26 May, 2009

California Court Rules: Queers Can’t Marry

Posted by Socrates in homosexual themes, homosexuals, Socrates at 11:17 pm | Permanent Link

But it’s only a temporary setback. It won’t be long before fudge-packers can wed in all 50 states. Newbies, you’d be amazed at all of the diseases that queers get, due to their unclean lifestyles, e.g., oral-anal contact:


  • 36 Responses to “California Court Rules: Queers Can’t Marry”

    1. Blackshirt Says:

      Who cares? Survival of the fittest- queers take themselves out of the gene pool by doing what they do. Good riddance. There were always queers and there will always be queers. You mentally ill Christians need to quit worrying about it.

    2. Blackshirt Says:

      What is this- “Focus on the Family”?

    3. Parsifal Says:

      Christianity has always attracted lots of homos, probably more than any other religion. Why don’t the Xians ever acknowledge that?

    4. -jc Says:

      The problem for a people who value their offspring is that, since queers don’t reproduce, queers recruit and molest children. And, yes, we’d better start focusing on our families or we’re going to fall victim to the White genocidal policies of the government lobbied-for by the usual suspects, including their gay activists. Let’s not allow this to degenerate off-point into religion bashing, as this is an important topic.

      “The Medical Consequences of What Queers Do” here: http://www.vnnforum.com/showthread.php?p=999722#post999722

      or here: http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron2.html

    5. Coup D'Etat Says:

      “It’s the right thing to do,” Rabbi Sydney Mintz of Congregation Emanu-El of San Francisco said of her decision to protest Prop. 8, shortly before she was led off with wrists tied.


      Jews and their support for homosexuality and homosexual marriages. They have no decency of any kind in our society, even a Rabbi.

      What would happen if the Supreme Court upheld the ban besides the degenerate homos running around wild? If they upheld the ban, the majority voters votes would not have mattered, and we would therefore be living in a tyranny which the jews want so much and which would be a direct contradiction to a democratic society.

      The jews will be implenting a requirement for all teachers teaching in the elementary schools starting this year to teach children as young as 5 years old about homosexuality. It was stated in the news the other day their adamant requirement that the teachers will have no choice but teach the material, forcing the teachers to teach a destructive, deviant, filthy behavior to young kids who have not the psychological development, age, or brain development to yet understand sexuality.

      i like to see them try it. There will be a riot. There will be no mercy. All these jews are trying to accomplish is to develop more degenerates in our society.

      The jews already have what they want and that is a jew infiltrated society initiating and dictating wars through AIPAC which AIPAC is illegally standing within our governmental powers. The White House is illegally allowing AIPAC to continue its illegal networking spying on everyone around the world, including within the U.S. borders.

    6. -jc Says:

      Well, we’ve got a pretty stupid bunch of relatively well-paid public school teachers, who are no longer accountable to parents, and we’ve got armed school police justified by violent, armed students and mass murdering little Jews like at Columbine. My guess is that the homosezual agenda will be taught in government schools and mandanted in private schools, unless there is effective opposition by parents. They system simply couldn’t withstand the peaceful solution of a large number of parents simply pulling their kids out of school, as the purpose of taking roll is capturing tax dollars based upon student-days in class. There would be too many truants for the system to deal-with. We’ll see. Californians apparently stood up to a withering hail of propaganda by the State and the teacher’s unions in defeating more money for :education.”

    7. Cpt. Candor Says:

      Were I king of this giant dump that we still call a country, I’d outlaw marriage altogether. That way, the fags could finally shut their shit-sucking mouths, plus divorce would immediately cease to be an issue.

    8. Blackshirt Says:

      Have to agree with you Cpt. Candor. What is marriage good for anyway? If you aren’t a Christian, what’s the point? All it is is a license for a woman to take half or more of what you own if you part ways. Why not just live together- no one seems to take the marriage vows seriously anyway.

    9. Parsifal Says:

      Marriage is so bourgeois.

