10 May, 2009


Posted by Archives in Arch Stanton, sex at 11:22 pm | Permanent Link

by Arch Stanton.

Have you ever noticed the effect of the word I used in the subject line? Take careful note of its effect on you. No doubt you’ve noticed the word attracts, that we often stop to look simply because of the idea that sex might be present. From this we see it is the strongest of our passions. Sex drives us; almost all we see in the humanity around us is due to the pursuit of sex.

What existence might mankind have today were it not for the interplay between the sexes? What man would strive for greater achievement were it not for his attraction to woman? Man’s desire to impress and provide for woman creates mighty civilizations from dust. It is woman’s desire to procreate and provide for her children that drive her to manipulate man’s insatiable desire for sex. It is this interplay between the sexes that provides the necessary impetus to sustain civilization.

Many mistake this biological drive for love, but the attraction and desire for the physical is only the basest expression of real Love. This becomes readily apparent when one reviews the attitudes of the divorced towards their former spouses. When one hears the bitter vitriol typically directed towards the former “beloved,” one can only wonder: could this really be considered love? Real Love is constant and thus does not ebb and flow.

Perhaps you have wondered why the morals of Western culture have slid so far into the crapper. It’s difficult to think that a scant one hundred years ago it was considered risqué for a woman to show her ankle; how far we have come since then. The moral arbiters that once led our culture long understood the nature of the sexual relationship that exists between men and women. They understood the result of allowing unbridled passion between the sexes without any structure. They understood the voyeuristic tendencies of men and the exhibitionist tendencies of women. They knew that freely allowing those passions would lead to the pursuit of the basest desires. The unrestrained pursuit of these passions quickly leads to the breakdown of a culture and this fact has now been born out in our own time. Had anyone been paying attention they would have realized it’s scarcely difficult to predict such a breakdown because such moral dissipation has led to the downfall of civilization since ancient Greece. The moral arbiters of Western civilization have been destroyed and replaced by those of an alien culture who, while setting morally debased standards for our race and culture, reserve different moral standards for their own.

Today we see the moral decay of our European-based culture all around us. Hedonism now rules the Western psyche. Today the desires of the flesh are the main motivation that drives the consumerism which now defines Western culture. This is why darkness has descended over the Western world. That is why Middle Eastern countries have labeled America “the Great Satan.” This is why we have turned to the pursuing of the “devil” of our desires instead of toward the spiritual enlightenment that would lead our return to God and religion.

I well remember when Playboy magazine was considered the leading edge of what be termed “mainstream pornography.” This was pornography that, while not completely acceptable, was nonetheless far more out in the open and readily available than those more debased forms that could only be accessed in the seedier parts of major cities. Hugh Hefner – who may be a crypto-Jew – is a clever fellow, for he combined acceptable literature with unacceptable images. This process slowly gave the images acceptability and allowed them to worm their way into our culture’s psyche. I can remember in Playboy’s heyday censors prohibited the word “pregnant” on TV and how Lucy and her husband had to be shown sleeping in separate beds on the show. Today most people think such “prudishness” is laughable without ever stopping to consider what it did for their culture.

The breakdown of the family, single-parent children, STDs, abortion on demand, teen pregnancy, homosexual marriage, miscegenation, the sexualization of girls as young as five – like JonBenet Ramsey – and many other cultural problems seen today are the products of our society’s transition from “square” to “hip.”

The Hindu and the Buddhists speak about the power of the spirit being based on sexuality. The Hindu describe this power as the “sex chakra” and portray the power as a snake that rises up from the base of the spine. They say this chakra forms the ultimate base of our spiritual power. The true purpose of tantric sex is the harnessing of this power. It is said that only by harnessing this power can one advance to a higher spiritual plane. This harnessing is accomplished first by sexual abstinence, so one should not be surprised to find it presented in altered format in various Christian religious sects. When this power is harnessed great cultures and civilizations are built, but when it is allowed free rein, great civilizations fall.

The article below describes the root of dark forces of unrestrained sexuality that have been unleashed on Western culture. The author claims this moral decay was simply a matter of money, but the reality is that this transition could not have occurred without the complicity of the religious, political and legal factions of authority; obviously there is far more at work behind this transition than the pursuit of money. Think of the promotion of sex as an enzyme used to break down the cohesion of the Western cultural body and the picture becomes clearer. Ponder the method the god of the Old Testament might have employed in his destruction of Nimrod’s culture. Consider that Jehovah uses sexual immorality as a reason for destroying various cultures as was the case with Sodom and Gomorrah .

