4 March, 2009

Oh, What a Big Bayonet You Have! Girly-Boys Soon to be Unleashed in the Military!

Posted by Archives in Arch Stanton, homosexual themes, military at 12:39 am | Permanent Link


by Arch Stanton.

Equal opportunity strikes again. Of course the real reason behind this legislation is to fill out the rapidly thinning ranks in anticipation for the buildup to attacking Iran. This legislation will put a whole new blush on the military. But it may not be a bad thing, we may even see a return to the “make love not war” days of the 60s. Imagine, it’s 1900 hours in the trenches where two “queens” are on guard duty at some god-forsaken outpost located close to enemy lines. Private Flair is using night vision to track enemy movements just beyond no man’s land. Without taking his eyes from the night vision scope Private Flair says, “God this is awful duty, my eyeliner runs constantly and I can’t remember the last time I had the chance to wear a dress.” Corporal Swish replies, “I know what you mean, the heat makes these pantyhose unbearably hot, it seems my panties are always in a twist, whoever said we’re gay was one sick fuck.” Both soldiers laugh at the joke. Private Flair speaks again. “You know the worst part is I haven’t been laid in over a week; the guys at the USO bath house just don’t want to put out like in the old days. Seems they’re worried about disease; I ask ’em ‘hey do you want to live forever?’ But it doesn’t make any difference, they just want to hold hands. I can’t get to third base with any of ‘em.” Corporal Swish replies, “Yeah and with the Army filling up with women, it’s getting harder and harder to find a date at all! Of course I won’t deny the advantages of having the girls around to style our hair or lend us perfume and makeup in tight situations. You know the best time I ever had in this man’s Army was when I served as a liaison to the IDF. Those sons-of-Jacob sure know how to treat a girl. I know how tough and heartless they look when they’re killing Palestinian women and children, but they really do have a more feminine side. They’re so soft and gentle in the hot tub. It seems that Jacob himself was quite the girly-boy. They say his mother dressed him until he finally left the house because Esau was going to romp on his ass. Seems Jacob and his mother tag-teamed Isaac by using their feminine guile to steal Esau’s birthright.” Suddenly Private Flair, his eyes still on the night scope, says excitedly, “Holy shit would you look at that!” The corporal asks worriedly, “What is it, are their troops moving? Does it look like an attack forming?” Handing the scope to the corporal the private says, “I wish! You should see that hunk loading ammo on the other side, their army is full of hotties! All that physical training sure pays off! Man o’ man, what I’d like to do with that cutie!” After examining the situation for a moment through the scope, the corporal picks up the radio handset and calls in, “Madame Six, Madame Six, this is Pretty-in-Pink.” The radio crackles back in the confines of the dark trench, “Madame Six, go ahead sweetheart.” “Madame Six, this is Pretty-in-Pink, the situation looks serious, we’re going to have to reconnoiter behind enemy lines, we’re going in.” The radio replies “Pretty-in-Pink, Madame Six, alright, but you girls be careful out there and make sure you’re home by 2200 hours; Six out.” The corporal looking over at Private Flair with a feline grin says, “There’s going to be a party tonight! Grab that bottle, Flair, we’re going over the top for this one, let’s move out!” They both laugh at the joke.

  • 18 Responses to “Oh, What a Big Bayonet You Have! Girly-Boys Soon to be Unleashed in the Military!”

    1. Howdy Doody Says:

      Itz been over for along time, all that is left to do is the crying.

    2. Zarathustra Says:

      The issue of homos in the military is a little complex. Ernst Rohm was a WWI hero but also a pederast or a swish. The ancient Greek armies were full of pole-smokers, yet they defeated the Persians and what-not. Ditto for the British army and navy, who once controlled an Empire that the sun never set on. I think it would be more important to weed out White race-mixers, White race-traitors, Jews and uppity non-Whites from the military first, then deal with the queers on a case-by case basis.

    3. Vaultner Says:

      We don’t need them now. Or the “White race-traitors, Jews and uppity non-Whites”.

      But you point out that it’s not an ideal military as it is. Every society that has ever accepted homos has failed. History will repeat itself.