    10. Tom McReen Says:

      “Marriage is so bourgeois.”

    11. Tom McReen Says:

      “Why not just live together- no one seems to take the marriage vows seriously anyway.”

      Why post the same thing with two accounts when one will suffice? Or even better in your case red bastard, don’t post at all.

    12. Blackshirt Says:

      McWeenie, did you know there is a Marxist watching you right now? I am in contact with the alien Marxists who put me on earth and they have described to me how they watch you constantly. It really is true McWeenie, the Marxists are everywhere, they have even infiltrated the VNN website with the sole purpose of stalking you. There is no where to hide McWeenie. The Marxists have told me that they are planning to abduct you one of these nights and pump your small brain full of propaganda. If I were you McWeenie I’d get over to the mental hospital soon and request some help, because I think that is the only way you can avoid the Marxist mind control plan. Do it now, before it is too late!

    13. Curt O'brian Says:

      It is Jew driven. It is one of the foundation beliefs of both of their traditional enemies. The Christians and the Muslims both value fidelity purity and chastity – at least they say they do. Jews value getting all three virtues out of the way as fast as possible. Little difference between the mindset of a Jewish doctors daughter and a whore except the part about picking up the money for food. Gays ATTACK people who try to worry about virtue or purity. Gays take it as a possible insult and make it their business to attack the shy and polite — just as the hardcore Jews do and a lot of the time they overlap. Same group.

    14. Blackshirt Says:

      Curt, Christianity and Islam are both the direct descendants of Judaism. Orthodox Jews are very against homosexuality. As a matter of fact I heard that the orthodox Jews out in California were some of the groups supporting the ban on gay marriage. The whole argument against homosexuals comes from quotes about man not laying with man in the old testament- basically the Torah. So, to say that it is a Christian and Muslim thing to oppose the gay agenda is technically incorrect. It is a very Jewish thing.

      Now, I’m not saying that because the orthodox jews are against gay marriage that I’m for it- not at all. I’m not like some of the people here who automatically think you have to be automatically opposed to anything the Jews support or support anything the jews oppose. But let’s be honest where all this concern about queers comes from- the Abrahamic religions.

    15. Tom McReen Says:

      “I am in contact with the alien Marxists who put me on earth and they have described to me how they watch you constantly.”

      Yep, that’s another kike routine. Got you, Kike Jewn.

      So that’s ‘reactionary’, ‘progressive’, ‘bourgeouis’, attacking marriage and blaming ‘capitalism’ for everything including promoting a big lie that capitalism alone is responsible for multiracialism and our present situation…any more kike communist terminology and dogmas you’d like to out yourself with, Jewn?

      Does anyone take here take this buffoon seriously apart from itself and its own sock-puppets?

    16. Blackshirt Says:

      Tom McWeenie said:

      “So that’s ‘reactionary’, ‘progressive’, ‘bourgeouis’, attacking marriage and blaming ‘capitalism’ for everything including promoting a big lie that capitalism alone is responsible for multiracialism and our present situation…any more kike communist terminology and dogmas you’d like to out yourself with, Jewn?”

      Guess what McWeenie? You have it wrong- let me correct you by elaborating even further. Capitalism AND Christianity are mostly to blame for our current situation. Yep, Capitalism brought the mud people into the country to “do jobs White people won’t do” and Christinsanity keeps bible believing folks from doing the hard and brutal things that must be done to eradicate these low-bred bipeds from our midst. It is the Christians who sponsor non-white “refugees”. It is the Christians who open their church doors and their daughter’s legs to the local mestizos hiding from immigration authorities.

      Try to explain and deny away that Tom- you paranoid, Jewsus loving, Conservative.

    17. Tom McReen Says:

      “Capitalism AND Christianity are mostly to blame for our current situation. ”

      Wrong, jews and the ‘left’ are mostly to blame.

