7 June, 2009

Oy! BNP Wins Two EU Parliament Seats

Posted by Socrates in BNP, Britain, elections, England, EU, Socrates at 10:03 pm | Permanent Link

That’s not local. Nope. That’s EU-wide. International. Now White nationalism “looks legitimate.” Oy veh! – it’s a yid’s worst nightmare. The fortunes of the British National Party are really improving. Now, if they could just expel the Jews from the party…


  • 27 Responses to “Oy! BNP Wins Two EU Parliament Seats”

    1. ein Says:

      “The British public have done this in the teeth of a most disgraceful, vicious, lying press campaign against the BNP.” — “Nick Griffin

      I hope now that he’s (hopefully) in a position to do something about it, steps will be taken to deprive the sleazy, irresponsible, biased British press of the outrageous power it has thus far wielded. I understand that Griffin has also said that some people should be going to jail. And to think that only a few months ago they were trying to railroad him into jail!

    2. ein Says:

      “Now, if they could just expel the Jews from the party…”

      Oy! More likely, we’re going to see a rush of Jews trying to get into the party. (If they can’t kill it, then they’ll try to control it.)

      And it’ll be most interesting to see if the formerly hostile press starts singing, “can’t we be friends”?

    3. CW-2 Says:

      There is some criticism of Nick Griffin in Brit WN circles for his philo-semitism, but he is playing clever by focusing on the threat of Islamic jihadism. His next task will be to keep the jews at arm’s length.
      It was very amusing watching the jewtube as the election results were announced. The talking heads and paid politicos expressed their obligatory disappointment and indignation that White working people would have the impudence to vote for their survival. Can’t have that sort of democracy, White people are suppsed to do as they are told and vote for their own extinction!

    4. ein Says:

      “There is some criticism of Nick Griffin in Brit WN circles for his philo-semitism”

      Is he playing a Geert Wilders or a Jared Taylor? Or are the Jews playing them? Better be careful!

      Yes, I noticed the dolorous mood of the reporting:

      “it’s a “sad day” for British politics.”
      “It was a dismal result”

      What’s so sad about it? The people had their say! Is that so awful? Amazing!

      What does that tell us about their respect for the democratic procudure?

    5. ein Says:

      Procedure …. sorry shabbos.

      Oh, and while I was checking the news, I also saw this. Mayor Nagin of New Orleans is being held in quarantine in Shanghai.
      (Let’s hope they keep him.)

      US mayor quarantined in Shanghai

    6. Tina Carter Says:

      BNP is supported by Jews, and has Jews members in its party. Also note that biggest problem in England is Indian & Asian immigrants. I would love to see Englishmen trying to get rid of them. This ain’t gonna happen. Jews needs China & Israel more then financially bankrupt UK & USA.

      From” http://www.think-israel.org/locke.bnp.html”

      “One sign of this reformed attitude towards Jews is that the BNP not only has Jewish members, but even has a Jewish officeholder: Councilor Pat Richardson, elected last year by residents of the borough of Epping Forest, just north of London.

      2. The old National Front had been suspicious towards the United States as a foreign power occupying Britain, an antagonism muted during the Cold War by fanatic anti-communism. But the BNP has now adopted a foreign-policy stance whose self-described essence is “staying out of trouble,” i.e. avoiding foreign conflicts. So while it is unwilling to fight wars on behalf of the US, it has rejected doctrinaire anti-Americanism. It even suggested, in its official 2005 manifesto,[6] that it would allow American military bases to remain on British soil — albeit, it seems, reluctantly and on account of realpolitik considerations of not wanting to provoke American opposition and needing a counterbalance to the power of continental Europe.

      3. The BNP was originally, and until recently, at heart a socialist party with an economic policy based on 1930’s fascist models that have largely been forgotten outside far-right fringe movements. The party’s generally working-class orientation (its voters are largely alienated white working class; its leadership is generally upper-working-class with a sprinkling of the exceptionally independent-minded highly educated) made socialism natural, as did its early recognition that mass immigration to Britain was largely driven by business interests. However, Margaret Thatcher killed the credibility of socialism in Britain, so the party has since moved towards a form of economic nationalism that combines worker-owned ESOP capitalism (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) with an admiration for the paternalistic developmental economics of East Asian nations like Japan and the Asian “tigers.”


      Only fools would believe that we will win this fight through election.

    7. Tina Carter Says:

      I and many other have pointed out that these parties do not represent our interest, nor care to save our race. They will have giving membership to Indian, and Chinese in near future. They already have some Jews in their party.