    4. Blackshirt Says:

      As a former member of the US military, I honestly can say I don’t give a fuck about this. Why? because anything that weakens and destroys ZOG’s military machine is GOOD. Remember, these “patriotic” military men may very well be coming for you and your guns one day. Also, despite what they may think down inside they WILL shoot you when ordered, just like police officers.

    5. Igor Alexander Says:

      I’m with Blackshirt. Who gives a fuck if queers get admitted into the U.S. military? The Old America is long gone. All that’s left for patriots to do is to hope that the New America collapses quickly so that we can build something worthwhile on its ashes. With foolish decisions like these, it won’t be long.

    6. Igor Alexander Says:

      “Ernst Rohm was a WWI hero but also a pederast or a swish. The ancient Greek armies were full of pole-smokers, yet they defeated the Persians and what-not. Ditto for the British army and navy, who once controlled an Empire that the sun never set on.”

      OK, and how many of those pole-smoking super-warriors were demanding the “right” to marry and to adopt children? How many were part of a coalition with feminists, blacks, Jews, and leftists to destroy the traditional order?

      I can only imagine what wonders it will do for morale to have to shower with a bunch of buttfuckers. “Hey buddy, watch my back, OK?” You bet!

      I don’t know about whites, since they seem ready to accept just about anything, but the blacks and the mestizos in the forces won’t stand for it.

    7. Zarathustra Says:

      Those Blacks and Spics will hump anything with an orifice. What else do they have to “think” about besides booty? Atomic fusion research? Particle-beam propulsion systems? Unlikely, to say the least.

      By all means, let the kikes, koonz, kommies and kweerz destroy the US military! It’s one of the most virulently anti-White organizations in the country. I love seeing all the little brown 4’11” Spicarinas in their camo pajamas standing in military formation next to some fliver-lipped, crotch-grabbin’ Simian-American. Is it any wonder neither the Taliban nor Al Qaeda have any fear of ZOG?

    8. Brian Gareth Says:

      At least fags don’t birth half-orc children.

      To paraphrase a famous arboreal minister: “God bless AmexiKwa? No! No! No! Goddamn AmexiKwa!!!”

    9. Valkyrie Says:

      This gives new meaning to the old adage . . . US Maureenes! LOL!

    10. mrcrouton Says:

      I say draft only homosexuals, race traitors and minorities and then send them to their certain deaths fighting non whites anywhere we can invent an enemy. Just for the fuck of it. How about culling the herd in Africa?

      Iran seems white enough and far enough away where I don’t see them as an enemy worth caring about.

      If Jews want a semite on semite war, let them have at it, buy white nations should stay out!

    11. Howdy Doody Says:

      Zarathustra Says:

      4 March, 2009 at 5:31 pm

      Those Blacks and Spics will hump anything with an orifice. What else do they have to “think” about besides booty? Atomic fusion research? Particle-beam propulsion systems? Unlikely, to say the least.

      By all means, let the kikes, koonz, kommies and kweerz destroy the US military! It’s one of the most virulently anti-White organizations in the country. I love seeing all the little brown 4?11? Spicarinas in their camo pajamas standing in military formation next to some fliver-lipped, crotch-grabbin’ Simian-American. Is it any wonder neither the Taliban nor Al Qaeda have any fear of ZOG?

      They only fear their fellow tribesmen getting bought off or our lower quality pilots of today.

    12. Doug Says:

      It would be ideal if all males got some good military training, but without the obligation to fight wars for israel. Is there any way to do this and have the govt even pay for it? Since the American govt has been explicitly opposed to straight, white males for the past few decades, there’s really no reason we should ever consider fighting on its side in any war, but the training would be highly useful.

