1 March, 2009

March is Women’s History Month. Why?

Posted by Socrates in Cultural Marxism, feminism, Feminists, General Decline, Socrates at 8:02 pm | Permanent Link

Women’s History Month is completely ridiculous. It’s about pushing feminism and Cultural Marxism. In the great scheme of things, women have achieved little worth celebrating. But then, so what? They aren’t supposed to go out and develop better airplane brakes or invent new types of plastic. They weren’t built for that. They’re supposed to birth and raise kids, and keep family and home functioning:


  • 123 Responses to “March is Women’s History Month. Why?”

    1. Zarathustra Says:

      Janis Joplin was the coolest female recording artist ever! Empress Maria Theresa’s Austria was no match against Frederick the Great’s Prussia militarily speaking, but she was anti-Jew, an enlightened despot and had a large brood of Aryan children, including the ill-fated Marie Antoinette. Buddika was a Celtic warrior-princess who fought the Romans. Ms. Plath was an intense, Jew-wise White poetess with suicidal tendencies. Every racially-concious White should know about the martrydom of Cathy Ainsworth.

      I just came up with that list of famous White women on the fly, so to speak. I’m no douchy feminist, but the last thing we need to do right now is alienate half of the White Race, ie, the female half. It’s true the ancient Aryan Greeks kept their women-folk in the home and did not allow them to participate in civic life, but I don’t think we need to be that extreme, do we?

    2. gw Says:

      Thank you, Herr Zarathustra. Sehr interessant!

      I had always understood Plath to be Jewish. Was I wrong? Maybe she wasn’t after all, it’s debatable, although she often identified with Jews in her poems. Her parents came from Germany and Austria in the ’30s. “Her mother may have been partly Jewish”, however. http://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/98020.html
      There was nothing on the net about Buddika, but now I realize you meant Boadicea or Boudica (can be spelled various ways), ancient queen of the Britons who resisted Rome (and went down fighting). She lost, but she gave them hell first. Gotcha now! Cathy Ainsworth produced totally different results (another person), but Kathy got me to where you meant. I had thought Maria Theresa, a nice, kind-hearted woman, was soft on the Gypsies and Jews. Could be mistaken. Lacking military prowess (particularly against her nemesis, Frederick the Great of Prussia), her diplomatic successes were with the marriages of her many children all over Europe. (Sixteen children! Now, that should please many of the posters here. Wow. She exemplified the Hapsburg motto: If you can’t conquer them, marry them!) Sad thing about her daughter, Marie Antoinette, another kindly woman cruelly treated by history and viciously misrepresented as a selfish airhead. As for Catherine the Great? Well, she was truly Great! She drove back the Turks, brought in civilization, and showed ’em all. Whatta gal.
      But Janis Joplin???

      To answer your final question: In a word, “no”.

    3. Junghans Says:

      Gravel voiced Janis Joplin?? Wasn’t she a paramour of the Nigger Jimi Hendrix?

    4. Igor Alexander Says:

      I saw a poster on the street today for a feminist march which said (I’m not kidding): “Women demand a new world order.”

    5. Igor Alexander Says:

      Kevin MacDonald article on women:

    6. Ein Says:

      “Gravel voiced Janis Joplin?? ”

      A spaced-out, alcoholic junkie?
      Zarathustra must have the names confused. Probably he’s thinking of Birgit Nilssen.

    7. Zarathustra Says:

      Ms. Joplin may have had “relations” with Jim Morrison or Kris Kristofferson, but there’s no evidence she “made it” with Jimi Hendrix. I think most of the “rock stars” back then were a lot more racially concious than now, despite all the craziness of those times.

      I can’t think of any female recording artists nowadays who have the talent or substance of Joplin, with the possible exception of the Dixie Chicks. There is certainly no political leader, male or female, who comes even close to being a Catherine or Frederick the Great. Our mass Dumb-ocracy has seen to all of that.

      Maybe Eva Peron, Margaret Mead, Marie Curie, Queen Hapsutshut, Sappho and Amelia Earheart could, with some reservations, be added to The List?

    8. Zarathustra Says:

      And perhaps Margaret Sanger as well?

    9. Antagonistes Says:

      I think Zarathustra is confusing Janis Joplin with Ethyl Merman.

      Janis Joplin was a bi-sexual misfit.

      After Jim Morrison returned from his arranged tryst with her, he would not even talk about it, according to John Densmore.

      So something wierd and sad happened, or surely Mr. Morrison would have bragged about another conquest? Sick.

      Joplin was one of the first wiggers.

    10. Zarathustra Says:

      Being born and raised in east Texas, I’ll bet she used the word “nigger” more than once.

    11. Campbell Crawford Clan Says:


      You’re a special guy and you’ve got the woman thing figured out. And as I read your comment, it made me think of my wonderful husband who is also my best friend. One day, he said to me, “You’re the reason I do what I do”. I will never forget how absolutely special and wonderful he made me feel that day. His daily struggles and achievements are largely out of love for me.

      What more could a woman ever ask for?

    12. Campbell Crawford Clan Says:


      It was talked about and generally known that Janis Joplin was a total slut who “Pulled the train” for her high school football team back in the early 1960’s. She was a physically repulsive, raging alcoholic who only became famous by sounding like a nigger when she sang, and fitting into the jew promoter’s demented vision of white woman. Screaming, ranting, howling, drug addicted Joplin died the same way she lived…from overindulgence.

