27 May, 2009


Posted by Socrates in feminism, Jew World Order, military, New World Order, Socrates at 12:50 am | Permanent Link

Ten-hut! Chest out! Nail polish ready! Now, scream when you see a bug:


  • 47 Responses to “Soldier-Chicks”

    1. Blackshirt Says:

      I know you are trying to whip up the “He-Man Woman Haters Club” here Socrates, but frankly I don’t see anything wrong here. As a former Marine I can tell you I have no problem with chicks in the military in non-combat roles. Sure, there are quite a few whores and dykes in the US military, but I’m sure that is less true in the other militaries of the world.

      Honestly I was pretty turned on by most of the pictures! Looking at those beautiful Ukrainian, Russian, Belgian, Dutch, German, Polish, Czech, and Australian women in uniform really pitches my tent. Nothing as beautiful as a sexy European woman warrior. I’d love to see some of these women fighting for our side!

    2. Blackshirt Says:

      Forgot to mention the Finnish, Spanish, Italian, Serbian and Swiss women in the pictures too. Gorgeous.

      The Russian girl firing the AK74 was real hot!!!

    3. Parsifal Says:

      Did you notice the second-to-last photo, the one of the cute girl wearing the baseball cap? She’s an Israeli! How come they get the good-looking Jewesses and we get the Roseanne Barrs and Joan Rivers?

    4. Blackshirt Says:

      Uh oh Parsifal! You’ve done it now, admitting some Jewesses are cute! LOL Now you’ve really proved yourself a leftist swine- wait till Tom McWeenie hears of this!

    5. Parsifal Says:

      But I’m sure you agree with me, no?

    6. Blackshirt Says:

      I do, Sir. I can recognize beauty no matter where it comes from. Doesn’t mean I’ll be bedding down with women of another race. I’m sure there will be guys here that will swear up and down that they have never found a woman of another race attractive, and perhaps that is the public face they want to present but I don’t and won’t believe them. I give credit where it is due.

    7. CW-2 Says:

      “Very pretty General, but can they fight”. Quote from ‘Kelly’s Heroes’ (1970).

    8. JewTracer Says:

      Well it’s their society, it seems reasonable that they’d want to defend it.

    9. Vaultner Says:

      Yea, women in the military’s all well & good till you get over run. Ever hear the stories of the last man at a firebase having to shoot the nurses so they didn’t get raped to death, or what the Russian military is capable of at least up through 1946. Brigadering I think they call it. The night Berlin fell 100,000 women we’re raped not to mention children & probably some men. What they did to the Romanians, Pols, Ukrainians, Hungarians, etc. unspeakable, however I will, not for the faint of heart.

      Those woman children & old men did however manage to kill one half a million Soviet troops before giving up the city.

      Here’s a quote from the memoirs of Sepp Allerberger, (pages 113 -116) book titled “Sniper on the Eastern Front” translated by Albrecht Wacker:

      Regarding most directly an incident in the Hungarian town of Nyiregyhaza around 8th October 1944,

      “The depths of bestiality & depravity to which the majority of Russian soldiery was allowed to degenerate by its leaders, political & military, is an amazing phenomenon in that, in contrast to the millions of words written about National Socialism, no academic historian has ever written a book about it.”

      He goes on to describe the incident, which I’ll surmise in the interest of my meager typing skills.

      His unit had taken a village near Nyiregyhaza from the Soviets, to find that: ” We found that the Russians had left a trail of raped women & small girls, the men folk who protested having been bayoneted or shot.”

      In a cellar they found: “A woman who had been in her last stages of pregnancy. Her abdomen had been slit open with a knife & the foetus (fetus) extracted. She bled to death. The foetus had been impaled to a beam with a bayonet.” Allerberger with help of course buried them.

      Two days later Allerbergers unit had advanced to artillery range of Nyiregyhaza he went ahead to reconnoitre, (reconnoiter) where he witnessed a civilian husband of about fifty years of age & his wife thirty having been discovered by 23 Soviets including a lieutenant.

      “The husband threw himself at the nearest of the soldiers, since he seemed to understand what the Soviets had in mind. A rifle butt was rammed into his back & he fell groaning to the ground. He was then lifted & bound to a lampost by thirty turns of a long wire cable.”