      “Capitalism brought the mud people into the country to “do jobs White people won’t do”

      Wrong. Jews started the slave trade and it has always been jews and the left at the forefront of promoting immingrants and pushing for more immigration. How many ‘Conservatives’ go to anti-racist and anti-minutemen demos, you moron?

      “and Christinsanity keeps bible believing folks from doing the hard and brutal things that must be done to eradicate these low-bred bipeds from our midst.”

      Not before jew TV and Hollywood and left-wing groups who popularised the term ‘racist’. And not all Christians are p.c. liberals, the ones who are simply followed what the left had been doing for decades. The Churches are jewed but so is everything else.

      “It is the Christians who sponsor non-white “refugees”. ”

      It is jews, left-wing politicans, and ‘anti-racist’ groups who bring them here and pass the laws and make the propaganda for them.

      “It is the Christians who open their church doors and their daughter’s legs to the local mestizos hiding from immigration authorities.”

      MTV jews have been promoting race-mixing for a long time along with left-tards, TV and Hymiewood. You don’t mention that.

      In your fantasy world, everything is the fault of ‘capitalism/Conservatives/Christians’. You jump on anyone who challenges the left. This is because you are an anti. You are desperately trying to blame everything on ‘Conservatives and Christians’ and completely exonerate jews and the left.

      Don’t confuse your left-wing dogma with facts or White nationalism so you can exonerate your precious left-wingers from any blame, Kike Jewn. Your arrogance is amazing, believing that all WNs must follow your personal marxist agenda even though no-one here takes you seriously. You’re delusional.

      “Try to explain and deny away that Tom”

      Just destroyed the garbage you posted, marxist.

      “you paranoid, Jewsus loving, Conservative.”

      Classic Mike Jahn, call WN’s “Conservatives”. Go and kill yourself commie, you’re not liked or needed here. Get a life away from trying and failing to take over VNN.

    18. Tom McReen Says:

      “Guess what McWeenie? You have it wrong- let me correct you by elaborating even further. Capitalism AND Christianity are mostly to blame for our current situation. Yep, Capitalism brought the mud people into the country to “do jobs White people won’t do” and Christinsanity keeps bible believing folks from doing the hard and brutal things that must be done to eradicate these low-bred bipeds from our midst. It is the Christians who sponsor non-white “refugees”. It is the Christians who open their church doors and their daughter’s legs to the local mestizos hiding from immigration authorities.

      Try to explain and deny away that Tom- you paranoid, Jewsus loving, Conservative.”


      He mentions/blames “Conservatives” once, “Capitalism” twice and “Christians” four times.


    19. Tom McReen Says:

      “What is this- “Focus on the Family”?”

      I almost missed this sarcastic kike-alike left-tard anti-family remark.

      This marxist idiot will probably go on posting here despite being being exposed for what it is and keep up the charade that it is someone important in WN while boosting its own ego by talking to its own sock-puppet. The red twat has already started posting first on every thread to try and impose itself here.

    20. Blackshirt Says:


      I don’t need to McWeenie, tools like you do more than enough to focus on the “JOOS” than I could. That is your problem fool, everything is a Jewish problem to you, yet you give the shitbags in our own midst a free ride. You are no better than the morons who believe in every conspiracy theory that comes down the block and the idiots who wear tin foil helmets.

      McWeenie, YOU are whats wrong with the “White Nationalist” “movement”. Just like Tom Metzger says, the right wing loves to go on and on and on and on, etc. etc. ad nauseum about Jews, but you will hardly ever hear them place any blame on the traitors in our own race who have brought us to this place. You talk about jews as though they have magic powers. Tell me how they got the control they have now, McWeenie? I’ll tell you- through CAPITALISM, you dumbass! So yes, I proudly attack Christianity and Capitalism as main enemies of the White Race, because I am a National Socialist (or better described as a Racial Socialist) and you are a fucking paranoid, moronic Christian Conservative! Don’t worry McWeenie, your type of “racist” is dying, what I advocate is the future. Conservatives can’t win.

