7 April, 2009

The Jewfish

Posted by Socrates in Brutus, Socrates at 10:37 pm | Permanent Link

“Predatory Bottom-Feeder”


  • 5 Responses to “The Jewfish”

    1. T.Garrett Says:

      Did you know that a certain schnozzim named Gary Grossman was so perturbed about this disgusting fish being called the ‘jewfish’ that he and other tribesters lobbied the US Board of Geographic Names to have the scaly slimebucket renamed the “Goliath Grouper”?

      I shit you not. Some other S Florida yid were at the time of writing the piece I linked to below (2002) also lobbying to get Key Largo channel in South Florida renamed from “jewfish Creek” to Key Largo Channel …Key Largo itself was called “jewfish” up until 1921 according to USPS records!

      I think the name very appropriate for this scum-sucker of a fish, and I think we should howl to the Fedgov to restore the name. I also believe that DMV ought to officially classify a driving along parallel to your blindspot off your rear quarter panel (so increasing the chances of a no-injury lane-changing side-swipe) “jewish tailgating” as it is affectionately known in New York and New Jersey.

      OK kikey, you get the fish but we get to name another insurance fraud after you …of course you’ve all heard of “jewish lightning”, haven’t ya?


      PS Nice artwork brutus …. :p


    2. Big Effer Says:

      That guy was my geometry teacher in 9th grade.

      At least it looks like him.

    3. Marwinsing Says:

      THE ARTIST BRUTUS: sublime observations, Wall Street Sushi Bar Series, BRUTUS’s Green Period, circa 2008-2009 Credit Crunch. (?)

    4. Old_Dutch Says:

      Check the noses out on Picasso’s art:

      Have fun with this:

    5. whites being driven insane by jewnigism Says:


      damn what a shame in the hometown newspaper. whites are fucking being driven insane everywhere by all this jewnig shit after bush the baptist ushered in the mutt messiah and his radical whitey hating shitcago wife bitch.

      while these are good videos its a shame a 44 yr old blonde mother would trick her 20 yr old son and blow his brains out from behind and then immediately take her own life but this is the residue of the jewnig bullshit going on driving whites fucking crazy all over.
      there are some chunks of and pieces skull on the floor in clear view.

      while this is not as gory as the sand niggers screaming and then throwing their live victims on the floor taking a machete and sawing off the heads even having problems with cutting through the bones and tendons having to using elbow grease and then holding up the ragged jagged heads by the hair with the eyes still open, it is still a grusome.

      unfortunately the jews dont allow films of the 5-50k us soldiers burned to a crisp in iraq in their humvees and being scooped out as ashes by special shovels after the vehicles cool down sometimes 1-2 days with snipers all around and no firemen. those us coffins you can see now are only fine ashes and no bodies.

      for those who enjoy watching live tv of death and mutilation this is right up your alley even though whites are going fucking insane and doing things they normally wouldnt do because of the fucked up shit going on with the skinny half nig blue gummed president and his white hating 6′ radical bitch nig wife.