Anal Amusement: Not Always Fun
Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, sex, Socrates at 1:08 am | 
(Gee, what was Arch Stanton just saying about sex here at VNN?). If you’re into modern sexual behavior, i.e., if you engage in rump-rangerin’/ass-burglarin’/butt-piracy like the Jewish magazines advocate, you might want to read this:
12 May, 2009 at 4:52 am
“If you’re into modern sexual behavior,… like the Jewish magazines advocate, you might want to read this.”
Well, I’m not into it, so I didn’t bother to read it. But then, I was curious, so I went back and read it anyway. Very interesting! It told me something I absolutely did not know. Never heard of this malady before. It’s a new one.
Thank you, Deborah Kotz, for this rare info — although I’m even more thankful that I don’t need it. But it’s certainly good information for those who do. Still, I note that Ms. Kotz is carefully non-judgmental. As for this “modern sexual behavior”, she doesn’t advise against it (which is surely the most obvious and simple way of avoiding the whole problem); she only advises using caution and appropriate protection.
12 May, 2009 at 6:06 am
Thanks Jews for promoting this filthy degenerate sodomite culture. We need not only an ethnic cleansing but a moral cleansing as well, Jewish ideas have to go along with the filthy jews.
12 May, 2009 at 6:06 am
Thanks Jews for promoting this filthy degenerate sodomite culture. We need not only an ethnic cleansing but a moral cleansing as well, Jewish ideas have to go along with the filthy jews.
12 May, 2009 at 8:49 am
“Thanks Jews for promoting this filthy degenerate sodomite culture. We need not only an ethnic cleansing but a moral cleansing as well, Jewish ideas have to go along with the filthy jews.”
That may upset VNN’s potheads and porn lovers.
12 May, 2009 at 9:33 am
“That may upset VNN’s potheads and porn lovers.”
You’re probably right. We’ve already seen that here before.
That’s why I, personally, think it’s best to steer clear of sex, religion, and probably drugs too. I’ve offended people by comments about sports! A movement can only encompass so many issues. If you throw too many issues into the package, you’re going to offend too many people — practically everyone.
The fact is, we are all part of our surrounding culture and have all been affected by it. There’s hardly any uncontaminated saints out there — unless you’ve been living in a cave on a mountaintop all your life. Not many have.
12 May, 2009 at 4:53 pm
Is anal cancer the same as colo-rectal cancer? Because I believe colo-rectal cancer is more likely the result of a bad diet or genetics than homo-humping. But I think Miss Kotz (a kinky-haired Jewess) just likes using the word “anal” a lot.
And it seems there a lot of VNNer’s who still cling neurotically to their right-wing “law and order”/Christian “sex is dirty”/Catholic “you touch yourself, you’re going to hell” complexes. I guess some people just take longer to mentally evolve than others.
12 May, 2009 at 5:38 pm
Well, white nationalist ideology depends on concepts of order, social hygiene, loyalty, etc. Prudery is unavoidable. Sexual lassitude is of the Jews. And the English, but we’re not the English.
12 May, 2009 at 6:18 pm
Good point, GR.
Those concepts of order, etc. are necessary for the development of any sound ‘n’ sane civilization, not just ours (of the past). Sexual hedonism always leads to dissolution of a previously healthy society. Anybody incapable of keeping it in his pants is just as responsible for our annihilation as any outright enemy.
12 May, 2009 at 6:59 pm
Just imagine, there was no such thing as pornography or prostitution, or maybe no such thing as sex itself, before the late 1960s. The Beatles, Jane Fonda and Dr. Timothy Leary are all responsible for this!
BTW, prudish, repressive communities like the Massachusetts Bay Colony never last very long. It’s not sexual license that ruins a civilization necessarily, it’s things like race-mixing/lack of racial pride or awareness, plague epidemics, endless wars of imperialist aggression, bureaucratic tyranny and capitalist greed/exploitation that are to blame.