      “In the meantime the others had spreadeagled the woman across the hood of the jeep, (an American Willis jeep no less, lend lease I suppose) two Red soldiers held one arm each, & two soldiers held one leg each.” Suffice it to say they cut off her clothes & all 23 soldiers raped her, it took over an hour. Allerberger said that he was too close to intervene & would have been discovered if he moved, & I imagine given away the German army’s impending advance.

      Sometime later after an argument & agreement by some of the Soviets: “Two of them held her legs apart while a third loaded a signal pistol with a flare & forced the muzzle into the woman’s vagina. This appeared to present some difficulty, for she came to for a brief moment before the Russian soldier managed to pull the trigger. The flare entered her lower body & glowed furiously. I have never heard such a terrible cry in my life before or since as I heard at that instant. ( If you read his book you’ll realize that would have been tough to do.) She was being burnt to death from within & her agony lasted for a minute or so. “The Red soldiers shook hands slapped each other on the back, & began to climb into their vehicle.”

      To sum up 22 of the Russians were killed by advancing German troops, some by Allerberger & the 23rd was hatcheted to death by the husband.

      War is no game boys & girls, wait until obama (he has suggested it) or another President gets us involved in Africa again. Where they view rape as a form of warfare.

      How’d you like to be the last guy at a fire base that’s getting over run & have to wait till the girls are done loosing then try to get to them at their various positions & off them before they’re violated & beaten to death.

      I hear our girls in Iraq can’t take a piss after it gets dark because there are roving gangs of niggers waiting for them at the head.

      Woman’s lib I guess they can decide on their own how they want to go out? Teach them to fight, give them a chance yes but leave them the hell at home were they are safest. Besides not unlike the faggots unable to concentrate cause they’re too busy thinking about sucking dick & taking it up the ass, woman are often easily distracted, confused & all too emotional.

      We’re only as strong as our weakest link, & there’s no reason for them to be there except the jew inspired feminist movement.

      If anyone wants to think of Colonial days 9 times out of ten there was no place else for them to be.

      Yes a lot of those girls in the pictures are knockouts, all the more reason to keep your most precious jewels off the kitchen table when guests arrive.

      The moral is keep those fucking “Babes of War” calendars in the garage were they belong, & not on or near the field of battle.

    10. Vaultner Says:

      Yea, women in the military’s all well & good till you get over run. Ever hear the stories of the last man at a firebase having to shoot the nurses so they didn’t get raped to death, or what the Russian military is capable of at least up through 1946. Brigadering I think they call it. The night Berlin fell 100,000 women we’re raped not to mention children & probably some men. What they did to the Romanians, Pols, Ukrainians, Hungarians, etc. unspeakable, however I will, not for the faint of heart.

      Those woman children & old men did however manage to kill one half a million Soviet troops before giving up the city.

      Here’s a quote from the memoirs of Sepp Allerberger, (pages 113 -116) book titled “Sniper on the Eastern Front” translated by Albrecht Wacker:

      Regarding most directly an incident in the Hungarian town of Nyiregyhaza around 8th October 1944,

      “The depths of bestiality & depravity to which the majority of Russian soldiery was allowed to degenerate by its leaders, political & military, is an amazing phenomenon in that, in contrast to the millions of words written about National Socialism, no academic historian has ever written a book about it.”

      He goes on to describe the incident, which I’ll surmise in the interest of my meager typing skills.

      His unit had taken a village near Nyiregyhaza from the Soviets, to find that: ” We found that the Russians had left a trail of raped women & small girls, the men folk who protested having been bayoneted or shot.”

      In a cellar they found: “A woman who had been in her last stages of pregnancy. Her abdomen had been slit open with a knife & the foetus (fetus) extracted. She bled to death. The foetus had been impaled to a beam with a bayonet.” Allerberger with help of course buried them.

      Two days later Allerbergers unit had advanced to artillery range of Nyiregyhaza he went ahead to reconnoitre, (reconnoiter) where he witnessed a civilian husband of about fifty years of age & his wife thirty having been discovered by 23 Soviets including a lieutenant.

      “The husband threw himself at the nearest of the soldiers, since he seemed to understand what the Soviets had in mind. A rifle butt was rammed into his back & he fell groaning to the ground. He was then lifted & bound to a lampost by thirty turns of a long wire cable.”