For many years I’ve heard the blame for sleaze put on the public, that the denizens of darkness are only providing what the public demands. Perhaps this is so, but if such weakness exists in the human psyche, should it be allowed any provision? We don’t allow children dangerous devices, even though they often demand them. Many people, although adult in other respects, are still children when it comes to the fires of their passions. Should not the fires of these passions be handled as the matches of our childhood? Why should the matches of these passions be freely provided to those incapable of controlling them? It is no secret that sex and violence are closely related. Witness the fact that the rudest, most violent gestures and words allude to sexual intercourse. Thus those prone to give free rein to their sexual passions are likely to give free rein to their violent passions as well. Civilizations throughout history have understood this concept as have their religions. It is for this very reason the Muslims keep tight control over these passions. The same was once true for Christianity. And how is Islamic control of these passions viewed by Western cultures? Is it not labeled oppressive? Does not the Western media constantly harp on how Muslim women are shackled by restraint, how evil the burqa is that covers the face of the Muslim woman? But who are they to make judgments on other cultures? Is not the burqa essentially the same as the long dress that once covered a Christian woman’s ankles? So what might be expected if Western morality, or lack thereof, is forced upon the Islamic world?

It is unbridled passions that serve to retard and regress the human state to its most violent and debased form. It is the reason for the rapidly expanding violence seen throughout the world. Whenever the forces of restrained passions encounter the forces of unbridled passions there is sure to be conflict. This is the forces of light in conflict with the forces of darkness. That is the purpose of spiritual teaching: the proper restraint and channeling of these passions. Through spiritual concepts we transition our childish passions into adult functions that serve to advance the human spiritual state to its highest level. It’s this level for which we are designed; but it’s those passions formed by emotional desires that present the greatest obstacle to our advancement.

The article below is a summation of a major factor in the destruction of Western culture. A far more extensive view can be found at Luke Ford’s website, mentioned in the article.

Triple-Exthnics: Nathan Abrams on Jews in the American Porn Industry

  • 21 Responses to “SEX!”

    1. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      What ever happened to Rich Brooks ? I really enjoyed his site.
      6:21 PM
      apollonian said…

      Rich Brooks Has Gone “UnderGround”
      (Apollonian, 27 Apr 09)

      Rich Brooks failed to post enough Apollonian essays on his site, so I decided to out him for the gross homosexual he really is and was (by his own admission–I never knew the scumball personally).

      Rich himself didn’t seem to mind he was being outed, but it was his Mormon partner who evidently required he go underground and “disappear.”

      Another close associate with Brooks was none other than the Jew, Alex Linder of VNN (VanguardNewsNetwork.com), who knew Brooks and partner were queer and featured Brooks in the very first TAA (“The Aryan Alternative” newspaper/agit-prop sheet) by which Linder’s Jew handlers want to keep white people infighting, anti-Christian, and thus isolated fm all the rest of potential gentile anti-semitic allies.


    2. Blackshirt Says:

      Oh here we go again!

      “This is why we have turned to the pursuing of the “devil” of our desires instead of toward the spiritual enlightenment that would lead our return to God and religion.”

      Yes, all we have to do is return our societies to oppressive American Victorianism (a special mix of Puritanism and Victorian fashion) and get all of our children back to worshiping the Jew Christian god and reading the Jewish bible, and all of the smut and moral decay in our society will disappear! (sarcasm)

      That is basically the gist of the entire article and that the Jews are responsible for all the smut, of course. This is an old and stale argument used to deflect us from the real reasons of this “moral decay”. In my opinion the “moral decay” of the past few decades is a reaction to the oppressive American Puritanical Victorianism that was the rule of the day for much of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. And where was the root of all this Puritanical thought? It came straight from the Jewish bible and the mentally ill gentiles whose minds were polluted by strict adherence to ideas straight from the Old Testament. American Puritanical Victorianism was the child of old Hebrew law applied to the American Christian population. Think I am full of shit?- go check out your local Orthodox Jews, they require their women to dress and act in the same manner as was the norm in Victorian America.

      As I have stated before, the root of all this moral decay lies in the sickness of Christianity. Repression of natural sexual urges and the idea of nudity as shameful are completely contrary to what our healthy European ancestors believed and practiced before the imposition of Christinsanity. Greece and Rome were “moral” societies were nudity wasn’t shameful and sex wasn’t considered dirty. All of this “moral decay” that so many bemoan on websites such as this is a natural reaction to the un-natural Jewish law applied to gentiles through the religion of Christianity.

      No, the solution isn’t a return to Christian (Jewish) morality, but to a return to our original Pagan morality (not necessarily a return to worshiping the old gods) which served us well many centuries before Christinsanity ever existed.

    3. Socrates Says:

      shabbos s shabazz: Is that the same “Apollonian” who spells words such as “yours” as “yrs”? The same one?

      And when did Linder become a Jew? Last Tuesday?