      Read what Jews have to say about them!

      “One sign of this reformed attitude towards Jews is that the BNP not only has Jewish members, but even has a Jewish officeholder: Councilor Pat Richardson, elected last year by residents of the borough of Epping Forest, just north of London.”

    8. LoveWhite Says:

      There’s a significant number of Jews both open and crypto in the BNP, and some of them genuinely support white nationalism. But there’s no way Nick Griffin would attempt to expel any of them as the media would jump on top of the BNP faster than a jack rabbit. I’ve said before that there’s quite a few Jews in the BNP just as the number of Jews in Britain is underestimated.

      The BNP pulled off a great victory yesterday but one point to bear in mind is that their overall vote in one of their winning seats – Yorkshire and Humberside – was slightly less than the 2004 European election result. I can’t help ask why happened given that the social and racial situation has deterioated in the five years since 2004 and also the distrust in the main parties due to the ongoing expenses scandal. Yes the BNP has done well, but if an early general election is called this year (very probable with Gordon Browns precarious position), then based on the current results the BNP will not manage to get even one MP elected to the House of Commons. That means another 5 years under pro-multicultural David Cameron of the Tory party, who are not really conservatives.

    9. CW-2 Says:

      Tina, your quotes are a fairly accurate assessment of the BNP’s present policies and situation. Nobody said the party was perfect and I’m sure Nick Griffin is aware that jews intend infiltrating the party and steer it away from any overt anti-semitism.

      Sometimes in a war it is necessary to form alliances of convenience. In the area where I live many Sikhs vote BNP because they fear Islamic jihadism.

      Nick Griffin knows the score, I remember him years ago distributing 14-words leaflets. The BNP will at last provide a political focus for WN in the jewK. Our greatest strength is that we are like an iceberg, for every visible activist there are at least 20 hard-core believers in the woodwork.

    10. CW-2 Says:

      Tina, the biggest problem in England isn’t Indians and Asians, they are serious competitors but they generally keep to themselves. The major threat to any society is aways a genetic one, and the negro doing the jew’s work is THE threat.
      Our first priority is keeping our genes clean!

    11. LoveWhite Says:

      CW-2, the genetic threat is right but don’t forget that loads of Jewesess are going out with white gentile men. Remember the Jews as a whole in Britain outnumber blacks; Jews are found in every town up and down the country and it’s only their Caucasian appearance that fools so many into underestimating their numbers.

    12. Ein Says:

      Thank you for your comments from England. It is especially interesting to hear it from an insider.

      And yes, I agree that instead of waging a random, disorganized fight, against everything in general, it is of utmost importance to establish priorities.

    13. CW-2 Says:

      LoveWhite, I haven’t got the exact figures but there are allegedly something like 500,000 jews in Britain. The negro population is estimated at 3 million and that doesn’t include the 4 million Muslims and Hindus.
      Jews are very easy to spot once you recognise that ‘look’.

    14. NAME THE JEW Says:

      ein: “More likely, we’re going to see a rush of Jews trying to get into the party. (If they can’t kill it, then they’ll try to control it.)”

      Great point ein. Jews are ALWAYS trying to take over and claim credit for White ideas, movements, political parties, inventions, businesses, and so on once they are proven to be partly successful by Whites. However, once Jews infiltrate and manage to take over something pioneered or invented by Whites, they then commence to run it in to the ground and ruin/destroy it.

      + Obvious Rule Regarding Jews = Jews are not culture creators; rather Jews are mere culture imitators (at their best) or horribly destructive culture destroyers (at their worst).

    15. LoveWhite Says:

      CW-2. The number of Jews officially quoted in demographic statistics is always for religious self-declared Orthdox ones. For many years in textbooks a static figure of 350,000 was given, though that has likely increased now, perhaps to the half milion figure you cited. But assimilated non-religious Jews are for more numerous and pervasive than their Orthodox bretheren which is why I believe the true Jewish population could number into the millions. Then there are the large numbers of part Jews on top of that. While miscegenation between whites and blacks is very noticeable because of the skin colour difference, from my observations it’s more common between non-relgious Jews and whites, particularly white men and Jewish females.

    16. NAME THE JEW Says:

      LW: “Jews are found in every town up and down the country and it’s only their Caucasian appearance that fools so many into underestimating their numbers.”

      Yup, the UK (especially England) is quite infested with Jews. And they’ve even managed to fully infiltrate the British aristocracy as LaRouche and many others have pointed out many times, so much so that it can now be called the British-Jewish aristocracy, or ‘Anglo-Jewry.’ One of the prime centers of Jewish control is of course London of the London/New York/Tel Aviv Axis.

