24 May, 2009


Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder, quotations, quotations about jews, Socrates, VNN Forum at 11:17 pm | Permanent Link

“White men failed to identify jews as the enemy. That was the fundamental mistake, made by church and government. The failure to identify jews as a hostile, parasitic, competitive species and eradicate it was the single biggest mistake the white race has made in its long history. It is a mistake that can be and must be corrected.” — Alex Linder, VNN Forum, May 2009.

  • 33 Responses to “Quote”

    1. Parsifal Says:

      I guess when the first Jews showed up in Europe a little over 2,000 years ago, they were regarded as little more than unsavory Gypsy-types who lived in tents and caravans at the edge of town, selling trinkets and telling fortunes. Who could’ve known back then what they were really up to?

    2. Stan Sikorski Says:

      A jew is a jew is a jew. KNow one and you know them all. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure them out. And word of mouth should be the easiest form of communicating their dastardly intent to pollute the White Man’s world.

      The only thing that stops that from happening is their propaganda machine that invests many hours in polluting the White man’s critical thinking processes, including manipulation of the White woman against the White man.

      The only way that Whites will achieve freedom from the jew’s manipulations is to completely irradicate the jew from the face of this planet. Until then, nothing we do will be as effective.

      A good jew is a dead jew.

    3. lawrence dennis Says:

      The quote given here offers a fundamental method for determining who is serious about the salvation of our people versus who is just posturing. Those who are serious will openly admit to the accuracy of this quote. Those who deny the accuracy of Mr. Linder’s observation are either uninformed, misinformed, foolish, in denial, or are deliberately deceptive. Those who will only privately admit that Mr. Linder is right are nothing more than hindrances to the return of our race to their proper role here on earth.

    4. Howdy Doody Says:

      Freedom! jooos wars using White Folk no more!

      Since 2001 the eternal enemy aliens of all Western peoples are in your FACE with arrogant patriotardism and alot of media Shills and screaming terror/hilter in all their regime media IMO.

      No White Forum in this World is with out joos reading it with juices dripping from their lips with all their assorted NKVD shills.

      Shame and fairness is not their fortay, but hate is.

    5. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      White man’s s/b White mans’

      jew’s s/b jews’

      (plural usage)

      fortay s/b forte

    6. Whatever Says:

      Alex has a definitive solution to white survival. The problem is whites could care less about their survival. All they want to do is accumulate trinkets and satisfy their bosses. Status is it to them. Whether shining their trucks or sporting some Asian chick on their arms, perceived image is their existence. White males have no instinct anymore. They have lost the ability to react in a situation unless someone is telling them how. I avoid white males at all costs
      because their weakness makes me puke on my shoes.

    7. -jc Says:

      And the lesson taught by NKVD-style persecution, that can now be brought to your door by an armed GPS-guided drone, if not the police at night, will be driven home by show trials right out of made-for-TV mini-series, Amerika, e.g., John Demjanjuk: You will never be allowed to retire and rest even if you did nothing but can serve a propaganda function.

      Get past what you think of Angelina Jolie and watch Changling, for a look into what police become when vested with too much power & authority and try to imagine a public bright and educated enough to see through it, today, like they apparently did in Los Angeles back then.

    8. Howdy Doody Says:

      You will never be allowed to retire and rest even if you did nothing but can serve a propaganda function.

      Tyranny, that Western man has never known not even in the Terror/murder created stated that was called the USSR.

      The open borders has been invasion to make sure we stay defeated as a people in their hated filled sick minds.

    9. zoomcopter Says:

      S.S.S, is it pogram or pogrom?

    10. Stronza Says:

      No such thing as “white mans'” “White man’s” is correct. Stan Sikorski is correct on this one.

    11. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      You are right. Poster gw is wrong- I am not always right.

      Don’t post on an empty stomach, you may have low blood sugar.

      Z. If you are too lazy to look it up, so am I.

    12. Mega Therion Says:

      Moron America which has been raised on WWII tales,”Exodus”,Six Day War “heroics”,”Raid on Entebbe” type of Jew as underdog bullshit, will never wake up. I’m not being a pessimist,just a realist. I see little to be enthusiastic about…the Yids have institutionally brainwashed the masses, the “Christians” in particular, for so long that it won’t be reversed easily.

    13. Ein Says:

      shabbos s shabazz Says:
      “You are right. Poster gw is wrong-“

      I wasn’t aware of having posted anything in quite some time.

      Better get some sugar in that blood!

      (And yes, it’s pogrom. And white men’s or man’s.)

    14. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      Then why are they in panic mode, throwing folks in jail left and right?

    15. Ein Says:

      Parsifal Says:
      “I guess when the first Jews showed up in Europe a little over 2,000 years ago, they were regarded as little more than unsavory Gypsy-types …”

      They arrived in the wake of the Roman armies, as slave traders looking forattractive bargains to sell back in Rome. Trafficers even then in destruction, feeding on every sort of human misery and grief.

