5 June, 2009

Obama as a Modern Pharaoh

Posted by Socrates in Kevin MacDonald, Obama, Socrates, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 1:27 am | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald.

“Those of us who are critical of the power of the Israel Lobby have been intrigued by the fact that the Obama administration seems to be standing up to the Israelis — and, by implication, to the Israel Lobby. After all, during the election campaign Obama did all the right things to show his support of the Israel Lobby and calm the fears of some Jewish activists that he would not be sufficiently pro-Israel, including which Philip Weiss termed a ‘truckling’ speech at the AIPAC convention.”


  • 43 Responses to “Obama as a Modern Pharaoh”

    1. Blackshirt Says:

      Funny how some Jews are whining that Obama isn’t pro-Jew enough. Maybe ol’ Barry will disappoint the Jews further and become one of their worst enemies… we can only hope. It is somewhat refreshing that at least we don’t have the level of Jew ass-kissing that we had during the past 8 years of patriotard conservative administration.

    2. Lee Luttrell Says:

      It all boils down to “CREDIBILITY” Just like you need “TRUST” in order to restore our economy….America needs credibility in the Middle East. Dr. Macdonald makes some excellent points, however, we do have one final option…….QUIT SIGNING THE CHECKS!!!!!!!

    3. Vaultner Says:

      Does this mean we can stuff him under a million tons of stone with no air?

      I’ve heard for embalming / mummification they pull the brains out thru the nose with a hook, I wonder how that’d work for him live?

    4. Tom McReen Says:

      “It is somewhat refreshing that at least we don’t have the level of Jew ass-kissing that we had during the past 8 years of patriotard conservative administration.”

      Obama is handled by jews as much as GW Bush was. The ‘Obama administration’ is overseen by Mossad agent Rahm Emanuel. The Democrats are as jew-owned as the Republicans, there is no real difference apart from presentation and Dems telling left-liberals what they want to hear. More jews vote Democrat than Republican and jews traditionally donate more to Democrats than Republicans.

      This is a good opportunity for lurkers and newbies to learn that both of the main political parties are jew-controlled and so not be fooled by any superficial differences. This is one of the minimum requirements for an educated White nationalist, we are not duped by jewish hoaxes and lies.


      “One could be excused for being skeptical about these developments. Walt interprets the Obama administration’s behavior as entirely in keeping with the thrust of the ideas presented in The Israel Lobby. He interprets the stance of the Obama administration as a hopeful sign that the United States is at last pursuing a policy that is in the interests of both the US and Israel. But he warns that thus far, it’s all rhetoric.”

    5. old_dutch Says:

      My guess is that the jews have O’bama kissing up to the Arabs prior to the attack on Iran.

    6. Parsifal Says:

      But Iran is not an Arab country.

    7. old_dutch Says:

      Yep. That’s exactly why the jews have had O’Bama kissing up to the Arabs before they start a war with Iran.

      It couldn’t be any plainer.

    8. Parsifal Says:

      I don’t get you. The Arabs aren’t at war with Iran, are they?

    9. Howdy Doody Says:

      old_dutch Says:

      5 June, 2009 at 10:44 am

      Yep. That’s exactly why the jews have had O’Bama kissing up to the Arabs before they start a war with Iran.

      It couldn’t be any plainer.

      Holy poop!

    10. Parsifal Says:

      The Jews have sent Obama to placate the Arabs in preparation for an attack against Iran, a non-Arab country………..It’s been a tough day and I’m a little discombobulated, but would you please explain?

    11. old_dutch Says:

      C’mon, you really are not that naive. This is VNN where the the majority of the readers & the publisher think that 911 was staged…LOL.

    12. old_dutch Says:

      The Arabs are Moslems. You should have said,”placate the Moslem Arabs in preparation for an attack against Moslem Iran”.

      The jews don’t want any Arab states causing them problems when they attack Iran. Or any Moslem solidarity in opposition to the jews geopolitical aims.

    13. Andrei's Ghost Says:

      Obama better watch out, the Jews might do to Obama what they did to Kennedy…..

    14. Mega Therion Says:

      And speaking of Kennedy deaths…it was 41 years ago today that an Arab was blamed for killing RFK. Not that Jew loving,nigger loving Bobby didn’t deserve to die,he earned his death…BUT, that was one of the first salvos in the “hate the Arab” game played by our Jewed gov’t.