      “In the meantime the others had spreadeagled the woman across the hood of the jeep, (an American Willis jeep no less, lend lease I suppose) two Red soldiers held one arm each, & two soldiers held one leg each.” Suffice it to say they cut off her clothes & all 23 soldiers raped her, it took over an hour. Allerberger said that he was too close to intervene & would have been discovered if he moved, & I imagine given away the German army’s impending advance.

      Sometime later after an argument & agreement by some of the Soviets: “Two of them held her legs apart while a third loaded a signal pistol with a flare & forced the muzzle into the woman’s vagina. This appeared to present some difficulty, for she came to for a brief moment before the Russian soldier managed to pull the trigger. The flare entered her lower body & glowed furiously. I have never heard such a terrible cry in my life before or since as I heard at that instant. ( If you read his book you’ll realize that would have been tough to do.) She was being burnt to death from within & her agony lasted for a minute or so. “The Red soldiers shook hands slapped each other on the back, & began to climb into their vehicle.”

      To sum up 22 of the Russians were killed by advancing German troops, some by Allerberger & the 23rd was hatcheted to death by the husband.

      War is no game boys & girls, wait until obama (he has suggested it) or another President gets us involved in Africa again. Where they view rape as a form of warfare.

      How’d you like to be the last guy at a fire base that’s getting over run & have to wait till the girls are done loosing then try to get to them at their various positions & off them before they’re violated & beaten to death.

      I hear our girls in Iraq can’t take a piss after it gets dark because there are roving gangs of niggers waiting for them at the head.

      Woman’s lib I guess they can decide on their own how they want to go out? Teach them to fight, give them a chance yes but leave them the hell at home were they are safest. Besides not unlike the faggots unable to concentrate cause they’re too busy thinking about sucking dick & taking it up the ass, woman are often easily distracted, confused & all too emotional.

      We’re only as strong as our weakest link, & there’s no reason for them to be there except the jew inspired feminist movement.

      If anyone wants to think of Colonial days 9 times out of ten there was no place else for them to be.

      Yes a lot of those girls in the pictures are knockouts, all the more reason to keep your most precious jewels off the kitchen table when guests arrive.

      The moral is keep those “Babes of War” calendars in the garage were they belong, & not on or near the field of battle.

    11. Junghans Says:

      White females in the US military pursuing perceived “careers”, are usually quickly disappointed with the regimentation and the malaise they encounter there. They are then simply nigger bait, caught in Zog’s dysgenic military madhouse, further compounding our racial demise.

    12. Howdy Doody Says:

      Junghans Says:

      27 May, 2009 at 9:16 am

      White females in the US military pursuing perceived “careers”, are usually quickly disappointed with the regimentation and the malaise they encounter there. They are then simply nigger bait, caught in Zog’s dysgenic military madhouse, further compounding our racial demise

      From Republic to Regime, I would guess those that are all for it have not been in the Military for a few years.


    13. Coup D'Etat Says:

      Too bad for some of you. You don’t know some women like you think you do, but rather classify them in one big bunch as less capable. Boy, some of you would be shocked to learn otherwise. And, they don’t have to be a dyke.

    14. Tom McReen Says:

      Everyone knows you are both “Parsifal” and “Blackshirt”, Jahn. Two sock-puppets talking to “each other” is beyond pathetic.

      Now piss off you Injun Obama-lovin’ marxist.

    15. Antagonistes Says:

      People in the West think it’s a game.

      Put on a unifrom, you are a soldier!

      Just by being born, you are the equal of anyone!

      Lift a calf every day, and , when it is a bull, you will be able to lift it!

      Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve!

    16. Cpt. Candor Says:

      I’ll be laughing my ass off if this trend, combined with ZOG’s continual destruction of our better men, eventually produces an Amazonian society in which “men” are simply drones with a near-infantile demeanor while women do all the heavy lifting. I’ll especially be laughing my ass off if said society ends up ridding the world of jews once and for all!

    17. Coup D'Etat Says:

      What does heavy lifting have to do with anything? Does heavy lifting determine a person’s ability to fight and kill?

    18. Cpt. Candor Says:

      “Heavy lifting” as in everything traditionally regarded as “masculine” work: logging, construction, combat, etc. Not that I was being overly serious when I typed that post.