12 May, 2009 at 7:21 pm
“And it seems there a lot of VNNer’s who still cling neurotically to their right-wing “law and order”/Christian “sex is dirty”/Catholic “you touch yourself, you’re going to hell” complexes. I guess some people just take longer to mentally evolve than others.”
Nice jewish rhetoric and left-wing ‘thinking’ there.
12 May, 2009 at 7:24 pm
“Just imagine, there was no such thing as pornography or prostitution, or maybe no such thing as sex itself, before the late 1960s. The Beatles, Jane Fonda and Dr. Timothy Leary are all responsible for this!”
Jewish ‘satire’! Do you work on The Daily Show?
“BTW, prudish, repressive communities like the Massachusetts Bay Colony never last very long.”
More lefty rhetoric!
“It’s not sexual license that ruins a civilization necessarily”
Have you been living in a cave during the last 50 years?
“it’s things like race-mixing/lack of racial pride or awareness, plague epidemics, endless wars of imperialist aggression, bureaucratic tyranny and capitalist greed/exploitation that are to blame.”
Capitalism and imperialist wars are to blame! Thanks, marxist.
12 May, 2009 at 11:57 pm
Oh, it’s “Tom McReen” our resident conservative, right wing apologist! Typical tactic when confronted by progressive racist thought by Christian conservative types… accuse those you don’t agree with of being “Jewish”.
Parsifal is absolutely correct about you right wing conservative types and your mental illness that is rooted in Jewish Christinsanity. All of your diatribes against “sex” “immorality” etc. are the usual worries of the Christian right who are more concerned with these issues instead of the only true issue: RACE.
“Capitalism and imperialist wars are to blame! Thanks, marxist.”
The original National Socialists weren’t Capitalist or Imperialist, were they Marxists too, genius? “Tom” I don’t know why you aren’t on a conservative Christian forum instead of here… I would be willing to bet money you like Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, and all the other reactionary turds who waste their time and energy wringing hands over the bible in schools, abortion, and other bullshit, ignoring the real issue of RACE.
Do you know who Dr. Pierce was, “Tom”? Dr. Pierce wrote an excellent essay called “Why Conservatives Can’t Win”. You should read it.
13 May, 2009 at 12:12 am
Yo, Tom, I think you would be happier listening to Sean Hannity or Bill O’Reilly because you are obviously more of a right-wing KON-servative than a racist rebel. And Marx, btw, hated his fellow Jews and thought Negroes were not fully human. If the Capitalist factory-owners back in the 1800s had treated their White employees with some decency and respect, then Marxism, Socialism and Unions would never have appeared, you dope. Try thinking once in a while.
13 May, 2009 at 1:08 am
The article mentions how anal sex increases the chances of getting anal cancer. Then we we’re admonished to quit smoking cigarettes because its a big contributing factor as well.
I couldn’t help get the feeling the article writer was trying to blow smoke up my ass.
Also, are we to supposed to infer that Farrah Fawcett had a problem with excessive anal sex or she had a chain smoking habit or both?
13 May, 2009 at 7:16 am
What a couple of weirdos. Why would two liberal bleeding heart types what to hang out on a white nationalist site? This Tom sounds like the normal one and you two sound like a couple of fifth column jews. RACE but without the values of white middle america? Then it’s Jew america your talking about and what difference does RACE make? Prison? Hells Angels? Even the Hells Angels now has hispanics as club presidents. The one in San Francisco that was murdered was part hispanic. This Parsifal and Blackshirt sound like a couple of jewish women professors laughing as they post.
13 May, 2009 at 7:18 am
It’s tom vs a couple of weirdos who sound like their full of it. And it ain’t the white middle class values.
13 May, 2009 at 9:36 am
Whether some may want to believe the following or not, everyone carries a certain amount of cancer viruses in our bodies. If we didn’t have an immune system, we all wouldn’t make it to the age of 20 years old.
There are people who carry the HPV all their lives and not develop cancer namely cervical, anal, or prostate.
There are immune suppressors that causes cancer:
Stress — many changes in our lives at once that causes anxiety for an extended period of time.
Poisons — Benzene and other poisons we are exposed to in our environment almost daily including cigarettes.