    15. Parsifal Says:

      OK, but there is a lot of hostility between Shiite and Sunni Islam, the two major branches of the Mohammedan religion. Most, but not all, Muslim Arabs are Sunnis and the Iranians are almost completely Shiite. That being the case, why would most Arabs care if Iran is attacked?

    16. Parsifal Says:

      Well said, Mega T. But am I the only one who is confused by Old_Dutch’s argument about the need to placate the Arabs in order to attack non-Arab Iran?????

    17. Andrei Yustschinsky (Andrei's Ghost) Says:

      And speaking of asshole Bobby Kennedy, here is the text & the recording of Kennedy crying about Martin Luther King’s death before a shit load of niggers in Indianapolis. in 1968….

    18. Parsifal Says:

      As US Attorney General, RFK spied on Michael King and came up with a lot of embarassing stuff on that wily nigger. Then he has the chutzpah to eulogize the coon and quote Aeschylus? As if anyone in that audience knew who Aeschylus was.

    19. old_dutch Says:

      Read this again Parsi:

      The jews don’t want any Arab states causing them problems when they attack Iran. Or any Moslem solidarity in opposition to the jews geopolitical aims.

    20. CW-2 Says:

      The audience must have been saying, ‘Who dat Aeschylus mo’ fucka?’

      Even though there is little love between the Arab world and the Farsi speaking Iranians, an attack on Iran would surely unite the Moslem world…..unless the war is started by Israel and the US comes in as ‘the honest broker’ to separate the combatants after the damage has been done.

    21. Adam Says:

      Funny how some Jews are whining that Obama isn’t pro-Jew enough. Maybe ol’ Barry will disappoint the Jews further and become one of their worst enemies… we can only hope. It is somewhat refreshing that at least we don’t have the level of Jew ass-kissing that we had during the past 8 years of patriotard conservative administration.

      Yes, the Jews seem very worried. The patriotards on the radio – Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh, and of course the Jew Michael Savage – are all tearing their hair out in lamentation over the guy, and how bad he is on the Israel question. They are weeping buckets of tears over their poor little Jews. LOL.

      We should remember that to niggers, Jews are just another type of whitey. Therefore, in his mind, maybe this is just another part of Barack’s attempts to “stick it to” and “play” whitey, which he has so far done so appallingly well. He seems to have the typical planet-sized nigger ego, and he may think that taking his place in history by being the one to broker a peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians is in the cards for him.

      Recall too that radical black leftists have a long history of opposition to Zionism. As MacDonald has pointed out in his essay Understanding Jewish Influence III: Neoconservatism as a Jewish Movement:

      The New Left also tended to have negative attitudes toward Israel, with the result that many Jewish radicals eventually abandoned the left. In the late 1960s, the black Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee described Zionism as “racist colonialism”96 which massacred and oppressed Arabs. In Jewish eyes, a great many black leaders, including Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Touré), Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, and Andrew Young, were seen as entirely too pro-Palestinian. (Young lost his position as UN ambassador because he engaged in secret negotiations with the Palestinians.) During the 1960s, expressions of solidarity with the Palestinians by radical blacks, some of whom had adopted the Muslim religion, became a focus of neoconservative ire and resulted in many Jewish New Leftists leaving the movement.97 Besides radical blacks, other New Left figures, such as I. F. Stone and Noam Chomsky (both Jews), also criticized Israel and were perceived by neocons as taking a pro-Soviet line.98 The origins of neoconservatism as a Jewish movement are thus linked to the fact that the left, including the Soviet Union and leftist radicals in the United States, had become anti-Zionist.

      It will be interesting to see how the whole thing plays out. As Macdonald says, the Jews will fight furiously any efforts to restrict settlement expansion. They know, at the gut level, this law of nature: that if they aren’t growing, they’re dying – and in this, they are correct. If Barack succeeds in stopping the expansion, then that will be the high water mark for Israel. From there, it’s all downhill for them.

    22. Ein Says:

      “am I the only one who is confused by Old_Dutch’s argument about the need to placate the Arabs in order to attack non-Arab Iran?????”

      Yes, you are! I think it’s as plain as day.

      Before you attack your enemy, you first split and disunite their camp as much as possible; that’s always been the Jewish strategy.
      We’ve seen plenty, plenty of this done to ourselves. It’s been the underlying history of our country in the 20th Century.

