6 July, 2009

Book Review: Blood and Politics: The History of the White Nationalist Movement from the Margins to the Mainstream

Posted by Socrates in book reviews, books, Bradley R. Smith, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, revisionism, VNN, white nationalism, White Nationalists at 6:26 pm | Permanent Link

“For example, Vanguard News Network, a web site that opposes Jews, immigration, and miscegenation (among many other things), currently has a link to a blog post by Bradley Smith, whose modus operandi is publishing advertisements in college newspapers asking for proof of Auschwitz gas chambers. Given that Smith, a White man from Los Angeles, is married to a Mexican woman and lives south of the border, Vanguard News Network probably considers him a ‘race traitor,’ but it promotes his work anyway.”

Smith’s “One Person with Proof” and “Campus Campaign” are great ideas. But VNN has no control over who Smith marries or where he chooses to live. However, the fact that Smith isn’t a White nationalist actually works in his favor, since he automatically avoids the usual “racist/Nazi” labels that Jewish groups put on revisionists:


  • 32 Responses to “Book Review: Blood and Politics: The History of the White Nationalist Movement from the Margins to the Mainstream

    1. Kuda Bux Says:

      “Zeskind tells the story of Eveyln Rich, a woman who wrote her PhD dissertation on the Klan while supplying information about Klan activities to anti-racist watchdog organizations.”

    2. Stan Sikorski Says:

      “However, the fact that Smith isn’t a White nationalist actually works in his favor, since he automatically avoids the usual “racist/Nazi” labels that Jewish groups put on revisionists”

      Eggszactly! They can’t give him shit like they would me for example. I have a recorded history of White activism that includes many hours co-hosting VNN’s original FreeTalkLive, appearances and production of GoyFire from Day One, and tech help on the site, forum and the first Aryan Alternative newspapers. I have ‘Nazi’ written all over me.

      If I were to attempt what Mr. Smith has been doing, I would have every kike and appeaser attempting to tear me down at every turn. And definitely labeling me so as to retard my effectiveness in the eyes of the white lemmings I would be trying to reach.

      Cheers to Mr. Smith!

    3. Terrorsaurus Says:

      The article states:

      [i]If an up-and-coming politician makes the mistake of attending a dinner where one of the speakers suggests that Jews control the media, his or her attendance will be duly noted in the anti-racist watchdogs’ databases. Then, some time in the future, the politician will be accused of anti-Semitism, he will deny it, and the watchdogs will produce the factoid as rebuttal evidence.[/i]

      Pointing out a fact about the mass media is antisemitism?

      We are in quite a bind as a nation.

    4. New America Says:

      The title reflects the fears of our Racial Enemies, particularly the last three words:

      Blood and Politics: The History of the White Nationalist Movement from the Margins to the Mainstream

      If I was a shrewd and cunning man, I would suspect this book is coming out at this time for interesting historical reasons.

      The MODERN White Nationalist “Movement” shared a lot, demographically, with the Militia Movement of the Nineties.

      The example is really pretty strong:

      White FAMILIES, dispossessed from the farms that had been in their FAMILIES for generations by the Bankers, realized The Game Was Rigged, and went for an alternative social support system, and alternative defense system, and an alternative interpretation of the Constitution to support all of this.

      Quite inadvertently, they were laying the Foundation for a new White NATION.

      Reread that last line carefully.

      As a self-defense measure, they all but Creating the Foundation for, say, a de facto Northwest Republic – without the slightest intent of what was possible if they went ONE SMALL STEP FURTHER into the issues of what they saw as an economic war was really a Race War, in all but name.

      Peacefully co-existing ALONGSIDE the extant political order, they were developing a parallel Nation, with a parallel government, in all but name.

      They never had the Next Step defined for them, and thus, became trapped in the conceptual limits of Constitutionalism.

      If you get nothing else out of their example, get this:


      Linder speaks often of the False Choices that are open to us, that we are allowed to “make” – more precisely, “ratify” – one of two choices that have already been made for us.

      That leads us to Terrible Tommy Metzger, who said it best:

      “If you are trapped in a revolving door, you just have to break the glass.”

      Now, when you watch the new movie “Public Enemies,” remember that America was in the midst of an undeclared class war, against the workingman and woman, and their Families.