Radiation — particularly the sun — the sun suppresses the immune system and damages tissues.
Alcohol — suppresses the immune system, damages the DNA structure, damages the liver that creates healthy bile, and damages the eyelets in the pancreas. You don’t have to drink a lot for the damage to occur.
Genetics — If you have a relative that died from cancer or had cancer, you will get it. The damaged gene has been established and it passes on.
Believe it or not HPV cancer causing virus is not the most to worry about. It is Melanoma. Melanoma is the most silent, fast-acting, killer of all cancers. It can occur inside the body without warning much less anywhere on the body. It can occur on the scalp without a mole to be noticeable. It can also occur inside the nostrils blocking the airway. By this time, the Melanoma has already spread to vital organs. Melanoma is increasing at an alarming rate. I know of two people who have died from this and as quickly as two months from the time of being diagnosed. There was no chance of radiation or chemo therapy.
There are many HPV strains that a person can carry. There are only two or three strains that causes cancer. If you ever had two or more sexual partners, the chances of acquiring the cancer causing strain is inevitable.
13 May, 2009 at 9:49 am
“Oh, it’s “Tom McReen” our resident conservative, right wing apologist! Typical tactic when confronted by progressive racist thought by Christian conservative types… accuse those you don’t agree with of being “Jewish”.”
‘progressive’ racist thought? I was right about left-wing infiltration of VNN. Posted about it before. ‘ And your rhetoric is jewish.
“our resident conservative, right wing apologist!”
Hello again Mike Jahn and friends. I am not a Conservative as you know and what’s with ‘our’? Just like VNNF’s hardline atheist trolls the lefties think they run White Nationalism now.
If I remember correctly ‘Parsifal’ is the Freemasonic apologist from before on the front page comments section.
13 May, 2009 at 10:04 am
“Yo, Tom, I think you would be happier listening to Sean Hannity or Bill O’Reilly”
I have never listened to either of them, Mike Jahn/Jett Rink/etc.
“because you are obviously more of a right-wing KON-servative than a racist rebel.”
Conservatives don’t confront jew problems and name zionists as responsible for 9/11. You are obviously a left-wing troll and masonic apologist. And what’s ‘racist’ or ‘rebellious’ about the jewish left?
“And Marx, btw, hated his fellow Jews and thought Negroes were not fully human.
Now jew Marx is a hero! I’m sure all those dead Europeans are grateful, as are we all here at VNN for jewish communism. ‘Progressive’ lol.
“If the Capitalist factory-owners back in the 1800s”
It’s a capitalist conspiracy! It’s not the jews, Marx was a good for Whites!
“had treated their White employees with some decency and respect, then Marxism, Socialism and Unions would never have appeared, you dope.”
You just answered your own strawman argument. This subject is not about ‘capitalism’ or ‘factory owners in the 1800s.
“Try thinking once in a while.”
Thinking hasn’t worked out for you, you’re a left-winger pretending to be pro-white and you’re also obsessed with NS ideology – the same traits as Mike Jahn and his numerous sock-puppets on VNNF. I don’t know Hitler’s policy on ‘Native Americans’.
13 May, 2009 at 10:07 am
“Yo, Tom, I think you would be happier listening to Sean Hannity or Bill O’Reilly”
I have never listened to either of them, Mike Jahn/Jett Rink/etc.
“because you are obviously more of a right-wing KON-servative than a racist rebel.”
Conservatives don’t confront jew problems and name zionists as responsible for 9/11. You are obviously a left-wing troll and masonic apologist. And what’s ‘racist’ or ‘rebellious’ about the jewish left?
“And Marx, btw, hated his fellow Jews and thought Negroes were not fully human.
Now jew Marx is a hero! I’m sure all those dead Europeans are grateful, as are we all here at VNN for jewish communism. ‘Progressive’ lol.
“If the Capitalist factory-owners back in the 1800s”
It’s a capitalist conspiracy! It’s not the jews, Marx was a good for Whites!
