9 June, 2009

Non-Whites Work Both Sides of the Street

Posted by Socrates in Diversity, diversity is hate, multiculturalism, race, racial differences, Socrates at 1:58 am | Permanent Link

Non-Whites are ‘the same as White people,’ but they need their own student centers in all of the universities because they’re different. Understand?


  • 24 Responses to “Non-Whites Work Both Sides of the Street”

    1. Curt O'brian Says:

      You have to give the Mormons credit. They buy a house or build a center across from various public universities and then use the multimillion dollar taxpayer facilities and still have their kids learn reading writing and arithmetic. That’s the reason the Jews and their queer army hate the Mormons. They are about the only non Jew religion that has it’s shit together. The constant attacks on the Mormons by the Jews and their queer army is why the Mormons fought gay marriage in California IMHO.

      Like one of those national geographic specials about lions and hyenas on the veldt – Eternal Enemies. Too bad the other whites don’t have the stomach for putting their money where their mouth is like the Mormon Church.

      The Jewish religion is the other group that always has serious student groups on every campus. The Jewish professionals make it their business to actually support these groups.

      Unfortunately the Queers are picking up on this and starting to do the same thing. There some right here that post every day that are trying to make fags the new normal.

    2. gollywog Says:

      CO’…. what the fuck. Did I read the same article as you or not. Because there was no mention of Mormans in what I read.
      Mormans to hell with the Mormans. That is one fucked up religion. Actively seeks out blacks into the fold and promotes child brides.
      What some lame arse conman snake oil salesman moved from the north to some back hole and found Utopia. Then dictated what he was told by God, because he lacked the educational training to write himself, for all to follow.
      I’m on board, packing up tonight. Where’s the coolaid honey????

    3. Brett Quinn Says:

      Any White student who would try to set up a group, say a European Heritage Club, would, along with the group be smeared as racist. Thus, the group would be banned. Yet, minorities can have their clubs.

    4. Parsifal Says:

      Every group can have a “community” except White heterosexuals. What do they mean by “community”, anyway? Libs love using certain buzz-words but never explain what they mean.

      Spot-on with the comments about the Moron Church, Gollywog! Tax the shit out of all those “religions”, I say.

    5. Ein Says:

      Well, I see Tom/Curt and his multiple schizoid personalities have already taken over this column.
      I guess there’s not much else to do in Tel Aviv right now.
      No sense anybody wasting time here. Bye!

    6. Me Says:

      What, you have brain cancer? A tumor in your front lobes? The white race lost the war. Now the world de-Aryaonizes, and it doesn’t matter if you know you are an Aryan or not. “Racism” is a one way anti-Aryan street, Aryan, and your screwed. Don’t like it? Too bad.

      Hey, take another “class.” Attend “university” you thin weak white bitches and wimps, “seek further knowledge” from the same fountains of poison that put you into debt to begin with, and which will feed you nothing more then the same bullshit you heard before, and that the controlled media gives you everyday. Believe that “life long learning,” that being life long servitude manifested in payments made to educational bodies, is somehow an obligation, and that there is no such thing as Truth, or Falsehood, or Race. Take another class, you clueless follower, and learn what new words your are forbidden to say, whilst minorities call you new names every day. Bend over, submit, or not? The call is yours, the path is dangerous, but if you are seeing the light of day, maybe, just maybe, the teachings of your grandparents will provide you with the will to follow that light, and do what is right. What would your great-grandfather tell you about the situation? Follow his advice, if your smart enough to think about the question to begin with. More is expected of you then your current actions.

    7. gollywog Says:

      Get into bed with your enemy’s enemy. I have been to many pro-Palestinian meetings/marches and encourage all of my like minded friends to do the same. Many of these are at places of education from junior schools to universities. I even have taken my daughters and their friends. Nothing better than loading up the numbers with tall good looking white ladies to confuse the mass media reporters.
      And the Jewish stooges on the sidelines get confused what to yell as well.
      Here is a good tactic as well. You know all of those nice bright crossed over ribbon pins or the national flag pins well start wearing an anti-Israeli button works wonders. Hell I wear mine everywhere. I just love it when the double look happens. You know the recipient wants to say something but will not for fear that you may be a white supremest or a bomber. Either way they are now thinking anti-Israel.
      Use your enemy’s enemy for direct action.

