13 April, 2009

Music Legend Found Guilty of Murder

Posted by Socrates in jewish criminality, Jewish Tyranny, Socrates at 5:56 pm | Permanent Link

Will the Jews ever stop victimizing White people? Recording icon Phil Spector has been found guilty of murdering beautiful gentile actress Lana Clarkson:


  • 9 Responses to “Music Legend Found Guilty of Murder”

    1. Parsifal Says:

      Spector is such a typical Hollywood Jew, with his shrimpy little nebbish body, platform shoes, big schnozz and improbable wig. Like all Jewish males, he preyed on vulnerable, bubble-headed shiksas. If it was some White celebrity who shot and killed this woman, say MEL GIBSON, I’m sure the Jewsmedia would have had a field day with this story.

    2. Justin Huber Says:

      I was quite certain that Spector was a Jew. What a creep!

    3. shabbos s shabazz Says:


    4. Howdy Doody Says:

      Mel Gibson?

      Ha! The enemy alien regime press would have broadcast the trial LIVE and demanded the death Sentence and got it. Believe it.

    5. Susan Says:

      What’s his sentence? Eighteen years in prison for killing a White woman? What a joke.

    6. -jc Says:

      The “special AP” writer, one Linda DEUTSCH: Is that pretty-much an exclusively Jewish name or does anyone know?

    7. Ein Says:

      ” Is that pretty-much an exclusively Jewish name or does anyone know?”

      I would take it to be.

    8. Parsifal Says:

      Any last name that refers to something in Germany is probably Jewish, like Bacharach, Berlin, Frankfurt, Danzig, Reich, Konigsberg and Deutsch. The AP is an almost strictly kosher operation. No goyim need apply.

    9. Susan Says:

      Here’s a perfect example of how the jew media works its particular brand of evil when reporting on Whites: (I have to put it here as opposed to the VNN Forum as I’ve been tarded by Linder):

      In my county paper today, they have a blurb about Marilyn Chambers. Here’s how it goes:

      “Marilyn Chambers, the pretty Ivory Snow soap girl who helped bring hard-core adult films into the mainstream consciousness when she starred in the explicit 1972 movie “Behind the Green Door” has died at 56.”

      Aren’t they CLEVER? See how they put her name right next to pretty IVORY SNOW soap girl who helped bring HARD CORE ADULT FILMS…… and intertwined the two facts as if she were single handedly (without any help from jews) able to bring X-rated movies into America’s consciousness. They equate ivory with White and link White people to filthy movies.


      THAT’S HOW THEY DO IT. UH HUH. And most people are none the wiser.