15 July, 2009

Democracy and Propaganda

Posted by Socrates in democracy, democrazy, William Pierce at 1:29 am | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


I do appreciate the feedback I receive from listeners, who give me their responses to my broadcasts and who tell me about their own concerns and ideas and who sometimes give me useful tips on news stories that I might not have learned about otherwise.

One thing I’m reminded of over and over again by listener feedback is that many listeners still haven’t assimilated a message I’ve included in nearly every broadcast, and that is the central importance of Jewish media control to all of our problems. Many listeners, perhaps even a majority, still believe that somehow, when the White public becomes sufficiently exasperated, we can vote ourselves out of our problems. When I have said that the whole democratic process is merely a sham, an illusion, in the age of television, they haven’t believed me. They still cling to the notion that democracy is inherent in White life, that it is with us to stay, and that we must rely on it in order to overcome our problems. This notion seems to have been implanted so deeply in their consciousness that it will take a real trauma to uproot it. Well, you can be sure that the trauma is on its way, but meanwhile it behooves some of us to understand the situation.”

The rest is [Here]. (For the audio version, go [Here] and scroll down to 05-04-2002).

  • 14 Responses to “Democracy and Propaganda”

    1. Blackshirt Says:

      The good doctor said:

      “Many listeners, perhaps even a majority, still believe that somehow, when the White public becomes sufficiently exasperated, we can vote ourselves out of our problems. When I have said that the whole democratic process is merely a sham, an illusion, in the age of television, they haven’t believed me. They still cling to the notion that democracy is inherent in White life, that it is with us to stay, and that we must rely on it in order to overcome our problems.”

      Let that sink in, conservatives and right wingers. You can’t work through this system and “change” it. You can’t vote yourself out of this mess. Quit worrying about Sotamayor becoming a Supreme Court Justice. Quit worrying about this system, it’s politicians, and it’s elections, White man. It doesn’t belong to you, and it MUST be destroyed.

    2. old dutch Says:

      Blackie you should change your moniker to “pistola pete”…LOL. That’s what they used to call Italian radicals in the old days: Pistola Pete’s.

      Also, you didn’t read Pierce, who is saying that propaganda controls democracy, and he mentions a couple of good books on the subject of propaganda. Pierce sums it up by saying, “Our responsibility here is to continue building our capability for taking advantage of surprises when they do happen, and that means primarily to continue building our means for communicating effectively with every independent-minded White man and woman with a conscience and
      attempting to gain his or her participation in the effort to reach
      others. I don’t expect that our communications capability will win any elections for us, but it certainly will enhance our ability to fight
      back — and that is what I intend to do until my last breath.”

    3. Shylock Says:

      William Pierce was a gifted and insightful orator. If you want evidence of Jewish media control check out this piece in the Daily Kike blasting two Jews, Greenwald and Taibbi, for not expressing complete fealty to Jewish political interests:

      “Jews are seen as the “powerful” minority. This, in and of itself, is one of the most dangerous and damaging anti-Semitic narratives precisely because its structure draws a distinction between Jews and other ethnic or religious minorities. It places Jews into an “Other Other” group, the “Other” who is not “Other” but is “white.” Except, of course, when Jews are Jews.

      Oy vay!! Heaven forbid that lefites start thinking Jews are white. They are dispossed and underprivileged minorities who just happen to have complete ethnopolies in media, banking, law, and academia.

    4. Parsifal Says:

      Whenever the Jews are accused of controlling the government, the banks and the media, they don’t exactly deny it. Rather, they say it’s a “canard”. Isn’t canard the name of a British passenger ship line? (joke)

      Liberals and Jews conflate “democracy” with licentiousness and mass-equality, but they’re lying when they say that. The only time a system of government like democracy worked was in the ancient city-state of Athens and it only lasted 50 years or so. And they didn’t allow any broads to participate in it, nor any slaves or foreigners. Real democracy can only work in small, tribal and patriarchal societies that are free of cosmopolitan Jews.

    5. Adam Says:

      Ellul’s book on propaganda is jam-packed full of insights and information that is useful for anyone who wants to persuade others to action – which as Ellul says, is the goal of propaganda. It’s a pity that Dr. Pierce didn’t read Ellul’s other book, The Technological Society, too; or if he did, he never mentioned it in his broadcasts. Since Dr. Pierce was essentially a technophile himself, he probably wouldn’t have liked its central idea very much, but it still would have been great to hear his reaction to Ellul’s arguments. Below, I include a lengthy passage from Propaganda, in case anyone here is interested in such things. I’ve placed my observations in brackets.