      ““It is the Christians who sponsor non-white “refugees”. ”It is jews, left-wing politicans, and ‘anti-racist’ groups who bring them here and pass the laws and make the propaganda for them.”

      Listen you dumbfuck, where I live it is “Lutheran Social Services” and “Catholic Charities” that are sponsoring African refugee resettlement. Are you trying to tell me Jews are running those Christian organizations? Now go back to sticking your nose up Rush Limbaugh’s ass you retarded fuck!

    21. Blackshirt Says:


      Yes I did jackass, in my original post I added this at the end of the paragraph:

      “you paranoid, Jewsus loving, Conservative.”

      So there, moron. I mentioned jews- JEWsus, your lord and savior. All bow down to the pale, frail, jew on a stick.

    22. Tom McReen Says:

      “So there, moron. I mentioned jews- JEWsus, your lord and savior.”

      FAIL. Attacking Christianity and pretending you’re doing it as a WN doesn’t count – here is the real reason you attack Christianity:

      “Who cares? You mentally ill Christians need to quit worrying about it.”

      Queers aren’t mentally ill but Christians are. Left-winger Jahn doesn’t want us confronting Big Fag.

      You still mentioned jews less than Conservatives, Christians and Capitalism, which YOU summarised perfectly with this gem:

      “Capitalism AND Christianity are mostly to blame for our current situation”

      Jews are less to blame than nebulous ‘capitalism’ and Christianity for the JWO and anti-White agenda.

      Fail soup for you tonight, Jahn.

    23. Blackshirt Says:


      I don’t need to McWeenie, tools like you do more than enough to focus on the “JOOS” than I could. That is your problem fool, everything is a Jewish problem to you, yet you give the shitbags in our own midst a free ride. You are no better than the morons who believe in every conspiracy theory that comes down the block and the idiots who wear tin foil helmets.

      McWeenie, YOU are whats wrong with the “White Nationalist” “movement”. Just like Tom Metzger says, the right wing loves to go on and on and on and on, etc. etc. ad nauseum about Jews, but you will hardly ever hear them place any blame on the traitors in our own race who have brought us to this place. You talk about jews as though they have magic powers. Tell me how they got the control they have now, McWeenie? I’ll tell you- through CAPITALISM, you dumbass! So yes, I proudly attack Christianity and Capitalism as main enemies of the White Race, because I am a National Socialist (or better described as a Racial Socialist) and you are a fucking paranoid, moronic Christian Conservative! Don’t worry McWeenie, your type of “racist” is dying, what I advocate is the future. Conservatives can’t win.

      ““It is the Christians who sponsor non-white “refugees”. ”It is jews, left-wing politicans, and ‘anti-racist’ groups who bring them here and pass the laws and make the propaganda for them.”

      Listen you dumbfuck, where I live it is “Lutheran Social Services” and “Catholic Charities” that are sponsoring African refugee resettlement. Are you trying to tell me Jews are running those Christian organizations? Now go back to sticking your nose up Rush Limbaugh’s ass you retarded fuck!

    24. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      ‘Most people believe Catholic Charities is funded entirely by voluntary donations, but they couldn’t be more wrong. In 2002, over 60 percent of CCUSA funding came from government grants and contracts, another term for “taxpayers’ money!” ‘

      “The media invariably refers to the refugee agencies as ‘charities’ and ‘private’ concerns. But take a typical refugee agency, Immigration and Refugee Services of America (IRSA). According to its financial summary, 90% of its income comes from government sources in the form of government contracts, grants and commissions for collecting transportation loans made to refugees. The remaining 10% comes mostly from institutional donors such as The Ford Foundation, the American Federation of Teachers, The Pew Charitable Trust, American Jewish World Service, etc. Many of these institutions themselves are recipients of government largesse.”


      And who controls taxpayer money?

    25. Tom McReen Says:

      Looks like I got under Jahny Boy’s skin.

