28 April, 2009

Test Your Knowledge

Posted by Archives in Arch Stanton, economics, economy, jewed finance at 12:31 am | Permanent Link

by Arch Stanton.

The following 14 questions will test how far you’ve come in understanding how our world functions and the economic factors that influence that functioning. After reading the article far below, answer the following:

(1) Is the western economic collapse a real problem for the masses of humanity or is it just regional in nature and therefore not a problem for the majority of people?

(2) Will this collapse only affect the lower classes?

(3) Will the economic collapse eventually have a profound effect on your life and the lives of your children, or is this mostly happening to other people and their families?

(4) True or False: Wealth can just “disappear.”

(5) Is there a special ethnic group behind the purposeful draining of wealth from America and the other western countries, or is this just the result of a bunch of greedy white businessmen doing business as usual?

(6) True or False: Goldman-Sachs is typical of businesses owned and operated by greedy white men.

(7) True or False: It was a combination of luck and pluck that allowed Goldman Sachs to come out on top, it really could have been any company had the circumstances been different.

(8) Was the massive movement of wealth planned or was it simply a big accident?

(9) True or False: The type of person typically involved with these financial operations is of a caliber of genius so far above the normal IQ that the common man could never hope to understand the vast and intricate world of finance.

(10) True or False: The reason for the Byzantine complexity of the world of finance is that it must be this way for it to function effectively.

(11) True or False: The complexity of the financial world makes it considerably more difficult for those not directly involved with it to understand it.

(12) True or False: This economic collapse was nothing more than the work of stupid, greedy people who were unaware of the effects of their greed and stupidity.

(13) What might be the eventual outcome for white western culture if the collapse continues?

(14) True or False: The economy will eventually self-correct, allowing everything to return to the norm of the late twentieth century.

(Here is a bonus ethnic clue in case you need it: G-O-L-D-M-A-N S-A-C-H-S).

The Goldman Rules for Mastering the Universe

  • 31 Responses to “Test Your Knowledge”

    1. Z.O.G. Says:

      Hey, you guys are in luck, because I just made this new list yesterday:

      Who Controls Goldman Sachs?

      Executive Officers:
      Lloyd C. Blankfein(Jewish) – Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
      Gary D. Cohn(Jewish) – President and Chief Operating Officer
      John S. Weinberg(Jewish) – Vice Chairman
      J. Michael Evans(White European) – Vice Chairman
      Michael S. Sherwood(White European) – Vice Chairman
      David A. Viniar(Jewish) – Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
      Gregory K. Palm(Jewish) – Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of the Corporation
      Esta E. Stecher(Jewish) – Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of the Corporation
      Alan M. Cohen(Jewish) – Executive Vice President and Global Head of Compliance

      Board of Directors:
      Lloyd C. Blankfein(Jewish) – Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
      Gary D. Cohn(Jewish) – President and Chief Operating Officer
      John H. Bryan(White European)
      Claes Dahlbäck(Jewish)
      Stephen Friedman(Jewish)
      William W. George(White European)
      Rajat K. Gupta(Indian)
      James A. Johnson(White European)
      Lois D. Juliber(Jewish)
      Lakshmi N. Mittal(Indian)
      Ruth J. Simmons(Black)

      Of the nine(9) Goldman Sachs executive officers, six(6) are Jewish. This is a numerical representation of 67%. Of the eleven(11) members of the Goldman Sachs board of directors, five(5) are Jewish. This is a numerical representation of 45%. Jews are approximately 2% of the United States population.* This means that Jews are over-represented among the Goldman Sachs executive officers by a factor of 33.5 times, or 3,350 percent, and are over-represented on the Goldman Sachs board of directors by a factor of 22.5 times, or 2,250 percent.

      This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews among the Goldman Sachs executive officers and board of directors cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance. You must ask yourself how such an incredibly small and extremely unrepresentative minority ethnic group that only represents 2% of the American population could so completely dominate the world’s most powerful and influential investment bank.

    2. -jc Says:

      How about a list of those former Goldman employees employed by the Federal Reserve and all branches of the U.S. Government?

      It is confusing, I think, especially when we are speaking of racial Jews, to use the term “Jewish” rather than “Jew.” We do not speak of White-ish or Black-ish.