      Propaganda must not only attach itself to what already exists in the individual, but also express the fundamental currents of the society it seeks to influence. Propaganda must be familiar with collective sociological presuppositions, spontaneous myths, and broad ideologies. By this we do not mean political currents or temporary opinions that will change in a few months, but the fundamental psycho-sociological bases on which a whole society rests, the presuppositions and myths not just of individuals or of particular groups but those shared by all individuals in a society, including men of opposite political inclinations and class loyalties.

      A propaganda pitting itself against this fundamental and accepted structure would have no chance of success. Rather all effective propaganda is based on these fundamental currents and expresses them.7 Only if it rests on the proper collective beliefs will it be understood and accepted. It is part of a complex of civilization, consisting of material elements, beliefs, ideas, and institutions, and it cannot be separated from them. No propaganda could succeed by going against these structural elements of society. But propaganda’s main task clearly is the psychological reflection of these structures.

      It seems to us that this reflection is found in two essential forms: the collective sociological presuppositions and the social myths. By presuppositions we mean a collection of feelings, beliefs, and images by which one unconsciously judges events and things without questioning them, or even noticing them. This collection is shared by all who belong to the same society or group. It draws its strength from the fact that it rests on general tacit agreement. Whatever the differences of opinion are among people, one can discover beneath the differences the same beliefs – in Americans and in Russians, in Communists and in Christians. These presuppositions are sociological in that they are provided for us by the surrounding milieu and carry us along in the sociological current. They are what keeps us in harmony with our environment.

      It seems to us that there are four great collective sociological presuppositions in the modern world, but all the world that shares a modern technology and is structured into nations, including the Communist world, though not yet the African or Asian worlds. These common presuppositions or bourgeois and proletarian are that man’s aim in life is happiness, that man is naturally good, that history develops in endless progress, and that everything is matter.8

      The other great psychological reflection of social reality is the myth. The myth expresses the deep inclinations of a society. Without it, the masses would not cling to a certain civilization or its process of development and crisis. It is a vigorous impulse, strongly colored, irrational, and charged with all of man’s power to believe. It contains a religious element. [Yes! And in this is suggested how essential is religion to the cohesion of society itself.] In our society the two great fundamental myths on which all other myths rest are Science and History. And based on them are the collective myths that are man’s principal orientations: the myth of Work, the myth of Happiness (which is not the same thing as the presupposition of happiness), the myth of the Nation, the myth of Youth, the myth of the Hero. [Myths come and go with the passage of time and can differ a bit from place to place. These were the ones that seemed most significant to Ellul, evidently, in his time and place. I would accept them all as still valid, but in our milieu, I would place the myth of Democracy and the myth of Equality very prominently in any hierarchy. The myth of Progress is also definitely still of prime importance. It is also important to note that it is useless to attack myths head on, especially with only facts. Mere facts are a poor weapon with which to attempt to dispatch a myth. Consequently, one can never really get anywhere arguing with facts against the myth of Equality. For all but the most exceptional person who is resistant to propaganda, the facts don’t matter at all.]

      It is remarkable how the various presuppositions and aspects of myths complement each other, support each other, mutually defend each other: If the propagandist attacks the network at one point, all myths react to the attack. [On the other hand, there may be countercurrents or eddys in the mythic structure, or the myths may in part conflict with some of the presuppositions common to the masses. For example, a presupposition that government actions should be Fair, shared by most everyone, may conflict with some of the actions it takes. Exploiting and riding countercurrents is where a lot of propaganda that runs counter to system propaganda may find purchase. Unfortunately, these countercurrents seem almost always to be quite weak.] Propaganda must be based on current beliefs and symbols to reach man and win him over. On the other hand, propaganda must also follow the general direction of evolution, which includes the belief in progress. A normal, spontaneous evolution is more or less expected, even if man is completely aware of it, and in order to succeed, propaganda must move in the direction of that evolution.

