4 May, 2009

Morgan Freeman: America’s “Spiritual Presence-in-Chief”

Posted by Socrates in Diversity, diversity is hate, Hollywood, multiculturalism, Socrates at 10:25 pm | Permanent Link

by Edmund Connelly.

“I’ve just finished researching and writing a long essay on a two decade-old phenomenon in which the film image of African American males has improved dramatically. It now rivals that of white males, who outnumber blacks by about seven to one. (We might also mention that it was white males who ruled and largely built the nation we know as America.) Like others, I do not believe this process has ‘just happened.’ Rather, I believe it is the result of a determined effort of elites to displace whites—especially males—from positions of status and power, if not to eliminate them altogether.”


  • 37 Responses to “Morgan Freeman: America’s “Spiritual Presence-in-Chief””

    1. Parsifal Says:

      Every film out of Hymiewood these days MUST either have Samuel L. Jackson or Morgan Freeman stuck in it somehow, even it’s a movie about 8th century Scotland.

      And when is Hymiewood going to apologize to the Negro “community” for all those old-timey movies that had bug-eyed, tap-dancing, head scratching, foot-shuffling, mush-mouthed colored folks making fools out of themselves on camera? Oh, that’s right, the Jews NEVER apologize to anyone for anything.

    2. Dagon Says:

      I agree with the article overall, though insertions of Black characters have not always rankled me. I know that it is part and parcel of what the media masters are doing in their bid to condition the sheeple to their point of view, but some instances of this tactic being used stick in my craw more than others.

      For instance, having read the Stephen King novella “The Shawshank Redemption” before I saw the movie, it was obvious what the studio was doing – casting Freeman, a Black, in the place of the character of “Red” who was Irish in the book. Despite this though, Freeman’s performance wasn’t as offensive as some. Yes, the viewer was treated to a prison with a psychotic, Bible-beater Warden (White), psychotic, sexually predatory inmates (all White) and sadistic and ultimately cowardly guards (all White) however the main protagonist of “Andy” – also a white man – comes out on top through effective use of his White inventiveness and industriousness, so that sort of evened things out enough for me.

      Freeman’s characterization of “Red” obviously was far too eloquent to be true to life but, given the fact that the story took place from the 1940’s to early 1960’s – a non-PC time when Blacks as a rule minded their P’s and Q’s more – the idea of a more genteel and mentally together Black guy was somewhat easier to accept. In any case, Freeman was just the narrator with a White guy the protagonist you rooted for.

      Samuel L. Jackson on the other hand is something else entirely. What a piece of work. Washington is less directly grating but still irks. He’s less the “angry black man” a la Jackson but judging from what little I’ve seen him in, and it was mercifully very little, he’s definately Hollyweird’s official “sanctimonious, hip, black man.”

      The last movie I ever saw with Washington in it was “Crimson Tide” a sub movie in 1996. I was sixteen at the time and saw it because I was a submarine buff and never turned down anything that came out in that genre. Good premise, decent plot, but the use of Washington as the upstart, “magic Black” who almost single handedly averts nuclear war by challenging a crass and irascible skipper, played by Gene Hackman, was laying it on a bit thick in retrospect. The “Lippanzer” conversation between Washington and Hackman nearing the film’s climax was particularly thinly veiled. Those of you who saw this movie and endured two hours of Washington swaggering around as God’s gift to the US Navy and humanity in general, will know what I mean.

    3. zoomcopter Says:

      Interesting post, Dagon. There IS a vast disconnect between how Negroes are portrayed on film and how they behave in real life. The sad part is that many of our people think these characters are, wiser, stronger and morally superior, than ourselves.

    4. old_dutch Says:

      The problem is White men don’t complain.

    5. old_dutch Says:

      The problem is White men don’t complain!

    6. ein Says:

      “The sad part is that many of our people think these characters are, wiser, stronger and morally superior, than ourselves.”

      Yes, many of our people (too many!) only know what they see on television. For many of them, television has become a substitute for life. Their existence is totally dominated by the media. I have known people (that I’ve worked with) for whom something didn’t really happen until it was shown on television. I’m talking about even when they were on the scene themselves. as witnesses or participants. But they had to go home and watch it on TV that evening for a final confirmation that it was real. The same with seeing it in the newspaper the next morning. Its reality had to be confirmed that way. Otherwise, it might have been just a dream. I even knew one woman, getting elderly, who just went home from work, fell into bed and watched television until she fell asleep. She had the TV on permanently. She didn’t even cook — she sent out for food and ate it while she watched TV. The boob tube never went off. Even when she slept! She watched every nonsense, idiot program… especially the sales auctions and the game shows. And the Jerry Springer-type stuff. Her whole life, apart from work, was television. Of course, she was a far-gone case , but there are many other addicts almost like her who are partially down that road.

