29 June, 2009

Ricci Court Case: Victory

Posted by Socrates in Affirmative Action, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, race, racial preferences, Socrates, Supreme Court at 11:20 pm | Permanent Link

Of course, both of the Jewish judges – Ginsburg and Breyer – dissented:


More on the Ricci decision: [Here].

  • 16 Responses to “Ricci Court Case: Victory”

    1. Parsifal Says:

      Notice how this dirtbag Associated Jewish Press writer refers to mestizoes as “Hispanics” and negroes as “African Americans”. Those two groups always get exalted, capitalized titles to describe them. But the honky firemen are just described as “white”. The writer doesn’t even have the courtesy of using a capital “W”. Yup, just plain old white. Nothing special about our race.

      And the anti-White establishment press is really upset about this ruling! The pinkos on NPR were bitching about it all day. The liberals’ favorite words to express their displeasure are “troubling” and “turning back the clock”. Predictable assholes.

    2. Parsifal Says:

      Notice how this dirtbag Associated Jewish Press writer refers to mestizoes as “Hispanics” and negroes as “African Americans”. Those two groups always get exalted, capitalized titles to describe them. But the honky firemen are just described as “white”. The writer doesn’t even have the courtesy of using a capital “W”. Yup, just plain old white. Nothing special about our race.

      And the anti-White establishment press is really upset about this ruling! The pinkos on NPR were bitching about it all day. The liberals’ favorite words to express their displeasure are “troubling” and “turning back the clock”. Predictable assholes.

    3. Parsifal Says:

      Sorry about the double posting.

    4. Wikitopian Says:

      The Supreme Court was going to decide in favor of the minorities until somebody reminded them at the last minute that the Whites were arguing for the right to run into burning buildings.

    5. zoomcopter Says:

      “And the anti-White establishment press is really upset about this ruling! The pinkos on NPR were bitching about it all day.”

      You could almost visualize the sneer on the NPR announcers face, as she intoned, “white firefighters” It was the same tone of voice she would’ve used to comment on the Klan. But knowing the NPR mindset, she probably considers the Klan and White firefighters to be one in the same.

    6. Mega Therion Says:

      Who would want to be a firefighter anyway? Most of the calls are to infernos ignited by shitskins who left the stove on, put a space heater next to a highly flammable item or “Jewish lightning”striking a struggling business.

      The idea of “saving” some crud colored creature…ugh.

    7. Blackshirt Says:

      Yes, this is a small victory for White men serving in government jobs, but one has to ask how many times this sort of situation occurs where it is never taken to court? How many White men in this country have had their promotions and job opportunities stripped from them to give some undeserving mud a “chance” over the past 30 years of “affirmative action”?

      It boggles the mind.

    8. Veritas Says:

      Thank God for the 5 Catholics on the Supreme Court.

    9. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      This (getting conservatives on the SCOTUS) is one of the arguments the lesser of two evils crowd always uses to justify voting for the likes of Bush and McCain. First, trading a White majority, and that’s what you’re doing when you vote for Bush types, in exchange for a couple of judges has got to be one of the most profoundly stupid strategies in human political history, and second, I’ve read that this decision isn’t all that important because many employers avoid these kinds of tests if at all possible because it’s a racial minefield.

      We should have sent a message to the Republican party years ago that candidates who refuse to take steps to preserve the White majority are unacceptable and will not get elected, intead we’ve been stabbed in the back over and over again by the LOTE nation-wreckers and it may be too late. This government is at a dizzying pace becoming as relentlessly and viciously anti-White as NPR.

      I’ve spent a lot of time listening to NPR news programs lately because I live in a rural area where there are very few stations and every GD day there’s at least one dredged up old civil rights story designed to instill guilts in Whites. It never stops. It NEVER stops. Damn, don’t White liberals have some kind of pain threshold where even they have to say enough is enough!? Lotta sick minds out there.

    10. parsifal Says:

      All this hoopla is about a MULTIPLE CHOICE test given to applicants by the New Haven FD! Those are the easiest kinds of tests there are! And the Blacks and Mestizoes still didn’t score high enough???

    11. zoomcopter Says:

      “MULTIPLE CHOICE test given to applicants by the New Haven FD! Those are the easiest kinds of tests there are! And the Blacks and Mestizoes still didn’t score high enough???”

      Yes, but one of the questions was, “There’s a dime bag of drugs left unattended on the fourth floor and a screaming white grandmother fire victim on the fifth floor…”

    12. JewedPublicRadio Says:

      I once got a lesson in the power of jewry from a jew from a wealthy family who boasted about his ability to force the local PBS station to do his bidding. His family donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to that station so if he wanted them to show more British comedy, for example, by Yahweh they better, or else! He was tremendously proud that he’d browbeaten the station manager into showing Fawlty Towers for the hundredth time.

      I’m sure it applies equally to NPR, and even more so for political content. A commentator who tried to give even an objective view on this case would quicky hear from those jewish families who provide a large percentage of the funding.

    13. -jc Says:

      Note the giant NAACP logo in the photo, in which Tinney appears to doze.

      VNN needs one of those photo op backgrounds for filming press releases.

    14. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      OK, let’s say a future Latino-dominated California gov’t decides to ignore the Supreme Court’s prohibitions against affirmative action, a very likely scenario btw, and begins an aggressive program to replace Whites with muds in state jobs and universities – what are the chances of an Obama administration sending in the National Guard to forcibly integrate Whites into these positions? We all know the answer to that. We already have sanctuary cities ignoring federal laws with impunity, so we can see what’s coming down the road. The courts are going to be about as usefull for White Americans as they are for White Rhodesians.

    15. 2050 Says:

      zoom~lmao :)

      Filles du Roi’s Boi~I’m afraid that you’re right. AA will be needed by us in the future, but white’s are working hard to get rid of it, because of cours it can put us out in the cold in favor of some less qualified minority. But we are going to be the minority soon enough -2050- some say 2042- and we will have removed our only legal means of not being openly discriminated against. When the mexican population gets big enough, what some have called critical mass, then things will change to the point where even the lemming will notice. Them and the rest of the muds who are coming to enjoy the Amerikwan dream. They may pass laws requiring revenge against whites for their media induced perception of the injustices of colonialism, slavery, etc.

    16. Parsifal Says:

      NPR used to occaisionally criticize the Zionist Entity and its brutal mistreatment of the Palestinians. But then the Jews threatened to withold their contributions to NPR. So now you never hear any criticism of Israel at all on that commie pinko, Jew-infested radio network.

      And all those Holohoax “documentaries” on PBS! There must be about a dozen of them a year. I once heard that the PBS station in NYC, Channel 13, was going to run a documentary on the Ukrainian famine of the early 30s, until the Jews complained about it and the show was yanked off the schedule. Now, why would the Jews want to keep everyone ignorant about that event?