      The progress of technology is continuous; propaganda must voice this reality, which is one of man’s convictions. All propaganda must play on the fact that the nation will be industrialized, more will be produced, greater progress is imminent, and so on. No propaganda can succeed if it defends outdated production methods or obsolete social administrative institutions. Though occasionally advertising may profitably evoke the good old days, political propaganda may no. Rather it must evoke the future, the tomorrows that beckon, precisely because such visions impel the individual to act.9 Propaganda is carried along on this current and cannot oppose it; it must confirm it and reinforce it. Thus propaganda will turn a normal feeling of patriotism into a raging nationalism. It not only reflects myths and presuppositions, it hardens them, sharpens the, invests them with the power of shock and action.

      It is virtually impossible to reverse this trend. In a country in which administrative centralization does not yet exist, one can propagandize for centralization because modern man firmly believes in the strength of a centrally administered State. But were centralization does exist, no propaganda can be made against it. Federalist propaganda (true federalism, which is opposed to national centralism; not such supernationalism as the so-called Soviet or European federalism) can never succeed because it is a challenge to both the national myth and the myth of progress; every reduction, whether to a work unit or an administrative unit, is seen as regression. [This is the reason why libertarians and others who wish to decentralize the US government will never get anywhere. Their arguments, though emminently reasonable, are opposed by strong currents of myth.]


      Finally, alongside the fundamental currents reflected in presuppositions and myths, we must consider two other elements. Obviously the material character of a society and its evolution, its fundamental sociological currents, are linked to its very structure. Propaganda must operate in line with those material currents and at the level of material progress. It must be associated with all economic, adminstrative, political, and educational development, otherwise it is nothing. It must also reflect local and national idiosyncrasies. Thus, in France, the general trend toward socialization can be neither overridden nor questioned. The political Left is respectable; the Right has to justify itself before the ideology of the Left (in which even Rightists participate). [Sound familiar?] All propaganda in France must contain – and evoke – the principal elements of the ideology of the Left in order to be accepted. [Just as the so-called conservatives accept all the racial egalitarianism of the left, and have become no more than yesterday’s leftism.]

      But a conflict is possible between a local milieu and the national society. The tendencies of the group may be contrary to those of the broader society; in that case one cannot lay down general rules. Sometimes the tendencies of the local group win out because of the group’s solidarity; sometimes the general society wins out because it represents the mass and, therefore, unanimity. In any case propaganda must always choose the trend that normally will triumph because it agrees with the great myths of the time, common to all men. The Negro problem in the American South is typical of this sort of conflict. The local Southern milieu is hostile to Negroes and favorable to discrimination, whereas American society as a whole is hostile to racism. It is almost certain, therefore, despite the deep-rooted prejudices and the local solidarities, that racism will be overcome. [N.b. that this prediction was made in 1962.] The Southerners are on the defensive; they have no springboard for external propaganda – for example, toward the European nations. Propaganda can go only in the direction of world opinion – that of Asia, Africa, almost all of Europe. Above all, when it is anti-racist, it is helped along by the myth of progress.

      Jacques Ellul, Propaganda The Formation of Men’s Attitudes, pp. 38-42.

    6. Adam Says:

      An omitted paragraph, to insert after the paragraph which ends with the phrase “the myth of the Hero”:

      Propaganda is forced to build on these presuppositions and to express these myths, for without them nobody would listen to it. And in so building it must always go in the same direction as society; it can only reinforce society. A propaganda that stresses virtue over happiness and presents man’s future as one dominated by austerity and contemplation would have no audience at all. A propaganda that questions progress or work would arouse disdain and reach nobody; it would immediately be branded as an ideology of the intellectuals, since most people feel that the serious things are material things because they are related to labor, and so on.

      This is the propaganda reason (as opposed to practical reasons that may be advanced) why it is futile to argue against the technological system. Appeals to virtue, or racial survival, or any other high-minded principles, are bound to fail when opposed by the powerful myth of Progress. Swept along in the currents of the myth, most are simply unprepared to accept that the project of human progress is vanity and illusion, and that what we have been told is “progress” leads only into unhappiness, enslavement to technique, and death. A lifetime of conditioning makes most everyone a dedicated meliorist, in spite of the facts.

    7. Gar Goyle Says:

      My small testimonial on the “suffrage ” issue is… i do not vote. People usually give me the evil eye & say, then YOU CAN’T COMPLAIN ABOUT THE WAY THINGS ARE…. Lets take a vote now. Vote nae i get crucified, for not voting. Yea, i don’t.

