29 March, 2009

Steady Decline in the American Way of Life. Why?

Posted by Socrates in economics, economy, Federal Reserve system, jewed finance, Jewish banking, Socrates at 10:11 pm | Permanent Link


“Then the sadness turns to anger. And then rage. For I now know it’s the jew that’s stolen our people’s prosperity and promise of a better life. Many here haven’t any idea what’s been taken from them and their families. I’ll stick around and tell them. If I can paint a picture that is able to illustrate a mere 10% of what’s been taken, then that’ll be enough to enrage them as well. Many men would be upset if someone stole 100 dollars from them. Maybe even become angry enough to kick someone’s ass. Then how angry would they get if they truly understood that the jew has stolen the lion’s share of everything they’ve ever earned and will ever earn in their entire lives by the sweat of their brow? The jew takes from us all and is absolutely insatiable…A greedy gnashing swine, ever conniving ways to part us from everything we hold dear.

How did the jew do it? It was a very quiet and sneaky home invasion. The jew silently kicked-in our front door and put a TV in everyone’s living room. And then they wove lie after beguiling lie. We had our family’s soul stolen by slick sugar-coated lies right out from under our noses. Lulled to distraction by being offered flashy selfish pursuits. Taught to detest the values that had served our folk well for countless generations. And all of it…lies.

I stand as a witness to tell others that life was better on many levels for most White people and this diminished quality of life we’ve been discussing here is due to the fact that we’ve been robbed by the jew.” — a VNN Forum poster.

This essay raises a couple of important issues. One issue is the steady depreciation of the American “dollar,” which is now worth about 4 cents in 1913 dollars (the year the Federal Reserve system was created). The Federal Reserve’s policies are, by default, inflationary, and furthermore, inflation isn’t natural, despite the widespread belief that it’s an ordinary part of life. Until Jews are kept out of the monetary decision-making processes, Americans will continue to see their earnings and savings depreciate. (Here’s one idea for monetary reform: abolish the Federal Reserve and allow the U.S. Treasury – a government agency – to take over the Fed’s duties):


  • 32 Responses to “Steady Decline in the American Way of Life. Why?”

    1. Lord Nengwen Says:

      Yes the OP is totally correct.

      In the 1950 it was possible for a White Man to work a job and afford a house and a new car every couple of years and he had money for a Wife and Children also.

      Fast forward to today where both parents have to work and sometimes one has to keep the same car for 15 years!

      Everything in America has declined in my opinion except for technology but that is not a good enough trade off!!

      Heck I am old enough to remember the ’80s and times were alot better just even back then!!

    2. Marwinsing Says:


      Grow a backbone white man and stop blaming the world for all your problems. Fight back!

    3. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      The enemy must be known by the victims before the war may commence.

    4. Junghans Says:

      The dispossession of the white milk herd is just starting to be perceived by the Amerikinder. Their initial reaction? Jump into the paws of the Jewish vetted, mulatto ‘messiah’! The white zombies are still essentially clueless.

    5. Susan Says:

      I’d have to agree that White people still don’t get it at all about it being the jew. Here in Atlanta, we have someone called Clark Howard, a jew, who is idolized by one and all Whites as being the end all and be all for consumer/money advice. Howard is one cheap bastard too. He became rich years ago by starting a travel agency which he sold a few years later and made a lot of money. He sometimes gives some good advice but you can’t count on him always because he’s such a cheap bastard and he doesn’t have to worry about things breaking and needing warranties, etc., because he has more money than he knows what to do with. And he really is the quintessential cheap jew whose whole life revolves around having money and keeping it for himself.

      The worst thing about him though is that he is such a goddamn multiculturalist/diversity monger. Oh my god. He works with Habitat for Humanity, and each year he does this fundraiser where he goes to ALL the Walmarts in the rich White parts of Atlanta and hits on Whites to buy toys for niggers in foster care. I’ve been listening to him for years do this and he hasn’t once gone to a nigger part of Atlanta to hit on them to pay for their own little niglets. It’s disgusting, but do you think Whitey GETS it that they are being suckered? Hell no. Or they don’t appear to get it anyway.