“had treated their White employees with some decency and respect, then Marxism, Socialism and Unions would never have appeared, you dope.”
You just answered your own strawman argument. This subject is not about ‘capitalism’ or ‘factory owners in the 1800s.
“Try thinking once in a while.”
Thinking hasn’t worked out for you, a left-wing nutjob pretending to be pro-white. You’re also obsessed with NS/fascist ideology – the same traits as Mike Jahn and his numerous sock-puppets on VNNF. What was Hitler’s policy on ‘Native Americans’?
Now, stop polluting the front page comments section because you’ve outed yourself.
13 May, 2009 at 10:08 am
Thank you Coup d’Etat. That is very useful information. You sound like you are knowledgeable on this subject. I hope it is not from personal experience. I have learned something from this article.
13 May, 2009 at 10:57 am
This “Tom McReen” and “Curt O’Brian” sound like one in the same. Two conservative losers hanging on to the past. Blackshirt sure is correct about their tactics… accuse anyone who opposes their views as jewish.
13 May, 2009 at 11:38 am
Thanks for the praise. I have read and studied about HPV because many women were shocked to find out they have cervical cancer that has spread beyond chemo or radiation therapy. They were the ones who dismissed getting annual check ups only to find out years later when they decided to see a doctor it was too late. I then learned cervical cancer is caused by HPV. HPV is a disease never talked about in high school health classes. Hep C was only briefly talked about and is sexually transmittable. But, the difference is Hep C can be prevented by condoms, HPV can not.
Contrary to what most believe that condoms can prevent diseases, this is not true. HPV is also transmitted by skin to skin contact. Anywhere from the exposed genital, pubic area you can still contract HPV. The only HPV talked about in high school in its simplex form and that can be transmitted skin to skin were warts. Those warts can cause cancer and the several strains that are known. HPV can spread on your skin. Once it is on your skin, it can move to a better location, preferably the mucous area where it causes havoc.
So those that believe condoms protect you are basing their knowledge on the lack of information.
Further noting poison and immune suppression: Pharmaceutical drugs are the biggest contributor to immune suppression. Drugs are only designed for short time usage. People taking statins or high blood pressure medications for example are putting their immune systems at risk.
There’s a reason behind the side effects listed on pharma drugs. All those side effects are result of the immune system breaking down. Medical doctors either know this and not saying anything or they don’t believe it is true. I mentioned this to an RN, even, about the blood pressure meds can cause cancer. She told me she never heard of this. Well, it is only common sense when you connect the side effects and why they may occur and/or the person contracting terminal cancer after taking the prescribed medication for a long period of time. It is not hard to figure out what is going on.
Street drugs or any drugs suppress the immune system over time. Antibiotics suppress the immune system so the medication can work. However, these drugs are taken for a very short time only.
13 May, 2009 at 12:47 pm
I think this vile Jewess was implying in her blog that Farrah Fawcett contracted her cancer as a result of rear-end intercourse. Is that grounds for legal action?
18 May, 2009 at 5:30 pm
“This “Tom McReen” and “Curt O’Brian” sound like one in the same. Two conservative losers hanging on to the past. Blackshirt sure is correct about their tactics… accuse anyone who opposes their views as jewish.”
I said they repeat jewish propaganda, which they clearly did.
Your M.O. is to accuse anyone who doesn’t share your left-wing views of being a ‘Conservative’ then proceed to repeat left-wing propaganda that would not sound out of place on NPR.
Again I ask: how many sock-puppets do you need, Mike Jahn? You are quite eager to take over VNN for the left.
18 May, 2009 at 7:15 pm
Tom, you are a typical paranoid right-wing jerk. Oops, your foil hat just blew off your big, stupid, ugly head.
31 May, 2009 at 5:04 pm
“If I remember correctly ‘Parsifal’ is the Freemasonic apologist from before on the front page comments section.”
Correction: it was Zarastrutha.
“Tom, you are a typical paranoid right-wing jerk. Oops, your foil hat just blew off your big, stupid, ugly head.”
Mike Jahn is a left-wing jew.