Silent As Death–Catholic Church Muzzled on Israeli Butchery of Palestinians…
Posted by Socrates in Catholicism, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, Mark Glenn, Pope, Socrates at 9:15 pm | Permanent Link
by Mark Glenn.
“…it is obvious now that the real reason for all the noise months ago concerning one Bp. Williamson and his blasphemous maltreatment of the sancta sanctorum of Jewish suffering known as the holocaust can be summed up in one word–“pressure”. In particular, interested players wanted to put the heat on the Catholic Church in general and the Pope in particular just prior to his scheduled visit to the Holy Land for reasons now easy to see.”
24 May, 2009 at 11:15 pm
This Pope would probably threaten his Papal-worshipping followers that if they touch themselves improperly, or even think about doing it, they’re going to hell. Yet he’s constantly appeasing the Talmudic Christ-deniers and Christ-killers in Tel Aviv as if they had some kind of dirt on him. Maybe if he doesn’t indulge in relentless tookas-kissing the Jews will lean on the US and other “democracies” to sever relations with the Vatican?
25 May, 2009 at 2:56 am
The Catholic Church is dying. Only an massive infusion of African Priests, one generation removed from the jungle, give it enough energy to collect the millions of dollars required to pay off its thousands of pedophilia judgements. Bishop Williamson was an admirable man of the cloth, but even he could not save the honor of the Church.
25 May, 2009 at 5:08 am
All the Christian churches, with the possible exception of the national Orthodox churches, are going down the tubes because they have made a doomed alliance with the twin evils of zionism and communism.
Here in the jewK the Archbishops of Canterbury and York made an unprecedented announcement condeming the BNP and telling people not to vote for ‘extremist’ political parties!! The liberal establishment must be very worried that voters in the upcoming elections to the Euro Parl will vote BNP or UKIP.
It seems the Ugandan Archbishop of York didn’t like Nick Griffin’s (the BNP leader) accurate description of the demographic situation in Britain; “the silent genocide of the native British people.”
These churchmen are fools or knaves if they think anything good can result from importing millions of believers in bongobong cults or jihadist muslims to this overcrowded island.
25 May, 2009 at 7:16 am
The Catholic Church is one of the more dangerous strains of the Christ cult. The majority of the Catholics in the world are non -white and the Catholic Church is against birth control. A very dangerous combination indeed.
25 May, 2009 at 7:52 am
The bigger problem is the Roman Catholic & Jew alliance in the US Congress. That’s where the Jews get the political muscle & money to do as they please in their Jew homeland and in the Near East.
Who is in charge? The Pope or the Jews? Or maybe Nancy Pelosi or Ted Kennedy is in reality the Pope? LOL.
25 May, 2009 at 8:25 am
Is the Pope a Catholic?? Pius XII, (1939 to 1958), who jews like to falsely call ‘Hitler’s Pope’, would be aghast at changes in the Catholic church during the last 50 years.
25 May, 2009 at 8:53 am
The Pope O’Rome is small potatoes, compared to Pope Pelosi or Pope Kennedy. LOL.
25 May, 2009 at 9:13 am
Old Dutch, you seem to focus only on the Catholic politicians in Washington- what about the others? They are ALL criminals who are assisting in the elimination of the White Race, so the Republicans are no different than the Democrats in my mind.
25 May, 2009 at 1:42 pm
The palid ghost of Jesus Christ must be exorcised from the European gestalt!
It’s too bad he was against wealth, nobility, family, nation, etc.
It’s a shame, really.
25 May, 2009 at 2:04 pm
Christianity is so deeply engrained within the culture of Europe that a better and easier option, IMO, is to restore its qualities as a defensive shield.
The religion served our ancestors well when we stood shoulder to shoulder fighting back Moors, Turks and Tartars.
25 May, 2009 at 2:28 pm
The Roman Catholic politicians in Congress have a voting alliance with the jews in Congress. The Catholic-Jew agenda becomes really obvious on any legislation concerning the jew homeland Israel, or any type of “hate” speech legislation etc.
If Roman Catholics like you “Blackshirt” would object to your Bishops & Cardinals this catholic-jew alliance against White people could be broken up. But, your priests may tell you you are going to hell for objecting…LOL.