      International Jewish banking families accomplished this infiltration by getting the increasingly decadent British aristocracy more and more indebted to them, after which they began to demand aristocratic property, titles, and most importantly the DAUGHTERS of British aristocrats as repayment of those deep debts. And once Jewry managed to worm their way in to royal bloodline by basically buying some of those aristocratic British daughters and subsequently marrying/breeding them with Jewish males, it was basically game over for the British aristocracy.

      Even the poet Lord Byron was aware of the all the Jews infesting England back in his day; in the poem “The Age of Bronze” he wrote:

      [from Part XV]

      How rich is Britain ! not indeed in mines,

      Or peace or plenty, corn or oil or wines;

      No land of Canan, full of milk and honey,

      Nor ( save in paper shekels ) ready money:

      But let us not to own the truth refuse,

      Was ever Christian land so rich in Jews?

      Those parted with their teeth to good King John,

      And now, ye kings ! they kindly draw your own;

      All states, all things, all sovereigns they control,’

      And waft a loan “from Indus to the pole.”

      The banker, broker, baron, brethen, speed

      To aid these bankrupt tyrants in their need.

      Nor these alone; Columbian feels no less

      Fresh speculations follow each success;

      And philanthropic Israel deigns to drain

      Her mild per-centage from exhausted Spain.

      Not without Abraham’s seed can Russia march;

      ‘Tis gold, not steel, that rears the conqueror’s arch.

      Two Jews, a chosen people, can command

      In every realm their scripture-promised land: —

      Two Jews, keep down the Romans, and uphold

      The accursed Hun, more brutal than of old:

      Two Jews — but not Samaritans — direct

      The world, with all the spirit of their sect.

      What is the happiness of earth to them?

      A congress forms their “New Jerusalem,”

      Where baronies and orders both invite —

      Oh, holy Abraham ! dost thou see the sight?

      Thy followers mingling with these royal swine,

      Who spit not “on their Jewish gaberdine,”

      But honour them as portion of the show —

      ( Where now, oh Pope ! is thy forsaken toe?

      Could it not favor Judah with some kicks?

      Or has it ceased to “kick against the pricks?” )

      Oh Shylock’s shore behold them stand afresh,

      To cut from nations’ hearts their “pound of flesh.”


    17. Ein Says:

      Jews are very easy to spot once you recognise that ‘look’.

      Not necessarily so. That notion is deceptive. It’s both right and wrong. Yes, you can identify some, but a great many you cannot. And what about the semi-Jews? Even harder!

      Would you recognize Simon Cowell, Joan Collins, David Beckham as Jews? Yet, as I understand, they consider themselves such, although they’re only partly so. And there are many more who don’t consider thems such , but are still part-Jewish.

      Anyway, it’s not really the “look” that counts, but the thinking. No matter how they look, they still think like Jews and identify with Jews.

      Would you “spot” Matthew Broderick as a Jew? Not likely! He’s only half-Jewish, completely secular, grew up in Ireland, never received any Jewish religious training, yet according to his wife (Sarah Jessica Parker) he’s very concerned with Jewish issues and is even more Jewish than she is!

    18. Ein Says:

      I have to agree with LoveWhite that no matter what the official statistic is, there are a great many more passing under the radar.

      That goes for here in the US too.

    19. Parsifal Says:

      “Would you “spot” Matthew Broderick as a Jew? Not likely! He’s only half-Jewish, completely secular, grew up in Ireland, never received any Jewish religious training, yet according to his wife (Sarah Jessica Parker) he’s very concerned with Jewish issues and is even more Jewish than she is!”


      Or what about Zach Effron, the “dreamboat” from High School Musical? He’s a Jew, too (Or maybe he’s one of those mischlinge)! I think they get more Jewish-looking as they age, like Harrison Ford, Gwenneth Paltrow and Michael Douglas.

    20. gollywog Says:

      I forget which one of you said it but I use it all the time now. That is whenever I am out and about and anything that is talked about that is Jewish but not referred to as such, I make a point of highlighting it. “Oh that person who has been arrested for spying…he’s Jewish you know” or “Lady GA GA don’t listen to her around here but she’s Jewish” or ” you know the guy who frauduantly lost all those investors savings, you know he’s a Jewish guy right?”.
      It is so easy for the Jewish faithful to increase their flock while hiding within the general population. They have made their faith and their national identity pass on from the mother’s seed.
      Look at the famous and wealthy Jewish males that are married have done so with Jewish wives. The lower less known Jewish women settle down and spawn with all and sundry. It is encouraged for it is the numbers of new born that is wanted. The half breeds may not follow the true line to start with but at the age when it matters mid to late twenties it is all revealed to them.
      We need to collectively let others know jewish identities.