      Our Side has wasted time using the tools of fools far too often, far too inappropriately.

      The Deep War is for hearts and minds, and that is where we will have to win out.

      Go to Harold Covington’s websites, and download his Northwest Quadrology of books, and remember this:

      Look to the economic situation of the time of Dillinger, and look to the economic situation of the Families that, in an inchoate manner, formed militas, and all but the Foundation of a new nation.

      They got it backwards, but they got enough that, if only they had asked the Right Question – “What is the common thread of all of the Evil we are facing?” – they might have really made a difference.

      The Clinton Recovery, and a lot of creative refinancing, took the fire out from under the kettle that led to the militas, then.

      The answer leads to Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic Analytical Model.

    5. whodareswings Says:

      Why don’t any “patriotard” Internet radio hosts (VNN, RBN, VOR etc.) ever have Harold Covington on their talk shows? He’s got a phone doesn’t he?
      He could plug his Norhwest Trilogy and tell stories about “the good old days.” I need a break from Edgar Steele’s “Nickle Rants.” Put Harold on the air.

    6. Kunthjol Says:

      “If I was a shrewd and cunning man, I would suspect this book is coming out at this time for interesting historical reasons.”

      That is a very astute observation and from my understanding Jew Zeskind had been working on this book for something like FIFTEEN YEARS!

      Why bring it out now???

      Are all the trends converging to bring White Nationalism into the main-stream, and if yes, is Zeskind trying to put his thumb into the dike to stop the dam from bursting forth?!?!?!?!!

      The Jews are worried!

    7. Igor Alexander Says:

      You lump VOR and VNN in with RBN? Ouch.

      Though Ed Steele does seem to be falling more and more on the side of the patriotards lately, so I suppose that might lead some to call VOR a patriotard station.

      I do think giving Covington some airtime would be a good idea. I haven’t read his novels but his essays are good.

    8. -jc Says:

      Edgar Steele made some interesting statements recently. One was that the current healthcare situation justifies socialized medicine. Another was his decision to bring along a LewRockwell.com libertarian who mentions Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership in his writings.

      Wiht all due respect, Mr. Steele previously admitted something of a background in Seventh-day Adventism, arguably the most Judaized of the Christian cults. The SDA Church supported biological warfare experimentation by feeding a substantial number of their military-age young me to Ft. Dietrich in consideration for conscientious objector status for members of the corporate Church– not a pretty story and one that is not well-told on the web. The SDA Church, like the Catholic and Mormon Churches, has a vital stake in evangelizing in the third-world and appealing to so called people of color for those “freewill tithes and offerings.” .It is difficult to shake-off entirely that sort of “background.”

      Like Mr. Smith, neither gentleman is going to fully embrace VNN’s editorial position. I believe that the vast majority of even those wanting White living room say in the Intermountain Northwest will always fall to the left of VNN. I’m heartened to hear a little tolerance for other than hardcore National Socialism through VNN, as I’m certain that an ultimate American solution is going to look different than what might have been a ultimate European solution. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

    9. Parsifal Says:

      I knew that guy Jared Taylor was no good, marrying a Hebress like Evelyn Rich. Him and fatboy Alex Jones….Two self-important patriotards I want nothing to do with.

      As far as the Pacific Northwest Aryan Republic is concerned, screw it. Let the Mexicans, the Jews, the Coloreds and the Red Indians have North America. Whites should make their stand in Europe, Russia, South Africa, Rhodesia, Australia and New Zealand. The muds and mongrels can enjoy this continent’s notorious dust bowls, tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards, heat waves, floods and droughts without any more interference from evil ol’ racist Whitey. They can have the crumbling ghetto cities and rusting old bridges and industrial plants, too. If they’re half as brilliant as they’re always telling us they are, they’ll fix it all up good as new in no time. Let’s allow our Race start all over again somewhere else.

    10. CW-2 Says:

      Parsifal, I’m surprised by such defeatist talk coming from you of all people! The best bits of real estate are worth fighting for particularly the prime land of North America.

      You are probably looking outside of the States with rose-colored glasses. Believe me the whole White world is in a similar mess to the States. The part of the jewK where I live has its fair share of crumbling towns, rusty old bridges and clapped out factories too.
      South Africa is down the tubes, only an all out race war can save it.
      Australian and New Zealand are rapidly becoming asian colonies. Our backs are to the wall, there is little alternative but to fight when the time is right.

