The Ongoing DeNazification Jewification of Germany
Posted by Socrates in DeNazification, Germany, jewed culture, jewed law, jewed politics, Jewish Tyranny, Socrates, World War II at 12:30 am | 
DeNazification in Germany ended in the late 1940s, right? Nope. It’s still going on today [1]. Meanwhile, the opposite of Nazism, i.e., the Jewish ideology of communism, is legal in most parts of the world, even though it’s more extreme and more violent than Nazism:
[1] DeNazification – i.e., the wiping out of all traces of Nazi culture in post-war Germany – was spearheaded by Jews. In fact, out of the 3 Marxists who wrote the DeNazification Guide for U.S. military personnel, all were Jews (Herbert Marcuse, Otto Kirchheimer and Franz Neumann). “Why would any Western government allow Jewish communists to create government policy?” is a question that is – apparently – rarely asked
27 June, 2009 at 9:09 am
I understand pro-German patriots in what’s left of the Fatherland are getting around the Jew-Occupational Govt. ban on the Nazi flag by using the German Imperial Flag of WWI instead. GOOD!!! Do the traitors and cowards in Germany realize they are fighting a losing battle against History and Truth?
27 June, 2009 at 10:03 am
The truth always prevails. Sometimes it takes longer but it always prevails. SPD is gaining power in Germany. Hopefully soon they will have the majority. Look at the BNP in England. Shit is about to hit the fan.
27 June, 2009 at 10:28 pm
When the Jews murdered the Tzar and his family and took control of Russia they killed millions of people and lived off what was once theirs. They will do that here if we do not stop them, they are KILLERS!!!
28 June, 2009 at 11:40 am
That’s the typical jew MO, they even boast about it in their ‘holy book’. But my scorn is increasingly directed at the liberals and fake conservatives. They both have the same agenda, the destruction of the White race. The liberals will give you an asprin before they shoot you, but the ‘conservatives’ think they are doing you a favor by killing you more slowly.