11 May, 2009

U.S. Soldier Shoots 5 Comrades

Posted by Socrates in 'Middle East', Iraq, Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed foreign policy, Muslims, Socrates, War On Israel's Enemies, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 5:15 pm | Permanent Link

Question: why are U.S. troops still in Iraq? Answer: Israel. The American government is worried that a hard-line Muslim leader could rise to power in Iraq, thereby posing a threat to the Jewish state. In other words, America went into Iraq for Israel and is remaining there for the same reason:


  • 11 Responses to “U.S. Soldier Shoots 5 Comrades”

    1. Stan Sikorski Says:

      Good for him.

      Now, lets get a post up here about Demjanjuk being taken by force today ( http://vnnforum.com/showthread.php?t=93817 ).

      This is a serious situation that, in any normal White soceity would have brought heavy Aryan action down on anyone attempting to accost this man.

      The hebes must pay for this and many other crimes they have committed against our people. Time for talk is over. OVER. Can’t you see? They are taking us out one by one – WEEK BY WEEK. When is enough, enough?

    2. John Says:

      Maybe this soldier just got sick of jews and snapped.

    3. -jc Says:


      Iraqi family survivors: We wish U.S. soldiers had also killed us

      * Family testifies in sentencing phase against U.S. soldier
      * Steven Green and other soldiers raped a 14-year-old girl, killed her and her family
      * Green has been identified as the ringleader in the murder rampage

      From Dave Alsup

      PADUCAH, Kentucky (CNN) — Surviving members of an Iraqi family said they are haunted by a murder rampage committed by a gang of U.S. soldiers.


      Former U.S. soldier Steven Green has been convicted of raping and killing a 14-year-old Iraqi girl.

      They testified Monday in the sentencing phase of a trial, in which one of the soldiers has been convicted and might face the death penalty.
      Testimony is to continue Tuesday.

      On Monday, family members said their lives have been ruined and it would be better if the soldiers had also killed them.
      Defendant Steven Green did not make eye contact as the family members testified.

      Green has been identified as the ringleader in the murder rampage. He was convicted last week in U.S. District Court in Kentucky of murder, rape, conspiracy and obstruction of justice.

      He and other soldiers barged into the home of an Iraqi family in 2006, raped a 14-year-old girl, killed her and her family, and set the home afire, authorities said.

      Ameena Al-Janabi testified through a translator Monday that her two grandsons were the first to arrive on the fiery scene and see that their family members had been killed.

      The two boys used to be great students, but have since refused to attend school, the woman said.

      They “are lost, as if they are not living in this life,” Janabi said.

      Abid Abu Farras, a cousin, also spoke about the effect of the murders on the surviving brothers.

      Their “futures are destroyed,” Farras said. “If they had died with their family, they would have been better off.”

      The prosecution rested after four witnesses.

      The defense called other soldiers to the stand to illustrate the chaos that Green’s platoon faced while deployed in the Mahmoudiya area of Iraq, south of Baghdad.

      Four other former soldiers are in prison for their roles in the crimes and the cover-up that followed.

      Private First Class James Barker, Sgt. Paul Cortez, Private First Class Jesse Spielman and Private First Class Bryan Howard received sentences ranging from 27 months to 110 years — with the possibility of parole in 10 years in the most severe cases.

      They were convicted and sentenced in a military court.

      Green might become the first former U.S. soldier to face the death penalty for war crimes before a civilian court.

      The reason for the distinction: Green was discharged from the military before his crimes came to light.

      When the killings became public in 2006, the Iraqi public was enraged and some Iraqi officials demanded that American soldiers accused of crimes against civilians face prosecution in Iraqi courts.

      U.S. military and civilian officials condemned the attack and vowed to bring those responsible to justice.

    4. Cpt. Candor Says:

      Obongo Quotes: “My heart goes out to the families and friends of all the service members involved.”

      That’s why he’s not ordering a complete and immediate US withdrawal from that wrecked basket-case of a country.

      “I will press to ensure that we fully understand what led to this tragedy, and that we are doing everything we can to ensure that our men and women in uniform are protected.”

      His failure to end the war ultimately led to it, but don’t worry! He’ll ensure their protection by gradually relocating them to Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    5. Parsifal Says:

      Right again, Cap’n. I can’t say I blame this guy for flipping out. Over 6 years of occupying that desert hell-hole, having to put up with asshole superior officers who make their subordinates take the blame for following illegal orders……This kind of “fragging” is probably going on a lot more frequently than the ZOG media is telling us. Thanks, Banjo Lips, you half-coon bastard.

    6. Ein Says:

      “Thanks, Banjo Lips, you half-coon bastard.”

      LOL. I can’t blame the poor sap for being a “half coon bastard”. It’s not his fault. That must be a heavy cross to bear. (If he’s even’ aware of it.) I blame his wacky mother who couldn’t keep her legs closed.

    7. Parsifal Says:

      The problem, Herr Ein, is that the light-skinned, “high yellow” ones are REALLY uppity. They have nothing but contempt for their less fortunate, darker-skinned bretheren and they spend their summer vacations (taking a break from their cushy, Affirmative Action Government or University jobs) on Martha’s Vineyard with the likes of Colin Powell, Vernon Jordan and Bill Cosby.

    8. gw Says:

      Parsifal Says:
      The problem, Herr Ein, is that the light-skinned, “high yellow” ones are REALLY uppity.
      And they are the most dangerous. Devious and sneaky too. Virtually all the “bright” Negroes are those “high yellows” you mentioned. Yet, while “they have nothing but contempt for their less fortunate, darker-skinned bretheren”, they are equally bitter towards their lighter-skinned bretheren (ie. the whites) because they don’t quite qualify for acceptance in the white clubhouse. They are almost there, with one foot in the door, but not quite. And they can’t stand that. It must be maddening. So they have to get even. I don’t think real blacks even worry about that. They don’t bother. But the lighter they are, the more obsessed they are with distinctions of color. They almost made it to the finish line, but somebody else got there first.

    9. Mega Therion Says:

      This nut joined the military at 30 after a divorce,”dependency issues” and loss of job. This guy is exactly what’s wrong with the Armed Forces,well along with the niggers and spics, he’s a LOSER. I think there’s a shitload of guys like him…psychotic fools who but into the “freedom and democracy” BULLSHIT and think they’re “serving their country”. They’re serving Big Jewry,corporations and protecting Israeli/Saudi interests.

      Every American soldier since about 1815 has DIED IN VAIN.

    10. Ein Says:

      “Every American soldier since about 1815 has DIED IN VAIN.”

      I’ll agree with that. We haven’t been invaded or attacked since then, and have had no need for “defense” against non-existent enemies.
      The Mexican War was iffy: we gained a lot of land, but we also gained a lot of unnecessary problems. The Spanish-American War only compounded those problems, turning us from a nation who knew who we were into a multi-culty empire without an identity.

    11. Howdy Doody Says:


      Ein Says:

      14 May, 2009 at 7:01 pm

      “Every American soldier since about 1815 has DIED IN VAIN.”

      I’ll agree with that. We haven’t been invaded or attacked since then, and have had no need for “defense” against non-existent enemies.
      The Mexican War was iffy: we gained a lot of land, but we also gained a lot of unnecessary problems. The Spanish-American War only compounded those problems, turning us from a nation who knew who we were into a multi-culty empire without an identity.

      SO RIGHT!

      NOT in a ten thousand today could tell you any facts of the Tragedy/Lie called WW 1!