28 May, 2009

The Sotomayor Nomination: More Glimpses of Jewish Activism — and a Warning to Republicans

Posted by Socrates in Kevin MacDonald, Socrates, Supreme Court at 9:23 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald.

“The campaign by some Jews with access to the media to get Elena Kagan nominated for the soon-to-be vacant Supreme Court position failed — but will probably be resurrected the next time around. VDARE.com’s Patrick Cleburne has also noted the Jewish angle to the pro-Kagan campaign — suggesting that the article by Jeffrey Rosen questioning Sotomayor’s intellectual qualifications was really an attempt to promote Kagan by default. In a follow-up article, Rosen stressed the need for the next Supreme Court nominee to be ‘not merely impressive but absolutely stellar.'”


  • 13 Responses to “The Sotomayor Nomination: More Glimpses of Jewish Activism — and a Warning to Republicans”

    1. paul Says:

      Dead on article. After reading and realizing how perilous our situation, may I recommend a bit of humor?


      Spread it out to friends and get them to read the great new blog, updated daily.

    2. Shylock Says:

      Great article. Buchanan weighs in here:

      Pat is nowhere near as candid nor as analytical as Kevin MacDonald, but his thoughts are worth reading as well.

    3. Parsifal Says:

      Very good article, but the GOP has never been and never will be the Party of White people, only the Party of the Rich and of Big Business. And don’t worry, Jews, the mestiza Sotomayor will do your bidding with the same alacrity as Judge Kagan would, if not more so, in order to prove her fealty to you, her handlers and masters.

    4. Tom McReen Says:

      “but the GOP has never been and never will be the Party of White people, only the Party of the Rich and of Big Business.”

      The party of zionism. You forgot zionism.

      “And don’t worry, Jews, the mestiza Sotomayor will do your bidding with the same alacrity as Judge Kagan would”

      Why would jews be worried? They own Obama, the Democrats and are behind the appointment of the left-wing White male-hating spic.

    5. Geno Type Says:

      “I point out this rich tapestry of Jewish ethnic activism to give some idea of what those who advocate for White identity and interests are up against.” – KMac

      Until White advocates change strategy they haven’t a snowball’s chance in hell of doing anything about jewish activism.

      Why should urban whites, complacent and dependent on “our” judeosystem of socioeconomics, risk financial security and social status to confront the jews? They won’t. It’s too risky.

      Rather than confront the jews head-on the way to handle them is to not play their game. The present system encourages the pursuit of easy money and rewards “correct” behavior with social status. The pursuit of easy money is jewish. Whites playing this game are cattle. Cattle are not White. We must bypass the jews with alternative socioeconomics based on Whiteness, with stature awarded for adherence to White principles in one’s personal and social behavior.

      European ancestry is “not good enough” for inclusion in White alternative socioeconomic systems. Behavioral considerations must be added to any definition of Whiteness. This will, of course, disqualify the overwhelming majority of urban Whites in North America. Too bad, so sad, but the fact is we don’t need them. What we need are the Whites in flyover country – the lower middle-class, blue-collar, and poor – for given the proper incentives these people are willing to take the risks that the empty suits of the urban ‘Kwa shirk, shun, and ridicule.

      Alternative socioeconomic systems must be designed for these people, and must emphasize the achievement of social, political, and economic independence at local levels. Localization is necessary to bypass and undermine the local Republican and Democratic “bosses” of gentile persuasion who not only own each and every small town throughout North America, but ultimately serve jewish interests by their greed for easy money. These bastards are judeo-America’s first and foremost line of defense, and they will not be “converted” by words.

      Until White advocates implement alternative socioeconomics and include behavior in our definition of Whiteness, we are nothing more than empty suits – nonexistent on the ground and marginalized on the Internet.

    6. The Red Skull Says:

      Exellent Post-“Geno-Type”!Kicking the bucket out from under the jew-led retard is much more “do-able”,than convincing them to “stand-down” off it.Rewards and Incentives do wonders for morale.”It is by baubles that men are led”-Napoleon Bonaparte

    7. Dunkanoion Says:

      That is one of the better KMac pieces I have read!

      The part where he notes that Whites will not vote for more taxes if they are to go to Browns is right too! We are already starting to see in Scandinavia (I have half Norwegian) that Scands don’t want to pay taxes anymore because the money will just go to Brown muzzies in Malmo!!

      At 100% Whiteness most Whites will agree to Socialism because it obviously benefits the White Race. From about 90% to below in numbers is when Whites start to resist being Taxed for the benefit of the Other.

      Also Geno Type had a good comment. RADICAL LOCALISM! One could simply fall out of the system and wait for it to collapse (which is what a majority of Russians did in the ’80s to cause the collapse of the Soviet Union when they could no longer stomach the lies).

      Also if one were really interested in the Community building stuff they should consult some of the works of Jost Turner who made a Volksburg commune a few years back.

    8. Curt O'brian Says:

      And it IS hate Tom. You are right. Real hate. Laughing and not opening the door while you hold your guts in after a traffic accident left you begging to call 911.

    9. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      “At 100% Whiteness most Whites will agree to Socialism”

      In which case it would be voluntary. But then, why would the government need to be involved?

      Oh, you said most Whites. Guns to be used against the recalcitrants, who have no rights.

    10. Captainchaos Says:

      “Until White advocates implement alternative socioeconomics and include behavior in our definition of Whiteness, we are nothing more than empty suits – nonexistent on the ground and marginalized on the Internet.”

      There is certainly the extant ‘mechanical inclination’ amongst working Whites to pull it off. It would be a matter of ‘skills pooling’ amongst like minds to whip into shape a self-sufficient community. I believe this will happen organically as conditions continue to deteriorate. What is even more important is for Whites who pursue this path to know WHY it is so significant that they do it. In other words, they must be consciously White in order to emphasize behavioral standards of excellence according our racial nature, and to strategize on behalf of their group at the local political level. Their heads must be filled with the right ideas.

    11. Geno Type Says:

      shabbos says, “Oh, you said most Whites. Guns to be used against the recalcitrants, who have no rights.”

      Bullshit. But before we address it…

      Are families evil because they practice “socialism”?

      Is friendship evil because genuine friends practice “socialism”?

      Is ethical behavior toward kin, near and extended, evil because it is “socialist”?

      The discouragement/banning of capitalist “free-loading” is no more socialist than the discouragement/banning of socialist “free-loading” is capitalist.

      “Socialism” needn’t be applied universally.

      Socialism is a Janus word intended to frighten Libertarians and John Birch Society fools into morally sanctioning the greed of individualists – people who take from others without giving something of equal value in return, people wanting to have and eat their cake.

      Taking without returning something of equal value is an act of criminality.

      Indeed, the Ayn Rand brigade has rights. All criminals have the right to trial by a jury of their peers.

    12. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      As usual, postings reveal more about the poster than anyone else.

    13. Howdy Doody Says:
