5 April, 2009

Masters of Art

Posted by Socrates in art, jewed art, jewed culture, Socrates at 11:11 pm | Permanent Link

Seen in a magazine: a mention of Jewish artist Helen Frankenthaler as being an “American master.” Does this look like the work of a master?

More about art and Jews: [Here].

  • 29 Responses to “Masters of Art”

    1. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Thaler > dollar


    2. CW-2 Says:

      The inflated ego of jew ‘artists’ is breathtaking. They don’t know the first thing about real original art. Even the best of their musical composers are largely imitative, and as for their painters, well their daubings wouldn’t look out of place in an African mud hut.

    3. Old_Dutch Says:

      No matter how bad your stuff looks, there’s always a jew out there whose stuff looks worse. LOL. And they are getting paid for it.

    4. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Each painting is worth a dollar.

    5. Ernst Blofeld Says:

      It is a well known fact in the art world that the jewess Frankenthaler became famous because she slept with the powerful jew critic, Clement Greenberg.
      If you want to see an ugly kike, look up his picture!
      Greenberg was the champion of abstract expressionism and largely responsible for its widespread legitimazation.
      DeKooning’s wife also gave sexual favors to Greenberg in exchange for his critical support.
      The drunk no talent Jackson Pollock had an affair with jewish collector Peggy Guggenheim for her financial support.
      Abstract Expressionism was an art movement full of jews like Franz Kline, Frank Stella and Adolph Gottlieb.

    6. Donald E. Pauly Says:

      The painting looks like that it was literally done by a chimpanze or an elephant holding a paintbrush in its trunk. It is proof that Zionism is the Final Solution to the Jewish Question.

    7. nonapologeticwhite Says:

      That shit is laughable. What is even more laughable is that enough people were bribed to get it in a national museum. Most laughable of all is that I’ve stood in art museums in D.C. and watched intelligent, upper middle class / wealthy, white people stand there and try to see something in that shit. If you want a good laugh, visit a D.C. gallery and look at the level of brainwashed shit that goes on in the upper class whites. In this case, the Jew isn’t the problem, the jew fucking whites are the problem for honoring bullshit. When I say Jew fucking Whites, I mean it literally, like Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg… who, for some reason, insists on making JFK spin in his fucking grave by not only marrying and reproducing with kikes, but also having affairs with them. See, that’s what the Jew wants… he wants prestigious and wealthy white women to suck his dick for fucking nothing. Another prime example is oscar winner kate winslet. Look at who she is married to… she is literally sucking her way to an Oscar every year. There is no way she enjoys fucking this ugly kike jew.

    8. Z.O.G. Says:

      Was DeKooning a kike also?

    9. Ernst Blofeld Says:

      DeKooning was Dutch, a gentile, but deserved to had his hands amputated for his hideous paintings

    10. Old_Dutch Says:

      One small DeKooning, and Linder could afford to print a million copies of the American Alternative, or Aryan Alternative, or whatever. And have enough leftover to buy the VNN headquaters building in downtown Kirksville. LOL.

    11. Ein Says:

      “The drunk no talent Jackson Pollock had an affair with jewish collector Peggy Guggenheim for her financial support.”

      Pollock wasn’t a jew but he had the Jewish connections. He married Jewess Lee Krasner. He became famous largely due to her promotional skills, and after his death she made millions from sale of his paintings. He was also promoted by art critics Clement Greenberg and Harold Rosenberg. No, he didn’t make much money off his paintings, but his wife did.

      It’s all a Jewish club.

    12. Ernst Blofeld Says:

      Ein, very true about Lee Krasner, who in my opinion ranks as the worst painter of all time.

    13. gman Says:

      I did not know that vampires could paint!! “Master”??? LOL?!! Of course the art critic making that absurd statement was also a kikenvermin art critic!!!! My 5 yr old could outpaint this hook-nosed artists!!!!

    14. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Here they are:


    15. ericthered Says:

      The write-ups these clowns do on this garbage do have some entertainment value.

      Creative folks these fine art kikes, just be sure to bring your hip waders!

    16. Z.O.G. Says:

      Yeah, DeKooning’s stuff is revolting. I wasn’t sure if he was a real Dutchman or just a Dutch Jew.

    17. Old_Dutch Says:

      Oh…you can probably pick a de Kooning up at an auction for around a million dollars. LOL. Some of his stuff is in the three to five million dollar range.