      New America, the concept of the Northwest Republic has merit and I don’t wish to criticise, but here in Europe we don’t have that option as the countries are small and densely populated. Every country will have to formulate their own strategy for survival.

    11. Kunthjol Says:

      Parsifal the head of the Zionist Occupied Government beast system is located in the USA, New York to be precise, so it is important that America is not totally given away to the Jews and coloreds lest they use its riches to wage an all out assault on the Sacred Soil of Europa… again!!

      They are gearing up for a war on Iran, but one could imagine in a decade the BNP or some-other Far Right Party taking control in Europe and that is when the Zionist Occupied Government might be brought to bear against Europe once more. No, this beast government must be neutered for the good of Whites the world over! Make no mistake the fight will be fought here!!!

    12. old dutch Says:

      Rather than reading escapist fiction, try reading a little practical politics.


    13. CW-2 Says:

      Kunthjol, the BNP aren’t a “Far Right Party”, they are just moderates, as are the National Front in France.

    14. smitty Says:

      Zeskind is a kike…… Imagine David Duke publishing his book on Kikes as easy as this guy did on White Nationalist…..

    15. New America Says:

      in reply to old dutch:

      you wrote:

      Rather than reading escapist fiction, try reading a little practical politics.


      in reply:
      I assume this is in partial response to my comments concerning Harold Covington and his Northwest Quadrilogy.

      If Covington is “escapist,” then damn it, we need more of it, and a lot more of it, at that.

      I had a friend who was in Mission Control when Armstrong set foot on the Moon – something that ONLY White Men, from Western Civilization, have done.

      He said all of his friends were big fans of “escapist fiction,” if that fiction was Robert Heinlein.

      Heinlein showed them that it WAS possible to achieve greatness, and the correct path was not left or right, but up or down; either we were getting better, or we were getting worse, and the highest endeavor was to build a Mars Colony, on our way to interstellar travel.

      Covington has offered us the most perfectly formed Analytical Model you can imagine, and, frankly, most of us are so overwhelmed by the possibilities that we fail to take the greatest adventure our Race has known.

      I think of Covington’s Northwest Quadrilogy as being not too far removed from the Constituion; the Constitution set up a corporate framework for governance, and let the Aristocrats running the show, well, run the show, at the State level.

      I can certainly accept your insight about Tammany Hall, and how the world works, but the foundational ideas we already discussed by “Hugh” at http://vnnforum.com/showthread.php?t=70377

      What helps men define goals are their dreams, and their aspirations.

      What MOTIVATES men are their emotions; something that can harness the anger they should be feeling into positive vehicles, working within a positive framework to achieve a positive outcome.

      There can be no greater Dream than the creation of a White NATION, and from that, our own country, de facto.

      That’s why it is is important to look at The System that despises us – but needs what only WE can do – in terms of what would OUR Solution be to the ills that beset us, and how it would be implemented in an all-White Homeland.

      If I understand “Blood and Politics,” the author essentially says that Linder has defined the benchmark for what White Nationalism could become.

      This makes Linder the intellectual heir to what Oliver, Rockwell, and Pierce were trying to do.


      If I see a new focus on VNN, it is that Linder is focusing on the Best of us, and is challenging all of us to Do Better.

      I think the best way to do that is to not see ourselves as victims of the parasites, to whom we owe, at best, nothing, and more as the Race that took what all others saw as reddish dirt, and turned THAT into iron, and turned THAT into steel, and turned THAT into alloys.

      We are the Race that saw sand, refined it, and developed the microprocessor; where all others saw sand, we saw a Civilization transforming technology.

      The problem is, the WN2/M “Community” (White Western Nationalists) has always set its sight too low.


      So, the new positive focus from this office will be to not merely moan at what we are allowing to happen to us, but to understand HOW this came to be, and what can be DONE about it to Do Better.

      And Covington’s Northwest Republic Analytical Model offers the broadest, most pragmatic and most positive tool for us to do what our Ancestors would have done, if THEY were here, today.