    8. Parsifal Says:

      I hope you disappear, jerk.

    9. Parsifal Says:

      “Tom McReen Says:

      9 June, 2009 at 9:15 pm

      Am I dreaming or have all my posts disappeared?”

      You’re history, McReen. GOOD RIDDANCE.

    10. Mega Therion Says:

      Say hello to the Tidy Bowl man on your way down the toilet, Lipshits…take “Curt” with you.

    11. Blackshirt Says:

      Now let’s not gloat, boys. LOL Don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll be back under another moniker, you watch…

    12. Mega Therion Says:

      Oh absolutely…Lipshits will return. Let’s see what Irish name he uses next. The clue will be that it’s misspelled like he did with “O Brian”…

    13. Parsifal Says:

      Seamus McGoldberg?

      Paddy O’Rubinstein?

      Herschel Fitzpatrick?

    14. Ein Says:

      “Say hello to the Tidy Bowl man on your way down the toilet, Lipshits…take “Curt” with you.”
      How could he/they not go together? They’re Siamese twins!

      “Lipshits will return.”
      With a name like that, no wonder the anal obsession!
      Tel Aviv realized he had been outed and reassigned him.

      “Let’s see what Irish name he uses next. “
      Will it be a Bill or a Bob this time? Be suspicious if it’s spelled Bil or Bop.

    15. Parsifal Says:

      I never heard of an Irishman named McReen. I knew of a Breen or two, but no McReen. Jews think they’re so clever.

    16. Ein Says:

      “I never heard of an Irishman named McReen.”

      Nor I. No such name.

      I just checked the NYC phone book. There are McRae and
      McCree but no Mc Reen. Nothing!

    17. Parsifal Says:

      You’re not sincere, Lipshitz. You’re just an annoying, obnoxious Jew troublemaker who kept interrupting the dialogue with your dumb lies and baseless accusations. What kind of half-assed Irish sounding moniker will you adopt next? Hopefully a real Irishman will come along and PUMMEL you.

    18. Parsifal Says:

      At around 7:50 this morning, McReen briefly snuck in a posting that his stupid and repetetive messages were “sincere”, so that’s what my above post is in response to.

      So long, asshole, you WILL NOT be missed.

      It’s nice to get the last word in once in a while!

    19. Socrates Says:

      Parsifal, note for the record that McReen was not the only poster who was posting off-topic. Several posters do that, constantly.

    20. Parsifal Says:

      It’s a bad habit to get into.

    21. Marwinsing Says:

      Any human belonging to a RELIGION should be SHOT. Any human belonging to a RACE should be given their DUE RESPECT (until they come fuck around on MY turf that is) …RELIGION was born out of RACE and this is what RELIGION tries to hide – and this is what RELIGION has always tried to hide – so fuck RELIGION and hail RACE. Make sense? – and I’m talking about COMMON sense.

    22. Marwinsing Says:

      …of course, people like “The Good” Reverend Ted Pike and “The Good” Bishop Williamson etc, are exempt from the above – and why? – because the religious dogma that they’ve gotten themselves into they INHERITED and are now, from a strategic and tactical point of view… too late for them to bail out of – yeah, these poor dumb cunts are CAUGHT IN THE LOOP – they have erred (and by fuck do they, or they OUGHT to… know it) but perhaps they should be forgiven from a RACIAL and POLITICAL point of view – and why? – you know why.

      Because they’re stoopid dumb fucking whites!

      Just like most of our race.

      (apologies for being honest)

    23. Marwinsing Says:

      …and in A TRUE WHITE WORLD any of the above would be NON-NEGOTIABLE.

    24. Z.O.G. Says:

      Now let’s not gloat, boys. LOL Don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll be back under another moniker, you watch…

      You mean like Parsifal does and like you do? You admitted to using sock puppets last week. :-)