21 May, 2009

Philo Farnsworth

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, Socrates, tv, tv analysis at 11:10 pm | Permanent Link

A Jew (Sarnoff) vs. a gentile (Farnsworth) for control of the world’s greatest brainwashing machine: the TV set:


  • 10 Responses to “Philo Farnsworth”

    1. Parsifal Says:

      Wow, the Jews have really flushed poor Mr. Farnsworth’s name down the Memory Hole. They probably screwed him out of billion$. I heard that just before his death in 1971, Mr. Farnsworth said he was sorry he ever invented the TV. It really burns me up that the Jew never invented radio, motion pictures, TV or movable type, yet he contols all those mediums. Sneaky alien bloodsuckers.

    2. zoomcopter Says:

      Good for the Mormons. They built a statue in his honor. White people are free to honor their own heros. As long as we allow the Jews to dictate which Negroes we will worship, we will forever be subservient to them.

    3. Islander Says:

      Sarnoff was also responsible for the suicide of Edwin Armstrong, the inventor
      of FM radio. Armstrong’s company was broadcasting FM back in the 1930s
      and RCA knew it couldn’t compete with the higher quality broadcast signal.
      So Sarnoff got his buddies at the FCC to change the FM band to higher
      frequencies essentially putting Armstrong’s company out of business and
      financially ruining him since he didn’t have the money to modify his equipment
      or replace all the FM receivers already in use.

    4. Stronza Says:

      If it wasn’t for the efforts of Elma Farnsworth to assure her husband’s rightful place in history, nobody, anywhere, would ever have heard of him. She died at the age of 98.

    5. 2050 Says:

      zoomcopter Says:
      22 May, 2009 at 11:09 am

      Good for the Mormons. They built a statue in his honor. White people are free to honor their own heros. As long as we allow the Jews to dictate which Negroes we will worship, we will forever be subservient to them.


      Well said zoom

    6. ED! Says:

      I read about Farnsworth and Armstrong when I was a kid!

      Years ago I had an idea for an emergency oil supply for a turbocharger. It would store oil in a reservoir against nitrogen seperated by a diaphragm. When a turbocharged engine fails at high rpm the turbocharger is left spinning at as much as 40,000 rpm’s with no oil supply. Upon sudden engine failure my device would push a one way check valve closed in the engine oil supply line and supply oil to the turbocharger’s bearings while it had time to spool down and stop. This device would also give protection every time the engine was shut down even when the standard procedure of allowing the turbo to slow down and cool off before engine shutdown.

      I went looking for investment capital and wound up in bed with what I later found out was a Jew! Do I need to go any further, or can you figure out for your self who got the gold and who got the shaft?

      I would have more respect for Armstrong and Farnsworth if they had teamed up and put put Sarnoff where every Jew like him belongs, 6 foot under!

      Jews steal every day from those who work hard for it, and they get away with it because the Chtistian Chicken-Shits in law and government are always on their side!



    7. Adolf Says:

      I hear there is a similar story related to “Blue Jeans.” An American first riveted denim for gold miners.

    8. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      Do modern turbocharged engines have such a device?

      My 67 chevy needed something like that. I just R&Red the oil pan (100 degrees, in the dirt) to find out why the oil pressure dropped when going downhill. In ’98, when building the 327, I had installed the oil pick-up screen at an angle, rather than horizontal. (I “thought” the old one was that way). One of the counterweights of the crankshaft was banging into the pickup, making a rude noise. (Like kids’ playing cards on bicycle spokes).
      Last week Mark Faust said go out and do difficult things, even if you don’t feel like it. The job was a PITA. My arms are bloody and bruised. But, the pan is up and bolts tightened.

    9. old_dutch Says:

      The first secret of making money:

      Never, ever do business with a jew. And never, ever talk to a jew about your business.

      Do not work for a jew, and, do not have a jew work for you in any capacity no matter how trivial. If you are stuck in a business relationship with a jew expect the worst!

    10. ED! Says:

      Not all Jews have German sounding names, so it is hard to tell. Now days I ask them if they are Jews and go on to tell them how much I distrust them, and how much I hate having to deal with them. I tell them that I believe that they are the lowest lifeform on the planet. I came out of a restaurant some 6 years ago only to find that a nigger with a wrecker was hooking up to my car and was about to leave. The tar-baby told me that I had walked off the property and that gave him the right to tow my car. He picked up the car with the winch while I opened the trunk and got out my 12 gauge pump loaded with triple 000 buckshot, the only argument a nigger fully understands. Being a smart nigger he unhooked and drove off. I found out that the property was Jew owned. I went went to their real estate office and told them that I wish they would take their talmud, their circumsising machine and pack their ass to Isreal while the getting is good. I would rather be horse whipped than do business with a a stinking, hook-nose, kiking, shylock, sister/mother pleasing jew.

      Two Jewish kids are in the attic and their mom yells “What are you children doing in the attic?” “Oh mom we are just fucking” “Oh that is nice children, just don’t fight!”