      “yet you give the shitbags in our own midst a free ride.”

      That is a lie. I detest Conservative traitors and liberal/zionist ‘Christians’ but I do not pin the entire jew agenda on them either.

      “Don’t worry McWeenie, your type of “racist” is dying, what I advocate is the future.”

      You’re the minority here, pal. Your ‘future’ consists of trolling WN forums with marxist propaganda.

      “tools like you do more than enough to focus on the “JOOS” than I could. That is your problem fool, everything is a Jewish problem to you,”

      Look at Jahn trying to diminish the role of the jewish agenda.

      Alex mentioned antis using ‘joos’ to ridicule the idea that jews are culpable for our predicament.

    26. Blackshirt Says:

      “Looks like I got under Jahny Boy’s skin.”

      Nope. Because I’m not “Mike Jahn”, but from what you have said I think I’d like to meet the guy.

      “That is a lie. I detest Conservative traitors and liberal/zionist ‘Christians’ but I do not pin the entire jew agenda on them either.”

      Oh, so certain kinds of Cuntservatives and Christians are OK, then? Thus proves what I have been saying about McWeenie the whole time. He is a Christian Conservative who happens to have some racial views. No one who thinks himself a Christian Conservative can be a true racist because Christinsanity is anti-natural law and true racism is pure natural law. I don’t deny the “Jew agenda”, but I recognize that the Jew agenda couldn’t operate without the goy tools who support the agenda.

      “You’re the minority here, pal. Your ‘future’ consists of trolling WN forums with marxist propaganda.”

      National (Racial) Socialism= Marxism to cuntservatives like McWeenie. Anything that doesn’t support worshiping his Jewish “lord” or keeping White people working for less than subsistence wages for his rich friends is “Marxism”.

      “Look at Jahn trying to diminish the role of the jewish agenda.”

      Already dismantled this accusation above…

      I’m done with you McWeenie, you are useless. You obviously get off on keeping this thing going on and on, and my own weakness allowed me to get dragged into a flame war with you. I know what you are and you are convinced I am a “Marxist”… I don’t care what you call me, your actions have proven you are insane. You are like a dog who endlessly chases his tail.

    27. Parsifal Says:

      Herr Blackshirt, let me take one last crack at this obnoxious right-wing prick……………………

      Tom McClueless, the fact is that Jews comprise ONE FOURTH OF ONE PERCENT of the world’s population. They wouldn’t have been able to do JACK SQUAT unless we allowed it. The sad reality is that many Whites, especially Christians, Capitalists and Conservatives, have let Jews infiltrate the upper echelons of our society (like the late William F. Buckley, Jr.). They have allowed Jews to marry into well-to-do Aryan families, take over elite institutions of higher learning, move into the best neighborhoods, admit them into exclusive country clubs and law firms, abolish restrictions on Jew immigration, and have generally done everything they could to make Jews appear “respectable”.

      Real liberals, the Prarie Populists and pro-working class, bomb-throwing Anarchists of 100 years ago, were not responsible for allowing the Jews to take over. It was your wealthy, WASPy, Bible hymn-singing, cigar-chomping, country-club joining, sherry-sipping, union-busting, White worker skull-bashing Christian Capitlist Conservative friends who were responsible for that, you dope.

      The Jews are only as powerful as we have allowed them to be, and they DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT, have any magical, Superman-type powers. Nor are they responsible for every evil calamity that has ever befallen our Race. Blaming them for everything makes them look like they are invincible and makes all of us look like you, ie, weak, foolish and paranoid.

    28. Tom McReen Says:

      “Oh, so certain kinds of Cuntservatives and Christians are OK, then? Thus proves what I have been saying about McWeenie the whole time.”

      See Jahn there making things up and ‘interpreting’ words like a jew.

      “Herr Blackshirt, let me take one last crack at this obnoxious right-wing prick…”

      So ‘right-wing’ people who despise jews and are pro-White are ‘pricks’, you commie injun bastard? You’ve excelled yourself again, KIKE JEWN.

