12 March, 2009

The Organ-Grinder’s Monkey

Posted by Archives in Arch Stanton, Obama at 10:59 pm | Permanent Link


by Arch Stanton.

I used to say Bill Clinton was an idiot. I was always astonished at how frequently people would reply, “Oh no, Bill Clinton is a very smart politician.” Even dyed-in-the-wool Limbites would often say “I hate the bastard, but you gotta give him credit, he’s one sharp fellow.” I would stand there and marvel thinking to myself, perhaps they have never spent any time actually watching this fumbling twit. Perhaps they had never seen his phony “aw shucks” bullshit act and listened to his empty, vapid speeches as he tried to redefine reality to absolve his guilt. I would typically end the conversation by saying, “Wouldn’t you think such a sharp, savvy political guy like Billy Boy would be clever enough to keep his trousers zipped up during office hours?”

Now I am hearing the same crap from people about jelly-lipped Obama. “Gosh, he is really a smooth talker. I think he is ingeniously using NLP techniques to mesmerize the people. He is one smart politico.” Well not exactly. I listened to this clown for about a minute and like the first five seconds of watching the Trade Towers in free fall, I knew it was pure horseshit, smoke and mirrors. Now I don’t want to shock any of the readers by writing the following, but I am pretty sure the Trade Towers was a joint Israeli/US operation set up to hurry along Israeli hegemony over the Middle East. Starting with Iraq and now proceeding rapidly toward taking out Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan. However I am absolutely certain that like good ol’ Bill, the monkey in the White House is an idiot. Why a monkey? Not for the obvious reasons that come to some of the more puerile minds, but because Obama is nothing more than the cute monkey who solicits nickels and dimes from the dumb goyim for his jewish organ-grinder owner. This time the street organ is a jew-operated teleprompter and the nickels and dimes are for “defense” expenditures to support the jew’s expanding wars in the Middle East. All Obama lacks is the jacket and cap to make the picture complete. Perhaps it would be wise for our representatives to heed Winston Churchill’s advice, “Never hold discussions with the monkey when the organ-grinder is in the room.”

Obama’s Safety Net: the TelePrompter

  • 10 Responses to “The Organ-Grinder’s Monkey”

    1. Zarathustra Says:

      The Jews only permit us to have Presidents who are either dull-witted ciphers like Bush Jr. and Reagan, or sleazebags with a scandalous past like Slick Willie, King Obongo and JFK. Ciphers and sleazebags, of course, are the easiest kinds of politicians for the Jews to control.

    2. Ein Says:



      How is this for monkey behavior; a Black NFL player has 9 kids by 9 different women…and he’s now flat broke from paying too much child support.

      “This was no simple task. Henry, 30, a former N.F.L. running back who played for three teams from 2001 to 2007, has nine children — each by a different mother, some born as closely as a few months apart.” – http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/12/sports/football/12henry.html?_r=1&em

    4. ED! Says:

      I have looked at the pro and con side of 9/11 and having worked building steel frame buildings, I can tell you that something smells real bad, most all with # 7. But I always ask the question: Why did we let the stinking Arab filth into our Nation? Jews made it happen in order to bring the conflict they created into our midst! To get us involved in it!

      Obama, Clinton = Lawiers = Full of SHIT! Here again Jews made it happen. If shit happens, it is because Jews are happening! The real reason we have a Black man in the White House is because the Jews want to rub the White Man’s nose in their SHIT!

      I think I will start referring to my ass hole as my JEW, or excuse me, I need to go take a good JEW and wipe my ISRAEL!


    5. CW-2 Says:

      Politicos don’t deserve to be taken seriously. The best weapons we can use against them are laughter and derision.

      Clinton wasn’t the only prez with a serious case of insufficient zipper control, JFK had big problems in that department too.

    6. Gar Goyle Says:

      Cute monkey & novelty & easing of “the guilt”, sticking it to your a*s worn off bumper sticker retaliation motivation, this did coin his winning candidacy. Yes what do we have a monkey on our back. Bad music that blares out the same over & over again, its there 24/7 you are transfixed bopping your head to it like in a trance, gotta pay the monkey gotta pay the monkey.

    7. Madonna of Czestechowa Says:

      “I listened to this clown for about a minute and like the first five seconds of watching the Trade Towers in free fall, I knew it was pure horseshit, smoke and mirrors. Now I don’t want to shock any of the readers by writing the following, but I am pretty sure the Trade Towers was a joint Israeli/US operation set up to hurry along Israeli hegemony over the Middle East.”

      A few simple things. Huey Long was assassinated by the Jewish-Freemasonic mafia protecting FDR and the WWII development. NASA is lying when they pretend they landed men on the moon. Mordecai Vanunu is probably right in sayng Mossad assassinated JFK, and the Twin Towers and Building 7 were all demolitioned and Flight 77 did not impact the Pentagon.

      Even Josef Pilsudski from his grave and Purgatory knows these things.


    8. Zarathustra Says:

      Miss Madonna, if you want to be taken seriously, you could at least take off that tin-foil hat you’re wearing. You know, the one that protects your brain from the CIA mind-control satellites orbiting above the carboard box you live in?

    9. CW-2 Says:

      Madonna, I think all us hardened WN true-believers agree that Huey Long was assassinated by a high-level conspiracy, BUT what has Gen Pilsudski got to do with it???

      BTW, didn’t the finger of suspicion for the mysterious plane crash in Gibraltar 1943 that killed a Polish general point directly at Churchill (who else).

    10. gw Says:

      It seems that Madonna has gotten a little bit of everything into this? Does that include hurricanes and landslides too?