      The jew part of him comes out but Whitey doesn’t get it. Years ago, the people of Atlanta tried to get him to run for Mayor and their slogan for him was going to be something like “He’s White, he’s tight, and he’s bright” (something else I can’t remember). Whites here just think he’s White and see him as one of them.

      Nothing will change until we get Whites to realize that jews are not White and they don’t have our best interests at heart, regardless of how much they appear to have. They’re good con men at best.

      On top of everything else, Howard is a real pussy and sissy too. It’s funny to hear Boortz, another jew tool, make fun of Howard. Even Boortz gets irritated at Howard’s stinginess.

      I just get irritated at Whites for not being able to realize they need to turn away from everything jew.

      About the article and how times have changed. Yes, indeed they have. I was born in ’54 and my father’s first job as chairman of a university department paid $4,000. a year. On that, we bought two cars, our first house, furniture, a beach vacation (however modest), and a nice, modest living in a middle class neighborhood. I was in girl scouts and ballet dancing, and we belonged to a pool. It was heaven.

      Life is not better now and in fact in many ways it is a living hell.

    6. Terrorsaurus Says:

      I’m always going to be too poor to have kids. I bet there are millions of white guys just like me. Maybe they have girlfriends, but both are working all day during the weekdays and just trying to get enough money to enjoy life. But kids? They don’t have enough for themselves, so kids are out of the question. It’s genocide by poverty.

      If it’s gone downhill since 1950, and it definitely has, imagine another 50 years. That’s basically our lifetimes! A country destroyed, by jews, in just three generations. We’ll soon be Brazil of the North, no doubt in my mind, if things continue on the jew vector.

      It’s a bittersweet symphony, that’s life
      Try to make ends meet, you’re a slave to money, then you die

      Thanks, jews!

    7. Susan Says:

      Terror: I hope you don’t remain so despondent about having a family. If you’re in your twenties, just try to find a nice girl, however old she is. Even if she is in her thirties, she can still have children and you can still have a nice family life. Or she may be younger than you are. Are you in a good part of the country where there are a lot of Whites? If not, why not consider moving there? Get in touch with April Gaede and see if she can help you find work up in Montana. If I were younger that’s what I’d do, but I’m not. Family is out of the question for me at this point. But, of course, I could still move there just to be away from niggers and jews. Which one day if I’m still around I might do.

      But, don’t give up on having a family. That isn’t right for a White man to just give up before he has even tried. Just look for that nice girl who has values like you., They still exist in small numbers everywhere. And you don’t have to have a lot of money to have children. If you find the right woman, she will agree with you on money and will want to spend less in order to have a good White family life.

      Try going to 1488folks.com and seeing if there are still good White females over there looking for men. It’s a social website for Whites. If you’re anywhere near Mississippi, they’re having a picnic coming up soon. Try to go there. There were a lot of young women when I was on 1488 a few months ago. Of course, a lot of them had tats and rings in their noses, but what the hey, you can’t be all that picky now can you? Hahaha Just kidding.

      Don’t give up until you have to give up. Don’t let the niggers and jews dictate what kind of life you will have. Don’t let them win. Keep the faith. Good luck.

    8. Andrei's Ghost Says:


      Couple Arrested for Having Sex with Pet Dog for Jew Pornographers in Netherlands

      The Associated Pricks

      January 29, 2009

      An Oregon couple has arrested for having sex with their German Shepherd mix, then selling a video of the acts to a Jew owned company in Amsterdam. (Video clip provided by Jew pornographers in the Netherlands) http://www.brunobeast.com/trailer/brunobeast1/hi_trailer.html

      Eds. Note: The content of this story may not be suitable for all readers.

      by Dr Andrei Yustschinsky, DVM (Doctor of Veterinarian Medicine)

      PORTLAND, Ore. — A White-trash southern Oregon couple who videotaped themselves having sex with a German Shepherd mix were sentenced Tuesday to 60 days in jail and ordered not to own animals during their two years on probation.