      Here’s a 20 year old story from the NYT:

    18. sgruber Says:

      Seen in a magazine: a mention of Jewish artist Helen Frankenthaler as being an “American master.” Does this look like the work of a master?

      It’s not even the work of an American.

    19. whodareswings Says:

      Are there any famous artists alive now who aren’t leftist? I often wonder if there is such a thing as a right wing artist or art critic. There are conservative art critics like Hilton Kramer, but he’s a typical Israel loving Jewish overachiever. Everyone I’ve ever met in the arts is a card carrying liberal. If there’s someone with any talent anywhere who isn’t towing the old cultural Marxist party line(s) please school me.

    20. Zoroastro Says:

      De Kooning is attrocious, Jackson Pollock a joke, but some abstract paintings are quite qood too. E.g. Franz Kline who has close affinity with the Japanese art. To his credit he was not a kike, german-american orphan from PA, died very young, without any money (kikes made money of the entire abstract expressionist ‘schtick’, there were some others too that were not kikes…

    21. Susan Says:

      Yes, when I think of “Mountains and Sea” that laughable piece of garbage is not what comes to my mind. I imagine a beautiful serene mountain/island landscape surrounded by a sea of turquoise water….as would any normal White person with an ounce of perspective and taste.

      The jews have truly perverted the White’s sense of what art is. For me, art is meant to be visually pleasing, uplifting and/or inspiring in some form or another. That hideous piece called “Mountains and Sea” does none of that.

    22. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      The art is a home-made Rohrshach test. EZ to see what they really “think.”

      And that reminds me. About 40 years ago, my mother met a Ph.D. psychologist (goy female), who had visited israhell. She (the doc) discussed jewish cognition/mentation/epistemology, and claimed that jews think in terms of mental images. Mention Hitler, and the mind’s eye of the jew fills with a picture, like sitting up close in a movie theatre.

      What makes this interesting is (based on cursory knowledge) that primitives and children also think in terms of images. I would guess that said images serve as a crude proxy for real concepts.

    23. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      “Primitive man probably thought very much as a child thinks, that is to say in a series of imaginative pictures. He conjured up images or images presented themselves to his mind, and he acted in accordance with the emotions they aroused. So a child or an uneducated person does to-day. Systematic thinking is apparently a comparatively late development in human experience; it has not played any great part in human life until within the last three thousand years. And even to-day those who really control and order their thoughts are but a small minority of mankind. Most of the world still lives by imagination and passion.” H. G. Wells


    24. Tina Carter Says:

      Of course it looks like a work on “American Master”. Yahweh pets own this hapless land b4 english was even spoken in this continent. Now with their control of media & entertainment industry & not to mention money printing machine in their grip, it’s like questioning the existence of a sun during afternoon!

    25. Justin Huber Says:

      If you ever want to look at real art, go to the ARC web site. Socrates linked to it once and I’ve gone there ever since to look at their online museum. If I had more money I would love to buy one of their prints to hang in my house. “Mountains and Sea” is laughable and “degenerate” in every sense of the word.

    26. Smith Says:

      A Russian nationalist just won this year’s Kandinsky Prize:

    27. Voir Dire Says:

      “Mountains & Sea”? I’m glad this “Master” assigned it a title. Otherwise, who’d have had a clue?

      Here at my local museum, The NC Museum of Art, they have one small room devoted to Jewish “ceremonial art.” All silver/metal Judaic artifacts. How fitting…! Says it all. I still like to visit as a reminder of what we have to lose though most of our once great museums have all fallen victim to the Jews’ deadly but phony homage to cultural relativism (all cultures are equal save one: the West which is uniquely pernicious and therefore must be stamped out).

      They are truly legends, brilliant fill-in-the-blanks in their own minds. It is their hatred and envy of our White men, our Western heritage and civilization (that they are driven to co-opt and claim as their own even as they are DNA-encoded to destroy it) and their irrefutable magnificent accomplishments that drives them to madness so evident in their warped, vacuous “art.”

    28. Voir Dire Says:

      The painting looks like that it was literally done by a chimpanze or an elephant holding a paintbrush in its trunk. — Donald E. Pauly

      Do not insult elephant artists (smile) some of whom clearly possess more talent and heart than this “Master.”


    29. Eman Says:

      Jews have little true creative talent.

      Jews are culture imitators, culture destroyers, and cultural subversives, but never culture creators.