    3. -jc Says:

      “‘Government Sachs’ is in control”
      Commentary: Investment bank has strengthened its position through bailout

      By David WEIDNER, MarketWatch
      Last update: 12:01 a.m. EDT April 7, 2009

      “A conspiracy theorist might think this run of fortune has something to do with the former Goldman executives having influential roles in the Treasury Department.”

    4. Z.O.G. Says:

      Yes, it’s important to point out to people that Goldman Sachs pretty much runs the U.S. Treasury Department.

    5. -jc Says:

      “These guys should have been fired years ago, but we allowed them to take full control of America’s banks and corporations through illegal payoffs to our elected representatives, who then confirmed them into top government policy-making positions (like Treasury Secretary Hank Paulsen, who two years ago took hundreds of millions in salary and bonus for his position with the Goldman Sachs banking firm).” -Ed Steele

      Downloadable audio file of Billions for Bankers – Nothing for Workers:

    6. John A Says:

      Most telling quote is Bill Gates’ comment regarding IQ:

      “….Bill Gates once described Goldman Sachs as Microsoft’s biggest competitor. “It’s all about IQ,” said Gates. “You win with IQ. Our only competition for IQ is the top investment banks.”

      I’m surprised he said that in public. It contradicts the “official theory” that IQ is a construct devised by Whites to maintain their “privilege.”

    7. Coup d'Etat Says:

      Referring to jc’s post on Steel’s statement:

      It’s not going to matter who is elected into office. They all are or will kowtow to jews no matter the entity, situation, agenda, or circumstance and the jews will continue to run the banks. All who have money will play together.

      What we need is a new FBI department that will aggressively go after the culprits and thieves who are financially ruining this country. But, that will never happen. The only other option is to form a militia and go after these bastards with an iron hand.

    8. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      Truthteller Says:
      28 April, 2009 at 5:47 pm

      What’s the law in Florida…OJ went there so as Goldman couldn’t take his assests!

    9. Ein Says:

      What’s the law in Florida…OJ went there so as Goldman couldn’t take his assests!

      Hmmm. How handy!
      It would be interesting to look further into that law. When was it passed, and by whom? Who got it passed?

      In the case of the Goldman’s vs. OJ, it backfired, didn’t it? It wasn’t meant to work that way!

    10. Ein Says:

      “What we need is a new FBI department that will aggressively go after the culprits and thieves who are financially ruining this country. But, that will never happen. “

      Remember that “Deep Throat” the sinister voice who destroyed a presidency, turned out to be a Jew, Mark Felt, number 2 man in the FBI, who was getting even with Nixon for not being put completely in charge. Being number 2 wasn’t good enough for him. They have to control everything!

      The only other option is to form a militia.

      And if so, they would finagle around and find some way to control THAT.


    11. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      That was a play on words, as this thread is about Goldman-Sachs.

    12. Z.O.G. Says:

      I have an update on the Goldman Sachs list:

      Who Controls Goldman Sachs?

      Executive Officers:
      Lloyd C. Blankfein(Jew) – Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
      Gary D. Cohn(Jew) – President and Chief Operating Officer
      John S. Weinberg(Jew) – Vice Chairman
      J. Michael Evans(White European) – Vice Chairman
      Michael S. Sherwood(White European) – Vice Chairman
      David A. Viniar(Jew) – Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
      Gregory K. Palm(Jew) – Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of the Corporation
      Esta E. Stecher(Jew) – Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of the Corporation
      Alan M. Cohen(Jew) – Executive Vice President and Global Head of Compliance

      Board of Directors:
      Lloyd C. Blankfein(Jew) – Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
      Gary D. Cohn(Jew) – President and Chief Operating Officer
      John H. Bryan(White European)
      Claes Dahlbäck(Jew)
      Stephen Friedman(Jew)
      William W. George(White European)
      Rajat K. Gupta(Indian)
      James A. Johnson(White European)
      Lois D. Juliber(Jew)
      Lakshmi N. Mittal(Indian)
      Ruth J. Simmons(Black)

