24 May, 2009

Brand New Holocaust Math

Posted by Socrates in Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, Socrates at 4:17 pm | Permanent Link

1 + 1 = 6 million = 24 million = 63 million…


  • 10 Responses to “Brand New Holocaust Math”

    1. Parsifal Says:

      Perhaps one day Father Desbois’ machine gun-riddled body will be buried in a shallow mass-grave, along with the bodies of other White race-traitors. Let’s hope so.

    2. CW-2 Says:

      This French ‘clergyman’ instead of pressing his lips to the jew ass needs to wake up and remember that many millions of Ukrainians, perhaps 10 million, were deliberately starved to death during the 1930’s artificial famine organised by Stalin and his jewish criminals.

      Who took away the livestock and surplus grain, who burnt the standing grain and the farmhouses?? Jew commissars did, and they did it eagerly with typical Talmudic relish.

    3. 2050 Says:

      Funny how he finds shell casings but apparently no bodies.

    4. 2050 Says:

      Oh yeah, how ’bout that old lady who says she used to walk on the bodies to ‘pack them down.’
      Sounds so ridiculous.

    5. CW-2 Says:

      Fr Desbois, a typical French ‘intellectual’, jewed over and totally ball-less. Probably hopes that Sarkozy will pin the Legion D’Honour or some similar jew award on his chest.

    6. Cpt. Candor Says:

      I suppose that one day the West will be so dumb from all the downbreeding and “education” that kike historians (oxymoron alert) will just be able to say that Europe was historically a jewish homeland until the nasty “Haters” (Whites) from the planet Mongo swooped on in and shot, gassed, incincerated, hung, beheaded and stuffed into V2s all the native jews just trying to live in peace. At least that story would better explain an ever-increasing kike death toll, not that I’d expect anyone in the growing “racial train wreck” demographic to question or even really care about it.

    7. DerEwigeJude Says:

      No mention of the Holodomor, aka the Jewish Bolshevik Genocide of the Ukrainian Christians. This is an outrage!

    8. Paul_W Says:

      “Father Desbois’s account of his investigation so far is called Holocaust by Bullets and is published by Palgrave Macmillan.”

      Ah, there’s his motive.

    9. Jugurtha Says:

      The death toll is whatever they say it is, since it is illegal to question anything having to do with the cult.They could say it was 100 million and the world would have to believe.

    10. Junghans Says:

      Bingo, Cpt. Candor! The effects of state sponsored dysgenics (breeding down) of the dumb white bunnies, is in fact, the biggest racial train wreck of all time.