      Steven Baker, 54, and Kim Baalbergen, 50, of Klamath Falls, Ore., pleaded guilty to sexual abuse of an animal, a misdemeanor. Prosecutor Cole Chase said be believes it’s the first time anyone in Oregon has been fully prosecuted under that law.

      Chase said Baalbergen performed (giving head) and received various sexual acts from the dog, while Baker also participated in certain sexual activity.

      Baker sold three videos for $12,000 to a Jewish owned company in Amsterdam. Each video netted $4,000.

      “Their friends in another jurisdiction run a Web site that includes bestiality and said ‘Hey, you guys can make some money doing this, and it’s great fun too,'” Chase said.

      The pair were lodged Tuesday at the Klamath County Jail. Following their release, they will have to perform 40 hours of community service.

      The dog, Max, had to be killed.

      “Because of the way it was taught to interact with people, it couldn’t be placed in another home,” Chase said.

      It isn’t the first time dogs have fallen prey to sexual predators, but the story is unique in its number of participants. In Pet Pulse News’ prior stories on beastiality, all offenders acted alone.

      Last February, a man was arrested in Wichita, Kansas, after he broke into a stranger’s home and sexually assaulted her 4-year-old Rottweiller. The man, Josh Coman, 20, was later charged with a misdemeanor, even though he had previously been arrested on similar charges.

      In April, a registered Eskimo sex offender tied a dog to a tree and proceeded to have sex with it; he was later arrested and charged, but largely protected by his native Alaska’s laws. Like Kansas, Alaska does not consider sex with an animal to be illegal. It has been acknowledged in recent years by Governor Sarah Palin’s Alaskan “Culture” Secretary Jonah Tonto that Eskimos do more then just rub noses.

      More recently, however, legal action was taken against a beastiality participant from Oklahoma. Dual citizen Rabbi Donald Seigfried, 56, received a “5-year prison term” in Israel on Monday for taping Diane Sue Whalen, 55, as she engaged in sexual acts with dogs, The Oklahoman reports.

      Whalen, however, did not receive any prison time. Both she and Seigfried pled no contest in November to one count of committing a crime against nature.

      The “good” Rabbi Seigfried reportedly was “involved in taping, directing and giving advice” to Whalen, who had sex with three dogs in the video.

      Dr Andrei Yustschinsky, Doctor of Veterinarian Medicine reporting……

      Tell us what you think about “Couple Arrested for Having Sex with Pet Dog” below. Share your favorite videos by clicking on the ZootooTV tab. Send us your story ideas by e-mailing us at [email protected] or by calling us at 877-777-4204.

      Pet Pulse News and The Oklahoman contributed to this article.

    9. Justin Huber Says:

      Good comments Susan. Somehow we’ve got to fight back. I hate the present state of things. Finally, though, I think people are starting to catch onto the fact the our money and banking system is a scam. Unfortunately, most people only notice how “bad” things have become when it hits their pocket books. In reality, our country started on its decline even before World War II. At this time, by accepting social Marxism, we planted the seeds of our own demise. Of course, things really picked up in the ’60’s with the civil rights movement and immigration reform. Not surprisingly, the jews were leading the way for all of this. Unlike our European brethren, whites in this country were much more fortunate in that we had plenty of living space in addition to a solid racial stock to build our country upon. Unfortunately, we’ve thrown most of that away. However, I still have hope that we can get it back. We must never give up the fight!

    10. Nogkiller Says:

      You know, a big obstacle in fighting the kike in this country is this:

      Among White people at least, while Southerners and Republicans tend to rank way higher on the Common Sense scale, Liberals and Democrats are nevertheless usually smarter, more intellectual, higher I.Q. etc.

