29 April, 2009

The Jew is a Fake

Posted by Socrates in Brutus, Socrates at 12:34 am | Permanent Link

The Jew always wears a mask to hide his true nature, and he’s got a whole closet full of ’em: a liberal mask, a conservative mask, a White mask, etc.


  • 29 Responses to “The Jew is a Fake”

    1. zoomcopter Says:

      Arlen Spector is a classic example.

    2. Parsifal Says:

      The Jew is a real paradox. He is a chameleon who can dress and talk like the gentiles around him, yet he can never assimilate. He has a religion, but no conception of a god or a heaven. The Jew vigorously clings to his ancient traditions, yet he is always absorbing the most modern ideas. He preaches democracy, peace and equality but is convinced he is superior to every other race of people and will use extreme violence to prove it. The Jews are a rootless race of nomads who come from nowhere and are found everywhere. They demand a “homeland” for their people but don’t want to live in it. They have everything and yet they demand more. And on and on it goes…….

    3. Ein Says:

      Very good cartoon! Very good points made too!

      The many-faced Jew who lives by deceit and deception.

    4. CW-2 Says:

      Great cartoon!

    5. Marwinsing Says:

      Jewish surnames that immediately come to mind in my lil’ home town. Smith (normal okes nah nice folks), Saunders (stinking rich sugar baron family), Georgides (former stinking rich porn king but now suicided)… ugh ja. Marwinsingstein.

    6. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      They can’t do these things without the government being involved in the economy-

      “The federal government sugar program costs consumers approximately $1.4 billion a year (40% or $561,000,000 for granulated, brown, and powdered sugar in bags and boxes, plus 60% or $824,000,000 in processed foods such as baked goods, cereal, candy, ice cream and beverages). This high “consumer tax” is maintained by restrictive import quotas and a high government loan rate which keeps the U.S. price of sugar at approximately twice the world price in most years. However, during 1999 the world price of sugar fell dramatically, as a result of heavy world supplies and other factors. The U.S. domestic price, almost completely insulated from world market signals, remained steady. Therefore, the U.S. price is now approximatley four times the world price.”


    7. Tom McReen Says:

      That cartoon should always be captioned with that text. They really make the point together. Parsifal’s post really made the point too.

      ‘Smith’ is used by jews? I knew Saunder but not Smith.

    8. Ein Says:

      ‘Smith’ is used by jews? I knew Saunder but not Smith.

      Afraid so. I once worked for an “English” Jew named Smith — born in London.

      He later got in hot water for cheating. They’re always cutting corners.

    9. Z.O.G. Says:

      Searching for surname [SMITH]with soundex code 463000.




    10. Junghans Says:

      A good post, Parsifal. The quintessential Gegenrasse is indeed an astounding walking paradox; as well as arch-typical human predators.

    11. Justin Huber Says:

      Good post Parsifal! Actually, I enjoy yours and Ein’s comments a lot.

    12. Ein Says:

      Thanks! And I enjoy both of yours. Junghans’ too.

    13. Me Says:

      I woudn’t care what jews looked like or believed in or did if they hadn’t made me into a second class citizen on account of my race.

    14. Ein Says:

      “I woudn’t care what jews looked like, or believed in, or did, if they hadn’t made me into a second class citizen on account of my race.”

      And scheduled you for race-replacement extermination as well! I fully agree.

      I don’t care what the Amish or the Mennonites or the Presbyterians do — whoever they are — as long as they don’t do it to me, that’s all! It’s very simple. They don’t bother me. They just mind their own business. They’re not social engineers, and they don’t meddle with others.

      But the Jews are obsessed with others. They monitor us, and spy on us, and study us. Do the Amish have something similar to the Anti-Defamation League to keep track of us? Silly question.

      They (the Jews) are determined always to get CONTROL over the host society and then, once in power, to remodel us to their liking, as if we were domestic animals to be bred to suit th e Jews’ needs, or replaced with a more docile breed. We are not goats and chickens! Well, obviously that’s how they regard us.

      Can we be expected not to object? If we went to our fate uncomplainingly, we would prove that we are truly sheep and not humans. It is human to protest. That’s what the Jews don’t like: they want obedient sheep.