    21. The Red Skull Says:

      The BNP’s Huge victory is not an end,but a beginning.Taken in context with all the other rightest gains all over Europe,it is a significant change in the political climate,and a sign of Awakening.The BNP may or may not allow jews in,as they will naturally try to destroy the Party.However,if they are kept at arms length,out of important positions,then it will deflect the Jewsmedia attempts to villify them.Make the jews who do join do “footwork” and other activist activities,thereby increasing their usefulness and neutralizing their ability to sidetrack the Party by having high position.Either way,the election pissed off the Establishment–which is always a plus in my book.Hail White Victory!

    22. Parsifal Says:

      Tom McReen Says:

      9 June, 2009 at 9:48 am

      There are more cryptos around than people know. It’s also possible that there are many with jewish blood who don’t know it themselves.


      Well then, why don’t you pull out your trusty Tom McReen Jewish Blood Detector kit? It’s probably hidden under your stash of “Well-Hung Naked Black Man” magazines.

    23. CW-2 Says:

      Points taken. I have long suspected that Joan Collins is one of the tribe, any major player in the media or entertainment industry is likely to be one.
      The Brit aristocracy are completely jewed at all levels. That’s the main reason for the centuries long sufferings of the native people of these isles. The same can be said of the churches, lots of jew bishops.

    24. Ein Says:

      “I have long suspected that Joan Collins is one of the tribe,
      any major player in the media or entertainment industry is likely to be one.”

      Absolutely! Almost guaranteed.

      And Collins? Yep! Father was a big-time Jewish theatrical agent. She gets her looks from her mother, an English dancer. Practically all of them are either Jews, half-Jews, or (at least) married to a Jew. They wouldn’t have a movie career otherwise. Hollywood is run as a Jewish family business. (And all the while they preach to us about non-discrimination. Hypocrites!)

      The half-Jews and crypto-Jews pass most easily. This goes even for the ones you think are exceptions. I looked up Deborah Kerr the other day, considered the archetypal British actress. She’s Scottish-born herself, but it turns out she was married for 40 years to Peter Viertel, a German-born Jew from Dresden …. in real life Mrs. Peter Viertel.

      I was reading something a while ago about Helena Bonham Carter; I was always puzzled what talents she has that got her face on the silver screen. Well, her rich aunt is a Rothschild. That explains it! And she has a lot of very high-power political contacts in the family too, most of whom appear to be gentile, at least superficially. I guess you could call them an Anglo-Jewish family. Or a Semito-Saxon family!

      The Jews were thrown out of England nearly a thousand years ago; but now they’re back again in full force, and this time they’ve infiltrated the aristocracy and conquered the island.

    25. gollywog Says:

      Hell I’m only guessing here but the Jew would not have had anything to do with the formation of the Church of England. Good old Henry VIII could not divorce to get a new wife. Hell he did not have to divorce any of them, state sponsored murder would have done it. No, it was the church that Henry’s “ADVISORS” needed him to be divorced from.
      The Jewish bastards are with us like dry rot. Cut out a little piece and it will pop up somewhere else. I say do not worry about the product of the rot, (homo’s, vice, war, breakdown of culture, greed……. ) take out the cause. Publicly name all suspected Jewish bloodlines. Once they are in the open public opinion will ensure their fate. Focus on the cause not the product.

    26. ED! Says:



    27. NAME THE JEW Says:

      Ein: “The Jews were thrown out of England nearly a thousand years ago; but now they’re back again in full force, and this time they’ve infiltrated the aristocracy and conquered the island.”

      The German National Socialists had some of the think-tanks they set up (they were founded to specifically study the Jewish problem in a rational/scientific manner) focus on the issue of the infiltration of Jewish blood in to the British aristocracy, and this made me remember reading a passage from the following book stating that a noted German scholar/genealogist wrote a long article in the early 1940s which proved that Jews had definitely infiltrated the British aristocracy: http://books.google.com/books?id=o2dxjEiycfcC&printsec=frontcover&dq=studying+the+jew#PPA107,M1

      The article mentioned on that page is called “The Penetration of Jewish Blood into the English Upper Class” (1941) by F. W. Euler. Unfortunately it’s doubtful that this article has been translated in to English.