      Back 100 years ago, some of the stuffy W.A.S.P. types Alex rightly criticizes, many of them had some awareness of the jew yet loved the nigger … in the South, where there weren’t many kikes, they understood intuitively that the nigger was a lesser creature (even inasmuch as the kind of friendship between Huck Finn and Nigger Jim may be semi-believable) but had no idea what the kike was.

      A Southern White with an intellectual understanding of the kike is thus to be viewed with a certain degree of awe.

    11. Susan Says:

      Yes, I don’t know if the masses of Whites will ever truly “get it” about just who is our natural enemy. I’m not going to be holding my breath for them to wake up anytime soon I’m afraid. Until something happens that allows Whites to feel safe in coming out against jews and niggers, they will simply fall in line behind the neocons thinking that that is what is best.

      Here in Atlanta, we have a nigger on the radio by the name of Herman Cain. Herman is the nig who founded Godfather’s Pizza, and for a nig he’s not the stupidest one in the barrel. He used to just substitute for Boortz occasionally but now he has his own show and he has started his own movement, “The Intelligent Thinker’s Movement”. (okay, stop laughing) Herman is a Republicunt and is conservative and is always hawking that political line. He may even run for office in the near future. He doesn’t like Obama either at all.

      But even though Herman isn’t the most dangerous nigger, he is still a nigger. And you would be surprised (well, maybe you wouldn’t actually) at how many Whites call his show telling him how wonderful he is and how they are going to get behind him, blahblahblah. In fact, it’s almost all Whites who call his show, as you can well imagine. Niggers don’t support the Republicans, as we all know. And they don’t support self made nigger entrepreneurs either.

      It just never ceases to amaze me how many Whites will line up behind a nigger instead of a White man. We obviously have a long way to go in educating the masses. Of course, everyone will never be on board. But still……….

      I was listening to Clark Howard, the jew consumer advice expert, and it is amazing how many White men will ask him for advice on what to do. Some lemming called up yesterday asking just what we could do as Americans to try and let Congress know how unhappy we are with what is going in regarding the bailout. Unbelievable. The majority of Whites still believe an answer is to be found by usual political routes. When most of us see that there is no hope in this area. Any changes that will occur that will be of any real benefit to Whites will occur in the streets, unfortunately.

      Right now as I’m writing this I’m listening to Boortz talk to some broad here in Atlanta who is trying to get him to support some movement where people organize “tea parties” to revolt against the Washington spending shit. A fucking tea party is what people think will change this country.

      And Boortz, whose ego is wounded since he is a big supporter of the Fair Tax, is trying to tell her he will not come out and support the Atlanta Tea Party. Hahahahaha He’s telling her that she ought to be supporting the Fair Tax if she really wanted to get something done to help Americans. The lemmings are arguing over what weanified action is the best to get nothing done (in the long run). Too hilarious.

      I’m not a supporter of neo con talk radio, of course, but I listen to it sometimes during the day because I get the best coverage of local news, weather and traffic, interspersed with Boortz, Howard, and Hannity. I usually can’t tolerate any of them for very long, however, and have to turn it off for periods of time. It’s just the same old same old, with each of them protecting their own particular turf and ego stroking.

      I don’t guess there’s any way to get away from all of that, but we need to try to stay away from ego stroking as much as possible and just focus on the nitty gritty of getting something done that will set this country back on track and get rid of those who are against that.

      Not a small task to be sure.

    12. sgruber Says:

      Susan. Turn off your radio.

      listen to it sometimes during the day because I get the best coverage of local news, weather and traffic,

      You have to have someone shout the weather at you every half-hour? Or tell you traffic is up during rush hour, every day?

      For the current weather, look out the window. For traffic, leave 30 minutes early if you really need to get somewhere.