    15. Parsifal Says:

      Herr Ein, I must respectfully disagree with your assessment of those weirdo Amish and Mennonite people. They practice incest and child-rape as part of their culture, which is based on Mold Testament insanity. The Commonwealth of PA is reluctant to do anything about these crimes because those creeps draw a lot of tourism dollars to the area. Now, whatever the mestizoes or negroes do to each other in their own cultures is not my concern, but White people should never behave like that. Il Duce had the right idea, no secret societies or cults of any kind should be allowed to exist in a healthy, properly run Aryan state.

    16. Ein Says:

      “Herr Ein, I must respectfully disagree with your assessment of those weirdo Amish and Mennonite people. They practice incest and child-rape as part of their culture.”

      I was not aware of that. Perhaps I should reconsider. I know very little about them. Basically, I just used them as examples of people who do not attempt to control others but who are willing to live and let live, who keep to themselves and mind their own business. That was my point. Maybe other examples would have been better.

    17. Justin Huber Says:

      The Amish are a bit creepy. We have a few here in Michigan’s thumb area. One of the main reasons they moved here was because they were inbreeding too much and had to branch out (no pun intended) into other genetically distinct Amish areas.

    18. Parsifal Says:

      Herr Ein, I myself only recently became aware of what those Amish types were up to. And why they would want to live an 1830s-lifestyle is beyond me. White civilization should be about progress.

    19. Junghans Says:

      As far as I understand this group, having been around them numerous times: The Amish are essentially old line Anabaptists, who live by the standards and lifestyles of earlier times, to maintain their “elect”, clannish, beliefs. Jacob Ahmen, one of the founders, who the name Amish is derived from, was an early ‘heretic’, who was intentionally drowned in the river Reuss, near Zürich, in an anti heretical ‘baptizing’. The sect maintains their 15th – 16th Century Rhenish-Dutch language, and refer to white Americans as “English”.

      The white bunnies love to drive through Amish country to gawk at them, and the Amish are happy to sell them food and trinkets and cash in on them. Most Amish are enterprising people with small businesses and/or farms. They can pinch pennies hard enough to embarrass a Jew, who they remind one of. They do stay to themselves and are usually respected.

    20. Ein Says:

      Justin Huber Says: “The Amish are a bit creepy.

      Junghans Says: …“the Amish are happy to sell them food and trinkets and cash in on them. Most Amish are enterprising people with small businesses and/or farms. They can pinch pennies hard enough to embarrass a Jew, who they remind one of.”
      Well, that is most interesting. I had read somewhere, long ago, that they came from the Rhineland and that they originally included a large number of converted Jews. (The Rhineland, of course, being a major trade route, was a region very heavily populated with Jews, a center of European Jewry in the Middle Ages.) I have noticed too, that some of them do look dark, or strange, and quite Jewish. Not all. They are obviously very mixed, but many definitely don’t look pure German. So apparently, their behavior is not purely German either. And if anyone is familiar with Hasidic’s, they are not that far apart at all.

      I once knew a young woman from Lancaster, Pa., the heart of Amish country, and she told me the same thing about how avid they are for money, how hard they could pinch a penny, and that “they are all rich.”

      Yes, I am starting to reconsider.

    21. Parsifal Says:

      Just a week or two ago, a group of Amish visited the Hasidic community in Brooklyn and were warmly welcomed. Long-lost brothers, perhaps? After all, those Yids don’t normally put out the red carpet for anyone.

    22. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      Maybe the Amish invented copper wire (two Amish fighting over a penny).

    23. brutus Says:

      Yeah that’s right, the Amish are converted jews!

      Did you get your degree from Asshole University?


    24. Wolfhart Hozzel Says:

      Ein your comment about ‘we are not goats and chickens’ is very appropriate because as one starts to study this strange alien being, the jew, they find that they in fact consider all non-jews to be what they call GOYIM! Which in fact means cattle! And that is preciesley what they treat us as.

      Now when it comes to Amish I am shocked to see that some think they might be jewish… come on, the Amish WORK! Has one ever heard of an actual jew doing an actual full days labor!?!?!?!

      Amish are working farming, crafting and most of all building homes. The jew is more interested in lawyering, directing a movie, or pushing papers in the Obama administration. jews do not work! In fact it is against their religion to do so.

    25. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      Turning the crank on the printing press is labor.