25 May, 2009 at 3:05 pm
Why should there be a Catholic-Jew agenda in the US at all? It would seem that these two religious groups have little or nothing in common. The real driving force would appear be the take over or blackmail of US Catholic hierarchy by jews?
Here in England Catholics are pretty thin on the ground, about 5%, in fact there are probably more Muslims in England (not Britain) than Catholics.
Jews have chosen to align themselves with the United Reform grouping, while the official Anglican Church (Episcopalian) is firmly in the grip of trendy lefties and arrogant globalists.
25 May, 2009 at 4:49 pm
“If Roman Catholics like you “Blackshirt” would object to your Bishops & Cardinals this catholic-jew alliance against White people could be broken up.”
Roman Catholics like me? LOL You obviously haven’t read any of my other posts, old dutch! I hate Christinsanity- ALL OF IT! My point to you couldn’t be clearer- all the politicians in Washington are crooks- protestants, catholics, jews, atheists, or whatever.
25 May, 2009 at 5:56 pm
“Why should there be a Catholic-Jew agenda in the US at all? It would seem that these two religious groups have little or nothing in common. “
It’s a strategic alliance against the majority (which in this case just happens to be Protestant). Jews will always be opposed to the majority, whoever it is (so long as they are a minority). But put Jews and Catholics together, and that gives them the upperhand. Just like the old Jewish-Negro alliance which has served them so well for so long.
In neither case do they have to like each other. Behind the diplomatic smiles, they may hate each other. It’s a marriage of convenience, that’s all.
25 May, 2009 at 8:14 pm
old_douche is a faggot from Ohio who needs to be ignored or killed. I prefer the latter.
25 May, 2009 at 8:34 pm
CW-2, is Eurocentric Christianity even possible?
When Christian men fought Moors, Turks and Tartars, were they able to read the Bible for themselves, and to see what this Christ-character really taught?
Or were they told by their popes and priests what God’s will was? In other words, get out there and fight so the Church can keep control over Europe!
I don’t see any way around it–Jesus Christ cared not two figs for family, wealth, country, health . . . all that mattered was God’s soon-coming kingdom, where the poor would be rewarded, the meek would be on top, the rich would be thrown down, and the prostitutes and sinners would be shown to be ahead of the respectable. Ahead of the respectable. Those who have tried to do what’s right. Incredible.
God . . . the Jews saw through it, right away.
25 May, 2009 at 9:07 pm
Ein—“It’s a strategic alliance against the majority (which in this case just happens to be Protestant). Jews will always be opposed to the majority, whoever it is…”
That’s true, but, the practical political reality is that as long as this Catholic-Jew alliance in Congress holds, it is bad news for White Americans— we will be stuck doing harm for the jews and their jew homeland in the Middle East forever.
Btw, there are no honest Roman Catholic politicians of any stature on this issue and similar issues.
25 May, 2009 at 9:45 pm
You are absolutely correct Antagonistes. Most Europeans who lived through the dark ages and up until the 19th century couldn’t read or write for that matter, so I doubt most of the people could have or would’ve had the desire to really investigate the true nature of Christianity. I remember on one of my trips to Europe being told of the real reasons churches were so well decorated with biblical stories- it was because that was the only way to teach the stories to the illiterate. Isn’t it interesting though that when people began to become more and more literate in the 19th century that the power of Christianity started to falter? Education and Science will always trump fairy tales.
As for old dutch, I don’t understand the fixation with who runs the US congress and whether there is a Catholic/Jewish alliance or not. As if the “Protestants” race traitors in Congress are any better??? I thought we as a struggle have moved beyond the “working through the system” crap. Who cares about the US Congress? They don’t represent White interests in ANY way. C’mon guys, let’s bury this conservative shit, shall we? Seriously, if you still think that way why not hang out at the Hannity or Rush Limbaugh websites?
25 May, 2009 at 10:26 pm
Blackshirt—Who do you think funds the Jew Homeland? Who do you think just voted for more money for our military to be in the Middle East? Who voted to make global anti-semitism/criticism of Israel an international crime to be monitored by the US Government?
Congress that’s who.
