26 May, 2009

The Heartbreak of Trespassing Into America

Posted by Socrates in illegal immigration, Mexcrement, Mexico, Mexinvasion, Socrates at 12:39 am | Permanent Link

Paco’s nose wrinkled inside the cramped apartment full of illegal Mexicans. *Phew* – had someone been eating beans?


  • 17 Responses to “The Heartbreak of Trespassing Into America”

    1. Parsifal Says:

      Wouldn’t it be a shock if that apartment building was owned by an out-of-town Jew slumlord? Too bad some White resistance fighter didn’t seal off the exits and fumigate that filthy pesthole with the beaners still inside.

    2. Mega Therion Says:

      Next stop..the Supreme Court. The Jews got their Spic in there today. Expect no resistance from the “conservatives”..

    3. Blackshirt Says:

      Well, Obama has kept his promise to make his administration “look like America”… or at least the America that we are headed for. But let’s not lay all the blame at the doorstep of the social Marxists, there is plenty more blame to spread around. A special “thank you” goes out to our “pals” in the Republican and conservative side of things who have brought in all this cheap Turd World labor to do things they should have been paying White Men a decent wage for. Paco and Juan come here to work for all of these red blooded conservative types who own the big factories, construction, and landscaping businesses.

      Republicans and Democrats, Conservatives and Liberals… two sides of the same ZOG coin.

    4. Wet William Says:

      Oh those poor human beaners, sorry, I mean beings. When is the great and wise Obongo going to deliver social justice for all.

      Please Preznident Obongo, get yer buddy Bernanke to print more lovely federal reserve notes and give them to the noble mestizo.

    5. Tom McReen Says:

      “But let’s not lay all the blame at the doorstep of the social Marxists…all of these red blooded conservative types who own the big factories, construction, and landscaping businesses.”

      Shut up Jahn.

      “Republicans and Democrats, Conservatives and Liberals… two sides of the same ZOG coin.”

      I bet you typed that with gritted teeth – Democrats and liberals as bad as Republicans. It’s not what you really believe.

    6. Blackshirt Says:

      What’s a matter McWeenie, don’t like anyone picking on your wealthy Republicunt buddies? Yes, I said it and I’ll say it again, it is you and your Cuntservative friends who are mainly responsible for the “illegal” (and legal) alien problem.

      Your Cuntservative pals were running the show in this country for the past 8 years and did they stop the flow of mud people into this country? NO. Did they ever intend to? NO. Why? Because you and your Capitalist scum friends would have to pay a White man a decent wage for his work.

      Republicans and Democrats, Conservatives and Liberals… two sides of the same ZOG coin.

    7. DMS Says:

      Next time you hear some ZOG stooge talk about “Jobs that Americans won’t do”, insert what they leave unsaid: “… for wages that require them to live 50 to an apartment.”

    8. Tom McReen Says:

      How typical of Mike ‘Blackshirt’ Jahn to try and SPIN my highlighting of his marxist agenda into ‘defending Conservatives’ – which I didn’t.

      Thanks for confirming again that you are Jahn, he always hurled ‘Conservative’ at anyone who challenged his left-wing “WN” views.

    9. Blackshirt Says:

      Tom McWeenie is insane. Really.

    10. Tom McReen Says:

      “Tom McWeenie is insane.”

      Routine jewish fare.

    11. Blackshirt Says:

      “Tom McWeenie is insane.”

      Routine jewish fare.”

      Those who squirm under the spotlight usually are the ones with something to hide. In Tom’s case, his only defense is to try and deflect attention from his conservative views by accusing others of being “marxists” and “jews”. Tom is obviously paranoid and most likely thinks there are Marxists and Jews around every bush. But Tom may be on to something because these groups do have intergalactic powers and are trying to control our minds from outer space.

    12. Tom McReen Says:

      “Jahn is obviously paranoid and most likely thinks there are Conservatives and Fox News fans around every bush.”

      Fixed it for you.

      You couldn’t refute that you are a marxist so you resort to the usual jewish rubbish.

      Happy days.

    13. Parsifal Says:

      Tom McClown, you enjoy accusing others of being this and that, but what exactly are YOU all about? Herr Blackshirt and I have described our beliefs and where we are coming from rather well, I think. But you have NEVER taken the time to describe anything about what you believe in. Why not? Perhaps you are just a troublemaker and nothing more.

    14. Tom McReen Says:

      “Perhaps you are just a troublemaker and nothing more.”

      Yes you are troublemaker and we all know you are a pro-jewish, anti-White marxist troll.

    15. Blackshirt Says:

      “Tom McReen Says:
      30 May, 2009 at 8:54 am

      “Perhaps you are just a troublemaker and nothing more.”

      Yes you are troublemaker and we all know you are a pro-jewish, anti-White marxist troll.”

      Notice this stereotypical Jewish tactic that McWeenie uses. When confronted with a good argument they can’t defeat, Jews typically become shrill and wage accusations to cover the fact that they have no way of winning the argument.

      Parsifal asked this turd to explain himself and what he stands for, and instead of answering the simple questions that any of us would answer without issue, McWeenie immediately lobs accusations to avoid answering the question. Hmmm, very interesting…

    16. Tom McReen Says:

      “Notice this stereotypical Jewish tactic that McWeenie uses.”

      Where? Isn’t that what you’re doing now?

      “When confronted with a good argument they can’t defeat”


      “Jews typically become shrill and wage accusations”

      Yes you do.

      “to cover the fact that they have no way of winning the argument.”

      You’re doing here what you did on the forum – trying to be cute by repeating my statements about you back to me. You think it’s cute, I say it shows you’re a time-wasting troll.

    17. Parsifal Says:

      Tom is basically engaging in a Pee-Wee Herman game of “I know you are, but what am I?” Some great rhetorical skills you’ve got there, Tom.

      (BTW, Pee-Wee is a JEW.)