Former N.A. Leader Walker to Leave Prison Sooner
Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", jewed Congress, jewed culture, jewed law, National Alliance, Shaun Walker, Socrates, White martyrs, white nationalism, White Nationalists at 1:31 am | 
Walker tried to “create a white living space” in Utah? Heavens! What if America had White laws instead of Jewish laws?
27 July, 2009 at 3:30 am
Travis Massey deserves to kept in the slammer for expressing remorse. Whatever happened to unrepentant and defiant pro-White warriors, guys who couldn’t be broken by the System? I guess after he gets out, Massey will be hired by the SPLC to give lectures on the evils of racism, at about $10,000 a speech.
27 July, 2009 at 7:08 am
That’s the best news I’ve heard in quite awhile, although immediate release with a cash settlement / apology would have been better.
27 July, 2009 at 4:28 pm
How WOULD one go about “creating a White living space” in the Jewnited States, anyway? Getting a few like-minded White families together, buying and settling some land in a remote section of the heartland or up in Alaska seems like the best bet. Perhaps the Jew would find out about it somehow and move to mess it up, but perhaps not. It seems like it might be worth trying anyway. SOMETHING has to be done.
27 July, 2009 at 5:07 pm
That JEW terrorist organization known as HUD would do the damnedest to muddy up any white space who could create in the United States. So, I think the odds of us having any truly white space will have to occur outside the US and socialist Canada isn’t going to be easy either. Maybe when Quebec gets independence?
27 July, 2009 at 5:36 pm
That JEW terrorist organization known as HUD will swiftly move to muddy up any white paradise in the USA. Our options are severely limited in North America under the current Bolshevik systems,because Canada for all of it’s desirable land, is also infected by JEW Socialism. Maybe from whence our Ancestors came is the more viable option…
27 July, 2009 at 5:58 pm
Isn’t rural America still predominantly white? The shitskins occupy cities and some smaller towns (White fuckin’ retards let them move in) but not much outside of them. I mean, they would have to work. That excludes most niggers and all Jews. Many small towns are still 95-98% white and private property here in Texas is still mostly white-owned. I would think that would still be the case in the Northwest, midwest, and south/southeast regions.
27 July, 2009 at 6:06 pm
Another thought. Maybe whites need to start having more babies. White babies. Maybe the majority of white women in this country need to abandon the Jewtube and nigger/spic/Jew worship and start settling down with White men. 3-5 kids in every White family would do wonders for our dwindling population. Keeping the kids physically fit, home schooling, learning trades in tech schools or community colleges, teaching them to handle guns and knives, and schooling them in martial arts would get us all pretty far. This includes the young girls. Easier said than done, but doable.
27 July, 2009 at 6:10 pm
I imagine so, Lutjens, though I live in the city so I can’t say for sure. Still, one would need White families who are racially aware as opposed to the church-going patriotards we’ve got now.
27 July, 2009 at 8:47 pm
Prosecutor Stephen Curran urged Benson to impose the original sentences, saying they were reasonable considering the defendants’ effort to “create a white living space here in Salt Lake City.”…………………………… UNFUCKING REAL
28 July, 2009 at 4:08 am
Lutjens, that is exactly what Mike Hoffman has been saying for years, but few are listening. It is down to us, those of us within childbearing age, to recreate the White race.
28 July, 2009 at 11:51 am
i am a former national alliance member., under the leadership of dr pierce. there were a lot of really good people there. the only bad thing was that you couldn’t tell who the fed was. any way, until that happened i thought it was okay to beat mexicans, niggers and fags.