      Management Committee:
      Lloyd C. Blankfein(Jew)
      Gary D. Cohn(Jew)
      John S. Weinberg(Jew)
      J. Michael Evans(White European)
      Michael S. Sherwood(White European)
      Kevin W. Kennedy(White European)
      Richard A. Friedman(Jew)
      Timothy J. O’Neill(White European)
      Gregory K. Palm(Jew)
      Masanori Mochida(Japanese)
      David A. Viniar(Jew)
      Christopher A. Cole(Jew)
      Esta E. Stecher(Jew)
      David B. Heller(Jew)
      Marc A. Spilker(Jew)
      Richard J. Gnodde(Jew)
      Richard M. Ruzika(Jew)
      Yoel Zaoui(Jew)
      Gordon E. Dyal(White European)
      David M. Solomon(Jew)
      Edith W. Cooper(Mulatto)
      Isabelle Ealet(White European)
      Edward K. Eisler(Jew)
      Gwen R. Libstag(Jew)
      John F.W. Rogers(White European)
      Pablo J. Salame(Arab)
      Donald R. Mullen(White European)
      Harvey M. Schwartz(Jew)
      Alan M. Cohen(Jew)

      Of the nine(9) Goldman Sachs executive officers, six(6) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 67%. Of the eleven(11) members of the Goldman Sachs board of directors, five(5) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 45%. Of the twenty-nine(29) members of the Goldman Sachs management committee, eighteen(18) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 62%.

      Jews are approximately 2% of the United States population.* This means that Jews are over-represented among the Goldman Sachs executive officers by a factor of 33.5 times, or 3,350 percent, over-represented on the Goldman Sachs board of directors by a factor of 22.5 times, or 2,250 percent, and are over-represented on the Goldman Sachs management committee by a factor of 31 times, or 3,100 percent.

      This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews among the Goldman Sachs executive officers, board of directors, and management committee cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance. You must ask yourself how such an incredibly small and extremely unrepresentative minority ethnic group that only represents 2% of the American population could so completely dominate the world’s most powerful and influential investment bank.

    13. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      They have screwples instead of scruples.

      They admire Ebenezer Screwge.

    14. gw Says:

      ZOG says: <I”Jews are approximately 2% of the United States population. This means that Jews are over-represented among the Goldman Sachs executive officers by a factor of 33.5 times, or 3,350 percent… This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews among the Goldman Sachs executive officers, board of directors, and management committee cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance. “

      Yes. And by controlling the economy of the most powerful country, that tiny 2% are able, by extension, to control most of the world’s economy, using us as their surrogates and unwitting agents — financial, military, and diplomatic.

      I would add that even the above list is surely not comprehensive or final. Without a doubt, the Jewish penetration is even more complete than that. Those listed above are only the most obvious ones. We cannot know such further details as whose father-in-law is a Jew, or whose grandmother was a Jew, whose brother is married to a Jew, whose cousins are Jews, etc. So, their control and penetration can only be more extreme than it appears.

    15. Voir Dire Says:

      Note to Z.O.G.: As usual, thanks for your truly eye-opening, fantastic homework/research. Recall all those shares fellow vampire Warren Buffett bought into Goldman Sachs during their meltdown. See: “Buffett boosts Goldman Sachs with $5-billion investment” http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/money_co/2008/09/warren-buffett.html

      The Jews’ News wants everyone to believe this “financial guru” is merely some genius Jewish investor, but as usual with this (as Greenspan recently called them) “species,” their wealth isn’t exactly obtained through ummmm… shall we say legitimate channels. Lo and behold, it turns out Buffett is one of the biggest recipients of the epic fleecing “TARP” rip-off that he so heartily cheer-leaded: See: “Billionaire Buffett benefits from bailout he promoted.” THEY are the ultimate insiders because they KNOW ALWAYS down the road that they are going to use OUR government to get EXACTLY what they want through financial chicanery and blackmail (Jewmail more appropriate?) through taxpayer shakedowns.