      “Tom McClueless, the fact is that Jews comprise ONE FOURTH OF ONE PERCENT of the world’s population. They wouldn’t have been able to do JACK SQUAT unless we allowed it.”

      Jews use that same argument to mock the idea that a minority can have control over the majority.

      This is classic KIKE JEWN, “explaining” things to VNNers that we already know about and trying to take the credit for it; as is applying these points exclusively to his fixation of ‘Conservatives/Chritians’…

      “The sad reality is that many Whites, especially Christians, Capitalists and Conservatives, have let Jews infiltrate the upper echelons of our society”

      …like that. In the mad left-wing world of KIKE JEWN, left-wingers never adopted or pushed jewish causes, never promoted jewish marxist propaganda and never used the jewish holohoax to promote their agenda of diversity and ‘tolerance’. Feminism, gay rights, easy divorce and abortion, race-mixing, anti-White racism, affirmative action…Jahn just let’s it all slide and attacks anyone who points out how utterly destructive these things have been for the White race. Left-wing twat.

      “It was your wealthy, WASPy, Bible hymn-singing, cigar-chomping, country-club joining, sherry-sipping, union-busting, White worker skull-bashing Christian Capitlist Conservative friends who were responsible for that, you dope.”

      No commie, YOUR lefty prejudices are not facts. The left are at least just as culpable, the fact you make post after post trying to exonerate them shows you up again for what you truly are, Jewn.

      “The Jews are only as powerful as we have allowed them to be, and they DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT, have any magical, Superman-type powers.”

      How jewish is that paragraph?

      “Nor are they responsible for every evil calamity that has ever befallen our Race.”

      So White people decided to murder themselves with marxism, feminism, the 60’s, gay rights, Federal Reserve, multiracialism, immigration, banker’s wars…? Jews DID create and push these things on White people. Stop trying to downplay jewish criminality, Kike Jewn.

      “Blaming them for everything”

      Another jewish remark.

      You were a joke and a phony on the forum and now you’ve imploded here, “Herr” Jahn, you left-wing dogma fuehrer and Conservative-fixated nutjob.

    29. Tom McReen Says:

      “Oh, so certain kinds of Cuntservatives and Christians are OK, then? Thus proves what I have been saying about McWeenie the whole time.”

      See Jahn there making things up and ‘interpreting’ words like a jew.

      “Herr Blackshirt, let me take one last crack at this obnoxious right-wing prick…”

      So ‘right-wing’ people who despise jews and are pro-White are ‘pricks’, you commie injun bastard? You’ve excelled yourself again, KIKE JEWN.

      “Tom McClueless, the fact is that Jews comprise ONE FOURTH OF ONE PERCENT of the world’s population. They wouldn’t have been able to do JACK SQUAT unless we allowed it.”

      Jews use that same argument to mock the idea that a minority can have control over the majority.

      This is classic KIKE JEWN, “explaining” things to VNNers that we already know about and trying to take the credit for it; as is applying these points exclusively to his fixation of ‘Conservatives/Chritians’…

      “The sad reality is that many Whites, especially Christians, Capitalists and Conservatives, have let Jews infiltrate the upper echelons of our society”

      …like that. In the mad left-wing world of KIKE JEWN, left-wingers never adopted or pushed jewish causes, never promoted jewish marxist propaganda and never used the jewish holohoax to promote their agenda of diversity and ‘tolerance’. Feminism, gay rights, easy divorce and abortion, race-mixing, anti-White racism, affirmative action…Jahn just let’s it all slide and attacks anyone who points out how utterly destructive these things have been for the White race. Left-wing twat.

      “It was your wealthy, WASPy, Bible hymn-singing, cigar-chomping, country-club joining, sherry-sipping, union-busting, White worker skull-bashing Christian Capitlist Conservative friends who were responsible for that, you dope.”