      Most people figure out that rush hour roads have delays every day, and that weather forecasts are coin-tosses. You’re listening because you like the lulz. Get some White power music or Saga on CD and listen to that…better for the brain.

    13. Z.O.G. Says:

      Hey, guys, here’s the updated list. I added four(4) people to it, and I re-ordered the list as well. Check it out:

    14. Z.O.G. Says:

      Who Controls the United States Economy?

      Benjamin Bernanke(Jewish) – Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System

      Donald Kohn(Jewish) – Vice Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System

      Stephen Friedman(Jewish) – Chairman, Board of Directors, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

      Timothy Geithner(Jewish) – Secretary, United States Department of the Treasury

      Barney Frank(Jewish) – Chairman, United States House Committee on Financial Services

      Lawrence Summers(Jewish) – Chairman, National Economic Council

      Christina Romer(Jewish husband) – Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers

      Paul Volcker(Jewish) – Chairman, Economic Recovery Advisory Board

      Jared Bernstein(Jewish) – Chief Economist and Economic Policy Adviser, Vice President

      Peter Orszag(Jewish) – Director, Office of Management and Budget(OMB)

      Douglas Elmendorf(Jewish) – Director, Congressional Budget Office(CBO)

      Douglas Shulman(Jewish) – Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service(IRS)

      Jon Leibowitz(Jewish) – Chairman, Federal Trade Commission(FTC)

      Mary Schapiro(Jewish) – Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC)

      Gary Gensler(Jewish) – Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission(CFTC)

      Daniel J. Roth(Jewish) – President and Chief Executive Officer, National Futures Association(NFA)

      Sheila Bair(Jewish) – Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation(FDIC)

      John E. Bowman(Jewish) – Director, Office of Thrift Supervision(OTS)

      Karen Mills(Jewish) – Administrator, Small Business Administration (SBA)

      Jews are approximately 2% of the United States population.* The probability that the heads of all of these organizations would be Jewish is infinitesimally small. This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance. You must ask yourself how such an incredibly small and extremely unrepresentative minority ethnic group that only represents 2% of the American population could so dominate all of these important and influential private and U.S. Government institutions.

      * Jewish Population of the United States by State:

    15. ED! Says:

      Socrates! There is NO way that Jewry can exist in the same world as the White race! Our money system is just one place that the Jew infects the White world! And the bible is their mind control devise over the busted and swollen minds of the Evangelicals, you know, their ENFORCERS! Jesus Christ, JEW ON A STICK!


    16. Socrates Says:

      ED!, I did not mean to suggest that the money problem was the only problem we have re: the Jews. Of course there are other problems.

    17. Susan Says:

      Wow, that list of jews in positions of authority is absolutely mind blowing. Jews really are soulless creatures whose only purpose for being is to accumulate wealth and create sympathy for themselves.

      The true Aryan society and the world of the jew really are at total odds with each other when you think about it.

    18. Ein Says:

      ZOG says: “The probability that the heads of all of these organizations would be Jewish is infinitesimally small. You must ask how such an incredibly small and extremely unrepresentative minority ethnic group that only represents 2% of the American population could so dominate all of these important and influential private and U.S. Government institutions.”

      Agreed. But how are those numbers determined? Who is considered a Jew? Are they only religious Jews, for example? Are they self-defined Jews? Most Americans naively see them as merely a religious group. But many Jews chose to pass under another religious definition. Or none at all. I suspect that their real numbers are probably a good deal larger than we would realize.

      Even so, I’m not arguing that they aren’t vastly over-represented in any case. To the contrary! In fact, if we knew the true extent of who is really who, they would be EVEN MORE over-represented!

    19. Ein Says:

      Susan Says: “Wow, that list of jews in positions of authority is absolutely mind blowing. Jews really are soulless creatures whose only purpose for being is to accumulate wealth and create sympathy for themselves.”