      I’m reprinting a post I wrote on a piece (Bank of England, Sterling and Government Treason) posted on Rense regarding the Bank of England (likewise NEVER audited) who is of course the Rothschild’s mirror of the parasitic Federal Reserve System here in the U.S. who as we know had long preceded our version of this “special” malignant cancer. Our intelligent English brethren are awakening from their slumber and pulling back the veil as to the source of their ails. Because of the stifling “hate crimes laws” they exist under, I had to use veiled language lest I get the blogmeister in trouble. I think it’s applicable to Arch’s questions as to THEIR role in this planned collapse (and yet somehow miraculously THEIR wealth grows exponentially) because of the horrific insights I’ve gained from studying this groups’ behavior for a mere two years (thank you, shabbos s shabazz, for your role as I owe much gratitude to you):

      apr 16th, 2009

      Voir Dire
      Outstanding piece, and I find it so encouraging that our English brethren suffering under an even more advanced yoke (EU) of serdom and tyranny are starting to awaken to this very real international (and it IS international; unbelievably they even control the banks in Asia) criminal cabal. If the Western people collectively had remotely any idea of the true scope of how vast and how far back this raping and pillaging goes, the French guillotines would have long ago been resurrected. It is completely secretive, incestuous and not to be trifled with. The only power we have against this pernicious, ruthless cabal is our sheer numbers and educating others, perhaps God’s divine intervention and exposure to the light of day.

      Here in the U.S., there is compelling evidence that Presidents Kennedy, Lincoln, and McKinley were assassinated for defying or going up against the money trusts. Moreover, Congressman McFadden, one of the staunchest critics of the completely unconstitutional Federal Reserve System in his day was most certainly poisoned by these cutthroat criminals. President Andrew “I Killed the Bank” Jackson had two attempts on his life, and one of them by the brother of Nicolas Biddle who was then the top official with the first illicit chartered central bank in America which Jackson did indeed, as one of the greatest patriots in American history, “kill (unfortunately to be resurrected as the Creature from Jekkyl Island in 1913 by these timeless financial pirates).

      With their unimaginable wealth obtained by this monopoly, this groups brethren (an oligopolistic group of 6 corporations) owns the ENTIRE media apparatus in the U.S. Every newspaper, magazine, television station, and book publishing company are owned by these same genetic kinsmen which means NOTHING is disseminated they don’t want disseminated which is anything remotely critical of what these thieves have been doing for time immemorial. These banksters hire their tribal members to plant in every economics dept in every university and to dominate every “talking head” media outlet to keep the fraudulent system in place. They occupy every key position in our Federal Leviathan, and Obama (they openly brag in their countless publications meant for THEIR eyes only) was groomed from the time he entered Columbia University to do their bidding and to fully implement a complete police state as they have already done to our formerly free brethren in the Western nations. They control every Democratic/Republican adminstration no matter how much the willfully ignorant or genuinely stupid masses believe in “change” or continuously put blind faith into these treasonous enablers and false opposition that deceives them , put into every critical positions of power having to do with guarding the nation’s purse (Treasury Dept.) which as so many have aptly pointed out is literally putting the vampires in charge of the blood bank. Their control of the money supply and their ability to expand and contract the nation’s credit puts them into a prime position to engineer bubbles (and they have indeed been doing this every since the central bank’s sinister founding) and enables them to destroy businesses and private wealth alike, and buy up assets for pennies on the dollar. Everything that I’ve written about the U.S. can be extrapolated across the entire spectrum of the Western world.

