -jc Says:

      One reason the arguably intentionally no-win Indochina war was lost was logistics: Supply lines were simply too long. The Soviet Union had the same problem with Afghanistan, which cost it dearly. Obama demonstrates his arrogance and ignorance with his pronouncements about Putin being mired in cold war mentality, etc., and postures he’s going to save everyone with his Nixon-esque diplomacy.

      This is no favor to America, when we should be warned-away from this entanglement and might be a cold war move, for which I could not fault Putin: http://article.wn.com/view/2009/07/03/Kremlin_aide_says_Moscow_will_allow_transit_of_US_weapons_ac_n/

      The statistics on the Afghanistan are likely from the CIA Factbook; notice no permanent crops and consider opium, now that the Taliban is no longer enforcing moral standards. I believe this article is from early 2001. We build up nations and we tear ’em down. However, for all their faults, NGOs (non-governmental organizations) appear to do more typically White good for other nations that Americans collectively under the “U.S. government:” http://www.llu.edu/news/afghanistan1.html

    10. Howdy Doody Says:

      High Quality zippered Winter Dog Jackets, quality swivel padded bar stools, and Six Inch steel casing were all made in Viet Nam.

      Oh, the homo land insecurity document was written a Viet Namese.