25 May, 2009 at 10:32 pm
CW-2, What about the Roman Republic’s defeat of the Carthaginians, or the Greeks’ defeat of the Persians? Those were very important events in Western History and in neither case did Xianity have anything to do with the outcome. It is our RACE that is our shield and our weapon, not the adoption of some middle-eastern saviour-god cult.
25 May, 2009 at 10:33 pm
“Blackshirt—Who do you think funds the Jew Homeland? Who do you think just voted for more money for our military to be in the Middle East? Who voted to make global anti-semitism/criticism of Israel an international crime to be monitored by the US Government?
Congress that’s who.”
Old Dutch I still don’t understand why you care about Catholics in the congress, but you give Protestants a free ride??? Everything you just listed was supported just as vigorously by “protestants” in the congress. They are all bought and paid for by the Jewish elite. So, once again, why support ANY part of the congress.. they are ALL criminals!
26 May, 2009 at 1:19 am
I think there is a saying something like “to defeat your enemy make his enemy your friend”. If not then I suppose it is my quote or a miss quote. Reguardless my point is start taking the side of those that the illegal state of Israel hates. Most obvious the Palestinians.
If nothing else you do other than joining a protest march in solidarity with the Palestinians you will be noticed. The one thing that the Illegal State of Israel hates is bad publicity of it’s dictatorship. If there is direct protest of Israel that is bad. If it is the usual rants of the Jew has done this or the Jew has done that it is laughed off as anti-semetic dribble. And quite frankly that is all that it is. The Jew is not leaving your country. He owns your arse. Just ask your trash dressing sister / daughter who the hell is Lady GAGA.
You want to destroy the myth of the GODS CHOOSEN PEOPLE. Get out and protest about Israels apartheid system of its citizens. Protest the fact that Israel is the only illegal nuclear weapons powerhouse of the region. Protest the fact that Israel worked with South Africa to develope neclear weapons which are now in the hands of a corrupt Black government. Protest the fact that Israel gets more than 3 billion of aid from the USA every year while the USA cuts back public funding.
There are a thousand and one reasons why you should be marching the streets with anti Israel slogans.
But hell no it might disrupt my TV sports time (JEW OWNED), hell it may disrupt my nightly brain dead TV dramas (JEW OWNED), shit it may even disrupt my drinking time. Well fuck you I’m doing it and I need your help to save our culture for our future generations.
Get out there if nothing else it is great watching the watchers record the “shit are these white people against Israel”
26 May, 2009 at 7:46 am
Blackshirt wrote: “Old Dutch I still don’t understand why you care about Catholics in the congress, but you give Protestants a free ride???
No, I’m not. The Catholics are voting as a unit in alliance with the Jews. It’s obvious if you study any of the votes. The Protestants are the majority, but, the Protestant majority is split into numerous factions & denominations. They do not vote as a unit the way the Catholic & Jews do.
The Catholic & Jew alliance is a product of the big city & metro area political machines. As Ein said so well, “In neither case do they have to like each other. Behind the diplomatic smiles, they may hate each other. It’s a marriage of convenience, that’s all.”
26 May, 2009 at 5:07 pm
Blackshirt: “You are absolutely correct Antagonistes. Most Europeans who lived through the dark ages and up until the 19th century couldn’t read or write for that matter, so I doubt most of the people could have, or would have had, the desire to really investigate the true nature of Christianity. “
And remember too, that the Bible wasn’t translated into modern languages until Martin Luther. [I believe I’m right about that; correct me if I’m wrong.] You not only had to read , but to be able to read it in Latin or Greek.
And also it was not available to the masses anyway, until the invention of printing. So, basically, it was a big mystery to the masses, and they only knew what they were told. (And the Catholic Church fathers wanted to keep it just that way.)
The first Guttenberg bibles sold for 30 florins, the equivalent of three years wages for an average clerk. Nonetheless it was still significantly cheaper than a handwritten one produced by a scribe. Reading was definitely not a pastime for the masses.
26 May, 2009 at 7:07 pm
One t in Gutenberg (I checked it out).