    16. Blackshirt Says:

      I don’t care what Covington writes or says, he is a shady character that slandered Dr. Pierce and the National Alliance, and has attacked Tom Metzger. That is more than enough of a reason for me to have nothing to do with him or anything he has to say.

      As far as the old, tired, worn out “Northwest Imperative” crap, I wonder how many people who expouse it have ever been to the Northwest? I myself have never been out there, but I have heard stories from people who have and it seems far from a White paradise. There are more Whites in New England than in the Northwest, so why isn’t there a New England Imperative? Personally I’m not prepared to give up any of the USA to the muds, especially the Northern states. It is very European in the Northern states and Canada, and it is these areas that should be prime real estate for people of European descent.

    17. Z.O.G. Says:

      Oh no, “New America” is back. Please, God, make it stop.

    18. New America Says:

      Incidentally, Covington has done the draft outline for the Constitution of his Northwest Republic.

      That notwithstanding, I would like to return to theme that has needed more attention, and that is the failure of “White Nationalism” to get off the ground in terms of organizing anything more substantial that a weekend barbeque.

      Peter Schaenk made an extraordinarily Insightful observation, which echoed a Linder comment from some time before.

      Schaenk said, “when they get you to use their Terms and Definition’s, they have won the argument before they have even started.”

      Great point.

      If you use the term “THE Holocaust,” or define yourself as a “Racist,” they have won without taking the field, by controlling what Linder called the framework of the discussion.

      And this, empowered by the public education/indoctrination system, and color television, places your Mind in a glass revolving door, with no way save, to use Metzger’s example, breaking the glass.

      The all but invisible glass.

      Linder halps you to SEE the glass.

      Covington shows you how to build a better world, once you break the glass.

      You need pure, Masculine Aggression to break the glass.

      On the other side, you will feel as if you are in a New World

      You are – the anger was formed by a process called the Quickening, and the process of Awakening goes on forever – as long as you can handle the Truth that most of what you believed is one lie after another, designed to control you into becoming one of the many docile sheep, who always look down, and can not look up.

      It take the Company of Men to turn Boys into Men, to take what thought they were lambs and help them to realize they were wolves.

      I’m not going to apologize for Covington, today, anymore than I would apologize for reading Heinlein’s “Starship Troopers,” when I was in junior high school.

      Quite the contrary.

      We have always set our sights too low, and who is responsible for that?

      Well, our Eternal Racial Enemies are, to the point that we accepted their Terms and Definitions without thoughtful consideration.

      After that point, we are.

      Metzger is the first to admit this.

      We will not “convert” one person to our Cause, save by the example of our own lives.

      Blaming the Jews is correct, up to a point.

      Continuing to live at their mercy, with their boot on our throat, is our failure, and we can DO SOMETHING about that, with discretion, intelligence and wisdom.

      We can Do Better, starting where we are.

      We can choose the be helpless, but, as de facto citizens of a future Northwest Republic, We Are Not Helpless.

      We are Men.

      We are the Men of the West, the Men of Western Civilization, and the men who will become the Warrior Caste of our Racial Future.

      Do Better.

    19. Z.O.G. Says:

      Sweet Jesus, make it stop. “New America” and Harold Covington.

    20. New America Says:

      in reply to Z.O.G.:

      you wrote:

      Sweet Jesus, make it stop. “New America” and Harold Covington.

      in reply:
      No one – over the almost FIFTY YEARS of what we can call “White Nationalism” – absolutely no one has defined the issues in broad enough terms, and given us a broad enough, conceptually accurate Analytical Framework like Harold Covington.

      No one.

      Hell, no one has come remotely close.

      Pierce spoke of developing “White archipelagoes,” but, sadly, that was all he did.

      Covington has succeeded.

      Everyone else describes what is wrong, and, at best, the solutions are singular, and narrow in focus.

      Covington defined a Nation, and the basic foundation of a Nation-State based on a Positive Theory of Race – for OUR Race, for a welcome change.

      I have yet to hear a constructive critique, even from those for whom critique is a culture, of Covington’s Northwest Republic Analytical Model.

      Criticism of Covington?

      To return to the theme of this thread, “The History of the White Nationalist Movement” has only begun, if we stop chasing the shadows and phantasms offered us by our Racial Enemies, and move our energies in the most positive direction of all – a Racial Homeland, for our Posterity, where none may make afraid.