      No commie, YOUR lefty prejudices are not facts. The left are at least just as culpable, the fact you make post after post trying to exonerate them shows you up again for what you truly are, Jewn.

      “The Jews are only as powerful as we have allowed them to be, and they DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT, have any magical, Superman-type powers.”

      How jewish is that paragraph?

      “Nor are they responsible for every evil calamity that has ever befallen our Race.”

      So White people decided to murder themselves with marxism, feminism, the 60’s, gay rights, Federal Reserve, multiracialism, immigration, banker’s wars…? Jews DID create and push these things on White people. Stop trying to downplay jewish criminality, Kike Jewn.

      “Blaming them for everything”

      Another jewish remark.

      You were a joke and a phony on the forum and now you’ve imploded here, “Herr” Jahn, you left-wing dogma fuehrer and Conservative-fixated lunatic.

    30. Tom McReen Says:

      My reply to the nonsense posted above doesn’t seem to be going through, Doesn’t matter, the obnoxious marxist prick has exposed himself enough.

    31. Tom McReen Says:

      Sorry for the belated double post.

    32. Parsifal Says:

      What’s the matter McReen? Do you have a half-Black grandchild or something? Your wife leave you for the Mestizo pool-boy? I normally don’t approve of White women doing things like that, but in her case I’ll make an exception.

      And I’m still waiting for you to explain what your beliefs are. You always dance around the issue when you are accused of being a right-winger or a Christian or a Capitalist, so exactly what are you? Besides being a total jerk, I mean.

    33. Tom McReen Says:

      “You always dance around the issue when you are accused of being a right-winger or a Christian or a Capitalist”

      You and your sock-puppets are the only ones here who spend time doing the accusing, left-tard.

    34. Parsifal Says:

      Still won’t come clean about yourself, eh, jerk? Got something to hide, McCreep? It’s starting to become pretty obvious that you are just a System infiltrator/provacateur whose assignment is to rid pro-White websites of all meaningful discourse. You’re paid to try and dumb down the conversation to the point where it poses no threat to the System you work for, right, asshole? We’re just supposed to talk about sports and reality TV shows like every almost other website does.

      The more obnoxious and hateful you get, the more I will dig in my heels, you ZOG/Establishment/System whore.

    35. Tom McReen Says:

      “It’s starting to become pretty obvious that you are just a System infiltrator/provacateur whose assignment is to rid pro-White websites of all meaningful discourse.”

      You describe yourself pretty well. Chutzpah.

      “The more obnoxious and hateful you get, the more I will dig in my heels, you ZOG/Establishment/System whore.”

      I’ve already destroyed you.

      1 – you obviously use sock puppets (Blackshirt/Junghans/Arminius).

      2- you post marxist propaganda regularly and you are on record as having atttempted to deflect blame away from jews to other parties (Christians). That’s what jews do and what Alex Jones diverters do.

      These are the facts and they wil not be drowned out by your chutzpathic tone of innocence or your belated allies Ein and 2050 who are now repeating your lies, interestingly.

    36. Dave Baker Says:

      The interesting method of homosexual marriage proponents is that they frame their argument as the “Right to Marry”. THERE IS NO RIGHT TO MARRY, YOU FAGGOTS/LESBOS!! Not one constitutional phrase bestows such a right. This is how liberals operate. Anyone versed in the California liberal agenda knows why certain judges are placed in certain courts, particularly the 9th Circuit Court. (Which I call the “Ninny Ninth”) Vast numbers of voters are asked to decide on issues which they are normally not required to judge. Yet, when they vote overwhelmingly against said issues, the courts take over, and usurp the will of the voters. (Naturally, if an issue passes which is on the liberal agenda, it sails through without a hitch, even if it involves denying rights to the majority. The Stem Cell program is a sterling example) A society needs to determine what is viable criteria for it’s social stability, and procreative necessities. Gays are simply whining malcontents who have mastered the Jewish art of forcing government authority upon those who object to their need for control.