      Thanks for the laugh.

    4. Parsifal Says:

      All this romanticising about how “moral” people were 100 years ago is pure, unadulterated horseshit. The smut that was available in the Victorian Age would make Larry Flynt blush. And the decadence of 17th and 18th Century London would have made Caligula’s orgies look like Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood by comparison. And all that decadence didn’t exactly cause any harm to Western Civilization, either. The 17th and 18th Centuries produced the likes of Mozart, Moliere, Racine, Poussin, Voltaire, Thomas Gainsborough, Ben Franklin, Henry Purcell, Benjamin West and Restoration Comedy.

      Let’s be grown-ups here, almost everyone (with the definate exception of my parents) likes sex. And who gives a hang what those Mohammedans think about our decadent culture? When they come over here, they open up convenience marts and sell skin magazines in them. And as if that wasn’t enough, they are always lusting after our women, so to hell with them and their goofed-up religion.

    5. Ein Says:

      Socrates Says: Is that the same “Apollonian” who spells words such as “yours” as “yrs”? The same one?

      I’m afraid it is. Apparently so. What is this — a leap year, or full moon or something?

      I think it’s important to know that shabbos’ post is merely a quotation from a much longer rant posted on that link he gave. LIke so many others which we’ve seen here before. (Until I learned to just pass them by and save the eyestrain.) I did not realize that until I went there and read it myself. Thanks shabbos. Yes, the lunatics are out in force, still doing their thing. I got an especially good laugh from that part grumbling about “extremely obsessed psychos”. Pot calling the kettle black! Oh, well.

      “I think I come off otherwise sounding far too self-righteous myself, and I surely wouldn’t want anyone to think I try to intimidate people to agreeing or accepting my info. note again, I’ve never actually MET Richie Rich–so yes, it COULD all be a clever farce done upon me–BUT I DOUBT IT. Only thing I rather resented was Richie Rich imagining I, personally, the mighty Apollonian, would be sympathetic to such queer ideology, etc.

      I remember I cc’d Ed Steele (ConspiracyPenPal.com) at the time, Steele himself a pretty busy guy who didn’t seem to take too terribly much notice but rather expressed his own doubt, suggesting rather it was a Jew who was responsible, playing dis-info games w. the patriots.

      And of course, u can well imagine how I, good Christian as I try to attempt to pretend to being, tried to dissuade Richie Rich fm such disgusting queerness. Queers, esp. the committed ones, are simply extremely obsessed psychos, all truth be told. I still pray for Rich’s filthy, little, disgusting, perverted, sinful, and depraved soul–maybe he’ll make it into Purgatory, as I noted.
      Honest elections and death to the Fed.

    6. Billy Bucca Says:

      The Jews have been selling sex to the non Jews since day one. Psychotherapy to peep show porn to feminism to magazine porn to gay rights. The Jews know a basic instinctual drive when they see one and the know their enemies whether Muslim or Christian take sex drives as things to build beliefs around and control. The Jews don’t give a damm about chastity or fidelity or limiting homosexuality. They couldn’t care less if their 13 year old daughters sleep with their 35 year old orthodontists. Couldn’t care less.

      Monica Lewinsky’s mother didn’t care at all that her daughter slept with a married man old enough to be her father. She put the dress with the sperm right up there in her bedroom closet. Might be worth blackmail money someday perhaps or some favor for the Jews from Clinton.

      The real secret is that Jews take sexual expression as their sacrament to show they are different from the Christians. If the rapidly shrinking Christian majority culture cut off one ball the Jews would cut off two just to show their not Christians.

      They identify their enemies sexual beliefs and then adopt a contrarian point of view to have a place to stand to screw with their enemies in their daily lives. Radical animal rights is another example of a Jew driven point of view that gives endless opportunities to throw stones at what was the majority viewpoint. It’s the stone throwing that counts. What kind of stone could be anything.

    7. Billy Bucca Says:

      London was the New York city of 150 years ago. I think the vast rural landscape of America was devoid of Porno that would make Flynt blush. England is famous for having bisexuals and BDSM in their men. And? I doubt the 98% US farm population was sitting there in their black cutout pants after eight hours behind a plow asking when the next orgy was meeting. They married young and had large families. Might have been some sheep and goat fucking and that’s about it.

      The very few American aristocrats like Jefferson and Franklin were European in tastes and they slept with slaves and dallied around like Londoners. I don’t think John Q sharecropper did much of that. If the schoolteacher in the American towns got married she was considered too impure to teach the towns children. That’s the way I heard it.

    8. Junghans Says:

      A gold star for you, Blackshirt! You’re spot on there about the ‘mentally ill gentiles’ with their Old Testament lunacy, and the extrapolation and ‘revelation’ of that self-destructive ideological toxin in your rejoinder.