      Remember Linder’s excellent commentary:

      “Take ANY State in the country, no matter how forbidden it seems, Montana, Wyoming, some place with horrible weather where no one want to go. Make it WHITE ONLY, and watch the greatest land rush in American history take place.”

      He’s right.

      With the primitive technology of 150 years ago, Brigham Young led his followers to the middle of literally nowhere, the Great Salt Lake Basin.

      They all but starved the first winter, but the Mormons have done rather well for themselves.

      THAT is an example of what WE could do, and, bluntly, that is the lower boundary of the example.

      Starting where YOU are, DO BETTER.

      THAT, and nothing less, if your damn Duty to your Posterity, the foundation of the White Nation and the future of the Race.

    21. Blackshirt Says:

      I’d never thought I’d agree with you about anything Z.O.G., but I’m totally with you about Covington.

    22. Kuda Bux Says:

      “Fake News Article Source Found

      NNA featured an article yesterday detailing a fake news article entitled: “FBI Agent Penetrated the Heart of Darkness”. After a detailed search of the AP Wire, Fox (the supposed source) and other news agencies, including calls to AP’s Washington DC and NYC offices (who are very interested in who wrote this story for legal reasons), it was found to be a fraud intended to ruin the reputation of a devoted activist to our Cause.

      This article was posted and e-mailed using a not-so-anonymous Hotmail address. Well known radio personality and author Kevin Alfred Strom ([email protected]) traced the IP address of the original Usenet posting of this message. He found that the author was the well known forger, liar, and possible FBI agent (see Harold Covington, who was the former “leader” of a bogus Internet organization using the stolen

      name of “NSWPP”. This is not the first use of forged or fake messages by Mr. Covington who had one time posted a fake resignation letter attributed to Kevin Strom (see

      NNA and virtually every patriotic leader, activist and organization on the planet have universally condemned Harold Covington as a psychopath and a compulsive liar. Covington pops up periodically to distract and attract new racialists who don’t know his background. Those who run across him are subscribed to his Internet ranting against their will and subjected to 20, 30 and sometimes 100 messages a day of attacks on various racialists and Nationalist organizations.”

      Ingrid, Zundelsite, 1999

    23. Kuda Bux Says:

      “Bob Rudisel” was banned a while back from the VNN forum as soon as
      it became clear to the moderators that “Bob Rudisel” is none other
      than Harold Covington, himself.”
      This pretty well nails down the fact that Katie Hollis is in fact
      Harold Covington.

      1. It is a typical Covington tactic to use a multitude of false
      personae. Covington doesn’t have a lot of real-life friends, and
      certainly not a lot of female supporters, so it seemed very likely
      when Katie Hollis praised Covington that it was really Covington
      praising himself.

      2. This Truth Commission first entered my awareness over a year ago
      amid a ton of spam on the White Revolution list that was obviously
      coming from Covington.

      3. The slander that so-and-so is a homosexual is classic Covington,
      as some users of this forum can attest.


    24. Parsifal Says:

      “He said all of his friends were big fans of “escapist fiction,” if that fiction was Robert Heinlein.

      Heinlein showed them that it WAS possible to achieve greatness, and the correct path was not left or right, but up or down; either we were getting better, or we were getting worse, and the highest endeavor was to build a Mars Colony, on our way to interstellar travel.”
      I presume you are referring to Heinlein’s “Stranger in a Strange Land”? A very good novel, but I think it was more about the rise and fall of a charasmatic cult leader than a plan for Whitey to move to outer space. That novel had a profound effect on a professional car thief and pimp named Charles Manson when it came out in the early 60s. He even named one of his children after the novel’s protaganist, Valentine Smith.

      No, I can’t accept the prospect of such beautiful White places as the Maritimes or Vermont and New Hampshire being infested with subhuman swarms, either. But you know how the Jews and muds are! They hate us White folks with a passion, yet the bastards FOLLOW us wherever we go, like starving scavengers! We cannot remain in peace on this Continent as long as the untermenschen and their supporters are here also. Either they must go, or we must go.

    25. New America Says:

      in reply to Parsifal:

      you quoted me:

      “He said all of his friends were big fans of “escapist fiction,” if that fiction was Robert Heinlein.