      Arabs may dislike Persians, but they’re still Moslems.
      And Shiites may despise Sunnis, but they’re still Moslems.
      Islam comes first. Islam is paramount.
      Moslems may squabble among themselves, but it’s a family feud; they don’t countenance interference from infidels.

    23. Blackshirt Says:

      I agree with you, Ein. What the Yids are doing makes perfect tactical sense.

      And just in case anyone might get the wrong idea about my first post, I am perfectly aware of the fact that both parties are fronts for Jewish power. I was just saying that at least the new administration isn’t kissing the Zionist entity’s ass as passionately as the previous one. It was almost unbelievable to watch how the neo cons and patriotards worshiped Israel and protected it’s interests. I guess it goes back to all the bible believers who put god’s pets up on a pedestal. At least the new batch of Jews and their allies aren’t caught up in all that biblical bullshit.

    24. KALKI Says:

      Startling video showcases Jewish hate – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uxt9HwfPwPo


    25. MacanBhainbh Says:

      It’s just kabuki theatre for the gullible goyim.

    26. Jim Says:

      The jew’s strategy is to portray Obama as a “man of peace” who will blunt the Arab world’s hostility to the kikes plan for world domination. As a half nigger, Obama looks like a perfect expression of the new mongrolized humanity that the jews want. If Obama really did stand up to the jews, he would of course suffer the same fate as JFK, who actually did piss off the kikes by denying Israel the technology to develop the atomic bomb. In Obama’s case the jews are trying a “soft strategy ” to accomplish their sinister ends . You can be sure that no matter what Obama says that seems to placate the Arab world, his actions will always serve his zionist handlers.

    27. Tom McReen Says:

      “At least the new batch of Jews and their allies aren’t caught up in all that biblical bullshit.”

      It makes no difference, they are even more openly anti-White. They are also caught up in fags, ‘ethnic minorities’ and gun-grabbing.

      Jews are responsible for America’s situation and for America’s support for Israel, some Churches just follow.

    28. Tom McReen Says:

      “Yes, the Jews seem very worried.”

      They’re not they picked Obama and got him elected.

      “The patriotards on the radio – Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh, and of course the Jew Michael Savage – are all tearing their hair out in lamentation over the guy, and how bad he is on the Israel question. They are weeping buckets of tears over their poor little Jews. LOL.”

      They do that all the time, nothing has really changed.

    29. Parsifal Says:

      Tom, you are right. The Jews voted overwhelmingly for Obongo because he appealed to their natural Leftist tendencies. True, some of the more rabid Zionist Jews may be getting hyper-suspicious of the nigger, but overall I think he still enjoys massive Jew support and that’s all that matters to a US politician these days.

      As far as placating Arabs to soften them up for an eventual attack on Iran, I suppose it’s possible. But the US invaded and occupied an Arab state called Iraq 6 1/2 years ago and I don’t see the other Arab states uniting against that occupation. How much unity can you seriously expect from them if a non-Arab state like Iran should be attacked?

    30. Ein Says:

      Parsifal Says: Tom, you are right.

      Parsifal — well, well, now, suddenly, you’re agreeeing with your deadly enemy, McReen? Now, I have no confidence in EITHER of you. You’re BOTH plants and zionist trolls! There are more agents here than posters.

    31. Fiotheth Says:

      Is it possible though that Obama is an anti-semitic black nationalist MOLE?!?!

      Remember that he went to Rev. Wrights church which handed out Hamas materials to negroes and had close relations to the coon Farrakhan!

      He might want to stick it to Jewy just as he is sticking it to Whitey!

      Also Obama nows that as the Head Nigger in Charge that if the Jews get uppity and challenge him that there are alot more niggers then kikes so his ordering a ‘Black Crystal Night’ is quite feasible.

      Interesting times.

      Anyhow we know that as soon as negroes are put in charge a society is close to collapse and it is time to prepare survivalist style. Look at Ancient Egypt, they collapsed right after they let some darkies onto the throne

    32. Howdy Doody Says:

      Fiotheth Says:

      6 June, 2009 at 1:36 am



      Does any think So called Congoid leaders are told what to do by Eskimo’s ?

