9 May, 2009

The Big Dog Wins Another One

Posted by Socrates in Kevin MacDonald, Socrates, Zionist lobby at 10:14 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald.

“The acquittal of former AIPAC operatives Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman on espionage is yet another victory for the Israel Lobby. As happens so often these days, stories that are much discussed in some sectors of the Internet are pretty much ignored in the MSM. The New York Times buried it and the LA Times ignored it entirely. It was missing from network news and from cable TV talk shows of all political leanings.

Lobbies, it is said, live in the dark and die in the light of day. And here the media cooperates with a bit of self-censorship.”


  • 5 Responses to “The Big Dog Wins Another One”

    1. Stan Sikorski Says:

      Nothing can stop a ‘person’ from exacting his own judgement upon these criminals.

    2. zoomcopter Says:

      So the Jews punish those that work against them and reward those that feed them secret information? They have political clout in the highest reaches of our government and are able to free anyone indicted for passing classified information to AIPAC. This should be reported upon in the MSM, but is not because Jews own most of the MSM. Professor Macdonald is right to worry about security agents. Now, they can look forward to being punished by the Jews for reporting Jewish influence or suspected espionage within our government. Intelligence agents wanting to get ahead, like Larry Franklin, will now feed Israel-firsters, all the information they want.

    3. Grugkur Says:

      The Jew-nited States is a totally corrupted Husk, a Remnant ruled over by a magic Negro where crazed Jews run free to do as they please, no matter the consequences to Aryans.

      This story is just further confirmation.

    4. Billy Bucca Says:

      The LA Times is as a Zionist plank following a major paper these days as you can find. The Jews control the editorial board and manipulate the entire paper after “the grave dancer” Jewish Zell took the employees to the cleaners.

    5. Ara Says:

      LA Times article: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-aipac2-2009may02,0,7294178.story

      It is there.