      Heinlein showed them that it WAS possible to achieve greatness, and the correct path was not left or right, but up or down; either we were getting better, or we were getting worse, and the highest endeavor was to build a Mars Colony, on our way to interstellar travel.”

      you then replied:

      I presume you are referring to Heinlein’s “Stranger in a Strange Land”? A very good novel, but I think it was more about the rise and fall of a charasmatic cult leader than a plan for Whitey to move to outer space. That novel had a profound effect on a professional car thief and pimp named Charles Manson when it came out in the early 60s. He even named one of his children after the novel’s protaganist, Valentine Smith.

      in reply:
      No, I was referring to the vast body of Heinlein fiction from the Thirties forward, particularly his Future History work.

      “Methuselah’s Children” – now, THERE was a book that is right along our lines!

      No, these are men who were in their forties, or younger, when we set foot on the Moon.

      Like Covington, Heinlein described what was possible.

      They accepted that, and saw the first step was to get Man off this ball of dirt and mud.

      you wrote:

      No, I can’t accept the prospect of such beautiful White places as the Maritimes or Vermont and New Hampshire being infested with subhuman swarms, either. But you know how the Jews and muds are! They hate us White folks with a passion, yet the bastards FOLLOW us wherever we go, like starving scavengers! We cannot remain in peace on this Continent as long as the untermenschen and their supporters are here also. Either they must go, or we must go.

      in reply:
      Hence, the brutal logic of necessity in Linder’s statement.

      “Take ANY state, no matter how barren and Godforsaken it seems, and make it WHITES ONLY. Then, stand back and watch the greatest land rush in history take place right before your eyes.”

      I might add, “Come back in fifty years, and watch Mankind’s first starship take off from there.”

      But that’s just me!

    26. Blackshirt Says:

      Kuda Bux, thanks for those posts. It is important to remind newbies and ourselves from time to time that the shit stirrer Covington is out there…

    27. New America Says:

      in reply to Blackshirt:

      you wrote:

      I don’t care what Covington writes or says, he is a shady character that slandered Dr. Pierce and the National Alliance, and has attacked Tom Metzger. That is more than enough of a reason for me to have nothing to do with him or anything he has to say.

      in reply:
      Above all, it is what he has written and says that is the test of character, and his Northwest Republic Analytical Model has succeeded where all – ALL! – before him have failed.

      One, others have attacked Dr. Pierce, and he was big enough to take it.

      Two, others have attacked what the National Alliance has become.

      Three, others have attacked Tom Metzger.

      I am an admirer of Terrible Tommy, up to the point that the five to twelve minutes of country music he plays on each show is the same country music you can get anywhere. McMurty is fine, because he ties in with the Jack Londonesque themes that Metzger has adopted.

      What Metzger has done is incorporated three ideas into his philosophy:

      One, there are limits to growth, and excess immigration insures those limits will be met sooner rather than later.

      Two, we let this happen to us. The Jews did not use force; control of the media, the political system, the financial system and the educational system did just fine. Color television made it even easier, and all of this was because WE LET IT HAPPEN.

      Three, Jack London saw the issues not unlike Metzger; indeed, London’s later work reflected his disillusion with political solutions to the class warfare issues, and had his protagonists acting as, yes, “Lone Wolves,” in building a better life for their families, which is the foundation of the Race.

      you wrote:

      As far as the old, tired, worn out “Northwest Imperative” crap, I wonder how many people who expouse it have ever been to the Northwest? I myself have never been out there, but I have heard stories from people who have and it seems far from a White paradise. There are more Whites in New England than in the Northwest, so why isn’t there a New England Imperative? Personally I’m not prepared to give up any of the USA to the muds, especially the Northern states. It is very European in the Northern states and Canada, and it is these areas that should be prime real estate for people of European descent.

      in reply:
      Why isn’t there a New England Imperative?

      I don’t know, and I don’t care. Neither, for that matter, do any of the so-called White Nationalists in New England, who have done nothing about this.

      The Northwest offers us abundant resources of all types, including environmentally and strategically sound hydropower. the list goes on, but above all, it offers us the same limitless future our Ancestors faced when they came to American, and the Mormons faced when they came to the Great Salt Lake Valley.