      Well, those are extreme cases, but there are still millions of others – especially in rural or western areas where Negroes are few – who know nothing about them beyond they see on TV or in the movies. For them, this is reality. All of that is reinforced, of course, by what they are told in the schools as well. So even if they saw (or experienced) an instance of outrageous black behaviour, they would believe that it must be just an abberration.

    7. Ernst Blofeld Says:

      I’m still waiting for the big budget film version of Katrina, which I believe Alex predicted the following synopsis:

      “I’ll bet Hollywood has already signed on Morgan Freeman to play the tough-as-nails, sharp-as-a-tack military general who calls the shots to save NO. And Will Smith as the PhD scientist from MIT who gave the stupid white government leaders plenty of warning of this via his advanced computer modeling. Denzell Washington as the brave chopper pilot who risks life and limb to save white babies and old people from a hospital. Whoopee “Cushion” Goldberg as the mom of a precious herd of niglets who all wear glasses, and speak fluent English, as a distraught mom stuck in the city, who give those lazy government officials a piece of her burr-headed mind”

    8. Junghans Says:

      Good points there, guys. Connelley’s assessment of this subject is excellent. He reveals the Jewish perpetrators and the insidious methodology involved in the brainwashing of the white milk herd. The upshot of it all, is that most white people in the West are in a state of racial denial, and/or programmed to give obeisance to the new Negroid gods. The white bunnies now worship the warped, misrepresented concept of Negritude, (that the unseen machinations of the Jews have created), and have also bought into an induced, delusional, racial death wish delirium. This pathetic state of racial affairs is obviously reflected in the poisoned Anglo mindset, that we are stonewalled with every day.

    9. zoomcopter Says:

      We are actually living out the big budget version of the Noble Negro. Jews have softened up the American electorate enough, with countless movies about the Noble Negro, that we have actually accepted the fictional account, as reality. Obama was groomed, by the Jews, for many years, to play his starring role on the American and World stage. Obama was groomed, much like a talented child star showing early promise. A child star that can memorize all their lines, not stumble and parrot the Party line, without appearing ‘programmed’ to the American electorate/audience. All of Obama’s appearances are carefully crafted “scenes” fabricated by the Masters of Illusion. From the huge pre-election production in Germany, where he was received as a rock-star, to his recent press conferences, where he wisely admonishes us to wash our hands and cover our mouths, with such gravity, to protect ourselves from the Swine Flu. This is the Jews Magnus Opus, the one they have been promoting with trailers and teasers for decades, now. So far, the reviews have been positive and it is doing well, at the box office. If it continues, there may even be a sequel. Stay tuned, and glued to your television screen, as all is illusion.

    10. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      Noble Negro=Noble Savage

      Here’s one, for those who missed it:


      Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, with bone in the knows

    11. Grubkur Says:

      Assuredly this ‘did not just happen’!

      The article mentions the various ideologies behind it. I call it Frankfurt School Marxism myself. (with one off-shot being Critical Race Theory = All Aryans bad = therefore all negroes good.)

      Just in ones lifetime one can see the change.

      I remember when a flick came out, I think it was the gang drama ‘Colors’ and negroes complained that it showed negro sexuality as animalistic and White sexuality as more ‘demure’ and actually loving. Anyone who knows anything about the R-type reproductive strategy of the Average Buck knows that the flick was actually pretty accurate!!!!

      One worries about what is to come though… Obama bio-pic, Argh!

    12. Grubkur Says:

      Opps forgot to mention who is behind Frankfurt School Marxism though… you guessed it… THE JEWS!

    13. Shamus Says:

      Not sure how else to post this (I’m not a forum member), but have you guys heard that Erich Gliebe and Don Black have now, officially, been banned from entering England? It was, apparently, in The Sun. They were specifically named, along with Michael Savage and a few skinheads, a few token Leftist radicals, and a buttload of Jihadis.

      Just thought I would mention it.

    14. Parsifal Says:

      Herr Blofeld, this proposed movie of yours should also include Jeff Goldblum and Richard Dreyfuss as the Holocaust Survivor FBI agents who stop “right- wing extremist, neo-Nazi skinhead militia groups” from terrorizing the innocent Black hurricane victims as they wait for Morgan Freeman and Will Smith to fly in and save them all.

    15. CW-2 Says:

      Do you think Central Casting will find a part in “Katrina, The Movie” for that candidate for sainthood Sidney Poitier?

      Perhaps some sort of clergyman, or better yet, a Black rabbi holocaust(tm) survivor.

    16. CW-2 Says:

      Shamus, thanks for that info. Isn’t great that jews Miliband and Straw are doing a public spirited job keeping us safe from those terrible right-wingers!