26 May, 2009 at 8:08 pm
You’re right again. Sehr gut. Good thing I didn’t spell it -burg. :)
23 June, 2009 at 12:46 am
did any of you miss the fact that the idf just commited a international war crime attacking the church of the nativity who is running all the christians out of the holy land the church of england not the pope, bush is not catholic hes a zionistchristian who bombed lebanon?wasnt the pope, irish catholics have fought in many of americas wars did the catholics suspend all of our rights and liberties? was it catholics that bombed palestine 2 days after christmas in between the changing of our presidents ever here who is a better friend of israel mccain or obama?do catholics control hollywood and the news or the fed bank how about the pentagon i wonder who killed jfk?ill give you a hint, dimona , catholics became americas biggest threat because we fight for truth and justice thats the most powerful weapon around in america today thats why the molester stories came out when people of faith questioned the moral s of attacking iraq not connected to 9 -11 no weapons of mass destuction plenty of nukes in tel aviv though,by the way whos the only country to use nukes did the catholics attack waco or ruby ridge?is it catholics who bomb un refugee camps,bulldoze people out of their homes?the reason catholics appease the jews is for many reasons first one is ive been taught to kill people with kindness,second catholics believe the can convert jews to jesus christs teachings we are all children of one sacred god and welcome all faiths into our churches and homes catholics have tried to stay somewhat neutral in the ongoing war in the holy land catholics are blamed for the crimes of hitler who was a xxxxx himself ibelieve stalin or stalinsky was a jew i can guarntee you he wasnt catholic as for me ive sided with the palestinians and the lebanesse first they are the underdog,second is their women still have virtue unlike well say most american women, certain jews not all just a small gangster handfull have exploited white women for their geneciodal aims that will be the nail in their zionist coffins slavery white guilt civil war america is an extension of the religious wars of europe with england at the helm thats who americans today take their orders from bank of england and the war criminals in tel aviv and washington is it catholics who run a worldwide heroin and cocaine ring /cia more like it cia equals oss england dragged us into two world wars and then some what strategic interest do i have in paying chevron 5 bucks a gallon got no legs to drive my car ied is it catholics that kidnapp you lie bear false witness steal cheat rob and rape everything torture spy next the us governments got us going to lose another war against china ever heard of human waves this time i dont blame them people we are looking like shark bait america is one big magenot line we have no more borders whats the purpose of having a sov country with no borders?can you say english empire nwo new american century new pearl harbor they did have advance warning if not sponsored the horrific attacks of 9-11 i pray as im writing this for the poor souls no matter what race or religion that infamous day americans that was a coupe detate no way its like they say inside job all the way henry kissinger zeilkow please that dog dont hunt hog wash,treason i wonder why they wouldnt let mel gibson have his movie shown when the hollywood jews have put up the most satanical garbage the world has ever seen besides a few good movies like star wars join the rebel alliance today i wonder who is the evil empire lies upon lies white house press releases they even killed jfks son thats who obama replaced guess who looted the treasury and wall street whats the war cost up to now?jews are set to attack lebanon jordan syria iran no way for them to occupy america and the muslim world at the same time i want the war crime tribunals to start as soon as possible first charge us media stirring up racial and religious hatred enciting violence national discord spreading zionist war propaganda demoralizing the american people shock and awe selling us lie after lie thats a start unfair media bias in the church of the nativity seige,misleading the american people on justification for war ,giving israelis free pass to say and do whatever whenever they want no accountability in government toture spying us cia relations with taliban and al queeda need to be examined why the flow of cocaine heroin illegal slave laboreres are being flooded across are borders the media is their biggest weapon by farr just the other day the jewish chronicle pictured the pope with big nazi right next to his picture im not a terrorist the us government by defenition is a state sponsor of terror patton was right nothing reaffirmed killing by remote control robots inhumane cowardly,unacceptable collateral damage body countof civilians in war the argument im using my family as a human shield so its ok to kill them too blow up their house or bulldoze it who is selling israel all their weapons i work 160 days a year for the tax man unjust tax on my labor skyrocketing inflation on basic goods almost forgot the looting in katrina us government cant protect you in a flood or an la riot see you in the rubble god save this land and people from the clutches of tyranny and this despotic regime shouts out from talmudistan zog