      I’ll give you but one example as a microcrosm of how they operate but on a much, much grander scale: recently they had one of the wealthiest neighborhoods (which has its own golf course) in Raleigh, NC on the foreclosure auction block because the gangsters had of course contracted the credit which the high-end builders/buyers no longer had access to. WHO wound up buying the entire remaining luxury real estate? Why a BANK , of course, who bought it for about 70 cents on the dollar. It was noted in the paper that the builder still had thirty days to buy it back. But guess what? Since this tribe operates in covert collusion with one another, unless this builder finds some private investment money, he loses and they win. It’s impossible to beat them at this game as they control ALL the money (”Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws.”– Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild). Think of how they literally engineer stock market crashes and how it puts them in premier (like the predators that they are) positions to buy controlling interests in corporations and buy up as many assets for devalued prices as they damn well like, and this is how they have come to own and control most American corporations that were at were time in American hands. They know no loyalty to anyone but their own, and in fact proceed like the termites they so closely resemble to stripmine nations of everything that makes them desirable places to live. They ARE subversives and totalitarians at heart and fund every imaginable cause known to mankind to destroy the traditions which form the underpinnings of freedom. Here in the U.S., they are desperately trying to pass their odious HATE CRIME laws – the ultimate objective being to criminalize bloggers and anyone else who dares to uncover their dirty, destructive deeds as they have already successfully done in the formerly free West. The U.S. remains the last BASTION in ALL THE WEST who these tyrants have yet to fully implement their total police state just as they did in Russia with THEIR Bolshevik Revolution. If we want to see OUR Western Peoples’ future, look at what they did to the poor Russians who have never recovered from their mass murder and fiscal rape. THIS is what they have planned for us just as they have been committing a reign of terror against the pitiful Palestinians/Middle Easterners with our EVIL governments by proxy and OUR peoples’ lives as their fodder. These all serve as examples of what our fates are should we let these greedy, self-aggrandizing, historical psychopaths triumph in their ultimate objective of global enslavement for all but themselves. Our plutocrats’/elites’ who act in concert with them must be made to pay the price for their unspeakable treason for selling their nations out and allowing this parasitism
      to flourish and to so destroy their native lands quite possibly beyond the point of recovery. This diabolical banking cancer which has metastisized throughout the entire world must be excised and completely shorn of every asset and every asset returned to those from whom it was stolen and placed in the publics’ treasury. Our nations can perhaps begin to recover from their malevolence towards others which has so thoroughly bankrupted once-healthy countries with their usurious practises, funny money printing presses and fiat money backed by absolutely nothing of value but the malice in their hearts.

      I heartily urge every patriot to learn as much as you can (drink liberally from the fountains of truth such as rense.com from this incredible freedom forum know as the blogosphere which effectively restored our freedom of speech which the Western people have not had for perhaps as long as a century) as this is a ferocious, formidable enemy, and we are in for the fight of our very lives and restoration of freedoms. Another MUST for reading is the incredibly patriotic speech by Benjamin Freedman in the 60’s who valiantly tried to warn the American people of what these bankster/gangsters intentions were and how they have cruelly engineered countless wars which have senselessly destroyed millions of OUR people even as our survival as Europeans’ and her descendents is grim and ill-fated. They ARE the impetus behind our plight and demise.

      I applaud you, Sir, as you are a patriot extraordinaire.

    16. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      I rescued Stephanie from AMREN. She used to discuss The New American magazine of the Birch Society. I learned her right about jew infiltration of that organization. Then she favored one Martin Gross, author of many volumes on the federal behemoth. I sent a picture of Gross with Doctor Kissinger:


      Then, she awakened to the truth of truths- FAKE OPPOSITION.

      Here is an old, and well-circulated, photo of Buffet, Lord Rothschild, and Lord Schwartzhehnigger:


    17. Voir Dire Says:

      “I rescued Stephanie from AMREN.” — shabbos s shabazz

      Indeed YOU did and not a moment too soon.

      Believe it or not, shabbos, I am in my final year of an eighteen-year long subscription to “The New American” (should have asked for a refund much sooner), but I did write to let them know why the love affair was over. There was not long ago a telling article they ran on some obscure (false front for certain) organization “Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership,” and of course did not mention a single word about the long history of WHO’s been behind ALL efforts to disarm the American people. I asked the editorial staff in my parting email (amongst other things) why NOT ONCE have they ever analyzed or discussed the curious phenomenon that every single piece of legislation aimed at gun control has been sponsored by JEWS. Naturally, no response to anything I wrote.

      As to the photo of Gross with Kissinger, I thought it was a different photo of Gross receiving some kind of award with this Dr. of DEATH present in some capacity, but I may be mistaken.

      I have come a long, long way from my (not entirely) naivete regarding the sheer scope of this scourge, their sordid history of leaving mass carnage in their wake, and their chilling collective criminality, but I’ve long known that they were overwhelmingly the subversives behind the destruction of our nation. It was their chameleon-like nature of hiding their identities (knowing full well that most Americans’ don’t have a clue) that prevented me from connecting the obvious dots much, much sooner. Nevertheless, I am eternally grateful to you for your persistence in peeling away the remaining blinders.