    13. The Red Skull Says:

      The latest lowdown on “our” valiant military in Shitganistan,is not promising.The Army’s morale is at an all-time low,if you were paying attention,more soldiers died from suicide than combat,last month.This latest spoonful of Liberal/marxist castor oil is poison to the military,possibly a fatal dose.This is bad for ZOGTHUGS INC.,but great for our cause.The medics(at least enuff its a problem) are refusing to treat kweer soldiers,according to little birdie.Also,rampant since tour 1 in 03-04 was numerous lesbians large and small,even with Machine guns oh my!Lesbians toting machine guns-yea-THAT makes ME feel safe!
      Also a large problem is rape.Like it or not,its happening all the time,not publisized at all by the MSM.Mum’s the word from ZOGmedia central,as they want as many stupid White Girls to defile and rape,for the relentlessly hounding mudmen.Don’t worry,they’ll make you “army strong”.The women (lesbo and straight alike)have to put armed female guards around the showers,and operate in groups for “safety”.Corruption is another problem for the troops,from drugs and fuel blackmarketing.The leadership is entirely limp=dick Corporate Amerikwa at it’s finest,with all the manditory micro-management and office-political bullshit.
      The NCO’s are still mostly what carries the day,but they are awfully worn-out from multiple tours.The “volunteer force” isn’t so voluntary once you sign the dotted line.Most are young kids wanting the Army to pay their way through college.The enemy is motivated by a religious fanaticism that only wants to kill Amerikwans and cleanse their land of “Infidel” Invaders.Who’s more motivated?The longer the war goes on the more officers get to retire at a higher grade with more cushy ZOG Benny’s.The Enemy is resurgent,and in more control of more territory than ever.The “mayor of Kabul”-Mohammed Karzai,is Zog’s Stooge there in Shitganistan,and controls Most of Kabul on a good day.
      Now the lastest bit of perfidity is the Knife to the heart of the military,especially the army and jarines.Its sure to go over like a freshie in the swimming pool.Armies must have Cohesion to be successful in War.Through Zogs own poison of Multi-Culti Castor Oil,comes their own demise.Administered by their own hand.If you destroy the Army,you destroy the Country.In the Revolutionary War,if the Army survived and stayed together as a fighting force,then the Country and revolution were Alive.Even the Communists from Mao to Castro have known this.At some point, many if not most Whites will have to see that “Our” Governments plans for the future don’t include White people.Point continuously to South Africa and Zimbabwe as examples of whats in store for us here,unless a war or something happens to prevent it.
      I read a quote somewhere, basically it said “When women go in to politics and the miltary;and homosexuals come out of the closet-Empires Crumble”I believe we are just about done.Stick a fork in the Jew-S-A and call it finished if the Army is.The most ominous note of all is EVERY Invader of that Mountainous Armpit known as “shitganistan” that grows great dope,has always been sent home smarting after a swift kick in the pants and numerous “lumps” on the head.NEXT!

    14. Igor Alexander Says:

      “Those Blacks and Spics will hump anything with an orifice. What else do they have to “think” about besides booty? Atomic fusion research? Particle-beam propulsion systems? Unlikely, to say the least.”

      It was the black and mestizo vote that overturned queer marriage in California last year. Close to 50% of whites voted in favor of queer marriage.

    15. Futurist Joe Says:

      They haven’t been brainwashed yet Igor. The white skinned Jewish gays are the ones pushing the civil rights idea. Minority people are offended at the idea that perverts are using civil rights for their depraved garbage. The minute there is a draft it won’t be funny. Who wants to be in a foxhole with people who are about to die in three hours and they are pushy queers? Only somebody whose a queer.

    16. Zarathustra Says:

      “It was the black and mestizo vote that overturned queer marriage in California last year. Close to 50% of whites voted in favor of queer marriage.”

      Yes, Igor, I know that! Kudos to the colored voters for doing the right thing. I posted several times here on that very subject. But what does the issue of Black and Mestizo voters overturning a stupid law in California have to do with the issue of fighting alongside Blacks and Mestizoes in the military? Would you want to take orders from some Jig or Spic on the battlefield? Would you be willing to take a bullet for them?

    17. Howdy Doody Says:

      Would you be willing to take a bullet for them?

    18. Igor Alexander Says:

      @ Zarathustra: I think I may have given the wrong impression. I don’t like the idea of having coloreds in our military any more than I like the idea of overt queers being in it. I was just pointing out, more as a factual statement than anything, that even if we tolerant whites are willing to put up with this, the groidz and wetbacks who are enlisted won’t. Any out-of-the-closet homo who joins the forces is likely to get clobbered by the darkies.

      Ah, the splendors of diversity!