      And buyers also of hair. Yes: hair! Blond wigs were in big demand in Rome. (But real blondes were even better.)

    16. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      Ein is gw? Poster gw said (about me) “he is always right.” That was about three weeks ago.

    17. Ein Says:

      “White men failed to identify jews as the enemy. That was the fundamental mistake, made by church and government.”

      Down through the centuries, the Church was obsessed with converting the Jews. They saw it all in religious terms, nothing more.

      As if that was all it would take! Just sprinkle a little baptismal water, mutter some mumbo-jumbo, and suddenly your former Jew was no longer a Jew! Well, it didn’t work that way. How incredibly naive!

    18. Ein Says:

      shabbos s shabazz Says:
      Ein is gw?

      Yes, I am. Or was. He has been phased out. Defunct. Passé. Gone.

      (And, as he had already observed before, you’re damn quick! And [nearly] always right.)

    19. The Red Skull Says:

      Before you can even fight an enemy,you have to realize your at war with him.This is the fundamental problem facing our People.We do not even realize we ARE at War,for our very Racial Survival.How to wake up the masses of brainwashed Zombies is the 25million dollar question.Ohhh!The game is on and there’s beer in the fridge!Whoppee!

    20. Parsifal Says:

      Right again, Herr Ein, the Jews have controlled the world’s slave-trade for at least 2,000 years, including the so-called white-slave trade.

      I imagine those wigs you mentioned must have been for the fashionable, high-society women of Rome, who wanted very elaborate hairstyles like the Goddess Juno had? The Greco-Roman deities were so much cooler than the Semitic gods we eventually got saddled with.

    21. whodareswings Says:

      Check out the ADL’s hate symbols page with all the old school emblems. I had a dream the other night in which Alex Linder told me the new swastika is going to be a little looped ribbon (like a breast cancer or a “bring the boys home” ribbon) that looks like a strip of bacon. Pork is a two pronged assault on everything sacred to the Semites and an inoculation against their tribalism. Start wearing a little bacon boutonniere in your lapel to confound the kwans and drive those pesky Jews and Muslims crazy.

    22. Parsifal Says:

      The reason that Semites don’t eat swine is because that would be cannibalism!

    23. Hans-Jurgen Says:

      Alex Linder said it so perfectly.
      This is a quote for the ages.

    24. The Red Skull Says:

      At Hans-Jurgen-I agree 100%!That Quote by Alex makes The Skulls “Quotable Quotes” File,For verbal ammuntion later.Not only That…..Alex is 100% Correct—IT IS OUR BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER!Funny how i never thought of it in that perspective before.At Whodareswings—Bacon Swastikas are Soooooo Tasty.If there’s anyway to make the Swastika more offensive to the Eternal Jew—-it’s to make it out of Bacon!Two eggs over easy with that please>

    25. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      That’z the same reason cats don’t eat pussy.

    26. ein Says:

      Parsifal asks: “I imagine those wigs you mentioned must have been for the fashionable, high-society women of Rome.”

      Correct. Blond wigs were also required (by law) for Roman prostitutes. That was so that respectable Roman women would not be mistaken for whores and accosted in the streets. But they got to be so popular that you couldn’t tell the patrician matrons from the prostitutes!

      I have a historical atlas that shows ancient trade routes and commodities. What was being shipped south on the Rhine and over the Alps to Rome? Amber, slaves, and hair. And who were the dealers in these items even then? Jews.

    27. Tom McReen Says:

      Identify the enemy? Easy, it makes the first post on this and almost every other front page thread.

    28. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      All ye must do is find out who is on first:


    29. Parsifal Says:

      “Identify the enemy? Easy, it makes the first post on this and almost every other front page thread.”

      Well, at least I can post a comment that’s more than just a simple-minded reaction to what some previous poster wrote, you putz.

    30. Tom McReen Says:

      “Well, at least I can post a comment that’s more than just a simple-minded reaction to what some previous poster wrote, you putz.”

      Doesn’t count for anything if it’s left-wing propaganda or exonerating the jews, Kike Jewn. I don’t apologise for smoking out trolls as I got you to have a melt-down and expose yourself AGAIN. :)

      ‘Putz’ is a Yiddish put-down, it means ‘penis’ or ‘fool’. Nice work Rabbi Jahn.

    31. Parsifal Says:

      “‘Putz’ is a Yiddish put-down, it means ‘penis’ or ‘fool’. Nice work Rabbi Jahn.”

      You are the most irony-deficient nit-wit I’ve yet encountered online. How many hours of intensive research did it take you to find a definition?

    32. Tom McReen Says:

      “You are the most irony-deficient nit-wit I’ve yet encountered online.”

      I’ve thought the same about you: a shrill, uptight, dogmatic marxist pretending to be a WN with a 1930’s fascist fetish – complete with ‘Herr’ greetings.

    33. Howdy Doody Says:

      Trolls are like Skunks you can’t help, but………..