11 May, 2009

Holocaust Dogmatists/Holocaust-Fraud Deniers Committed to…

Posted by Socrates in Bradley R. Smith, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, Socrates at 12:53 am | Permanent Link

by Bradley R. Smith: [Here] and [Here].

  • 11 Responses to “Holocaust Dogmatists/Holocaust-Fraud Deniers Committed to…”

    1. Parsifal Says:

      Keep it up with all the Jew tookas-kissing, you cowardly, anti-White Vatican scumbags…………..pretty soon the only people you’ll have left in your misogynistic, obscurantist, superstition-ridden, altar-boy chasing Church will be a few million Africans and Chinamen. And good luck trying to squeeze any money out of them.

    2. Ein Says:

      I think the Chinese will have more sense than that. But you could certainly substitute mestizos; as there will be more than plenty of them.

      But even they may find the Africanized church of the future not wholly to their liking. After all, there’s primitive, and then there’s super-primitive. Even a mestizo has a limit as far as gullibility goes.

    3. Ernst Blofeld Says:

      This new pope is trying his best to outdo all his predecessors in the jew ass kissing department. In fact, the only time he seems to be in the news is when he is apologizing to some jewish group or another.

    4. gw Says:

      “In fact, the only time [the Pope] seems to be in the news is when he is apologizing to some jewish group or another.”

      Well, that’s hardly any surprise… when you consider WHO decides to PUT him in the news.

    5. Truthteller Says:

      Just a reminder – Do not buy books or send any donation dollars to Mark Weber of the IHR/Noontide Press.

    6. 2050 Says:

      # Ernst Blofeld Says:
      11 May, 2009 at 7:07 am

      This new pope is trying his best to outdo all his predecessors in the jew ass kissing department. In fact, the only time he seems to be in the news is when he is apologizing to some jewish group or another.
      Yeah, No kidding huh?

      gw’s right about WHO puts peoples in the news. They decide what’s news.
      But, damn that new pope sure does kiss jew butt.
      His stopping to worship at the Holocaust ™ memorial in Israel was pathetic.

    7. Parsifal Says:

      Even the Mestizoes are leaving the Catholic Church now. Seems the protestants are offering Pedro and Maria a better deal on salvation or church parking or something. That’s why the Vatican is concentrating their efforts on converting Congoloids and Mongoloids.

    8. gw Says:

      “Seems the protestants are offering Pedro and Maria a better deal on salvation or church parking or something.”

      Ha! That’s good. Well, they’re being offered “something” whatever it is. I do know that one Haitian woman where I once worked told me (with great assurance) that Voodoo doesn’t work on Protestants, so that’s one way to thwart anyone who’s put a curse on you. Become Protestant. That surely is a selling point, at least in Haiti. Maybe something like that with Pedro too.

    9. Coup d'Etat Says:

      Another strategy the jews persist in: Jews go after the people who resist the less — religious entities. You see jews are cowards and they know that modern religion thinks jews are the chosen ones. They don’t dare go after people who may be aggressive and return with a vengeance. Israel/jews have land ownership where Jesus was resurrected. Therefore, the jews think they have power and authority over everyone. This is their power over religious entities.

      Confiscation of jews’ assets will make them powerless. Confiscation of Israel is what is to be done. Fear is the key to their doom.

    10. Ein Says:

      “Confiscation of jews’ assets will make them powerless. ”

      Naturally, their world-wide media will be churning out propaganda and howling bloody murder, whipping up the world to go after those wicked anti-semites and punish them. (It’s all been seen before.)

      So confiscation of their media tools will have to be done. It’ll be like pulling the poison fangs from a snake. It must be done.

    11. Z.O.G. Says:

      The Jews wouldn’t be shit without their mass media control.