    33. Parsifal Says:

      “Tom McReen”, at least in his online incarnation, is truly an obnoxious tool, sort of like what you’re becoming, Ein. But I have what you might call an Aryan sense of fair-play, which compels me to give credit when, where and to whom it is due. Even if Alan Dershowitz or Jesse Jackson* said something intelligent or constructive, I would readily acknowledge it……….I’m not a spiteful, malicious Jew, after all.

      What was I supposed to do, preface my previous post with something like: “Tom, you’re a goddam prick and probably working for MI-5, but I agree with you on the following points….” Don’t worry, Ein. I’m sure Tom will respond to my post with some nasty, insulting remarks and insane accusations that will make me get angry at him all over again. Would that make you happy?

      *The “Reverend” Jackson is on the record as having once said that if he is walking down a street and there are several young men walking behind him, he would feel a lot safer knowing they were White instead of Black. And this from the self-styled successor to “Doctor” King!

    34. Vaultner Says:


      Those kikes in shitsrael are as asinine as most of the idiots over here. I particularly got a kick out of the imbecile yid shouting White power near the beginning someone should tell him he’s a lactose intolerant asiatic mongreloid squatter & not White.

    35. Curt O'brian Says:

      I agree. There is a lot of deep anger at Jews in places like Oakland Ca among the blacks. I think Obama may be loyal to his childhood in Indonesia as much as to his Chicago Jewish handlers. If so I predict he won’t have a second term. The Jews will manufacture some type of disaster and he will be out in disgrace.

    36. Tom McReen Says:

      “Tom McReen”, at least in his online incarnation, is truly an obnoxious tool, sort of like what you’re becoming, Ein. But I have what you might call an Aryan sense of fair-play, which compels me to give credit when, where and to whom it is due.”

      Respectfully request the banning of this tool for yet more disruption and the fact it is still defiantly posting using all sock puppets despite being totally discredited and exposed.

      I am thinking more of any newbies who may be fooled by this ongoing charade.

      “insulting remarks”

      As you just made?

      “insane accusations”

      Proven accusations. ‘Insane’ for the second time, very jewish. It would be easier for everyone if this anti was gone. Please.

    37. Tom McReen Says:

      Obama as Pharoah? I wonder what that makes Rahm Emanuel.

    38. Mega Therion Says:

      Obama is not an “anti-Semite”. He is their perfect little tool, check his history. The universities he attended, the most jewed state politically-AIPAC runs Illinois.

      This mulatto monster is the Jew’s wettest dream. He’s a slave to them.

    39. Parsifal Says:

      McReen, your real purpose in sticking around here (like dog shit on the bottom of a shoe….Now there is an apt similie!)has become very clear. You want to dumb things down to the point where no intelligent, racially-oriented discourse of any kind exists on this site anymore, just you accusing everyone who remains of being stupid or a troll.

      Now go back to HQ and tell them to re-assign you because you have FAILED here.

      PS….I take back my apology about the Yankee Jim remark, asshole.

    40. Ein Says:

      Fiotheth Says: “Is it possible though that Obama is an anti-semitic black nationalist MOLE?!?! He might want to stick it to Jewy just as he is sticking it to Whitey!”

      I doubt that very, very much. Don’t you think those Jews who “discovered” him and groomed him for the last 20 years checked him out VERY throughly during that time? I’m sure they knew EXACTLY what they were getting. People like Pritzger and Soros didn’t bet their billions on an unknown quantity. No way.

    41. Parsifal Says:

      The Jews got themselves a real piece of mystery meat when they selected Barry Sotero for the Presidency. He’s sort of from Kenya, sort of from Illinois, sort of from Hawaii and Indonesia………He’s sort of Black but had a White mother, sort of; he’s sort of a Muslim but also sort of a Christian, sort of a US citizen, but not a natural-born US citizen, apparently……..He has used several aliases in the past and has no real job resume. And he just suddenly came out of nowhere when GW Bush’s second term ended. GW Bush has no real past, either. It’s all a blank, or more accurately, an erased slate up to the age of 40. The Jews certainly love finding these ciphers with spotty pasts and molding them into any shape they please.

    42. Ein Says:

      Ha, well, I must way you sort of have a point … “sort of”!

    43. Ein Says:

      Say, not way, he has a point … (sorry shabbos)

      Yes, they do shape them and mold them — just as they would like to re-shape and re-mold, and socially re-engineer all of us into more amenable forms.