26 April, 2009

David Duke Released, Expelled from Czech Republic

Posted by Socrates in David Duke, Eastern Europe, Europe, Socrates, white nationalism, White Nationalists at 12:30 am | Permanent Link

It seems that the powers-that-be wanted to “send a message” to White nationalists:


  • 14 Responses to “David Duke Released, Expelled from Czech Republic”

    1. Parsifal Says:

      Even with all the Jew thought-control in Europe, I believe most Europeans would still be outraged about sending someone to prison for several years just for speaking his mind in public. Maybe in ten years’ time the public will be pacified enough not to care anymore, but not just yet.

    2. Lohengrin Says:

      Parsifal wrote:

      Even with all the Jew thought-control in Europe, I believe most Europeans would still be outraged about sending someone to prison for several years just for speaking his mind in public. Maybe in ten years’ time the public will be pacified enough not to care anymore, but not just yet.

      What about Horst Mahler’s recent prison sentence of 12 years for publicly not believing in the holocaust in Germany? No public outcry.

    3. Luek Says:

      Actually, this is good for him. He may be banned but I don’t think his books are presently banned. That means they are selling like all get out!

    4. zoomcopter Says:

      Maybe the Czechs will pay attention to exactly what the Czech government was trying to keep from them. After all, it’s human nature, to be curious about why something is forbidden.

    5. joe batch Says:

      what does a penny and a nigger have in common?
      they both stink, they both stand out, and you cant get rid of em!

    6. Futurist Joe Says:

      “Maybe in ten years’ time the public will be pacified enough not to care anymore, but not just yet.”

      Exactly. Look at the very careful step by step plan starting with MTV videos in the early 1980’s to mainstream male gays. Now the societal norm has changed so much that Miss America contestants are presented as shit if they don’t suck at that tit. Amazing. Free speech will go the same way just as fast. Hate speech against “lifestyle” to talk about gays in the UC system. Notice how its ok now to lean into or grab or shake someone over words in California in the college areas? A Jewish dream – they are easily the most physically violent group with Masters or PhD’s. The male gays are their shock troops and their ready excuse.

    7. bubba Says:

      Shame for the czech republic. An interesting place to visit…just avoid the area known as the jewish quarter. Actually has a subway stop just on the outskirts of prague. They exist in every wood pile and never cease to play their role as absolute vermin.

    8. Howdy Doody Says:


    9. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      “Notice how its ok now to lean into or grab or shake someone over words in California in the college areas?”

      How do you know? You can be assaulted and not be able to do anything? If you fight back, will you be in the wrong? Are the authorities simply not enforcing existing rules/laws?

      Force replaces reason, at univershities. Actually, reason has been gone for some time. To this very day, fucking conservatives support the ‘kwa. Some may awake, when the air-conditioning finally stops.

    10. Futurist Joe Says:

      I KNOW. The answer to the other questions is yes. You’d have to have a videotape 24/7 to show that you didn’t make a comment days before to “deserve” it. It is anything that doesn’t leave a mark on people who aren’t in the jew/gay/feminist matrix. You can do the same back but do you want to grab an adult man’s ass? Who won that one? You want to push with your chest some ugly jewish woman’s chest? If you hit them like a man now you are in trouble.

    11. Me Says:

      Indeed; the consequences of unequal protection under the law. One thing I know–the first time I have a conflict with a hetrosexual nonjewish white male who’s a communist, I’m going to skin him alive and crush his skull. Hey, at least it won’t be a hate crime, right?

    12. zoomcopter Says:

      Jews love unequal protection under the law… their law, that is. One set of laws for them and their Negro, Gay and ethnic minority allies, and another set of laws for the hated “hetrosexual, non-Jewish white male” Jews don’t do Fair Play, the game must always favor the Jew.

    13. Ein Says:

      “One set of laws for them and their Negro, Gay and ethnic minority allies”

      The odd thing is that Jews don’t even like (much less love) Negroes, Gays, and ethnic minorities (except their own).

      But they utilize these “useful idiots” as allies against the hated Aryan majority. Once their purpose is served, they’d all be dispensed with.

      But they don’t know they’re being “useful”; and that’s why they’re “idiots”.

    14. gw Says:

      Duke does not get the attention he rightly deserves. This champion of our cause is a very brave man who has sacrificed his interests and suffered much.

      Some supposedly WN sites (eg. Amren) never mention him at all. He is taboo …. a non-person. They ought to be ashamed! Why is he such a pariah? Whose interests are they really serving anyway?