21 March, 2009

The Lobby Falters

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Socrates, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 8:43 pm | Permanent Link

by John Mearsheimer: [Here].

  • 4 Responses to “The Lobby Falters”

    1. Captainchaos Says:

      “But something happened there that would never have happened in the mainstream media: the lobby faced real opposition. Indeed, a vigorous, well-informed and highly regarded array of bloggers defended Freeman at every turn and would probably have carried the day had Congress not tipped the scales against them. In short, the internet enabled a serious debate in the United States about an issue involving Israel. The lobby has never had much trouble keeping the New York Times and the Washington Post in line, but it has few ways to silence critics on the internet.” – John Mearsheimer, from the linked article

      White Nationalists typically trounce our critics in the blogosphere. This is, in large part, where the action is at.

    2. Zarathustra Says:

      It’s good news indeed when arrogant, anti-White, pro-Establishment Jewspapers like the Seattle Post Intelligencer, the SF Chronicle and the Rocky Mountain Jews are all put out of business by a medium where suppressed news and unfiltered, “hurtful”, “bigoted” and “troubling” opinions are available, ie, the Internet. The scheming, diabolical Jew has yet to figure out how to control all of it, although he does have Yahoo! to promote his meritricious, anti-Goy garbage, that’s for sure.

    3. gw Says:

      “The lobby has never had much trouble keeping the New York Times and the Washington Post in line, but it has few ways to silence critics on the internet.”

      No doubt they’re frantically at work on it.

    4. Z.O.G. Says:

      The lobby has never had much trouble keeping the New York Times and the Washington Post in line…

      Uh, yeah, that’s because both the New York Times and the Washington Post are owned by Jewish families – the Sulzbergers and the Grahams, respectively. Duh.