      I guess that photo of Buffett, Rothschild and Schwartzenegger wasn’t from the secretive Bilderberger Banksters’ meeting. Nevertheless, after Schwartzenegger allegedly attended for the first time, he subsequently winds up as California’s new governor and proceeds to bankroll California’s mind-boggling, astronomical debt into YET more debt all to the banksters’ endless delight. I have seen speculation on Judicial’s website that Schwartzenegger may be himself a member of the tribe. If so, it would explain a lot.

      Cheers my friend,


    18. Voir Dire Says:

      I wanted to add that through my own awakening I have single-handedly converted MOST of my family, some of my co-workers and EVEN three other former Amren bloggers with whom I corresponded to the truth about this evil in our midst. Don’t EVER make the mistake of thinking you can’t impact others by what we, a small but growing-by-leaps-and-bounds, intelligent minority can do. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER and the ability to communicate effectively to other intelligent people what WE KNOW is our most effective weapon against this relentless enemy.

      Wide Awake and Fooled No More,


    19. shabbos s shabazz Says:


      A good read by Michael Collins Piper- The Judas Goats:


      I need an email as my computer crashed with total loss. I want to rebuild my address book. (All backed up now, must learn the hard way)

      I just grabbed the first photo I could find.

      Cheers to you


    20. Wolfhart Hozzel Says:

      “Don’t EVER make the mistake of thinking you can’t impact others by what we, a small but growing-by-leaps-and-bounds, intelligent minority can do.”

      Yes everyone has a part to play in getting the word out!

      Thanks to the internet this has become easier (the jews are even worried that ‘blogging is dangerously White! LOL!)

      One knows that when Leader Hitler first moved to Vienna he didn’t know anything about jews, but people eventually game him some pamphlets letting him know what was up… the rest is History.

      The point is there needs to be that one person who handed out that pamphlet!!!

    21. gw Says:

      “I asked the editorial staff why NOT ONCE have they ever analyzed or discussed the curious phenomenon that every single piece of legislation aimed at gun control has been sponsored by JEWS. Naturally, no response to anything I wrote. “

      That final sentence, to me, is the most telling thing: You mentioned the unmentionable!
      It was also the unanswerable.

    22. Voir Dire Says:

      D. I just sent you an email. So sorry you lost everything; SAME thing happened to me last year (I’ve since converted to Apple) and was devastated (I LEARNED the hard way too).

      I still credit “The New American” to this day for initially opening my eyes to this diabolical quest for global slavery/governance. The many gifted writers’ there named names individually with many excellent pieces on the Jews’ terrorist organizations, SPLC, B’nai B’rith and ADL, but never would they identify the Jews collectively as the culprits waging the War Against the West. When I came across Eustace Mullins piece last year indicating that the subversive Rockefeller Foundation had funded them as a False Op anti-Marxist outfit and paid their salaries, I KNEW you were dead on accurate. The ultimate litmus test for me today regarding the truth movement is do they identify and tell the truth about the Jews? I’m smart enough to understand without having to read “The Art of War” that to defeat your enemies you have to IDENTIFY who THEY are. That is why I now only spend my money on those who tell the WHOLE unvarnished truth like the Jewish Tribal Review and our many, many brilliant writers.

      The recent expose on Alex Jones by Brother Nathanael (See:http://www.realjewnews.com/?p=387) as a False Operative and Zionist shill was completely validated and buttressed by the many intelligent posters (including you, Z.O.G.) buried within that extraordinary 600 plus thread who collectively destroyed any credibility Alex had. He is a major Fraudster. I had never liked the pompous windbag, but in finally watching just one of his films in its entirety (“Endgame: Blueprint for Global Tyranny”), I was suspicious because of the easily discredited Nazi propaganda liberally woven throughout. Two astute posters (including our very own invaluable resident investigator, Z.O.G.) took the time to analyze just two of his films regarding who Alex assigns blame to for the unfolding Jew World Order and how many Jews are in his employ and the results were astounding:

      March 26, 2009 @ 6:33 pm
      A breakdown of the terminology and references made in the popular Alex/Violet Jones documentary “The Obama Deception.” These results are scientific. Make your own conclusions. Study was carried out through the entire 1 hour and 50 minute film.