    9. gw Says:

      Monica Lewinsky’s mother didn’t care at all that her daughter slept with a married man old enough to be her father.
      I don’t think she was “sleeping with” him. You’re too delicate. But we get the point.

      She put the dress with the sperm right up there in her bedroom closet. Might be worth blackmail money someday perhaps or some favor for the Jews from Clinton.
      Yeah! That’s right. Good point. It might come in handy some day. Everything serves a practical purpose. Whatever is “good for the Jews”.

    10. Sri Sreggin Das, Mystic Yogi of the Kali Yuga Says:

      Good column, Arch!

      I know a young man, who, wisely or unwisely, admitted to being a virgin in college. Immediately he was descended upon by several fellows who wanted to “fix him up” to remedy him of his malady!

      This young man wondered, Why should they care? Why do they have such an interest in this?

      I think I understand why–they had lost something valuable, and they could not stand the thought of someone else having NOT lost it.

      And as far as high sexual ethics being Bible-based–they are based on New Testament teachings, but many ancient pagan philosophers (in addition to the Aryan Vedic peoples in India) taught the same thing.

    11. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      I was going to add the material that Ein added. This was about the missing Rich Brooks, a thread on the forum:


    12. zoomcopter Says:

      Porn is another arrow in the Jews quiver. They broadcast porn into Palestine, and other Islamic lands, 24/7, knowing it distracts young men from other serious pursuits, such as throwing rocks at the Jews. Porn is a corrupting influence as it plays on one of the most powerful instincts we have, our sexuality. We are attracted to the forbidden. If the Jews can divert blood flow from the brain, to more primitive areas of the human body, they will have achieved one of their many goals. Jews would love to have us masturbating while watching Jewish porn, as it is a 2 fer 1. The Jews get rich selling us porn and our psychic energy is dissipated into decadence, rather than in creating healthly White families. Such a deal, it is.

    13. Sean Gruber Says:

      “From this we see [sex] is the strongest of our passions. Sex drives us”

      False, unless you agree with jew Freud that sex is behind artistic creation, business, science, etc. (“sublimation”).

      As earlier commenters point out, porn of the grossest kind has always been available and indulged in by slime. It’s the sexualization of everything outside porn that is objectionable – an effect caused by the jew Freudian view.

    14. zoomcopter Says:

      “I think I understand why–they had lost something valuable, and they could not stand the thought of someone else having NOT lost it.”

      I agree, it is the herd mentality, that wants to bring down people to a common lower morality. If everyone behaves like a slut, no one feels any regret for their actions, as ‘everybody is doing it’

    15. CW-2 Says:

      Our Germanic and Celtic ancestors had a strict code of personal honor that included sexual morals. If we were to return to the high moral standards of our people the jew would have very little power over us.

      In any contest between peoples, those wth the greater degee of self control, not just in sexual matters but in all aspects of the struggle of existence, will eventually triumph.

    16. Parsifal Says:

      Truly, if u’re anti-Christian, u’re not anti-Semitic, indubitably; Constantine the Great anti-Semitism; Federal Reserve and filthy Jew queer trolls, surely (Luke 334:99088788).

      Honest erections and death to Club Med.

    17. Tim Pennington Says:

      good stuff. who wants the best of their kin paraded like animals before the eyes of 3rd world scum.

    18. Socrates Says:

      Parsifal: funny!

    19. CW-2 Says:

      Surely, ‘Club Bed’.

    20. Tom McReen Says:

      I knew it!

      This ‘Junghans’ is yet another Mike Jahn sock-puppet (I suspected as much but held my tongue until I saw strong evidence), kissing up to ‘Blackshirt’s’ absurd rant which blames modern immorality on….you’ve guessed it, Christians! No, not jews. Look at this amazingly twisted reasoning:

      “Yes, all we have to do is return our societies to oppressive American Victorianism (a special mix of Puritanism and Victorian fashion) and get all of our children back to worshiping the Jew Christian god and reading the Jewish bible, and all of the smut and moral decay in our society will disappear! (sarcasm)”

      Yes, jewish anti-Christian/anti-Victorian sarcasm. More:

      “That is basically the gist of the entire article and that the Jews are responsible for all the smut, of course. This is an old and stale argument used to deflect us from the real reasons of this “moral decay”….As I have stated before, the root of all this moral decay lies in the sickness of Christianity.”

      It’s not the jews it’s…Christians. So, Jews don’t run porn, didn’t create the ‘counter-culture’, didn’t…ah, I’ve read enough. Classic Kike Jewn.

    21. Junghans Says:

      Get a hold of yourself, ‘Tom’, I’ve spoken highly of Arch Stanton in the past and always look forward to his essays.