7 June, 2009

Errol Flynn

Posted by Socrates in 'anti-Semitism', Socrates, vintage jew-crit at 9:37 pm | Permanent Link

Seen: a good movie called “Captain Blood” (1935), starring Errol Flynn. (If you haven’t seen it, you might want to check it out). That film brought to mind a Flynn quote about Jews: “I do wish we could bring Hitler over here to teach these Isaacs a thing or two. The bastards have absolutely no business probity or honour whatsoever.” — from a 1933 Flynn letter.

  • 20 Responses to “Errol Flynn”

    1. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      Every once in a while you get a glimpse of what Hollywood was like behind the scenes back then and it wasn’t quite what the “Greatest Generation” dolts thought it was. I listen to old radio shows from the 40’s and 50’s on Shoutcast and I hear the Jew agenda being pushed hard even back then. Just yesterday a rebroadcast of an old “The Saint” show starring Vincent Price concluded with Price warning the audience against racial awareness. OF course we know today that racial awareness saves lives and fortunes, which is why most Whites don’t move into or buy homes in nigger neighborhoods.

      Then there was the casting couch, the ripoffs, the sick comedy. Listen to an old comedy roast sometime with Milton Berle or Buddy Hackett or some other Jew comedians, not the ones that were broadcast, but the ones that were more-or-less held privately, and you’ll hear feces-obsessed filth that rivals anything that comes out of the foul mouth of that “nice Jewish boy”, Bob Saget. But Americans sat there drooling in front of their TV sets, laughing at that wonderful Uncle Miltie’s stupid humor without a clue as to what he was really like. You wonder, where was the leadership, the people who should have been exposing all of this? This country’s been screwed for a long, long time.

    2. Parsifal Says:

      Well said, Filene’s Basement. If only the public knew about what was really going on behind the scenes of all that “wholesome” kosher entertainment oozing out of Hymiewood and Jew York in the 40s and 50s.

    3. zoomcopter Says:

      Hollywood has always been the ministry of propaganda for the Jews. They were pushing the envelope of decency from day one. No doubt a cabal of Jews, in Hollywood, is constantly probing the mindset of it’s viewing audience, right down to eye movement and gavanic skin responce, to to introduction of more “diverse” themes into movies and TV. Most recently, the question of homosexual marriage, asked of Miss California. In 10 years the question will concern incest, or some such.

    4. Justin Huber Says:

      Actually some of the most sinister propaganda promoting cultural Marxism falls under guise of “wholesome entertainment”. That’s why my stomach turns whenever I hear some dunderhead refer to the “old Hollywood” that turned out “decent” movies that were suitable for family viewing and promoted strong moral values. More often than not, the “strong moral values” that were preached on the silver screen tied in to the Marxist notion of equality, pacifism etc.

    5. Ein Says:

      Great posts, Justin and others! Yes those “decent” old movies were, generally speaking, still propaganda — just egalitarian cultural Marxism without the scatology. The Hollywood masters had to step cautiously, lest the goys become alarmed.

    6. CW-2 Says:

      When Hymiewood wasn’t churning out ‘kraut-killing’ war movies it was turning out roll-over-and-die pacifist stuff. I don’t know which was the most dangerous.

    7. Parsifal Says:

      The Hayes Office Code of the early 1930s put the kabosh on the really racy movies coming out of Hymiewood. The Jews either had to tone the sex and violence down or risk getting an unpleasant visit from J. Edgar Hoover’s G-Men and having their film either banned or confiscated.

      Some of those pre-Code movies were very good, though, like Scarface, Public Enemy and Little Ceasar. The movies that came out after 1935 did at times sacrifice quality in order to comply with the Code. After the Code was abolished in 1966, all the stops were pulled out, starting with Easy Rider and Midnight Cowboy (both of which I liked, BTW). Films really started getting bad after 1975, thanks in part to the Jew Spielberg’s movie Jaws. Almost every movie since then has been a puerile or simple-minded piece of junk aimed at 14 year-olds (Porky’s, Animal House, Halloween, Superbad, Mall Cop, Star Wars).

    8. Toht Says:

      Funny to look back and realize that even before he started making Holohoax propaganda Steven Speilberg was casting jews as the leading men in his movies, Roy Scheider in Jaws, Richard Dreyfuss in Close Encounters, and half-jew Harrison Ford in Raiders of the Lost Ark. The last was when he began to really indulge in the judeo-propaganda with jew Philip Kaufman and jew Lawrence Kasdan’s very jewy script which introduced the obscure heeb artifact to the general public.