    19. CW-2 Says:

      Vaultner good posting. The raping oriental hordes of the Red Army is the true face of jew communism. It is the eternal shame of America and Britain that they were ever allied with the Sovietjewion.

      Let’s not congratulate ourselves that our womenfolk have been spared these horrors. Jews are gearing up the turd world for a repeat performance.

    20. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      “Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve!”

      Right. That’z how Sotomayor managed to high jump eight feet.


    21. Coup D'Etat Says:

      No, the “heavy lifting” should be examined. It’s under a general assumption by men that a good combat soldier is able to lift heavy objects or carry a heavy load and that men are the only ones who are strong enough to carry or lift heavy objects. But, these are two separate ideas when comparing a good combat soldier and a combat soldier who can carry a heavy load.

      We almost lost WWII and we were losing this war until the surprising A-bomb attack which startled our enemies. This had nothing to do with heavy lifting and being a good combat soldier. Mostly in this regard, we were spread too thinly across the world and Roosevelt’s mastermind that the casuality at Pearl Harbor would be a minimum — theorectically. Although, Roosevelt’s plan was more sinister since he was a jew.

      Why did we lose the Vietnam War? First, our soldiers were not trained to fight in the jungles and had only 5 weeks to get into shape. The other is that the soldiers were carrying too much weight to be able to manuever quickly enough from shots and explosions. The general assumption here is that a good combat soldier is one who can carry his own weight plus additional weight including thick heavy boots, etc. Those Vietnamese were not only smaller, but there were also carrying less and were able to quickly manuever which made the difference in our capability to win the war against them. The lives of 52,000 U.S. solders could have been spared if the macho thinking didn’t exist.

    22. Vaultner Says:

      Thanks, sorry for the double post guy’s I thought it was a language sensor filter.

      Coup D’Etat,
      “Why did we lose the Vietnam War?”
      Not only poor training perhaps, but also the first time our troops we were actually integrated with the nigger.

      Over all I’d say we didn’t take ground & hold it. We popped in & out by chopper & played MacNamera’s bean counting numbers game. We’d take a hill costing hundreds of American lives, then turn around & hand it right back to the North. You can’t win a war like that. For the most part policy lost us that war not our troops.

      Our country has been hijacked by the jew since Christmas eve 1913 with the signing of the Federal Reserve act.

      Cpt. Candor,
      “I’ll especially be laughing my ass off if said society ends up ridding the world of jews once and for all!”

    23. Cpt. Candor Says:

      VietNam was a planned defeat, pure and simple.

    24. Howdy Doody Says:

      Cpt. Candor Says:

      27 May, 2009 at 2:48 pm

      VietNam was a planned defeat, pure and simple.



      LBJ and Rostow should have been tried and hung in the morning for doing the war.

      But as for the war TET saw the North demoralized till the USSR showed them our TV news.


    25. Parsifal Says:

      “What does heavy lifting have to do with anything? Does heavy lifting determine a person’s ability to fight and kill?”

      Only everything. A soldier MUST be able to do heavy lifting. What if your buddy is wounded in combat and can’t walk anymore? You’d need to pick him up, sling him over your shoulder and carry him to the nearest medic station. Lugging around a .50 caliber machine gun requires heavy lifting as well. So does loading and unloading a truck full of equipment and supplies, or changing a flat tire on a Jeep stuck in the mud. Women have no upper body strength and are therefore unable to perform vital military tasks, never mind their inherent emotional instability.

    26. Blackshirt Says:

      You make a good point Parsifal, but I would add that is one of the reasons I don’t want women in the combat arms. In other words, no problem with them being truck drivers, clerks, cooks, doctors, etc.. Even the Axis used women in those roles, and it was generally accepted knowledge that you could free up a man to fight by having females take over those roles in the military.

      Now occasionally in those “non-combat” situations a woman will need to pick up a weapon and fight. I feel that that would be the case very seldom, so I don’t think it should be an issue. But yes, if your point about women not being able to do heavy lifting is in reference to women in combat roles, I have to agree with you 100%. Women should not be in combat.

