7 April, 2009

Quick Book Review

Posted by Socrates in 'anti-Semitism', book reviews, books, jew mentality, jewed culture, Jewish history, judaism, quotations, quotations about jews, Socrates at 7:48 pm | Permanent Link

“Jews: the Essence and Character of a People” (San Francisco, CA.; HarperSanFrancisco, 1998) by Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg and Aron Hirt-Manheimer, 294 pages.

This book is basically an overview of the Jewish people, going all the way back to Abraham. It focuses on Jewish identity and attitudes, and contains some interesting information, e.g., about the explorer Christopher Columbus’ Jewish connections (page 108) and about the large number of crypto-Jews in Lima, Peru (page 111). Lima wouldn’t seem like a hotbed of Jewry, huh?

More interesting, however, are some frank quotes about the Jews. For example, this one:

“In this book we dare to say that Jew-hatred is not some irrational prejudice that affects the non-Jewish world. It has a cause. At its root, anti-Semitism is an angry reaction to the Jews, who have been among the most persistent dissenters in every society in which they have lived.” (page 5).

Also noteworthy is the authors’ contention that there exists a “definable Jewish character” – contrast that to the common claim that Jews are ‘just like everyone else.’ It is also worth mentioning that numerous publishers rejected this book due to their fears of a backlash by Jewish leaders over the frank comments in it.

This is a reasonably good book for people who are brand new to the study of Jews and Judaism.

  • 4 Responses to “Quick Book Review”

    1. DWMT Says:

      The Khazar-blood/Commiejew cannot trace their bloodlines to Abraham, they can only trace their blood to Ghengis Khan! They don’t have one drop of Hewbrew or Semetic blood in their veins, they are eastern asian/Khazars, and they will lie down next to anything that has the smallest amount of legitamacy and try to lay claim to it!! FREE YOURSELF WHITEMAN, ROPEDANCE THE COMMIEJEW!!

    2. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      “. . .among the most persistent dissenters. . .”

      See the attempt to control the discussion through language corruption.

      S/B “. . .among the most persistent exploiters. . .”

    3. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      The guy should have said among the more, rather than among the most. Most is superlative- there can be only one. More is comparative and is more apropos.

    4. zoomcopter Says:

      “In this book we dare to say that Jew-hatred is not some irrational prejudice that affects the non-Jewish world. It has a cause. At its root, anti-Semitism is an angry reaction to the Jews, who have been among the most persistent dissenters in every society in which they have lived.” (page 5).

      When the thoughtcrime trials begin, I’ll have to remember this quotation and use the good Rabbi’s words as a defence. Oh, I forgot, the truth is not a defence…