      I would say that their greatest drive, their obsession, is amassing POWER, even more so than wealth. Wealth is nice to have and gives them material comforts, but power gives them CONTROL over the gentiles — which is their great preoccupation — wealth being merely the means to getting that power which gives them control.

      Here’s another example I was just looking at.
      Simon Rosenberg (video) at the Progressive Governance Conference in Santiago, Chile

      “The rise of Barak Obama has been great for us —  and also good for the world!  We focus on …changing demography, and on how the people of the United States and the rest of the world  are changing, and how these are birthing a New Politics.”

      He  goes on (Mr. Rosenburg) to  discuss  the genesis of the world financial crisis, finding that it has emanated from  Britain and the US and  acknowledges that “there is a great hunger among other countries to be insulated from the vagaries of  ‘our’  Anglo-American financial system”.  Oh, it’s “ours”? I didn’t know that.

      So sayeth  Mr. Rosenburg.  Shame on us  evil  Anglo-Americans!  It’s all (as the Pres.. of Brazil said) the fault of blue-eyed white people!   We are the source of so much trouble in the world!  All the grief we have caused!   (Sounds like he’s been reading Susan Sontag.)

      He’s glib, articulate, and a great booster of Obama.   An Obama man through and through. One of  The Team.
      Oh, and for those  Americans who can read between the lines, catch the subtle message conveyed in the word “Progressive”. I think most people wouldn’t have a clue, but “progressives” would know their own.

    20. Susan Says:

      Well, I guess when I used the word “wealth” I was really sort of combining a sense of power along with the quest and attainment of money. I would be hard pressed to know where to separate jews from their quest for and accumulation of power AND money. They go hand in hand obviously.

      They certainly have a clear need to see themselves and to be seen by others as eternal victims of evil Whitey. When in reality, the converse is the case: they have unleashed the most evil destructive element known to humankind upon an innocent White culture in the form of the nigger. For that alone, they deserve to be destroyed or at least removed.

    21. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Simon Rosenberg. . .

      Mr. Rosenburg. . .

      Did he change his name while you were posting?

    22. CW-2 Says:

      The jew has no joy in his body, just a bag of hate tied together with paranoid persecution mania.

      We need to get some Aryan joy back into our lives. Sgruber mentioned listening to some White power music, a good start. Here are some I’ve found: Nordic Thunder, Centurion, Bully Boys, Rahowa, and Bound for Glory. Some of this stuff is a bit ‘dark’, newbies and those of a Christian outlook will find Carl Klang’s work more suitable.

    23. Ein Says:

      “Did he change his name while you were posting?”

      Ooops! Not really. I mis-spelled it the first time, and went back and changed it, but missed the rest. Mea culpa.

      I don’t think he’ll mind too much. Of much greater interest to me was how they’re focusing on “changing demography, and on how the people of the United States and the rest of the world are changing”. Now, THAT’s the really important stuff.

    24. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      That was a joke about “jewish name changers.”

    25. Susan Says:

      Sgruber: Don’t worry about me listening to too much talk radio. I don’t listen to the talk radio, it just happens to be what fills the space between the other stuff I listen to. Yes, I like hearing breaking news, traffic, and weather, even though I work at home in one job and don’t have to get out in any traffic in my other job. I still like to be up on what’s happening, even if it is through the jews–so to speak. I know what I’m hearing.

      I listen to classical music and other kinds of music throughout the day as well. I also have silence in my house frequently during the day which I like as well. My mind is not getting poisoned by the jews. I’m much too savvy for that, trust me.

    26. Junghans Says:

      I trust you ideologically, Susan, you are one ‘tuned in’, racially aware, intelligent Schwester, a real Volksgenossin. A valuable member of the racial community.
      Compared to democracy’s defective, mentally toxified ‘children’, (the white baby boomers & gen X), you are a gift from the gods.

    27. Susan Says:

      Junghans: Well, thank you. That’s about the nicest thing anyone has ever told me on these forums.