      Meanwhile, every diseased Turd Worlder is welcomed with open arms and an open cheque book.

    17. JJ Says:

      They push the “magical negro” thing in ways that are almost beyond comprehension. Most recently, the movie “Obsessed,” which has the hero of a black family man who refuses the advances of a blonde haired woman stalker. No, I haven’t seen it. “Black Snake Moan ” has, I believe, Samuel Jackson as the character that saves Christina Ricci from her own sluttiness. Didn’t see that either.

      What I DID see was “Gone Baby Gone,” where Morgan Freeman plays a sheriff who abducts a baby to save him from her white trash drug headed mother.


    18. Why Says:


    19. Antagonistes Says:

      Just wait.

      Noble Negro today, Holy Homo tomorrow.

      The magic of Hollywood!

    20. Shamus Says:


      England is going insane. They are, literally, turning into the “Big Brother” state that Orwell envisioned in 1984. I heard somewhere that they’re considering jailing a British MP for FIVE YEARS for an “anti-semitic” outburst in a gym. Understand, the guy isn’t even a WN: he’s a liberal MP who was outraged at Israeli atrocities in Gaza a few months back. He started cursing at the television in his gym…and was arrested. Rowan Laxton is the man’s name, I believe.

      All things considered, being “banned” from entering Soviet Britain doesn’t seem like that much of a punishment, really.

    21. Freesofar Says:

      They had a female PM. Female sensibility on the march from their pocketknife laws to hate speech rules. Women don’t allow conflict at the dinner table. Women don’t like even the smallest weapons. Women like their gay hairdresser who is so non-threatening TO THEM. Women like vegan living because it is much easier to stay thin on vegetables than on meat – and of course the little animals are saved. If Hillary had won we’d be right there in ten years too. Women’s culture is very very controlling but it has been limited over history to the home. Now it is coming out into the halls of power and it wants it all so non threatening or else you’re going to get slapped.

    22. S.U.N. Says:

      The finest contemporary film devoid of niggers is the Lord Of The Rings trilogy.

    23. Grubkur Says:

      Oh yes, Black Snake Moan. Ever see a look at the poster for that flick? A White Woman (Ricci) tied up with a chain being held by a Negro! No subliminal message there! No one was in line to see this flick at the mall when I was there years ago so Whites then were rejecting this brain-washing (I was at the food court adjacent to the movie theatre) However now with the Obama-messiah and Obsession flick that has changed obviously.

      Also when it comes to Britain turning into 1984 like Orwell predicted… one may want to take a look at this:

      The Year 2000 by by Joseph Goebbels


    24. Howdy Doody Says:


      1930 movie, and IMO it will never be sold in DVD.

      Use have a VHS years ago and IMO it was a very interesting movie.

    25. Frank Says:

      I often read with disgusted amusement the little digs at vegans and vegetarians here. Hitler was a vegetarian–and he was a vegetarian for the sake of the animals.

      It is monsterous how animals in factory farms now literally are in cages that do not even permit them to turn around their entire lives, how teeth and tails are cut off without anesthesia, etc…this is not “aryan” (noble) in any sense.

      Animals should have at least some quality of life before they are slaughtered.

      Of course, animals in general will be even wose off if we go extinct, which as of now seems very likely to happen.

    26. whodareswings Says:

      Clint Eastwood’s Million Dollar Baby was maudlin as was the even worse Gran Torino. l’ll never buy a ticket to another Eastwood movie again. His movies are completely formulaic now. Totally California Leftist humanist BS. No surprises. When are the postage stamps coming out?

    27. Jon Says:

      “Samuel L. Jackson”

      For the longest time, I’ve referred to this Hollywood spook as “Sambo L. Jackson.” :-D

      The Hymiewood fantasy propaganda placing the black man in roles rarely, if ever, seen in real life, is absolutely outrageous and disgusting.


    28. Jon Says:

      “Yes, many of our people (too many!) only know what they see on television. For many of them, television has become a substitute for life. Their existence is totally dominated by the media. I have known people (that I’ve worked with) for whom something didn’t really happen until it was shown on television.”

      And the big Jews who run the media KNOW THIS and CAPITALIZE ON IT INCREASINGLY SO!


    29. Jon Says:

      “England is going insane. They are, literally, turning into the “Big Brother” state that Orwell envisioned in 1984. I heard somewhere that they’re considering jailing a British MP for FIVE YEARS for an “anti-semitic” outburst in a gym. Understand, the guy isn’t even a WN: he’s a liberal MP who was outraged at Israeli atrocities in Gaza a few months back. He started cursing at the television in his gym…and was arrested. Rowan Laxton is the man’s name, I believe.”