    27. Blackshirt Says:

      “Curt O’brian Says:
      27 May, 2009 at 6:31 pm

      Those are the same two guys?
      Billy Bucca Says:
      27 May, 2009 at 6:34 pm

      I find that hard to believe as well.
      Curt O’brian Says:
      27 May, 2009 at 6:38 pm

      No I believe it.
      Billy Bucca Says:
      27 May, 2009 at 6:39 pm


      Yes, feel my almighty power! I can simultaneously post from two IP addresses at the same time! I have hatched a clever conspiracy to make it seem like many people agree with my point of view. Most have fallen for it, but not Tom McReen. Tom McReen could see right through me with his superior jew/left wing sniffing abilities! Tom knew right from the start that I was a communist plant brought to earth by Marxist aliens in a UFO. Damn you Tom- you spoiled my plans to ruin VNN again! (shakes fist in rage)

    28. Tom McReen Says:

      Same posting style, same left-leaning agenda, same blaming everything on Conservatives and deflecting blame from left-wingers, same obsession with 1930s fascism and historical Germanic/fascist references (Parsifal is a Wagner opera & Blackshirt is obvious), sock-puppets “agreeing” with each other…just the same as he was on VNNF, in fact.

    29. Blackshirt Says:

      Ah, Tom. I’m just trying to balance things out a little by focusing some well needed vitriol at your buddies in the right wing. That is because right wingers like you spend all day bitching about the “left wing” and Liberals, when it is you and your capitalist scum pals who have given us this multicultural/multiracial nightmare we live in.

      As usual you can’t refute a single thing I have said, you just go on and on with accusing me of being Parsifal, a left wing infiltrator, and a Jew, which is amusing, because it is a very jewish tactic you are using. If a Jew doesn’t agree with you and he can’t defeat your argument , he will become shrill with accusations and try to drown you out. And that is exactly what you try to do, McWeenie.

      You are insane McWeenie. I really think you are paranoid and unstable. Perhaps you need to be hospitalized.

    30. chubby Says:


      Fighting abilities aside, the most important reason not to have women fighting and dying is the result on the population. If Europe had lost a similar number of women as men in WWII the white population of Europe would be half or a third of what it is now (just a guess). On the other hand, the European population would have been decimated to such an extent as a result of WWI that there may never have been another fratricidal European war ever again.

    31. Blackshirt Says:

      Chubby, if you would have read my prior posts you would have seen that nowhere have I advocated women “fighting and dying”- in other words in combat. Women can be in the military and not be in a combat arm such as the Infantry.

    32. Billy Bucca Says:

      One bull can inseminate a lot of cows

    33. Curt O'brian Says:

      You forget in ten years artificial womb technology – 20 on the outside.

    34. chubby Says:


      That’s why men are so much more expendable than women–from a very narrow reproductive sense.

    35. Parsifal Says:

      ‘ “Very pretty General, but can they fight”. Quote from ‘Kelly’s Heroes’ (1970).’

      That movie had more to do with the zeitgeist of the Vietnam Era than it did with WWII. Wasn’t it about some hippie soldiers stranded behind enemy lines, or something? The same holds true with the Jew Robert Altman’s 1970 movie M*A*S*H. However, George C. Scott’s portrayal of General Patton in 1970’s Patton is right on target, so to speak. Scott was more like Patton than Patton was.

      Is no one else but Herr Blackshirt and me going to comment on the lovely Aryan soldierettes in those pictures? What about the West German Polizei officer in the last photo? Grrrrr.

    36. Marwinsing Says:

      THIRTY-FIVE posts thus far? On trivia like this? Yum-yum good good good jolly good nice to see the drones lads getting all a-flustered now hit that shut-down button and go get some or :- hit this (from the article link).


    37. Tom McReen Says:

      “some well needed vitriol at your buddies in the right wing.”

      Buddies that you invented.

      “That is because right wingers like you”

      I’m not a ‘right-winger’.

      “spend all day bitching about the “left wing” and Liberals, when it is you and your capitalist scum pals who have given us this multicultural/multiracial nightmare we live in.”

      See that? He blames ‘capitalism’ solely for multiculturalism and multiracialism – apparently the left have absolutely nothing to do with it – ever.

      Thank you for showing yourself for what you are yet AGAIN.

      “You are insane McWeenie. I really think you are paranoid and unstable. Perhaps you need to be hospitalized.”

      That’s jew communist M.O. You don’t hide your left-wing ideology very well do you? Oy, such a moron.

      You’re a very easy anti troll to smoke out, Kike Jewn.