      Content Research: Alex Jones, Rob Jacobson, Aaron Dykes
      The Obama Deception – Key World Analysis
      (arranged in order of most referenced)

      56 Bankers

      31 Bilderberg

      27 Elite

      21 Globalists

      21 Trilateral Commission

      15 Council on Foreign Relations

      7 Nazis

      5 Adolf Hitler

      5 Anglo-American Empire-Germanic Death Cults

      5 Round Table groups

      3 U.S. Military

      3 C.I.A.

      1 Bolsheviks

      1 Mossad

      0 Israel

      0 Zionists

      0 Jews

      April 6, 2009 @ 12:53 am
      The Obama Deception

      Edited by: Rob Jacobson(Jewish) and Aaron Dykes(probably Jewish)

      Music by: Rob Jacobson and Derek Einkauf(Jewish)

      Visual Effects by: Rob Jacobson and Aaron Dykes

      Production Design: Alex Jones, Rob Jacobson, Aaron Dykes

      Mixed and Mastered by: Rob Jacobson

      Voice Over Recorded and Edited by: Rob Jacobson

      Image Layout: Rob Jacobson and Aaron Dykes

      Production Coordination: Alex Jones, Rob Jacobson, Aaron Dykes

      Poster “TalmudTimmy” also analyzed Alex’s “Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement”

      April 5, 2009 @ 10:44 pm
      Alex Jones documentary “Endgame: Blueprint For Global Enslavement” Key-Word Analysis
      Scientific study carried out through the entire 2 hour and 20 minute film
      Arranged in order of most referenced

      No. Reference

      63 Bilderberg
      30 New World Order
      27 Elite
      23 Hitler
      22 Nazis
      21 Anglo American/British Empire
      11 Jewish “Holocaust”
      11 European Union
      10 United Nations
      8 Council on Foreign Relations
      7 Globalists
      6 Bankers
      4 Secret Societies
      3 Microchips
      3 Military
      2 Round Table Groups
      2 Feds
      2 CIA
      2 Police State
      2 Israel
      1 King of Spain
      1 Prison planet
      1 Trilateral Commission
      1 Mossad
      1 Jew
      0 Bolsheviks
      0 Freemasonry
      0 Zionists

      So many things were brought to my attention (with proof provided by video/audio clips from his radio show) including that Alex claimed (gag!!!) “Hollywood was owned by Arabs,” had shouted down and cursed Mike Delaney (who had called in) for bringing up Benjamin Freedman and Jack Bernstein, and his blaming “Germanic death cults” left me reeling with disgust and left no doubts whatsoever he is being funded by Jewish money.

      A member of this tribe donated 100 MILLION dollars to Sierra Club to shut them up on the immigration/open borders issue, and only ONE group has the wherewithal and lavish money to throw around to subvert any potential opposition to THEIR agenda.

      That final sentence, to me, is the most telling thing: You mentioned the unmentionable!
      It was also the unanswerable. –GW

      Damned straight…! My sentiments precisely.


    23. Ein Says:

      The many gifted writers’ there named names individually with many excellent pieces on the Jews’ terrorist organizations, SPLC, B’nai B’rith and ADL, but never would they identify the Jews collectively as the culprits waging the War Against the West.

      The ultimate litmus test for me today regarding the truth movement is do they identify and tell the truth about the Jews? I’m smart enough to understand without having to read “The Art of War” that to defeat your enemies you have to IDENTIFY who THEY are.

      Exactly. But that is forbidden. The ultimate taboo! We’re not supposed to “stereotype” people. (So we’re constantly told.) We’re supposed to judge people ONLY as individuals.

      This strikes me as like being in a war in which we are allowed to point out individual soldiers — but are forbidden to identify or even mention the attacking ARMY.

      I came across Eustace Mullins piece last year indicating that the subversive Rockefeller Foundation [Roggenfelder] had funded them as a False Op anti-Marxist outfit and paid their salaries.

      Just call it the Roggenfelder Foundation, and then it all makes sense.