      It is a perfect expansion path for us to meet a Destiny that is far greater than our Ancestors could imagine, or we can imagine.

      Most of us are happy living in hot pursuit of a Past That Never Was, in an America that is openly contemptuous of our Race, and will become, all too soon, Mexico, with snow.

      Where do you want YOUR Posterity, your grandchildren, to be born, and raised?

    28. New America Says:

      in reply to Kinda Bux:

      I lack the time to deal with all of your comments concerning Harold Covington.

      I note a few disconcerying issues.

      One, your biggest cite is about a decade old, and is full of the names of “Movement Past,” and, to a degree, “Movement Present.”

      Not much forward motion has taken place, has it?

      Two, let’s assume, for the sake of argument, that everything you said about Harold Covington is true, and that he is as prolific and anonymous as those who signed, say, The Federalist Papers.

      Let’s make it easier for you.

      Let’s assume that Harold Covington is the very incarnation of all that is wrong with Movement Past.

      In which case, to quite Giap:

      All of which is true, none of which matters.

      Your critique is that of junior high school children at the cafeteria, with various cliques refusing to say anything remotely positive about one another, much less work together to fulfill a Common Purpose.

      That makes it on the same level as most of what passes for White Nationalism.

      Now, hear me, and hear me well:

      Not ONE of his critics has accomplished what Harold Covington did the day “A Distant Thunder” made it off the presses.

      The rest of Covington’s Vision for a Northwest Republic, and all of his other writings, all simply build on this damn near perfect foundation for a much better future for us, our Posterity, and our Race.


      I have nephews, and a niece, who have recently graduated from high school.

      Every night, they read from “A Distant Thunder.”

      Every night, they come closer and closer to becoming the Founders of a new nation, in the Northwest, where none may make afraid.

      Their thoughts are of the world defined by Covington in “A Distant thunder,” a world where the sole purpose of the Overstate is to “Protect The RACE.”

      When they talk with me about national and international issues, I have them try to define their solutions in the light of what THEY would do if a similar situation in the Northwest Republic. (After reading Covigton’s masterful summary of the national socialist economic perspective, they are seeing economic problems as opportunities in disguise, and profitable opportunities, at that.)

      The first step to building a better world is to build better communities, and that starts with better men, better women, better families, and, in time, a better nation.

      Only Covington lays out the necessary steps from us to go from the mud, To The Stars.

      I’ll take that, and so will my Posterity.

      Nothing else matters.

    29. Parsifal Says:

      This Pacific Northwest Republic thing is an Idee Fixe with Covington, isn’t it? Watch out for people like that.

    30. Jon Says:

      “Pointing out a fact about the mass media is antisemitism?”

      In organized Jewry’s eyes it is. Guess what? So what! They don’t like it? F*ck-em! And speaking of which, I’ve yet to read anything from an anti-termite…er, I mean, anti-semite, that wasn’t true or not factual; nor could I ever find any fault with anyone or anything labeled or denounced as “anti-semitic.” If anything, that is a signal for me to check out who or whatever they’re foaming-at-the-mouth over. :-D

      Big “J” has been exposed and will continue to be exposed for being the monstrous liar, nation-wrecker, you name it! And more and more, his deep-seated “hatred, bigotry, and intolerance” of White, heterosexual gentiles and our culture.

      Like Dr. Pierce used to say, and history points out, those Jews (responible) ALWAYS overplay their hand. Always!

      Their day has come and peaked, or is peaking, and one day soon it will be “our day.” It has to be ’cause this once-great, once-White majority America, is degenerating at an ever-increasing pace and history has yet to fail us!

      Woe to you, o’ Juden (responsible), come the great day of White reckoning.

      Oh yeah…


    31. downboy1488 Says:

      “An authoritative tour through the shifting currents of the American radical right over the last three decades. Filled with keen insights about the interaction between this movement and historical developments shaping the larger world, Blood and Politics is a prescient warning about a movement that promises to haunt us for generations to come.” —Mark Potok, Director, Intelligence Project, Southern Poverty Law Center


    32. downboy1488 Says:

      it’s plain from his web site that He’s an anti, heralded by the adl as an informative author on this subject…..i wouldn’t mind tearing apart his book but i’m not going to fill his pocket with white nationalist money. anybody got a pdf copy of this book they would like to “share”