1 July, 2009

Avon, CO – Colorado Newspaper Apologizes for ‘Jewish descent’ Description

Posted by VNNB in Alex Linder at 1:16 pm | Permanent Link



The Vail Daily newspaper last week took the brunt of a well-deserved public beat-down for publishing a sheriff’s department press release in which a witness to a home break-in in Edwards described a suspect as being of “Jewish or Eastern European descent.”

The now properly edited staff report is still on the paper’s Web site, but the offending original version made it into print Wednesday, prompting an apology from self-described Jewish American managing editor Matt Zalaznick in Thursday’s paper and a flood of justifiably outraged letters to the editor in Friday’s paper.

The press release issued by the Eagle County Sheriff’s Department and printed by the Daily went on to relay the witness description of the suspect as having “dark hair, large nose, pierced ears, narrow face and eyes that were close together.”

Zalaznick admitted the paper screwed up: “We felt there was a difference between saying that all Jewish people look a certain way and that one alleged burglar in Edwards, Colorado looked Jewish. The former is truly reprehensible, the latter still offensive, but a result of sloppy editing rather than any individual or institutional bigotry.”

But while the question of institutional bigotry may be somewhat new to the Vail Daily — a resort-town paper covering a largely homogeneous population (although immigration issues are a constant source of tension) — it is not a new question for the sheriff’s department.

In fact, the question of racial – not religious — profiling came up during the Kobe Bryant case in 2003, when the National Basketball Association superstar for the Los Angeles Lakers was charged with raping a worker at a resort hotel near Edwards. Charges were later dropped, and Bryant settled a civil suit filed by the woman.

  • 6 Responses to “Avon, CO – Colorado Newspaper Apologizes for ‘Jewish descent’ Description”

    1. Parsifal Says:

      That was a good description given of the suspect. It should make finding the guy a lot easier. Those cops and that newspaper should have reprinted the Semitic caricatures from the Eternal Jew movie poster, so that the public gets the message about what a race of criminals really look like.

    2. Waldo Starr Says:

      This is just outrageous! Jews breaking into houses! What no pension funds left to loot? This recession is really hitting the chosen pretty hard if they have to resort to petty crimes. So sad.

    3. Lutjens Says:

      “The press release issued by the Eagle County Sheriff’s Department and printed by the Daily went on to relay the witness description of the suspect as having “dark hair, large nose, pierced ears, narrow face and eyes that were close together.””

      If it looks, acts, and smells like a Jew, it must be a Jew.

    4. DWMT Says:

      HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHH..HH COUGH, COUGH, Ilove it!!!!!!! I live
      at the whiteman-end of Eagle Co. (Gypsum), Wail and Awon ARE referd to as
      ‘Tel Aviv of the Rockies’ and the phone book references of that end
      of the valley reads just like the Tel Aviv phone directory, and it is wall-to-wall sniveling, whining commiejew. I’ve been trying to contact the talibahn since 9/11 to try to get them up here to do some ‘liberating’, but all I get are commiejews in the AL-CIA-DUH!!

    5. 2050 Says:

      you crack me up DWMT!!

    6. N.B. Forrest Says:

      So the rag is grovelling for printing AN ACCURATELY DETAILED POLICE BULLETIN ABOUT A BURGLAR. You can bet yer ass that if the bulletin had said “toothless White male with a Southern accent, an earring and a greasy blond ‘mullet’ hairstyle” they would be no complaints or apologies.