    30. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      It will end when the comfort zone ends, when the statist quo can no longer function.

      It will end the wrong way. It SHOULD end by Whites non-cooperation, by dropping out, by refusing to use jewish paper.

      The system still has access to White inventions. Why?

    31. Ein Says:

      Frank Says: “I often read with disgusted amusement the little digs at vegans and vegetarians here. Hitler was a vegetarian–and he was a vegetarian for the sake of the animals.

      I’m glad you bought that out. I read somewhere, long ago, that one of the first acts of the NS government, when it came to power, was to outlaw the use of simians for medical experimentation.

      And yet, it is claimed, this is the same evil “regime” that later used HUMAN BEINGS for fiendish medical experiments in the notorious Holohoax “death camps”. Something doesn’t jibe here.

    32. Stronza Says:

      I’m with you, Frank, about the animals. Since when is something inherently right just because it’s mainly white people who are doing it? It is possible that when we go extinct, the animals will go with us. Let the survivors – who hate us so much – produce the halcyon civilization that they crave so much.

    33. 2050 Says:

      Went to the movies for the first time in years the other day for me birthday. Went down the line of posters and saw
      Obsession ~ as mentioned above about a blonde fighting with a nig chick over a buck.
      Fighting ~ (i think that’s the name) Seems the commercial had a white guy becoming a champ cage fighter so he could take care of his negress and his baby niglet.
      The Soloist ~ with Jamie Foxx, (who recently said that Miley Cyrus should just “make a sex tape and grow up”), who is the greatest piano player ever in the world, but who’s been held down by the man or something, who is helped by a white guy to gain his rightful place and status.

      We saw Wolverine.

      Extra sideplots for the Katrina fantasy movie:
      In a white neighborhood relatively unaffected by the storm, scared whites cower in their homes when the nice refugee black family is walking by. They are afraid of them only out of ignorance because they are different from themselves.
      The racists in the neighborhood seize the chance to shoot a couple honor roll African-Americans in the back.
      Meanwhile at the Superdome gangs of mixed race thugs get outsmarted and whipped by Elderly black folks with a few whites thrown in for good measure.
      Then over at the drop off point for bottled water a big bellied redneck races to the chopper. Denzel can’t land his chopper because of the mob of rednecks and his crew shoves the water out of the door. It falls to the ground and greedy white folks take it leaving the blacks without.

      Surely the writers are preparing scripts already.

    34. Campbell Crawford Clan Says:

      Not all of us remain quiet about the brainwashing. Several years ago, you all may remember an anti-White male Washington Mutual commercial. In the ad, a young, black buck was in control of older, silver haired White men who were locked up in a cage. The message was quite clear- – out with the White men…in with the buck.

      This commercial enraged a family member who promptly closed her account with WAMU. Standing in line at the teller’s window she proclaimed loudly that,”WAMU was racist against White men”, and how “White men were being poorly treated, and that’s why she was “Closing her account and going elsewhere”. We both had a good laugh when WAMU went belly up about a year later.

      The moral here is that we should no longer be quiet about what the kike is doing to us. Say it out loud to anyone who will listen and make the connection between jew and banker and the jew and ad agencies…name the bastards. And of course, turn off the jewtube.

      Finally, don’t give the fat, plastic, garish kikemachine, AKA Hollywood, any of your money…ever!

    35. Howdy Doody Says:

      True about movies.

      A few were produced totally by a White man, who hired Whites and made the film out of NYC/Hollywood/London control.

      Here are some.

      Monte Walsh, Tom Selleck

      The Passion,

      Excaliber 1981 Ireland.

      The Long Riders 1981

      The Quiet Man 1952

    36. Parsifal Says:

      Howdy, the movies you listed are indeed totally Jew-free and worth seeing. “The Quiet Man” is one of my favorite John Wayne movies. And I would add to your list 1915’s “Birth of a Nation”.

      At the risk of sounding like a cranky old coot, the movies these days are truly puerile and scatological. “Mall Cop”, “Superbad”, “Knocked Up”…….These Jew junk movies (usually featuring Adam Sandler or some other kinky-haired no-talent) are strictly for 8th grade delinquents. And to think there was a time when Jimmy Cagney, James Dean, Marlon Brando and even Sonny and Cher were considered a threat to our nation’s youth.

    37. Howdy Doody Says:

      Parsifal Says:

      9 May, 2009 at 1:49 pm

      In a almost all White bubble community there is a grocery store that has DVD displayed at the check out. When that movie “Hear That Long Snake Moan” came out with the young blonde White women with chains on hold the Congoids Leg on the Cover displayed for children to see, I went right to manager office.

      They did remove the DVD, and have never placed a photo cover like that on a DVD at the check again. Though the Magazines are now just as bad.