      Good riddance!

    13. Howdy Doody Says:

      Thank You Very Much For That Post !

      Campbell Crawford Clan Says:

      9 March, 2009 at 6:10 pm


      It was talked about and generally known that Janis Joplin was a total slut who “Pulled the train” for her high school football team back in the early 1960’s. She was a physically repulsive, raging alcoholic who only became famous by sounding like a nigger when she sang, and fitting into the jew promoter’s demented vision of white woman. Screaming, ranting, howling, drug addicted Joplin died the same way she lived…from overindulgence.

      Good riddance!

    14. Howdy Doody Says:

      P.S. she and her enemy alien promoters should all rot in Hell for the vile influences they foisted on the young!

    15. Zarathustra Says:

      Janis Joplin, along with Jim Morrison, Hendrix, James Dean, Elvis, Jayne Mansfield, Heath Ledger and countless other young stars were destroyed before their time by the rapacious Jew Celebrity Machine, which exploits the hell out of young talent and then spits them out when they can’t make any more money for their Jew masters. Those who survive The Machine often wind up bitter, broken and destitute. Signing a contract with a Jew movie studio or record company is like signing a contract with Satan himself. But there will always be a lot of young, naive White singers, models and actors willing to risk it anyway.

    16. Zarathustra Says:

      Would Jenny Lind or Karen Carpenter be more suitable examples of talented White female singers (Ms. Carpenter was another victim of the Jewish Machine, BTW)?

    17. Ein Says:

      Zarathustra said: Being born and raised in east Texas, I’ll bet she used the word “nigger” more than once.

      For some reason, I still remember an interview she gave to some magazine. In it she stated that in her hometown of Beaumont, Texas, she was the only one who hung around with niggers back at a time when that was definitely NOT the thing to do (especially for a white girl).

      I’m pretty sure she used that word. She certainly did not use the prissy term, “people of color” as that hadn’t been invented yet.

      Well, come to think of it, maybe if she hadn’t “hung around with niggers” she would never have achieved the fame that The Cultural Establishment promoted her into. Maybe that’s what attracted them to her, to use her as an icon for youth when they were breaking down the country’s color barriers. Otherwise, she would have remained just another broken down hometown wino.

    18. Zarathustra Says:

      I think this particular story should be quickly recycled to the top of the front page, because once it slips down and off the front page, it’s consigned to Oblivion for all Eternity. And I daresay there are still a few things left to be said about this subject.

    19. Ein Says:

      “She was a physically repulsive, raging alcoholic who only became famous by sounding like a nigger when she sang, and fitting into the jew promoter’s demented vision of white woman.”

      The Jewish Entertainment Machine can promote to stardom anyone it wishes. That’s what it amounts to. They could make a monkey into a star.

      This makes me think of another gravel-voiced junkie, who (although not white) has always been promoted to us as such a “great artist” whose scratchy alcohol-wracked voice is “full of soul”. (Whatever that is.) Well, we’re told she’s great, by those who are supposed to know, so we’re required to believe it, although somehow I just fail to perceive the greatness. I guess I’m just an unappreciative clod.

      Edith Piaf is another good example. Of course, in her case she was being rewarded for her anti-nazi position in France, her sleazy life-style, and her support of the Resistance. (Anyone who supported the Resistance was automatically a Great Artist and assured of a lucrative career after the war.)

      It’s just the same with the visual arts: those childish scribblers are the people who are foisted on us by the experts as “great artists”, the people whom we adulate and make rich. All the experts and newspapers tell us, so who are we to argue?

    20. Zarathustra Says:

      I don’t care what the elitist Jew art-critics at the Times say, I like those paintings of the dogs playing cards.

    21. Example Says:

      ‘Topkea Says:

      2 March, 2009 at 2:22 pm

      I’ve said it once and I’ve said it again. Give women an inch and they will take (several) miles. When OUR time comes, women will be made to serve the interests of the White future. In other words:

      i) No woman will have ANY civil or political life. Their lives will be based on their ability to contribute to the White cause, procreate and give White men pleasure. Nothing else.

      ii) No woman will be allowed to read, write or speak without her husband’s permission, nor will she be allowed to participate in any activity that does not revolve around the family or procreation. Abortion will be a capital offence, feminist cunt-laws will be abolished.

      iii) From the ages of 14 – 35, women will concentrate entirely on child bearing and child rearing. 10-12 children during a woman’s breeding life sounds fair to me.

      iv) Before 14 and after 35 women will be communal domestic servants and help in child-rearing.

      This does NOT mean that women should not be respected or treated with chivalry, but it should be made clear that they exist to serve, please and support White men. Like children, their dependent, subservient role should be established early on.’

      PMSL…. now that is the rant of an ineffectual man!

    22. Example Says:

      ‘Z.O.G. Says:

      2 March, 2009 at 3:45 pm

      Should females even be allowed to post on this blog? That doesn’t seem right.’

      Well until this site is equipped with DNA testing, you don’t really have much say!

    23. Example Says:

      What happened to my post about Eva Braun?

      Were you only happy to appease me by approving my juvenile pokes at the site idiots?

      Ah cumon!!