    8. Adam Says:

      Jim Says:

      The problem is not with technology itself, but to what purpose it is applied. The jew will always pervert technological discoveries to serve his destructive ends. In the brief time that National Socialism was in power in Germany, great strides were made in all areas of technology, and these advances served the Aryan Folk. If National Socialism would have survived, the White world would have made incredible progress, and science and technology would be harnessed to the spiritual and material well being of our Race.

      God or Mammon – you must choose which one to serve. You can only have ONE highest value; survival of the race OR survival and expansion (for it must expand) of the technological system. As I have shown, the development of the technological system inevitably will at first modify and then destroy race. This is especially true in the current multi-racial and multi-cultural global milieu, but it would still be true even if white people were the only ones on the planet. Human races are the product of natural selection, a system for which the technological system has no use; it has superseded it. Devotees of “progress” (see the “Democracy and Propaganda” thread for more) are actually choosing an anti-racist alternative, even if they have trouble facing that fact. They are placing their desire for “progress” above their desire for preservation of the race.

      That pursuing the path of “progress” leads nowhere is plain to see even now. Owing to the expansion of the technological system (i.e., “progress”), there is more race-mixing than ever; less freedom than ever; more degenerate trends – such as feminism, which would not even exist without the technological system – than ever. Owing to this elaboration of the technological system, the white race stands closer to annihilation than ever before in its history.

      This is progress??

    9. Joe Lee Says:

      “Our responsibility here is to continue building our capability for taking advantage of surprises when they do happen, and that means primarily to continue building our means for communicating effectively with every independent-minded White man and woman with a conscience and
      attempting to gain his or her participation in the effort to reach

      This effort might benefit from an Internet presence that strategizes for the cultures of non-white countries.

      Consider Malaysia. It is not white; it has many Moslems. And yet it is polite to say “Jews Rule The World By Proxy” in Malaysia.

      To communicate effectively with Whites, consider a message that can also be read by non-Whites without doing damage to the cause.

      In particular, I think Father Coughlin was good at this kind of universalist rhetoric.

      P.S.: Adam, thanks for the thought-provoking passage on propaganda. The part reading:”A propaganda that stresses virtue over happiness and presents man’s future as one dominated by austerity and contemplation would have no audience at all. ” reminded me of the “emo” and “goth” and “doomer” subcultures.

    10. Kuda Bux Says:

      “Ellul studied Karl Marx and became a prolific exegete of his theories.”

      ‘Ellul identified himself as a “Christian Anarchist.” ‘


    11. zoomcopter Says:

      Shylock Says:

      15 July, 2009 at 11:07 am

      William Pierce was a gifted and insightful orator. If you want evidence of Jewish media control check out this piece in the Daily Kike blasting two Jews, Greenwald and Taibbi, for not expressing complete fealty to Jewish political interests:

      “Jews are seen as the “powerful” minority. This, in and of itself, is one of the most dangerous and damaging anti-Semitic narratives precisely because its structure draws a distinction between Jews and other ethnic or religious minorities. It places Jews into an “Other Other” group, the “Other” who is not “Other” but is “white.” Except, of course, when Jews are Jews.

      Oy vay!! Heaven forbid that lefites start thinking Jews are white. They are dispossed and underprivileged minorities who just happen to have complete ethnopolies in media, banking, law, and academia.

      Great post, Shylock! The vast majority of Whites are unawares of an alien race living amongst us. Professor Kevin McDonald was a “leftie” until he began to see that his fellow “white” radicals were marching to an entirely different drummer, namely, the beat of, “Is it good for the Jews?” rather than, is it good for Whites, or for that matter, humans in general?

    12. zoomcopter Says:

      Democracy died when the Jews accumulated enough money to buy into both political parties.

    13. CW-2 Says:

      At this stage in the war we are probably being much too intellectual. What is the cheapest and most effective vehicle of propangada?? The joke. It hits the target immediately producing a pleasant emotional response, it is also self propagating.

      What we need are some gifted people writing jokes about jews and muds.
      Here is one an Australian friend told me. ‘What do you get if you cross an ‘Abbo’ (Australian aborigine) with a ‘Coconut’ (Pacific Islander)…..Somebody who is too lazy to steal anything’.

      We can do better.

    14. Junghans Says:

      Bingo, Zoom. It’s the best “democracy” that money can buy, full stop!