      And yes, the Ark was very, very obscure before that movie came out. Even to Christians, most of whom assumed the movie was about NOAH’S ARK when they heard the title!

      Now they all know that it’s a magic box that melts Nazis.

    9. Antagonistes Says:

      You’ll have to find someone better than this reckless, wild womanizer!

      Womanizer! Womanizer!

      Look, Flynn was part of the fantasy world. He spoke truth, at times, but a denizen of the fantasy world of cinema is just as much suspect as a denizen of the fantasy world of crystal-meth.

      Decent people say, Keep him away from my wife and kids (or, Keep her away from my husband!)

      People like this just scare decent Whites into churches.

      Surely, you can do better.

    10. Parsifal Says:

      So that’s where the saying “In like Flynn” comes from!

    11. jackson Says:

      Wasn’t Captain Blood the one where Olivia de Havilland was wearing a huge straw hat with her curls cascading down onto bare shoulders as she bought white men in a slave market?

    12. smitty Says:

      Wow….. Great quote, it lifted my spirits

    13. Fr. John Says:

      “People like this just scare decent Whites into churches.”

      And this is bad, why?


    14. Parsifal Says:

      Fr. John, have you finished your job building hundreds of coffins for victims of the Black Plague?

    15. Antagonistes Says:

      Fr. John:

      While Christianity has many virtues, it also is the very engine of egalitarianism in the West.

      Christianity says that all are created equally in the image of God, all have sinned equally, and that all can be made a son of God.

      Is this not equality? A black man and a white man–both saved and made “new creatures in Christ”.

      Where is there any Christian support of the races being separate and different? Where is there any Christian support of a White Nation?

      If Qu’antavius and Roger are both born again, made into the image of Christ, where is the basis for a separate whiteness, or a separate blackness? If A=C, and B=C, then, logically, A must equal B.

      If Qu’antavius equals the spirit of Christ, and Roger equals the spirit of Christ, then Qu’antavius and Roger are truly brothers.
      (Nevermind the fact, that if this is truly adhered to, the black version of worship will gradually take over, AS IT IS in many churches).

      I respect your writings, Father, and would truly appreciate being corrected.

      Christianity, at least, does have a moral code, and would have much to say to a character like Errol Flynn (see the other topic on Errol Flynn).

      I wish it could say as much to people like that nutcase, Rowan Martin (I think that is his name, the one in England).

    16. Parsifal Says:

      Do yo mean “Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-In”?

    17. Antagonistes Says:

      Ha! Maybe that is what I was thinking of. The modern church is much like Laugh-in.

      His name is Rowan Williams, and he is all over the place, intellectually. If he were pro-England, he would be a valuable asset.

      But—Where …. is ….Fr. John? My soul demands an answer. Indeed, it trembles on the brink of the lake of fire.

      Again, I ask Father John—Can you show me where Christianity is pro-race, pro-nation, and anti-egalitarian?

      OK, I was kidding about the lake of fire thing (maybe), but I would kindly like an answer.

    18. Antagonistes Says:

      Furthermore, every time you have a character like C. S. Lewis to brush the flies away, they soon come back . . . even more of them.

      Read “Celsus on the True Doctrine.” He says that , in his time, the second century, Christianity attracted the very worst elements of society. And whenever a wise person or a philosopher came along, they would scatter like flies, not wanting to engage such a person in a dialogue. Indeed, Celsus says, they celebrated ignorance, saying that wisdom was a snare of this evil world.

      This even contradicts the Hebrew Bible, where wisdom is celebrated as a path to honor and even wealth, as in Proverbs.

      Such were the beginnings of Christianity . . . and such is the end, as we are seeing it today.

      I am beginning to see why the pagans and Jews were so put out with the Christians. Their every motive was conditioned on the presumption that the world was ending soon, very soon (and that the competent and wise would be thrown down, and the poor and incompetent would be exalted) which lead to some outrageous behaviors.

    19. Parsifal Says:

      I believe all those stories about Xians being thrown to the lions is bunk, too. Most of those “believers” didn’t have enough courage or conviction to give up their lives for their religious beliefs. The ancient Romans were rather tolerant of most religions as a matter of fact, which is more than can be said for Chrisitanity.

    20. Antagonistes Says:

      I believe it was Julius Evola who said that all the “knightly” virtues in Christianity came from the European Aryan half of that union.

      But that marriage is over, and Europeans are being punished in the divorce and forced to pay alimony in the form of open borders, equality, serving others, welfare, etc.—all desicated remnants of Christian egalitarian ethics, universalized and applicable to all “God’s children”, the whole world over.