    38. Ein Says:

      chubby Says: “That’s why men are so much more expendable than women–from a very narrow reproductive sense.”

      But only when liberated from narrow theological restrictions.

      After the wars, millions of women went husbandless, and thus childless too. Their genes were also lost. This is an example when the religions, tied to their rigid rules, are harmful. I’m not normally an advocate of polygamy, but it is at times like that when polygamy should be allowed. If we were a rational species, we would see this obvious fact.

      Reductio ad Adsumdum: If by some calamity we were down to only one male human left on earth, would the laws and churches still allow him only one wife?

    39. Ein Says:

      ad Absurdum, that is. Sorry Shabbos. (Typos happen.)

    40. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      Apology excepted.

      What got this started was the posting of “fortay” (forte).
      Then I looked for others, which I would have normally overlooked (man’s, jew’s). I don’t like nit-picking. I don’t care about typos, as long as there aren’t too many.
      I graduated from high school in 1963, when the cuntry was still civilized (heh). No one confused lose with loose. No one spelled definitely with an “a”. One poster on the forum bragged about his language skills, claiming to know three languages, and still confused loose with lose.

      The book Why Johnny Can’t Read came out in 1955. This has been a long and deliberate slide. Like a “F” ride at Disneyland.

    41. CW-2 Says:

      Coup D’Etat, what do you mean, “We almost lost WW11”, WE did lose WWjew! We have been in retreat since Stalingrad.

    42. Coup d'Etat Says:

      # Parsifal Says:
      27 May, 2009 at 4:16 pm

      “What does heavy lifting have to do with anything? Does heavy lifting determine a person’s ability to fight and kill?”

      Only everything. A soldier MUST be able to do heavy lifting. What if your buddy is wounded in combat and can’t walk anymore? You’d need to pick him up, sling him over your shoulder and carry him to the nearest medic station.”

      Need to pick him up? Really! Oh, I bet you would be the one to pick up a buddy and carry him when there is heavy firing. Yeah, you would be brave enough to carry the purple heart after not making it to the medic station. Oh, that’s great – one more soldier out and can’t fight. Good choice. HA!

      “Lugging around a .50 caliber machine gun requires heavy lifting as well.”

      Lugging around heavy equipment will also get you killed faster than you can say, “Duck.”

      “So does loading and unloading a truck full of equipment and supplies, or changing a flat tire on a Jeep stuck in the mud. Women have no upper body strength and are therefore unable to perform vital military tasks, never mind their inherent emotional instability.”

      Since when did Jeeps provide protection from explosions or open firing while changing a flat?

      I don’t think you got the jest of what I was concluding. “Inherent emotional instability?” I didn’t know you were such an expert on emotions, especially of women. It must have been all those bad dates you experienced with your lack of strategical and tactical planning.

    43. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      “I don’t think you got the jest”
      1: an utterance (as a jeer or quip) intended to be taken as mockery or humor
      2 a: prank b: a ludicrous circumstance or incident
      3 a: a frivolous mood or manner b: gaiety and merriment
      4: laughingstock

      Yeah, but did he get the GIST?
      Law the grounds for action in a lawsuit
      the essence or main point, as of an article or argument

      I just finished watching IDIOCRACY (Ebay, less than $10 w/shipping) before seeing this. It’z not five-hundred years from now ow my bawls

    44. Ein Says:

      Oh, Gist! I was searching for the humor and couldn’t find it.

      Well, there are typos (of which I am often guilty) … and then there are malaprops.

    45. Parsifal Says:

      No, I’m afraid I did not get the “jest” of what you said. Were you in fact jesting or gisting, woman?

    46. Coup d'Etat Says:

      Parsifal et al:

      Depends how you look and comprehend certain meanings of words versus what has already been said. Parsifal threw little silly things out there like jeeps and carrying .50 caliber guns. trying to make my posts look silly — like a few have already — and not addressing the reality of your (male) faults for i.e., intelligence.

      I repeat, Parsifal:

      “Inherent emotional instability?” I didn’t know you were such an expert on emotions, especially of women. It must have been all those bad dates you experienced with your lack of strategical and tactical planning.

    47. Parsifal Says:

      OK, Coup, I deserved that. You got me this time (Ouch! The truth really does hurt!!!).