17 June, 2009

UK: “Anti-Stab” Knives

Posted by Socrates in black crime, Britain, crime, egalitarianism, England, multiculturalism, Socrates at 1:27 am | Permanent Link

This is what happens when your country is full of Blacks and Browns [1]:


[1] British police began carrying handguns full-time in 2000 due to non-White crime

  • 10 Responses to “UK: “Anti-Stab” Knives”

    1. zoomcopter Says:

      How very British. The criminals will all have real, razor sharp knives to cut with and the law abiding citizens be ‘stuck’ with dull, ineffective, impotent ones. How very civilized.

    2. Banned Says:

      Yeah right. So what’s to stop a thug from going to the hardware store, buying a file and a hacksaw, getting a piece of scrap metal and making his own knife/axe/sword?

      Answer: nothing.

      I think this goes to show how irrational and mentally ill the white liberal has become. Despite all evidence to the contrary, they will not believe their policies are wrong and simply resort to banning everything.

      Death to white liberals. They ruin everything.

    3. Kradmelder Says:

      Kinda of reminds me of the semi auto AK-47’s we have here in the U.S.

    4. CW-2 Says:

      It is not reported but 90% of knife crime in London is committed by blacks. A young White lad was recently killed by 3 knife-wielding Homo Ercti because the lad didn’t show them ‘respect’.

      Our wonderful , vibrant Albanian and Kurdish ‘communities’ used to be involved in knifings, but they have graduated to guns. Thank you Mr Blair.

    5. Mark Says:

      The only people who will buy these anti-stab knives will be whites who don’t do any stabbings anyway.

    6. zoomcopter Says:

      The Brits are willingly acquiescing to their own racial destruction. This is the very definition of insanity.

    7. CW-2 Says:

      The modern Christian churches in Britain disapprove of individual suicide but they certainly approve of group suicide in the form of national and racial destruction.

      As Enoch Powell said in 1968; (quoting a Roman poet), “Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first drive mad.”

      The agent of this madness is the 24/7 deluge of lies oozing out the jewtube.

    8. Parsifal Says:

      Aren’t the White, AngloSaxon-Celtic peoples of GB the indigenous inhabitants of those Isles? And as such, shouldn’t they enjoy the same rights that other indigenous peoples have, like not having their ancestral lands colonized by non-indigenous peoples (ie, Third World invaders)?

    9. CW-2 Says:

      Indeed! Stupid White liberals waste no time in organising committees to protest about some obscure South American tribe losing their ancestral land, but these same liberals actively encourage their own peoples’ displacement from their homelands.

      Hanging to too good for liberals!

    10. -jc Says:

      But, carry an effective edged weapon, and you will be caught and prosecuted.

      Terror law used to stop thousands ‘just to balance racial statistics’

      Lord Carlile said that while the police should not discriminate racially, it was equally important that they should not balance the statistics. “If, for example, 50 blonde women are stopped who fall nowhere near any intelligence-led terrorism profile, it’s a gross invasion of the civil liberties of those 50 blonde women.

      Thousands of people are being stopped and searched by the police under their counter-­terrorism powers – simply to ­provide a racial balance in official statistics, the government’s official anti-terror law watchdog has revealed.

      Lord Carlile said in his annual report that he had “ample anecdotal evidence” of it happening, adding that such a practice was “totally wrong” and constituted an invasion of civil liberties.

      “I can well understand the concerns of the police that they should be free from allegations of prejudice,” he said. “But it is not a good use of precious resources if they waste them on self-evidently unmerited searches.”
      He said there was little or no evidence that the use of section 44 stop and search powers by the police could prevent an act of terrorism.

      “While arrests for other crime have ­followed searches under the section, none of the many thousands of searches has ever resulted in a conviction for a terrorism offence. Its utility has been questioned publicly and privately by senior Metropolitan police staff with wide experience of terrorism policing,” said Carlile. He added that such searches were stopping between 8,000-10,000 people a month.

      Under the Terrorism Act 2000, the ­”section 44 stops” allow the police to search anyone in a designated area without suspicion that an offence has occurred.

      Terror law used to stop thousands ‘just to balance racial statistics’