      Didn’t Marx claim that wealth comes only from those doing physical work?

    26. Ein Says:

      Now when it comes to Amish I am shocked to see that some think they might be jewish…”

      Don’t misunderstand me. I never said they ARE Jewish. I said that they apparently INCLUDED some or a significant number of Rhinland Jews among their original converts. And that was centuries ago. They are therefore a mixed group (if it is so at all). It would be most interesting to do some genetic testing.

      I have personally known some Amish persons (no longer affiliated, but of that descent) who were spineless, sneaky, conniving, cowardly little weasels — just exactly like Jews! They even looked like Jews. Seen in hindsight, the similarity was striking — although I didn’t quite realize it and connect the dots at the time.

      Maybe that was just a coincidence, I don’t know. But it’s an interesting thought.

      However, I do know this: that there were also a significant number of Jews among the Huguenots. (Don’t ask me the source; I don’t remember.) The Huguenots tended to come from the wealthy, business, and professional classes. They were city people, not farmers. Business people, not peasants. Their large wealth and influence were among the reasons why they were hated and resented. They had too much power and influence. In other words: marranos! But just not Catholic marranos.

      (Again, I’m not saying that ALL Huguenots had been Jews, conversos, but a statistically significant number.)

      Maybe this was their way of hitting back at the hated Catholic church which had persecuted them and exiled them in so many places, whereas the Protestants were more tolerant and accommidating to them. Or maybe, if they found themselves under pressure to convert, or if it was to their economic benefit, they preferred to choose Protestantism to that same hated Catholic church which was their ancient nemesis.

      I would like to find more information on this. Only once did I ever see it mentioned. I think there are a lot more obscure details in the shadowy corners of history than we know about.

    27. Junghans Says:

      Ein, most of what you are looking for, and have mentioned in your above posting, can be found in E. Michael Jones’ gang-buster book: ‘The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit’. Jones appears to be frustratingly race stupid at times, but presents reams of useful historical information, and insight. His book is a vital educational tool about how we arrived in the bog of ‘cultural Marxism’, and are essentially intellectually Judaized. It reveals how the Western (especially Anglo) mindset has become dangerously toxified.

    28. Parsifal Says:

      Maybe the Amish are not really Jews, but they are like the Hasidic or Ultra-Orthodox version of Christianity. Both the Amish and the Hasidim are very clannish and secretive and both have all sorts of weird sexual hang-ups. And both the Amish and Hasidic/Ultra Orthodox movements began around the same time in Europe.

      Also, contrary to popular belief, the Hasidic/Ultra Orthodox Jews do engage in useful labor like plumbing, carpentry and machine-shop work, but only so they don’t have to rely on any goy cattle for those services.

    29. Ein Says:

      “Ein, most of what you are looking for, and have mentioned in your above posting, can be found in E. Michael Jones’ gang-buster book: ‘The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit’ “

      Thank you for that reference. I’ll have to look it up.

      brutus Says: “Yeah that’s right, the Amish are converted jews! Did you get your degree from Asshole University?”

      Are you saying you find the idea preposterous?

      Consider this. It is well known that Jews, for some reason, seem to have a special attraction to cults – both for founding them and for joining them – and that a heavily disproportionate number of the members of modern cults have been Jewish young people. This fact has been a source of much concern in the Jewish community. Furthermore, Jews show an special avidity for anything that is new, trendy, experimental, avant guard, revolutionary.

      Would it not be reasonable, then, to assume that this has not just been the case in recent history but was also true during the Middle Ages and later … specifically around the time of the Reformation? Would it be surprising that an inordinate number of Jews might have been drawn to such cultish groups as the Amish when these were being formed? This is not to say that these are specifically Jewish groups orever were, but only that they might have attracted a significant number of Jewish members — a number of Jews well in excess of their percentage in the local population. Just the same as so many Jews have been drawn to cults in the 20th century.

      I don’t have any proof — beyond the dark, sallow-skinned Semitic appearanece of some Mennonites/Amish [just some — as I said, they are obviously a very mixed group], as well as the sneaky, cowardly character of a few scrawny little specimens I have known. Those could have passed easily as Jews. The genes were coming out. I don’t find the idea far-fetched at all.

      At any rate, it’s just a thought.