    24. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      There has to be enough truth in the fake opposition to keep folks ensnared. AMREN allows discussion of race, which is still a major taboo.

      Jones is allowed on Coast-to-Coast radio- that alone proves he is kosher. Victor Thorn was on that show- once only. Then Wing TV folded.

    25. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      I call it Crockafeller.

      (“Crock” is short for crock of shit, meaning crock of lies).

    26. Z.O.G. Says:

      Voir Dire,

      Did you see my posts on Stormfront showing that all four of Alex Jones’ biggest advertizers are Jewish owned companies?

      Additionally, did you know that I now have DOCUMENTARY proof in screen captures that Alex Jones’ wife is 100% Jewish on her mother’s side?

      Consider the implications of this: the LEADER of the Patriot Movement(Alex Jones) has a Jewish family and all his major advertizers are Jew owned companies. This is enough evidence to make a very good case that the “Patriot Movement” itself is a Jewish front.

    27. gw Says:

      This is enough evidence to make a very good case that the “Patriot Movement” itself is a Jewish front.”

      I’m not the least surprised. The Lew Rockwell site was funded by a Jewish gold trader named Burt (who just recently died.). Apparently he made right-wing politics his hobby.

      Everywhere you look, Jews controll ALL sides of the debate.
      They are Left Wing and Right Wing. They are communists and capitalists. They are pro- Jew and anti-Jew. The are for this and anti that. No matter what the argument, they preside over it.

      I’m sorry if that sounds paranoid (and I know it does), but it’s just true. That’s the way it is. Jews control all sides.

    28. Voir Dire Says:

      Z.O.G. I did see the former (probably on Incogman’s blog), but not the latter. I am amazed at the details and proofs you are able to ferret out. Thank you, Z.O.G., for all your invaluable work and the time you devote towards furthering truth, exposing damning details and spotlighting these Fraudsters and False Operatives. Can you post the link to the specific webpage?

      Much appreciated,


      P.S. I was shocked to see all the 600+ thread from Bro. Nathanael’s expose is now missing. Do you suppose he got spooked over the Alex Jones threat to sue Jeff Rense? I have heard NOTHING more on that since you also exposed that Alex had hired a high-powered Jew Shrew attorney. I wonder if he thought the best policy was just to lay low and hope the whole thing would blow over.

    29. Z.O.G. Says:

      Voir Dire,

      Several weeks ago Kapner asked me to send him all information I had on Alex Jones’ and his wife. He said that he was working on a follow-up article on Alex. I e-mailed him all the information I had about Alex’s wife being Jewish, Alex’s Jewish lawyer, and some other miscellaneous stuff.

      Well, that was a couple of weeks ago, and as of now Kapner has still not produced the article he said he was working on. So I don’t know what’s going on with him. Did he get scared and chicken out? I don’t know.

    30. Z.O.G. Says:

      Voir Dire,

      I sent the proof about Alex Jones’ wife being Jewish to Eric Hufschmid and Curt Maynard. They both posted it on their websites, although Hufschmid didn’t post everything I sent him, and Maynard screwed up the formatting.



      In addition, I now have screen captures of online documentation proving that both of Alex Jones’ wife’s maternal grandparents are Jews, which means that Alex Jones’ wife’s mother is 100% Jewish, which means that by Jewish Halakah law, Alex Jones’ wife is considered to be FULLY Jewish(because her mother is Jewish). I haven’t e-mailed or sent these screen captures to anybody yet. The screen captures are bullet-proof evidence that Alex Jones’ wife is Jewish.

    31. paul miller Says:

      What is really frightening is that when one ponders HOW could the German people come to praise Hitler and murder the Jews…..think about this:
      The Jews controlled the finances in Germany at the time of the GERMAN financial crisis!……and today the Jews control the banks in OUR time of financial crisis!
      Teachers are being laid-off in the thousands NOW, today, April 2010……home values have crashed…..retirement plans have collapsed……if we didn’t have history to view…..there would be another “hitler”. !!
      The Jews seem to be infatuated with obeying/making the laws but when it comes to ETHICS….??? Ethics are adverse to their nature. (no its not all-inclusive) just overwhelming.