    28. Ein Says:

      Yes, it’s rarissimo that you’ll find a compliment here. Heaps of abuse though!

    29. Howdy Doody Says:

      I made a one sentence comment the was cryptic on a Youtube Detroit city council “planet of the apes show”, and I recieved this personal note which I will not reply to.

      Posted this and un-solicited note to show the enemey alien joo mind as it is today, that are militantly cockey and confident in their hold on US.

      You must be ecstatic, because ignorance is bliss You must be ecstatic, because ignorance is bliss
      Because I make a comment stating these folks on the city council are racist, does not mean I am a racist, sir. I think you misunderstood my comment. When I say racist morons are running it, that’s exactly what I mean. in my opinion you are no better than they are. These people are ignorant , not because they are black, mostly because they are clueless. Somewhat like yourself. Detroit is a melting pot for everyone, they don’t seem to get it. I am white and I have lived in Detroit all of my life. I live in the Mexicantown district. I have no plans to move either. The city council makes us look bad because of they statements they make and the corruption that abounds. If these people were white and made these statements, I would say the same thing. I don’t believe in preference for jobs because of color or creed, but on merit which is something I don’t see displayed in their actions. And here’s another one for you. I am also a Jew. Wow a white Jew living in a Latino neighborhood. Bet that scares the hell out of you. You probably hate me more than you hate these “black folks” now don’t you. People like you are scary. Your probably an evangelical Christian with a hood because you’re too afraid to let someone see your face for fear they might recognize you and beat you to a pulp. Sad. I feel sorry for you. I’ll say a mishabarach for your physically ill brain. Racial tolerance and understanding is the key to a successful society. You and members of this Detroit City Council should all be locked up together. Lahiem!

    30. Howdy Doody Says:

      Susan Says:

      1 April, 2009 at 5:14 pm

      Sgruber: Don’t worry about me listening to too much talk radio. I don’t listen to the talk radio, it just happens to be what fills the space between the other stuff I listen to. Yes, I like hearing breaking news, traffic, and weather, even though I work at home in one job and don’t have to get out in any traffic in my other job. I still like to be up on what’s happening, even if it is through the jews–so to speak. I know what I’m hearing.

      I listen to classical music and other kinds of music throughout the day as well. I also have silence in my house frequently during the day which I like as well. My mind is not getting poisoned by the jews. I’m much too savvy for that, trust me.


      Myself I turn the filthy AM talk radio on in my vehicle only and 99% only for a few minutes as it is mostly the same old same old hate bottom line White Men are evil nutz, and please die for our latest war and the new Hitler/Nazi’s etc.

      Dec. 7, 1941 was perhaps the defining moment, because with FDR and his NYC/London Cabal got with this horrific crime against and then the enemy aliens foiled Douglas MacArthur from ever cleaning them out of our Government in 1952, by having the Chincoms and Stalin attack US in Korea in 1952. Believe it. That war’s JOB 1 purpose was to keep the General out the Whore House in D.C.

      See, “The Eleventh Hour” `1979 by General Lewis W. Walt USMC

    31. gw Says:

      Your probably an evangelical Christian with a hood because you’re too afraid to let someone see your face for fear they might recognize you and beat you to a pulp.

      How odd that he would criticize “evangelical Christians”. These silly fools are the people who have put Jews on a pedestal and are Israel’s most fanatical supporters.

      Btw, I wonder what his black and Mexican neighbors think of him. And how long will his luck hold out?

    32. Howdy Doody Says:


      Was in a rush as usual. I meant to type the NYC/London cabal got the Korean war going in 1950, so Douglas MacArthur would not resign as he planned, then turning his energy to running and taking the White House in 1952, thus cleaning the bastards out once and for all.

      The enemy aliens knew he would not come home from Japan, but take command of that dire contrived, but serious situation in 1950.


      GW, yes I thought the same as you, and it really shows you how stupid naive Evangelly culls are, and how their buddies really feel.